Santos López, Aurora

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Santos López
Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Faculty / Institute
Ciencias Químicas
Ingeniería Química y de Materiales
Ingeniería Química
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Search Results

Now showing 1 - 10 of 17
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    Project number: PIMCD328/23-24
    Elaboración de una metodología basada en el aprendizaje autónomo de herramientas informáticas para fomentar las competencias digitales de los estudiantes de Ingeniería Química
    (2024) Lorenzo Fernández, David; Checa Fernández, Cristina Alicia; Cotillas Soriano, Salvador; Domínguez Torre, Carmen María; Herraíz Carboné, Miguel; García Cervilla, Raúl; Martínez Rodríguez, Mercedes; Rodríguez Vega, Sergio; Sánchez Yepes, Andrés; Santos López, Aurora
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    Remediation of real soils polluted with pesticides by activated persulfate and surfactant addition
    (Journal of Water Process Engineering, 2023) Checa Fernández, Cristina Alicia; Santos López, Aurora; Romero Salvador, Arturo; Domínguez Torre, Carmen María
    The existence of soils contaminated with organochlorine pesticides represents a serious environmental problem. In this work, a real soil contaminated with hexachlorocyclohexanes (ΣHCH = 373 mg kg−1), persistent organic pollutants included in the Stockholm Convention, was remediated. Surfactants were used to enhance the pollutants solubilization and activated persulfate (PS) oxidation to degrade the pollutants. Solubilization experiments were performed to evaluate the effect of surfactant (sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS), Emulse-3® (E3) and Tween-80® (T80)), pH, reagents addition order and concentration (Csurfactant = 0–10 g L−1, CNaOH = 0–13.5 g L−1). Surfactants selection was performed attending to their ability to solubilize chlorinated organic compounds (COCs). The use of surfactants improved COCs solubilization, especially at pH > 12; conditions at which HCHs hydrolyze to trichlorobenzenes (TCBs), with higher solubility. The higher the surfactant concentration, the higher the COCs concentration in the emulsion. COCs solubilization of 83 % and 89 % were achieved in three surfactant consecutive cycles at highly alkaline conditions using SDS and E3, respectively (T80 was unstable). The resulting emulsions were treated by PS activated by alkali and intensified by temperature. COCs conversion of 30 % and 96 % were achieved when treating E3 and SDS-emulsions (72 h), respectively, highlighting the suitability of SDS for the integrated process.
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    Comprehensive study of acute toxicity using Microtox® bioassay in soils contaminated by lindane wastes
    (Science of the Total Environment, 2023) Domínguez Torre, Carmen María; Ventura, Paula; Checa Fernández, Cristina Alicia; Santos López, Aurora
    This research studies the acute toxicity of real contaminated soils (topsoil and subsoil) with hazardous chlorinated organic compounds (COCs) from lindane manufacturing wastes. The Microtox® bioassay was used to determine the toxicity of soils (modified Basic Solid Phase Test), soil elutriates (Basic Test), and organic extracts (adapted Organic Solvent Sample Solubilization Test), in which hydrophobic organic compounds are soluble. The acute toxicity of these persistent contaminants (hexachlorocyclohexanes, HCH isomers, as particulate matter in topsoil, and COCs, from dense nonaqueous phase liquid, DNAPL, in subsoil) and the commercial compounds were also measured. Soils tested showed different contaminant levels (topsoil: 0.9–1149 mg/kg and subsoil: 20–9528 mg/kg). Soil contaminants distribution, concentration and acute toxicity were highly related to the contamination source (HCHs or DNAPL). Soils, organic extracts, and subsoil elutriates presented high toxicity, highlighting the need for remediation of these sites. EC50 was calculated in the three-test applied for the soils tested. EC50 vs. COCs concentration in soils and soil elutriates showed an asymptotic trend, explained by the low pollutants solubility in the aqueous phase. Contrarily, EC50 vs. soil COCs concentration was more linear in the case of the organic extracts. This test was the most reliable from statistical analysis. The three methods reveal interesting and complementary information and are necessary for a complete overview of the acute toxicity of contaminated soils.
