Cremades Rodríguez, Ana Isabel

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Ana Isabel
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Cremades Rodríguez
Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Faculty / Institute
Ciencias Físicas
Ciencia de los Materiales e Ingeniería Metalúrgica
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  • Item
    Spectra cathodoluminescence and Raman imaging of Na-rich feldspar and maskelynite from the Villalbeto de la Peña meteorite
    (Micro-Raman Spectroscopy and Luminescence Studies in the Earth and Planetary Sciences: Proceedings of the International Conference Spectroscopy 2009 ... / Materials Physics and Applications. Abstract, 2009) García Guinea, Javier; Sánchez Muñoz, Luis; Tormo, L.; Crespo Feo, María Elena; Ruiz Pérez, Javier; Martín Herrero, Álvaro Ignacio; Cremades Rodríguez, Ana Isabel; Gucsik, Arnold
  • Item
    The Villalbeto de la Peña Meteorite: Raman Spectroscopy and Cathodoluminescence of Feldspar
    (AIP conference proceedings, 2009) García Guinea, Javier; Sánchez Muñoz, Luis; Torno, J.L.; Crespo Feo, María Elena; Ruiz Pérez, Javier; Martín Herrero, Álvaro Ignacio; Cremades Rodríguez, Ana Isabel
    This paper mainly focuses on the spatial distribution of plagioclase phases observed by Raman and spectra cathodoluminescence (CL) emission of in the Villalbeto de la Peña meteorite. Initially, we collected fragments countryside to determine the strewn field area and to perform spot chemical analyses by electron microprobe for the classification of the specimens (L6 Chondrite). Furthermore, the hyperspectral Raman mapping allow us identify amorphous Maskelynite feldspar in plagioclase micro-fissures since it is a molecular technique. The spectra CL emission bands observed at circa 290, 340, 390, 440, 510, 640 and 780 nm are characteristic in aluminosilicate lattices providing additional data on H+, OH- and H2O and Na+ self-diffusion along interfaces (290 nm), on strained Si—O bonds (340 and 650 nm), on [AlO4]° centers (380-390 nm and 420-440 nm), on O-—Si…M+ centers (510 nm) and on substitutional Fe3+ in aluminum positions (740—800 nm broad band). The CL and hyperspectral Raman techniques coupling demonstrates that the Villalbeto meteorite was shock-metamorphosed from the amorphous Maskelynite presence in Plagioclase fissures and from the strained Si—O bonds at room temperature.