Rodríguez Monter, Miryam

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Rodríguez Monter
Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Faculty / Institute
Ciencias Políticas y Sociología
Antropología Social y Psicología Social
Psicología Social
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    Las migraciones internacionales son uno de los fenómenos actuales más controvertidos. Es innegable que dicho fenómeno se vive en Europa con cierto recelo y preocupación debido a sus consecuencias. Las personas que viven en Europa representan una gran variedad cultural y personal; las diferencias culturales y sociales afectan en gran medida a la propia diversidad de los valores occidentales, que se ven influenciados por los procesos migratorios que acontecen en toda Europa. Esta tesis quiere centrar y destacar la importancia que los valores culturales tienen en la explicación de la aceptación o el rechazo de inmigrantes en los diferentes países europeos de nuestra investigación. Los estudios que presentamos están basados en el cuestionario realizado a través de la Encuesta Social Europea (2002) y del Cuestionario de Valores Personales de S. Schwartz (Schwartz, 1992, 2001). Finalmente, resaltaremos la importancia de algunos valores culturales –Armonía o Igualitarismo-, como objetivos a desarrollar en cualesquiera de las iniciativas y políticas migratorias que desarrolle la Unión Europea, pudiendo trabajar así sobre las dificultades que la inmigración representa para Europa.
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    El fenómeno de las migraciones internacionales: una perspectiva de estudio desde la psicología social y los valores culturales
    (2009) Rodríguez Monter, Miryam; Ros García, María; Alvaro Estramiana, José Luis
    Las migraciones internacionales son uno de los fenómenos actuales más controvertidos dentro de los debates sociales y políticos. Es innegable que dicho fenómeno, se vive en Europa con cierto recelo y preocupación debido a sus consecuencias. Las personas que viven en Europa representan una gran variedad cultural y personal; las diferencias culturales y sociales afectan en gran medida a la propia diversidad de los valores occidentales, que se ven influenciados por los procesos migratorios que acontecen en toda Europa. El trabajo que representa esta tesis quiere centrar y destacar, la importancia que los valores culturales tienen en la explicación de la aceptación o el rechazo de inmigrantes en los diferentes países europeos de nuestra investigación. El estudio que presentamos está basado en el cuestionario realizado a través de la Encuesta Social Europea (2002), y del Cuestionario de Valores Personales de S. Schwartz (Schwartz, 1992, 2001). Finalmente, resaltaremos en las conclusiones de nuestro trabajo, la importancia de los valores culturales como por ejemplo el valor Armonía o Igualitarismo-, como objetivos a desarrollar en cualquiera de las iniciativas y políticas que en materia migratoria desarrolle la Unión Europea, con el fin de poder trabajar en las dificultades que la inmigración representa para Europa. Immigration is one of the most controversial social issues debated nowadays. It is an undeniable fact that the phenomenon is lived in Europe with concern because of its consequences. People who live and coexist in Europe represent a huge cultural variety; social and cultural gaps that can affect the fundamental values of the western societies seem to be inevitable due to the dimensions of the current migration phenomenon. This thesis focuses on the relevance of cultural values to explain the acceptance or the immigrant’s rejection. The study we will prenset is based on the European Social Survey Questionnaire (2002) and the Portrait Values Questionnaire, (Schwartz, 1992, 2001). Finally, we emphasize the importance of cultural values -like Harmony or Egalitarianism- for any initiative or social policy aimed at reducing the problems around inmigration in the European context.
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    The role of language skills and foreign country experiences in the development of European identity: Results from a cross-cultural youth research project
    (Sociologia, 2004) Fuss, Daniel; García Albacete, Gema M; Rodríguez Monter, Miryam
    Starting from the idea of a 'People's Europe' the paper examines language skills and foreign country experiences among young men and women from selected European cities. Data from the research project 'Youth and European Identity' show significant differences with regard to the average number of languages mastered and the frequency of stays abroad. The statistical findings indicate that the more languages an individual is able to speak, and the more foreign country experiences he or she has, the stronger is his or her identification with Europe. Hence, the analyses support a basic assumption of the European Union's education policy: promoting a sense of European-ness by fostering foreign language learning and encouraging personal contacts beyond national borders. On the other hand, language skills and foreign country experiences are not independent of an individual's value preferences. Rather, capabilities and experiences tend to go together with a general orientation towards values of 'Openness to Change'.
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    The meaning and importance of European identity and its relationship to regional and national identities in Spain: Some contributing factors to the development of European identity
    (Sociologia, 2004) Grad, Héctor; García Albacete, Gema; Rodríguez Monter, Miryam; Ros García, María
    European, Spanish, and regional identities were studied as part of a wider research survey of youth beliefs and experiences regarding the European Union. The research was conducted in the capital city (Madrid) and the Basque Country (Bilbao). At each location, representative and European-oriented youth samples (N=400 and N=100 each) of 18-24 years (50% female) were gathered. The interviewees were asked about their perception of border countries as included in Europe, and to rate different feasible meanings of the EU, its impact (at personal, regional, and country levels), and different cognitive, affective and evaluative aspects of European, Spanish and regional identities. Regarding European borders, Turkey was the only country most interviewees did not perceive as part of or belonging to Europe. Geography, membership in the EU and, above all, the Euro currency emerged as the most salient features of meaning for Europe (beyond shared values and traditions). The European Union was perceived as having a positive, but smail impact for the person, moderate for the region, and greater impact for the country of Spain. The identity patterns were similar in most of their aspects: In Madrid, the Spanish identity was the most important, the importance of regional identity was similar to it, and the identification with Europe was moderate, the least important. In Bilbao, the identification with the Basque Country was the strongest, while Spanish and European identities were related and came out of "little" importance. Older interviewees presented stronger European identity in the pro-European but weaker in the general sample. Finally, interviewees considered themselves only "sometimes" as a "European citizen" with no significant difference by Region, Age or Gender group. These relationships seem to reflect the configuration of different levels of social identity. The hegemony of different nationalist orientations led to a distinct meaning of national identity in each region (Spain in Madrid but the Basque Country in Bilbao). Thus, instead of a continuum of social category inclusiveness (as suggested by Brewer 1991), the results show different breaches between levels of social categories and identities - between Basque and higher levels in Bilbao and between Spanish and higher levels in Madrid. Summing up, the identity level reflecting the dominant national identity seems to function as a basic category distinctively organizing the whole identity configuration. The impact of the European Union was perceived as much stronger for the country (Spain) than for the region and the person. Madrid and pro-European samples perceived stronger impact on the less inclusive categories. Beyond the different identity configurations, these patterns suggest a relationship between the weak perceived impact of the European Union on levels closer to the person and the weak identification with Europe. Finally, though interviewees did not recall learning a lot about the European Union at school, this perception, as well as the experience of visiting other European countries and mastering European languages, was enhanced in the younger and the pro-European sample (and among Bilbao respondents). Thus, personal and social experiences would reinforce the perceived impact of the European Union at the personal level and certainly contribute to reinforce a shared European identity beyond national-regional nuances in the Spanish context.
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    La feminización de la universidad española
    (Psicología social y problemas sociales., 2005) Rodríguez Monter, Miryam; Palomero Gonzalez, Coral; Romay Martínez, José; García Mira, Ricardo; Real Deus, José Eulogio