Rodríguez De Fonseca, María Belén

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First Name
María Belén
Last Name
Rodríguez De Fonseca
Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Faculty / Institute
Ciencias Físicas
Física de la Tierra y Astrofísica
Física de la Tierra
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    Secular Variability of the Upwelling at the Canaries Latitude: An Instrumental Approach
    (Journal of geophysical research-oceans, 2022) Gallego, D.; García Herrera, Ricardo Francisco; Mohino Harris, Elsa; Losada Doval, Teresa; Rodríguez De Fonseca, María Belén
    In this research we make use of historical wind direction observations to assemble an instrumental upwelling intensity index (the so-called Directional Upwelling Index [DUI]) for the coast of Northwest Africa between 26 degrees and 33 degrees N and from 1825 to 2014. The DUI is defined as the persistence of the alongshore winds at the coast and unlike other upwelling indices, it relies on observed wind direction solely, avoiding the suspected bias toward increasing wind speed of historical wind observations documented in previous research. We have found that between June and October, when the upwelling intensity in the area is at its seasonal maximum, the persistence of the north-easterlies measured by the DUI is significantly related to the alongshore wind stress and subsequently with Sea Surface Temperature anomalies at the coast of NW Africa. The analysis of the DUI record does not display a consistent long-term trend but an oscillatory behavior. At interannual time scales this variability can be linked to the changes in the strength and location of the subtropical north Atlantic high-pressure center and at multidecadal scales, the upwelling seems mainly driven by the Atlantic Multidecadal Variability through the modulation exerted by this climatic pattern on the intensity of the Saharan low.
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    The stationarity of the ENSO teleconnection in european summer rainfall
    (Climate dynamics, 2022) Martija-Díez, Maialen; López-Parages, Jorge; Rodríguez De Fonseca, María Belén; Losada Doval, Teresa
    El Niño-Southern Oscillation (ENSO) influence on European precipitation (Pcp) has been deeply analyzed. Most of the previous studies focus on the atmospheric response in wintertime during the peak of the ENSO episode, showing boreal summer a season with a marginal ENSO signal. Furthermore, the stationarity of the ENSO teleconnection with Europe has not been considered in many works, which could mask possible nonstationary impacts in other seasons like summer. In this research we find a strong influence of eastern Pacific-like ENSO on the leading variability mode of European summer Pcp, showing a dipole-like configuration and linking El Niño with drier(wetter) conditions in northern(southern) Europe. This relationship is not limited to the total cumulative Pcp, but also to the low and extreme Pcp. This impact on European rainfall is found from the 1960s to the 1990s, a 30 years-long period when the position of the extratropical northern jet stream, which acts as a waveguide, favors the teleconnection pathway to Europe. Strikingly, the ENSO events behind this teleconnection reach their peak in summer. However, we show that the resultant Pcp in Europe also depend on the ENSO characteristic of the previous seasons, which could be used for predictability purposes.
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    Transport pathways across the West African Monsoon as revealed by Lagrangian Coherent Structures
    (Scientific reports, 2020) Niang, Coumba; Mancho, Ana María; García Garrido, Víctor José; Mohino Harris, Elsa; Rodríguez De Fonseca, María Belén; Curbelo, Jezabel
    The West African Monsoon (WAM) system is the main source of rainfall in the agriculturally based region of the Sahel. Understanding transport across the WAM is of crucial importance due to the strong impact of humidity and dust pathways on local cloud formation. However, the description of this transport is challenging due to its 3D complex nature. Lagrangian Coherent Structures (LCS) simplify transport description across the WAM by providing a geometrical partition of the troposphere into domains. Air parcels within each domain have similar dynamical characteristics. LCS make it possible to achieve an integrated vision of transport pathways across this system. Using this approach we unveil new connections in the WAM system. In particular, we identify transport pathways between the Tropical Easterly Jet (TEJ) and the African Easterly Jet (AEJ). Furthermore, the clockwise circulation associated with the divergent upper part of the Sahara heat low is clearly delimitated. Additionally, we show the presence of mixing regions in the AEJ and the lower part of the TEJ that are linked to pathways to sources of dust and humidity.