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    Project number: 334
    Aprendizaje bidireccional a través de cuestionarios online
    (2022) Domínguez Torre, Carmen María; Santos López, Aurora; Rodríguez Vega, Sergio; Lorenzo Fernández, David; Cotillas Soriano, Salvador; Conte, Leandro Oscar; Sáez González, Patricia; García Cervilla, Raúl; Checa Fernández, Alicia; Sánchez Yepes, Andrés
    El presente proyecto de innovación docente utiliza la herramienta online del Campus Virtual “entorno de cuestionarios” para mejorar la docencia impartida por los profesores, ayudar a los estudiantes a detectar sus puntos débiles (con suficiente antelación a la realización de los exámenes de la asignatura) e incentivar el estudio, autonomía y aprendizaje en Ingeniería de la Reacción Química, asignatura anual y de carácter obligatorio, de tercer curo del Grado de Ingeniería Química.
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    Project number: 444
    Herramientas de gamificación para la evaluación de competencias en ingeniería de la reacción Química
    (2023) Domínguez Torre, Carmen María; Santos López, Aurora; Martínez Rodríguez, Mercedes; Rodríguez Vega, Sergio; Cotillas Soriano, Salvador; Lorenzo Fernández, David; García Cervilla, Raúl; Checa Fernández, Cristina Alicia; Sánchez Yepes, Andrés; Domínguez Torre, Carmen María
    El objetivo del proyecto es la utilización de herramientas de gamificación para motivar la participación del estudiante en clase, identificar los conceptos de la asignatura (Ingeniería de la Reacción Química, del Grado en Ingeniería Química) que presentan mayor dificultad de aprendizaje y evaluar los conocimientos adquiridos en clase por parte de los estudiantes. La herramienta seleccionada en el proyecto ha sido Quizziz ( Se trata de una herramienta de gamificación que permite evaluar a los estudiantes mientras se divierten. La información obtenida durante el desarrollo del proyecto permitirá, por un lado, detectar los contenidos de la asignatura más difíciles de asimilar y, por otro, actuar sobre la docencia impartida relativa a dichos aspectos. Durante el curso se propondrán una serie de casos prácticos (problemas relacionados con cada tema/bloque de la asignatura), para que el estudiante los resuelva de forma individual, haciendo uso del material que considere oportuno. De esta forma adquirirá autonomía en el empleo de fuentes bibliográficas. El profesor seleccionará uno de los casos propuestos para resolver en el aula durante una parte de la sesión de seminarios. En la segunda parte de la sesión se emplearán herramientas de gamificación para plantear y resolver cuestiones adicionales en relación con el caso práctico resuelto previamente. De este modo, no solo se evaluarán las destrezas de los estudiantes en cuanto a la resolución de problemas se refiere, sino también, su capacidad para poner en práctica los conocimientos teóricos adquiridos ante problemas abiertos. El estudiante conocerá en tiempo real si su respuesta es correcta y podrá identificar las carencias de aprendizaje y reforzar/profundizar en esos conocimientos. La herramienta de gamificación permite fomentar la participación del estudiante en clase y mejorar su aprendizaje. Los profesores pueden identificar si existen aspectos donde se detectan carencias en el conocimiento en un número mayor de estudiantes para mejorar la transmisión del conocimiento en esos puntos. Así, este proyecto de innovación educativa busca fomentar la participación y el aprendizaje continuo del estudiante durante el curso a través de la resolución de casos prácticos y la aplicación de herramientas de gamificación en el aula. Con esta actividad se pretende aumentar la adquisición de conocimientos y competencias y mejorar la tasa de éxito de la asignatura Ingeniería de la Reacción Química.
