Benedí González, Juana María

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First Name
Juana María
Last Name
Benedí González
Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Faculty / Institute
Farmacología, Farmacognosia y Botánica
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Search Results

Now showing 1 - 10 of 17
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    Can Meat and Meat-Products Induce Oxidative Stress?
    (Antioxidants, 2020) Macho González, Adrián; Garcimartín Álvarez, Alba; López-Oliva Muñoz, María Elvira; Bastida Codina, Sara; Benedí González, Juana María; Ros, Gaspar; Nieto, Gema; Sánchez Muniz, Francisco José
    High meat and meat-products consumption has been related to degenerative diseases. In addition to their saturated fatty acids and cholesterol contents, oxidation products generated during their production, storage, digestion, and metabolization have been largely implicated. This review begins by summarizing the concept of meat and meat-products by the main international regulatory agencies while highlighting the nutritional importance of their consumption. The review also dials in the controversy of white/red meat classification and insists in the need of more accurate classification based on adequate scores. Since one of the negative arguments that meat receives comes from the association of its consumption with the increase in oxidative stress, main oxidation compounds (malondialdehyde, thermaloxidized compounds, 4-hydroxy-nonenal, oxysterols, or protein carbonyls) generated during its production, storage, and metabolization, are included as a central aspect of the work. The review includes future remarks addressed to study the effects meat consumption in the frame of diet–gene interactions, stressing the importance of knowing the genetic variables that make individuals more susceptible to a possible oxidative stress imbalance or antioxidant protection. The importance of consumed meat/meat-products in the frame of a personalized nutrition reach in plant-food is finally highlighted considering the importance of iron and plant biophenols on the microbiota abundance and plurality, which in turn affect several aspects of our physiology and metabolism.
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    Project number: 315
    Aprendizaje basado en retos (ABR) aplicado a la docencia práctica de «Farmacognosia y Fitoterapia»
    (2023) Santos López, Jorge Arturo; Benedí González, Juana María; Bermejo Bescos, María De La Paloma; Martín-Aragón Álvarez, Sagrario; Sánchez Gómez-Serranillos, Marta; Sanchez-Prieto Mateos, Alicia; Slowing Barillas, Karla Verónica
    Con este proyecto se propuso integrar la metodología del Aprendizaje Basado en Retos (ABR) en la docencia universitaria del Grado en Farmacia. Se planteó como objetivo principal que los estudiantes trabajasen en la búsqueda de soluciones a problemas y desafíos externos a su formación tradicional en las aulas, pero aplicados a los métodos generales que se utilizan dentro del campo de trabajo de la Farmacognosia.
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    Carob fruit extract-enriched meat, as preventive and curative treatments, improves gut microbiota and colonic barrier integrity in a late-stage T2DM model
    (Food Research International, 2021) Macho González, Adrián; Garcimartín Álvarez, Alba; Redondo, Noemí; Cofrades, Susana; Bastida Codina, Sara; Nova, Esther; Benedí González, Juana María; Sánchez Muniz, Francisco José; Marcos, Ascensión; López-Oliva Muñoz, María Elvira