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    A shift in the wind regime of the southern end of the Canary upwelling system at the turn of the 20th century
    (Journal of geophysical research-oceans, 2021) Gallego, D.; García Herrera, Ricardo Francisco; Losada Doval, Teresa; Mohino Harris, Elsa; Rodríguez De Fonseca, María Belén
    In this study, we make use of historical wind direction observations to assemble an instrumental upwelling index (DUI) at the southern end of the Canary Current Upwelling System. The DUI covers the period between 1825 and 2014 and, unlike other upwelling indices, it does not rely neither in wind speed nor in reanalyzed data. In this sense, the DUI can be regarded as an instrumental index. Additionally, it avoids the suspected bias toward increasing wind speed of historical wind observations documented in previous research. Our results indicate that the frequency of the alongshore winds at the west coast of Africa between 10°N and 20°N measured by the DUI is significantly related with the wind stress and therefore the upwelling intensity in this region. The DUI presents a significant variability both at interannual and decadal timescales. We have not found any significant trend for the 20th century. However, when the entire length of the series is considered, a large shift toward more frequent alongshore winds is evidenced as a result of several decade-long fluctuations which took place between the late 19th century and the beginning of the 20th century. This fact would imply that a significant change in the upwelling intensity at the southern end of the Canary Current Upwelling System should have occurred at the turn of the 20th century.
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    Changes in interannual tropical Atlantic-Pacific basin interactions modulated by a South Atlantic cooling
    (Journal of climate, 2022) Losada Doval, Teresa; Rodríguez De Fonseca, María Belén; Mechoso, Roberto; Mohino Harris, Elsa; Castaño-Tierno, Antonio
    Although tropical interbasin interactions at interannual time scales are presently receiving much attention, their controlling factors and variations on longer time scales are under debate. Tropical convection plays a crucial role in the occurrence and nonstationarity of them. In this paper, we investigate the dependence of interannual tropical AtlanticPacific basin interactions on convection-related features of the tropical oceans’ climatology, especially the ITCZ position. Wecontrast a CGCM control simulation with an experiment in which tropical convection is modified by an artificial perturbation outside the tropics that reduces the incident shortwave radiation in a region of the South Atlantic. Based on previous work, this modification is expected to shift in latitude the climatological position of the simulated ITCZ. The experiment shows altered Walker circulations, stronger interannual variability over the tropical oceans, a westward extension of the Atlantic Ni˜no pattern and of convection, and shallower thermocline in the Pacific, making the basin more sensitive to both local and remote perturbations. As a consequence, the experiment shows enhanced interannual Atlantic–Pacificbasin interactions at the equator, and weaker teleconnections between the north tropical Atlantic and the equatorial Pacific. The latter seems to occur because the impact of the warm Atlantic SST anomalies is offset by the presence of warm SST anomalies in El Ni˜no region. Despite the uncertainties raised because the simulations are relatively short, we conclude that this work presents a potential explanation for the long-term changes in the tropical basin interactions and offers a novel and useful methodology for their analysis.
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    Abrupt and persistent atmospheric circulation changes in the North Atlantic under La Niña conditions
    (Weather and Climate Extremes, 2023) García-Burgos, Marina; Gómara Cardalliaguet, Íñigo; Rodríguez De Fonseca, María Belén; González Alemán, Juan Jesús; Zurita Gotor, Pablo; Ayarzagüena Porras, Blanca
    Several recent studies have linked the exceptional North Atlantic and Eurasian atmospheric evolution during late February and March 2018 to the Sudden Stratospheric Warming (SSW) that took place a few weeks earlier. February 2018 was characterized by an abrupt transition from the positive to the negative phase of the North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO) and a subsequent persistence of the negative NAO for several weeks. This paper investigates the contribution of atmospheric and oceanic phenomena to both the 2018 event and a set of 19 identified analogues (including the former) for the period 1959-2022. Evidence is given that La Nin similar to a conditions in the tropical Pacific and upstream North Atlantic cyclones play an important role as a trigger for these events. Ensuing two-way tropospheric-strato-spheric coupling and eddy feedbacks provide extended-range persistence for negative NAO conditions. These results may help improve the prediction of such exceptional events.