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    Methanol-enhanced degradation of carbon tetrachloride by alkaline activation of persulfate: kinetic model
    (Science of The Total Environment, 2019) Domínguez Torre, Carmen María; Rodriguez, Vanesa; Montero González, Esperanza; Romero Salvador, Arturo; Santos López, Aurora
    Carbon tetrachloride (CT), a chlorinated organic compound widely used in the chemical industry during the 20th century, is nowadays a ubiquitous contaminant in groundwater and in situ technologies for its destruction are required. In this work, the degradation of CT by the alkaline activation of persulfate (PS) has been studied. Among the pool of radical species generated (hydroxyl radicals, sulfate radicals and superoxide radicals), O2∙− resulted to be the only species responsible for CT abatement. It has been found that the presence of other solvents less polar than water (hydrogen peroxide, acetone, propanol and methanol) improves CT degradation. Among them, methanol was selected as the most adequate co-solvent, leading to the complete elimination of CT (100 mg L−1, 24 h) with a moderate unproductive consumption of the oxidant. The degradation of CT increased proportionally with the concentration of this solvent (from 0.1 to 10 g L−1). The ratio NaOH:PS (from 1 to 8) did not affect the degradation of CT when working with a constant concentration of PS and highly alkaline conditions were maintained. The removal rate of CT increased as the concentration of PS increased (from 20 to 60 g L−1), while the conversion of this pollutant did not depend on its initial concentration (from 10 to 100 mg L−1). A kinetic model that considers the concentration of PS, MeOH and CT and can predict the concentration of CT with reaction time at different operating conditions, has been developed from the experimental data.
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    Lindane degradation by electrooxidation process: Effect of electrode materials on oxidation and mineralization kinetics
    (Water Research, 2018) Domínguez Torre, Carmen María; Oturan, Nihal; Romero Salvador, Arturo; Santos López, Aurora; Oturan, Mehmet A.
    This study focuses on the effect of electrode materials on abatement of lindane (an organochlorine pesticide) by electrooxidation process. Comparative performances of different anodic (platinum (Pt), dimensionally stable anode (DSA) and boron-doped diamond (BDD)) and cathodic (carbon sponge (CS), carbon felt (CF) and stainless steel (SS)) materials on lindane electrooxidation and mineralization were investigated. Special attention was paid to determine the role of chlorine active species during the electrooxidation process. The results showed that better performances were obtained when using a BDD anode and CF cathode cell. The influence of the current density was assessed to optimize the oxidation of lindane and the mineralization of its aqueous solution. A quick (10 min) and complete oxidation of 10 mg L−1 lindane solution and relatively high mineralization degree (80% TOC removal) at 4 h electrolysis were achieved at 8.33 mA cm−2 current density. Lindane was quickly oxidized by in-situ generated hydroxyl radicals, (M(•OH)), formed from oxidation of water on the anode (M) surface following pseudo first-order reaction kinetics. Formation of chlorinated and hydroxylated intermediates and carboxylic acids during the treatment were identified and a plausible mineralization pathway of lindane by hydroxyl radicals was proposed.
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    Abatement of Dichloromethane using Persulfate Activated by Alkali: a kinetic study
    (Separation and Purification Technology, 2020) Domínguez Torre, Carmen María; Rodriguez, Vanesa; Montero González, Esperanza; Romero Salvador, Arturo; Santos López, Aurora
    The alkaline activation of persulfate (PS) has been tested in this study as in situ oxidation technology for the abatement of dichloromethane (DCM), a chlorinated volatile organic pollutant commonly found in groundwater due to its wide use as solvent in the chemical industry during the last decades. The addition of an alkali (NaOH) as persulfate activator generates hydroxyl and superoxide radicals, achieving the total degradation of the pollutant (XDCM = 99%, 96 h, CDCM = 1.2 mmol L−1, CPS = 42 mmol L−1, CNAOH = 169 mmol L−1). From the results obtained in the presence of a hydroxyl radical-scavenger (methanol, CMeOH = 313 mmol L−1), it has been concluded that only hydroxyl radicals are responsible of DCM abatement. Trichloroethylene was identified as intermediate compound and formic acid and chloride as degradation products. The conversion of DCM increased as the initial concentration of the pollutant decreased (from 1.2 mmol L−1 to 0.1 mmol L−1), whereas an increase in the oxidant concentration (from 8 to 168 mmol L−1) led to an increase in the degradation rate of the pollutant. Finally, the molar ratio NaOH:PS (in the range 1–4) did not affect the degradation of the pollutant when a pH high enough (>12) was maintained. A kinetic model, able to predict adequately the experimental DCM concentration profiles as a function of the concentration of DCM, PS and NaOH, has been developed. The kinetic model discriminated was zero order, first order and hyperbolic order for NaOH, PS and DCM concentration, respectively.