    Epidemiological and experimental studies have suggested that dietary fiber and proanthocyanidins play an important role on gut microbiota (GM), colonic integrity and body health. Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus (T2DM) is a prevalent disease in which the modifications in the GM and colonic markers stand out. This manuscript hypothesizes the consumption of functional meat enriched in carob fruit extract [CFE; CFE-restructured meat (RM)] ameliorates the dysbiosis and colonic barrier integrity loss in a late-stage T2DM rat model induced by the conjoint action of a high-saturated-fat/high-cholesterol diet (Chol-diet) and a low dose of streptozotocin (STZ) plus a nicotinamide (NAD) injection. Three groups of eight rats were used: (1) D group, a T2DM control group, fed the Chol-diet; (2) ED group, a T2DM preventive strategy group fed the CFE-Chol-diet since the beginning of the study; and (3) DE group, a T2DM curative treatment group, fed the CFE-Chol-diet once the diabetic state was confirmed. The study lasted 8 weeks. Amount and variety of GM, feces short-chain-fatty acids (SCFAs), colonic morphology [crypt depth and density, goblet cells, proliferating cell nuclear antigen (PCNA) and transferase dUTP nick end labelling (TUNEL) indexes] and tight junctions were evaluated. A global colonic index combining 17 markers (GCindex) was calculated. ED rats displayed higher levels of GM richness, SCFAs production, crypt depth, and goblet cells than the D group. DE group showed lower Enterobacteriaceae abundance and greater TUNEL index and occludin expression in the distal colon than D counterpart. GCindex differentiated the colonic health status of the experimental groups in the order (ED > DE > D; P < 0.001) as a 17–51 range-quotation, ED, DE, and D groups displayed the values 43, 32.5, and 27, respectively. Thus, CFE-RM used as a T2DM preventive therapy could induce higher GM richness, more adequate SCFAs production, and better colonic barrier integrity. Furthermore, CFE-RM used with curative purposes induced more modest changes and mainly at the distal colonic mucosa. Further studies are needed to confirm this study’s results, to ascertain the benefits of consuming proanthocyanidins-rich fiber during different T2DM stages.
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    A Neuroprotective Bovine Colostrum Attenuates Apoptosis in Dexamethasone-Treated MC3T3-E1 Osteoblastic Cells
    (International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 2021) Martín-Aragón Álvarez, Sagrario; Bermejo Bescos, María De La Paloma; Benedí González, Juana María; Raposo Simón, Pedro Carlos; Marques, Franklim; Kydonaki, Eirini K.; Gkiata, Paraskevi; Koutedakis, Yiannis; Ntina, Georgia; Carrillo, Andres E.; Amorim, Tânia
    Glucocorticoid-induced osteoporosis (GIO) is one of the most common secondary forms of osteoporosis. GIO is partially due to the apoptosis of osteoblasts and osteocytes. In addition, high doses of dexamethasone (DEX), a synthetic glucocorticoid receptor agonist, induces neurodegeneration by initiating inflammatory processes leading to neural apoptosis. Here, a neuroprotective bovine colostrum against glucocorticoid-induced neuronal damage was investigated for its anti-apoptotic activity in glucocorticoid-treated MC3T3-E1 osteoblastic cells. A model of apoptotic osteoblastic cells was developed by exposing MC3T3-E1 cells to DEX (0–700 μM). Colostrum co-treated with DEX was executed at 0.1–5.0 mg/mL. Cell viability was measured for all treatment schedules. Caspase-3 activation was assessed to determine both osteoblast apoptosis under DEX exposure and its potential prevention by colostrum co-treatment. Glutathione reduced (GSH) was measured to determine whether DEX-mediated oxidative stress-driven apoptosis is alleviated by colostrum co-treatment. Western blot was performed to determine the levels of p-ERK1/2, Bcl-XL, Bax, and Hsp70 proteins upon DEX or DEX plus colostrum exposure. Colostrum prevented the decrease in cell viability and the increase in caspase-3 activation and oxidative stress caused by DEX exposure. Cells, upon colostrum co-treated with DEX, exhibited higher levels of p-ERK1/2 and lower levels of Bcl-XL, Bax, and Hsp70. Our data support the notion that colostrum may be able to reduce DEX-induced apoptosis possibly via the activation of the ERK pathway and modulation of the Hsp70 system. We provided preliminary evidence on how bovine colostrum, as a complex and multi-component dairy product, in addition to its neuroprotective action, may affect osteoblastic cell survival undergoing apoptosis.
