Santos Arteaga, Francisco Javier

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First Name
Francisco Javier
Last Name
Santos Arteaga
Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Faculty / Institute
Ciencias Económicas y Empresariales
Análisis Económico y economía cuantitativa
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Search Results

Now showing 1 - 7 of 7
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    FDI entry models, development and technological spillovers
    (2011) Álvarez González, Isabel; Marín Sanz, Raquel; Santos Arteaga, Francisco Javier
    Most of the literature related to foreign direct investment in developing countries focuses on the incentives of local producers to incur in the technological development costs required to act as suppliers of multinational companies (MNC). Scarce attention has been paid to the strategic interactions derived from the potential (reciprocal) technological spillovers between local firms and MNC subsidiaries, with the recent exception of the theoretical model by Sanna-Randaccio and Veugelers (2007). Such a void in the literature is justified on the technological differences between MNC and local firms, assuming that both of them produce for totally independent markets under no direct competition conditions. If this were the case, MNC entry modes in underdeveloped countries should be independent of their level of development. We reject such a simplification illustrating empirically how entry modes depend on the development level of a given host country. Besides, this finding is justified with a theoretical proposal that generalizes the Sanna-Randaccio and Veugelers (2007) model. Our extension accounts for all the possible equilibrium scenarios jointly defined by the strategies of both the MNC and the local firms, which allows us to consider the equilibria ignored in a partial analysis and to provide a general equilibrium explanation for the evidence presented.
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    On the Evolution and Determinants of Water Efficiency in the Regions of Spain
    (Water Resources Management, 2024) Buendía Hernández, Asensio Antonio; André García, Francisco Javier; Santos Arteaga, Francisco Javier
    Economic growth in Spain has largely relied on certain water-intensive sectors including construction, leisure, and agriculture; but considerable heterogeneity is found across the country’s regions, both in terms of water stress and economic structure. Using Data Envelopment Analysis and a panel Tobit model, we analyze the determinants of water efficiency in Spain, differentiating by groups of agents (companies, households, and municipalities) and paying particular attention to inter-regional differences and specifically the sectoral structure of the various regions. To the best of our knowledge, such an analysis has never before been conducted with a focus on Spain’s economy. Moreover, we emphasize the importance of considering the circular aspects of water management by including treated wastewater and recycled water in our analysis. We argue that this approach provides more credible and accurate measures of efficiency as well as more robust results around the key driving and explanatory factors. Our analysis reveals that water efficiency has a very significant inertia component with respect to one-year and even two-year lags, and this is found to react positively to water scarcity. Moreover, water efficiency depends on income in a nonlinear way, and it is sensitive to the economic structures of the diverse regions, with more efficient regions tending to export more at the national level. In terms of policy implications, our results provide an empirical basis from which to advocate for water tariffication as a means to spur efficiency.
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    International migratory agreements: the paradox of adverse interest
    (IZA Journal of Development and Migration, 2020) Alonso Rodríguez, José Antonio; Santos Arteaga, Francisco Javier
    This article seeks to explain the contradiction between the promises of welfare gains derived from the economic models recommending the removal of immigration restrictions and the realities experienced by countries attempting to apply restrictions to immigration flows. A formal model is built in which the strategic reaction of countries considers not only the benefits derived from migration but also the (economic and non-economic) costs that migration can generate in the host country. Strategic reactions drive what may be called the “paradox of adverse interest”: the fewer potential gains associated with liberalization of migration, the easier it becomes for nations to reach an unrestrictive agreement. The existence of two asymmetries (between the bargaining power of receiving and sending countries, and between the private nature of most of migration’s benefits and the social nature of its main costs) can hinder the agreement when the countries involved exhibit a high wage differential. Results suggest that permissive international agreements on migration are easier to reach in regional contexts, among countries with proximate economic conditions and levels of income.
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    Bank Runs Without Sunspots
    (2010) Santos Arteaga, Francisco Javier
    The literature on bank runs reduces all coordination mechanisms triggering attacks on banks to exogenous sunspots. We present a general equilibrium version of these models where the uncertainty faced by depositors is modeled explicitly, such that bank runs arise as optimal equilibrium outcomes corresponding to Bayesian coordination games played by rational agents before depositing. Differentials in information sets between the bank and its depositors lead to rational self-contained equilibrium runs. The coexistence of different beliefs in equilibrium jointly with the self-fulfilling nature of the attacks follow from Adam Smith's invisible hand principle. The runs obtained do not violate the revelation principle.
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    R&D internationalization and the strategic relevance of the institutional framework in host locations
    (International Journal of Management and Decision Making, 2016) Álvarez González, Isabel; Marín Sanz, Raquel; Santos Arteaga, Francisco Javier
    The configuration of host national systems of innovation and the technological international networks established by multinational enterprises (MNE) can become key aspects for the internationalisation decision that may also concern knowledge related activities such as R&D. Through the combination of a theoretical model and empirical analysis, this paper shows to what extent institutional quality becomes a determinant factor for the attraction of foreign R&D activities, these latter being conditioned by the technological and productive capabilities of local contexts and the competitive pressures MNE face in foreign countries. Our contribution is a step further in the explanatory framework of R&D internationalisation and also provides new insights about what are the key reinforcement mechanisms for the attraction of new knowledge intensive investments.
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    Foreign Direct Investment Entry Modes, Development and Technological Spillovers
    (The Manchester School, 2015) Álvarez González, Isabel; Marín Sanz, Raquel; Santos Arteaga, Francisco Javier
    This paper illustrates how wholly owned entry modes of multinational companies (MNCs) are jointly determined by both the strategic objectives of the MNC and the local firms’ assets in the creation of value. In particular, the entry mode chosen is based on the potential reciprocal technological spillovers between local firms and MNC subsidiaries. M&As are preferred when host countries exhibit a certain level of development in their local systems of innovation, especially for technologically leading MNCs. Otherwise, for technological laggard MNCs, greenfield investments prevail and M&As may be carried out for meeting demand motives in developing local systems of innovation.
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    Technological assimilation and divergence in times of crisis
    (Technological and Economic Development of Economy, 2016) Álvarez González, Isabel; Di Caprio, Débora; Santos Arteaga, Francisco Javier
    We study an endogenous stochastic growth model whose dynamic evolution is determined by an adaptive learning process defining the accumulation of technological knowledge within countries. Both the assimilation of technological knowledge and the arrival rate of innovations depend on the technological development level of countries. We illustrate how heterogeneous levels of technological development provide laggard countries with insufficient innovation incentives, leading to divergences in total factor productivity and their technological stagnation. The model is simulated numerically using data from the current Innovation Union Scoreboard where the main expected growth patterns of the Baltic States are compared to those of the reference innovators within the European Union area.