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    Remediation of HCHs-contaminated sediments by chemical oxidation treatments
    (Science of The Total Environment, 2021) Domínguez Torre, Carmen María; Romero Salvador, Arturo; Checa Fernández, Cristina Alicia; Santos López, Aurora
    The intensive use of organochlorine pesticides, such as lindane (γ-HCH), and the inadequate management of their wastes, is a huge environmental problem. The lindane production during the last century has generated huge volumes of solid wastes of other HCH isomers, causing hot points of soil and groundwater contamination. The soil treated in this work was obtained from a landfill located in the nearby of an old lindane factory, containing α-HCH and β-HCH as main contaminants. This study addresses for the first time the application of different chemical oxidation treatments, viz. Fenton process (H2O2 + Fe), persulfate (PS) activated by temperature (20 and 40 °C), by alkali (NaOH) and by the combination of alkali and temperature (NaOH, 40 °C) for the remediation of HCH-polluted soils (CHCHs = 155 mg kg−1). The intrinsic characteristics of the soil (high carbonate content) led to high consumption of H2O2 (XH2O2 ≈ 100% at 24 h) and complete iron precipitation, making unappropriated the application of the Fenton process. The efficiency of thermal PS was limited by the low solubility of HCH isomers in the aqueous phase, the high refractoriness of these compounds towards oxidation, and the presence of the contaminants in the form of particulate matter. After 25 days of treatment, a conversion of chlorinated organic compounds (COCs) of 50% was achieved (VL/Wsoil = 2, CPS = 40 g L−1, 40 °C), whereas the application of PS activated by alkali and temperature (40 °C) led to promising results. At pH above 12, HCHs were dehydrochlorinated to trichlorobenzenes, which were further oxidized by hydroxyl radicals. The hydrolysis rate of β-HCH was the limiting step of the process, and it was favored by increasing the reaction temperature. At 40 °C, a conversion of COCs above 95% was achieved (VL/Wsoil = 2, CPS = 40 g L−1, CNaOH = 13.5 g L−1, 14 days) with low oxidant consumption (XPS = 30%).
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    Optimization of Electro Fenton Process for Effective Degradation of Organochlorine Pesticide Lindane
    (Catalysis Today, 2018) Domínguez Torre, Carmen María; Oturan, Nihal; Romero Salvador, Arturo; Santos López, Aurora; Oturan, Mehmet
    Lindane is an organochlorine pesticide broadly used in the last decades. It is persistent and recalcitrant in aquatic environments and difficult to biodegrade. This study is focused on the complete degradation of lindane by an electrochemical advanced oxidation process, the electro-Fenton (EF) process, using a BDD anode and carbon felt (CF) cathode. The influence of the main operating parameters, i.e., applied current intensity (50–1000 mA), catalyst concentration (0.0–0.5 mM) and initial pollutant concentration (5.0–10.0 mg L−1) has been investigated and optimized. The applied current plays a determinant role both in oxidation of lindane and mineralization of its aqueous solution. Taking into account the mineralization current efficiency (MCE) and the specific energy consumption (EC), the applied current of 400 mA was found to be the most convenient value. Catalyst (Fe2+) concentration as low as 0.05 mM, promotes efficiently H2O2 decomposition into hydroxyl radicals improving the efficiency of the process and minimizing the involvement of parasitic reactions. The initial pollutant concentration does not affect the performance of the process. At the optimum operating conditions, the complete degradation of 10 mg L−1 lindane solution and 80% of TOC removal were achieved at 15 min and 4 h, respectively.