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    Project number: 198
    Creación de Material Interactivo por los estudiantes para fomentar su Pensamiento Crítico y Creativo
    (2021) Martín-Aragón Álvarez, Sagrario; Bermejo Bescos, María De La Paloma; Benedí González, Juana María; Slowing Barillas, Karla Verónica; Santos López, Jorge Arturo; Sánchez Gómez-Serranillos, Marta; Sánchez-Prieto Mateos, Alicia
    La capacidad de pensar de forma crítica y creativa son esenciales en los futuros graduados en Ciencias de la Salud. Como docentes de los futuros farmacéuticos, nuestro objetivo es mejorar el pensamiento crítico, la creatividad y la promoción de un aprendizaje más profundo en nuestros estudiantes. Mediante la introducción de una nueva actividad evaluable, la creación de videos por los estudiantes en grupos pequeños (máximo 3), pretendemos mejorar sus habilidades en la comprensión teórica, en el pensamiento crítico y creativo y en la presentación de los contenidos más relevantes de las materias de Farmacología y Farmacognosia. Los vídeos son un medio con el que los estudiantes están muy familiarizados. Sin embargo, se utilizan habitualmente en la docencia como instrumentos de instrucción y de experiencia multisensorial, puestos a disposición del estudiante por parte de los profesores. Los vídeos para la docencia instructiva y las demostraciones se han venido utilizando durante muchos años. Sin embargo, progresivamente se está describiendo en la literatura de las metodologías docentes, la gran utilidad del uso de videos producidos por los estudiantes como una forma alternativa de evaluación. Si hasta ahora creíamos en el aprendizaje "con" los vídeos, ahora nos planteamos el reto del aprendizaje "a partir de" los vídeos producidos por los estudiantes como una técnica de aprendizaje activo. Se han descrito estudios en los que los estudiantes investigan un tema y producen vídeos para la presentación de sus investigaciones, en sustitución a las presentaciones (orales o escritas), más tradicionales, utilizadas para la evaluación. Otros estudios describen cómo la información técnica se retiene a un ritmo mayor una vez que los estudiantes crean un vídeo en comparación con la enseñanza verbal de la técnica. Los estudiantes que producen videos demuestran un mayor nivel de comprensión de la técnica que los estudiantes a los que se les enseña por medios verbales. En general, los estudiantes se involucran más intensamente en su propio aprendizaje y obtienen una comprensión más profunda de las materias mediante la producción de vídeos. La disponibilidad de tecnología digital sencilla, como softwares gratuitos de edición de vídeos y los dispositivos con capacidad de vídeo (teléfonos móviles, ordenadores portátiles, iPads), permiten incorporar fácilmente la producción de vídeo como herramienta de aprendizaje y evaluación. Los docentes involucrados en este proyecto esperamos que el aprendizaje del estudiante, mediante el desempeño de esta actividad, sea más activo y colaborativo, con un mayor énfasis en el análisis crítico de los contenidos de las materias de Farmacología y Farmacognosia. Concretamente, y en concordancia con el proyecto anterior (PIMCD 355), esperamos desarrollar y/o reforzar hábitos de estudio en el estudiante, ya que la evaluación (continua) guía e impulsa el aprendizaje a través de la configuración de los mismos.
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    The Influence of Cellulose Ethers on the Physico-Chemical Properties, Structure and Lipid Digestibility of Animal Fat Emulsions Stabilized by Soy Protein
    (Foods, 2022) Cofrades, Susana; Saiz, Arancha; Pérez-Mateos, Miriam; Garcimartín Álvarez, Alba; Redondo-Castillejo, Rocío; Bocanegra De Juana, Aranzazu; Benedí González, Juana María; Álvarez, María Dolores
    This study explores the influence of carboxymethylcelullose (CMC) and methylcelullose (MC), added by simultaneous (sim) and sequential (seq) emulsification methods, on the structure, rheological parameters and in vitro lipid digestibility of pork lard O/W emulsions stabilized by soy protein concentrate (SPC). Five emulsions (SPC, SPC/CMC-sim, SPC/CMC-seq SPC/MC-sim, SPC/MC-seq) were prepared in vitro. The presence of CMC and MC, and the stage of incorporation affected the emulsion microstructure. In the SPC emulsion, lipid droplets were entrapped by a protein layer that was thicker when MC was added, providing greater resistance against environmental stresses during gastrointestinal digestion. At 37 °C, CMC incorporation produced a structural reinforcement of the SPC emulsion, whereas MC addition did not affect the network rigidity, although a delaying effect on the crossover temperature was observed, which was more evident in SPC/MC–seq. The presence and stage of CMC and MC incorporation affected the rate and extent of lipolysis, with SPC/MC-seq presenting an inferior concentration of free fatty acids. The lower extent of lipolysis observed in SPC/MC-seq may be positive in the manufacture of animal fat products in which reduced fatty acid absorption is intended.