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    Project number: 151
    Meteolab como herramienta educativa de Meteorología en el Aula
    (2021) Rodríguez De Fonseca, María Belén; Ábalos Álvarez, Marta; Álvarez Solas, Jorge; Ayarzagüena Porras, Blanca; Benito Barca, Samuel; Calvo Fernández, Natalia; De La Cámara Illescas, Álvaro; Durán Montejano, Luis; García Herrena, Ricardo; Garrido Pérez, José Manuel; Gómara Cardalliaguet, Íñigo; Losada Doval, Teresa; Mohino Harris, Elsa; Montoya Redondo, María Luisa; Ordóñez García, Carlos; Polo Sánchez, Irene; Robinson, Alexander James; Sastre Marugán, Mariano; Serrano Mendoza, Encarnación; Yagüe Anguis, Carlos; Zurita Gotor, Pablo; García Burgos, Marina; González Alemán, Juan Jesús; González Barras, Rosa María; González Rouco, Jesús Fidel; Martín Gómez, Verónica; Maqueda Burgos, Gregorio
    El Presente proyecto es una continuación de proyectos anteriores dentro de la plataforma de divulgación Meteolab. Meteolab es un proyecto de divulgación de Meteorología y Clima que tiene su origen en 2002, cuando se comenzaron a diseñar experimentos de bajo coste con materiales caseros para la Semana de la Ciencia de la Comunidad de Madrid (CAM). Con los años, se generó un conocimiento que se materializó en 2010 con la concesión de un Proyecto de Innovación Educativa (PIE) financiado por la Universidad Complutense de Madrid (UCM), dirigido por Belén Rodríguez de Fonseca. Gracias a este primer proyecto en el que trabajaron muchos profesores y alumnos de ciencias de la atmósfera, se gestó un portal web ( en el que los experimentos se explicaban y se grababan para impulsar su difusión. Más adelante, en un segundo proyecto de Innovación Educativa, dirigido por la profesora Maria Luisa Montoya, los contenidos fueron traducidos al inglés. En concreto, los experimentos que componen Meteolab tienen como principal objetivo entender los principios y variables que determinan el comportamiento de las masas de aire en la atmósfera y de agua en el océano. La idea consiste en visualizar con experimentos sencillos las leyes físicas que gobiernan la atmósfera y el océano: movimientos horizontales y verticales, cambios de estado, mezcla y equilibrio, así como la interacción entre componentes. Se persigue observar los procesos meteorológicos familiares, como son la formación de una nube, los tornados, la convección, la formación de borrascas o la lluvia, entendiendo los procesos físicos que los producen. Finalmente, Meteolab permite también visualizar fenómenos climáticos como el efecto invernadero, el fenómeno de El Niño, el deshielo del Ártico, la influencia de los volcanes en el clima o la subida del nivel del mar. Existe un catálogo de experimentos, la mayoría de los cuales pueden consultarse a través del portal, encontrándose todos ellos físicamente localizados en el Laboratorio Elvira Zurita de la Facultad de Ciencias Físicas. Tras la experiencia acumulada durante los 18 años de existencia de Meteolab, en los que se han adecuado las explicaciones de los experimentos a distintos niveles de dificultad (infantil, primaria, secundaria, bachillerato y Universidad de mayores), se ha sugerido la idoneidad de adaptar los contenidos a los estudiantes del Grado en Física y del Máster en Meteorología y Geofísica de la UCM. Así, por ejemplo, cuando se explica la formación de una nube, se puede ir complicando el discurso dependiendo de los diferentes ciclos de la enseñanza. De esta manera, para un nivel de escuela primaria uno sólo tiene que explicar que el aire se enfría al ascender, y al enfriarse se forman gotas de agua que forman las nubes. Al llegar a secundaria, los estudiantes aprenden el concepto de presión atmosférica y la relación entre la temperatura, la presión y el volumen de una parcela de aire. Más adelante, en el Grado en Física, se estudia la tensión de vapor, la expansión adiabática y la existencia de núcleos de condensación. Finalmente, en el Máster en Meteorología se aprenden los distintos procesos de nucleación y tipos de nubes. Todos estos conceptos van complicando la explicación, por lo que un mismo experimento puede explicarse tanto en una escuela infantil como en una Universidad. Es por ello, que, aprovechando la plataforma de divulgación Meteolab, hemos decidido dar un paso adelante y adaptar y ampliar los contenidos de Meteolab, para así poder integrarlos en los currícula del Grado en Física y del Máster en Meteorología y Geofísica de la UCM. Con todo ello, los objetivos del presente proyecto han sido: -Implementar los experimentos de Meteolab en el Aula, tanto en las asignaturas de Grado como en las de Máster. -Adaptar los contenidos existentes del portal web Meteolab ( a las asignaturas relacionadas con Meteorología del Grado en Física y del Máster en Meteorología y Geofísica, con el fin de visualizar procesos físicos que se explican en el aula. -Añadir a Meteolab nuevos contenidos en relación con la dinámica de la atmósfera y el cambio climático. -Evaluar la mejora de la comprensión por parte del alumnado de los procesos que tienen lugar principalmente en la atmósfera y el océano, y su relación con el clima y su variabilidad.