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    Influence of the oil structuring system on Lipid hydrolysis and bioaccessibility of healthy fatty acids and curcumil
    (Gels, 2023) Cofrades, Susana; Gómez-Estaca, Joaquín; Álvarez, María; Garcimartín Álvarez, Alba; Macho González, Adrián; Benedí González, Juana María; Pintado, Tatiana
    Oleogels (OG) and gelled emulsions (GE) were elaborated with a mixture of olive and chia oils (80:20 ratio) without and with the incorporation of the health-related compound curcumin. These were studied to evaluate the influence of the oil structuring system on the lipid hydrolysis and bioaccessibility of three healthy fatty acids (FA) (palmitic, oleic, and α-linolenic acids) and of curcumin, compared to the oil mixture (bulk oil, BO). The oil structuring system influenced the firmness and texture, and the presence of curcumin significantly altered the color parameters. GE showed higher lipid digestibility, with a greater proportion of absorbable fraction (higher content of free FA and monoacylglycerides) than OG, which behaved similarly to BO. The presence of curcumin affected the degree of lipolysis, reducing lipid digestibility in OG and increasing it in GE. As for FA bioaccessibility, although GE presented higher percentages overall, curcumin significantly increased and decreased FA bioaccessibility in OG and GE, respectively. The oil structuring system also influenced the bioaccessibility of curcumin, which was higher in GE. Therefore, when selecting an oil structuring system, their physicochemical properties, the degree of lipid hydrolysis, and the bioaccessibility of both curcumin and the FA studied should all be considered.
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    Carob fruit extract-enriched meat improves pancreatic beta-cell dysfunction, hepatic insulin signaling and lipogenesis in late-stage type 2 diabetes mellitus model
    (The Journal of Nutritional Biochemistry, 2020) Macho González, Adrián; López-Oliva Muñoz, María Elvira; Merino Martín, José Joaquín; García Fernández, Rosa Ana; Garcimartín Álvarez, Alba; Bastida Codina, Sara; Redondo Castillejo, Rocío; Sánchez Muniz, Francisco José; Benedí González, Juana María
    The inclusion of functional bioactive compounds of dietary fiber in meat products has been demonstrated to exert a significant impact on human health. Carob fruit extract (CFE) is a dietary fiber rich in proanthocyanidins with known antioxidant, hypolipidemic and hypoglycemic effects. Consumption of CFE-enriched meat (CFE-RM) may provide interesting benefits in late-stage type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM). To explore the antidiabetic mechanisms of CFE-RM, we used a model of late-stage T2DM in Wistar rats fed a high-saturated-fat/high-cholesterol diet (Chol-diet) and injected streptozotocin plus nicotinamide (D group). The effects of CFE-RM were tested by incorporating it into the diet as preventive strategy (ED group) or curative treatment (DE group). CFE-RM had a positive effect on glycemia, enhancing hepatic insulin sensitivity and improving pancreatic β-cell regeneration in both ED and DE groups. Western blotting and immunohistochemistry suggested that CFE-RM increased levels of insulin receptor β and phosphatidylinositol-3-kinase, as well as the downstream target phospho-Akt (at Ser473). CFE-RM also up-regulated glucose transporter 2, which improves the insulin-mediated glucose uptake by the liver, and promoted phosphorylation of glycogen synthesis kinase-3βprotein (at ser9), consequently increasing the hepatic glycogen content. In addition, CFE-RM decreased fatty liver by suppressing de novo lipogenesis activation due to down-regulation of liver X receptor-α/β, sterol regulatory element binding protein-1c and carbohydrate-response element-binding protein transcription factors. Our findings suggest that the consumption of CFE-RM included in the diet as a functional food should be considered as a suitable nutritional strategy to prevent or manage late-stage T2DM.
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    Project number: 355
    Contenidos Interactivos para Dinamizar el Estudio y Facilitar la Evaluación Continua de la Asignatura de «Farmacología y Farmacoterapia»
    (2020) Bermejo Bescos, María De La Paloma; Santos López, Jorge Arturo; Benedí González, Juana María; Sánchez Gómez-Serranillos, Marta; Sánchez-Prieto Mateos, Alicia; Martín-Aragón Álvarez, Sagrario
    Dicho proyecto es una continuación y extensión del proyecto 266, en el cual hemos desarrollado contenidos interactivos, entre otros mediante el plugin H5P, en la plataforma Moodle. Las diferentes herramientas desarrolladas pueden resultar útil al estudiante en su aprendizaje significativo.
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    A Diet Containing Rutin Ameliorates Brain Intracellular Redox Homeostasis in a Mouse Model of Alzheimer’s Disease
    (International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 2023) Jiménez-Aliaga, Karim L.; Bermejo Bescos, María De La Paloma; Benedí González, Juana María; Martín-Aragón Álvarez, Sagrario
    Quercetin has been studied extensively for its anti-Alzheimer’s disease (AD) and anti-aging effects. Our previous studies have found that quercetin and in its glycoside form, rutin, can modulate the proteasome function in neuroblastoma cells. We aimed to explore the effects of quercetin and rutin on intracellular redox homeostasis of the brain (reduced glutathione/oxidized glutathione, GSH/GSSG), its correlation with β-site APP cleaving enzyme 1 (BACE1) activity, and amyloid precursor protein (APP) expression in transgenic TgAPP mice (bearing human Swedish mutation APP transgene, APPswe). On the basis that BACE1 protein and APP processing are regulated by the ubiquitin–proteasome pathway and that supplementation with GSH protects neurons from proteasome inhibition, we investigated whether a diet containing quercetin or rutin (30 mg/kg/day, 4 weeks) diminishes several early signs of AD. Genotyping analyses of animals were carried out by PCR. In order to determine intracellular redox homeostasis, spectrofluorometric methods were adopted to quantify GSH and GSSG levels using o-phthalaldehyde and the GSH/GSSG ratio was ascertained. Levels of TBARS were determined as a marker of lipid peroxidation. Enzyme activities of SOD, CAT, GR, and GPx were determined in the cortex and hippocampus. ΒACE1 activity was measured by a secretase-specific substrate conjugated to two reporter molecules (EDANS and DABCYL). Gene expression of the main antioxidant enzymes: APP, BACE1, a Disintegrin and metalloproteinase domain-containing protein 10 (ADAM10), caspase-3, caspase-6, and inflammatory cytokines were determined by RT-PCR. First, overexpression of APPswe in TgAPP mice decreased GSH/GSSG ratio, increased malonaldehyde (MDA) levels, and, overall, decreased the main antioxidant enzyme activities in comparison to wild-type (WT) mice. Treatment of TgAPP mice with quercetin or rutin increased GSH/GSSG, diminished MDA levels, and favored the enzyme antioxidant capacity, particularly with rutin. Secondly, both APP expression and BACE1 activity were diminished with quercetin or rutin in TgAPP mice. Regarding ADAM10, it tended to increase in TgAPP mice with rutin treatment. As for caspase-3 expression, TgAPP displayed an increase which was the opposite with rutin. Finally, the increase in expression of the inflammatory markers IL-1β and IFN-γ in TgAPP mice was lowered by both quercetin and rutin. Collectively, these findings suggest that, of the two flavonoids, rutin may be included in a day-to-day diet as a form of adjuvant therapy in AD.