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    Skillful prediction of tropical Pacific fisheries provided by Atlantic Niños
    (Environmental research letters, 2021) Gómara Cardalliaguet, Íñigo; Rodríguez De Fonseca, María Belén; Mohino Harris, Elsa; Losada Doval, Teresa; Polo Sánchez, Irene; Coll, Marta
    Tropical Pacific upwelling-dependent ecosystems are the most productive and variable worldwide, mainly due to the influence of El Niño Southern Oscillation (ENSO). ENSO can be forecasted seasons ahead thanks to assorted climate precursors (local-Pacific processes, pantropical interactions). However, due to observational data scarcity, little is known about the importance of these precursors for marine ecosystem prediction. Previous studies based on Earth System Model simulations forced by observed climate have shown that multiyear predictability of tropical Pacific marine primary productivity is possible. With recently released global marine ecosystem simulations forced by historical climate, full examination of tropical Pacific ecosystem predictability is now feasible. By complementing historical fishing records with marine ecosystem model data, we show herein that equatorial Atlantic sea surface temperatures (SSTs) constitute a valuable predictability source for tropical Pacific fisheries, which can be forecasted over large-scale areas up to three years in advance. A detailed physical-biological mechanism is proposed whereby equatorial Atlantic SSTs influence upwelling of nutrient-rich waters in the tropical Pacific, leading to a bottom-up propagation of the climate-related signal across the marine food web. Our results represent historical and near-future climate conditions and provide a useful springboard for implementing a marine ecosystem prediction system in the tropical Pacific.
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    El Niño as a predictor of round sardinella distribution along the northwest African coast
    (Progress in oceanography, 2020) López Pareges, Jorge; Auger, Pierre Amaël; Rodríguez De Fonseca, María Belén; Keenlyside, Noel; Gaetan, Carlo; Rubino, Angelo; Arisido, Maeregu W.; Brochier, Timothée
    The El Niño Southern Oscillation (ENSO) produces global marine environment conditions that can cause changes in abundance and distribution of distant fish populations worldwide. Understanding mechanisms acting locally on fish population dynamics is crucial to develop forecast skill useful for fisheries management. The present work addresses the role played by ENSO on the round sardinella population biomass and distribution in the central-southern portion of the Canary Current Upwelling System (CCUS). A combined physical-biogeochemical framework is used to understand the climate influence on the hydrodynamical conditions in the study area. Then, an evolutionary individual-based model is used to simulate the round sardinella spatio-temporal biomass variability. According to model experiments, anomalous oceanographic conditions forced by El Niño along the African coast cause anomalies in the latitudinal migration pattern of the species. A robust anomalous increase and decrease of the simulated round sardinella biomass is identified in winter off the Cape Blanc and the Saharan coast region, respectively, in response to El Niño variations. The resultant anomalous pattern is an alteration of the normal migration between the Saharan and the Mauritanian waters. It is primarily explained by the modulating role that El Niño exerts on the currents off Cape Blanc, modifying therefore the normal migration of round sardinella in the search of acceptable temperature conditions. This climate signature can be potentially predicted up to six months in advance based on El Niño conditions in the Pacific.
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    Predictability of intra-seasonal descriptors of rainy season over Senegal using global SST patterns
    (Atmosphere, 2022) Touré, Abdou Kader; Fall, Cheikh Modou Noreyni; Diakhaté, Moussa; Wane, Dahirou; Rodríguez De Fonseca, María Belén; Ndiaye, Ousmane; Diop, Mbaye; Gaye, Amadou Thierno
    Seasonal forecasting of the rainfall characteristics in Sahel is of crucial interest in determining crop variability in these countries. This study aims to provide further characterization of nine rainfall metrics over Senegal (Onset, cessation, LRS, CDD, CDD7, CDD15, NR90p, NR95p, NR99p)and their response to global SST patterns from 1981 to 2018. The Climate Hazards Group InfraRed Precipitation with Station (CHIRPS) dataset and the Hadley Centre Global Sea Ice and Sea Surface Temperature (HadISST) were used. The results showed strong spatio-temporal variability with a pronounced south–north gradient for all metrics. The earliest onset was observed in the south of the country from 4 July and the latest onset in the north from 9 August. Since 2012, a new regime is observed with an increase in both long dry spells and extreme wet events. Furthermore, SST forcing has shown that the North tropical Atlantic and the East Equatorial Pacific are better able to explain the interannual variability of the intraseasonal descriptors. However, the prediction of metrics is earlier for the most remote basin (Pacific) compared to the most local basin (Atlantic). These results have implications for the seasonal forecasting of Sahel’s intraseasonal variability based on SST predictors, as significant predictability is found far from the beginning of the season.