Green, Thomas George Allan

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Thomas George Allan
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Universidad Complutense de Madrid
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    Summer activity patterns for a moss and lichen in the maritime Antarctic with respect to altitude
    (Polar Biology, 2021) Schroeter, Burkhard; Green, Thomas George Allan; Pintado Valverde, Ana; Türk, Roman; García Sancho, Leopoldo
    There is considerable scientific interest as to how terrestrial biodiversity in Antarctica might respond, or be expected to respond, to climate change. The two species of vascular plant confined to the Antarctic Peninsula have shown clear gains in density and range extension. However, little information exists for the dominant components of the flora, lichens and bryophytes. One approach has been to look at change in biodiversity using altitude as a proxy for temperature change and previous results for Livingston Island suggested that temperature was the controlling factor. We have extended this study at the same site by using chlorophyll fluorometers to monitor activity and microclimate of the lichen, Usnea aurantiaco-atra, and the moss, Hymenoloma crispulum. We confirmed the same lapse rate in temperature but show that changes in water relations with altitude is probably the main driver. There were differences in water source with U. aurantiaco-atra benefitting from water droplet harvesting and the species performed substantially better at the summit. In contrast, activity duration, chlorophyll fluorescence and photosynthetic modelling all show desiccation to have a large negative impact on the species at the lowest site. We conclude that water relations are the main drivers of biodiversity change along the altitudinal gradient with nutrients, not measured here, as another possible contributor.
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    Recent Warming and Cooling in the Antarctic Peninsula Region has Rapid and Large Effects on Lichen Vegetation
    (Scientific Reports, 2017) Navarro, Francisco; Ramos, Miguel; Pablo, Miguel Angel De; Blanquer, José Manuel; Valladares, Fernando; García Sancho, Leopoldo; Pintado Valverde, Ana; Raggio Quílez, José; Green, Thomas George Allan
    The Antarctic Peninsula has had a globally large increase in mean annual temperature from the 1951 to 1998 followed by a decline that still continues. The challenge is now to unveil whether these recent, complex and somewhat unexpected climatic changes are biologically relevant. We were able to do this by determining the growth of six lichen species on recently deglaciated surfaces over the last 24 years. Between 1991 and 2002, when mean summer temperature (MST) rose by 0.42 °C, five of the six species responded with increased growth. MST declined by 0.58 °C between 2002 and 2015 with most species showing a fall in growth rate and two of which showed a collapse with the loss of large individuals due to a combination of increased snow fall and longer snow cover duration. Increased precipitation can, counter-intuitively, have major negative effects when it falls as snow at cooler temperatures. The recent Antarctic cooling is having easily detectable and deleterious impacts on slow growing and highly stress-tolerant crustose lichens, which are comparable in extent and dynamics, and reverses the gains observed over the previous decades of exceptional warming.
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    Metabolic activity duration can be effectively predicted from macroclimatic data for biological soil crust habitats across Europe
    (Geoderma, 2017) Raggio Quílez, José; Green, Thomas George Allan; García Sancho, Leopoldo; Pintado Valverde, Ana; Colesie, Claudia; Weber, Bettina; Büdel, Burkhard
    Biological soil crusts (BSC) perform several important environmental functions such as soil erosion prevention, soil nutrient enrichment through photosynthesis and nitrogen fixation, and are receiving growing interest due to their importance in some changing habitats with soils under degradation risk. Primary producers within BSC (cyanobacteria, lichens, algae and bryophytes) are all poikilohydric and active only when wet, meaning that knowledge of the period of metabolic activity is essential to understand growth and adaptation to environment. Finding links with macroclimatic factors would allow not only prediction of activity but also the effects of any climate change over these communities. Metabolic activity and microclimate of BSC at four sites across Europe with different soils from semi-arid (Almeria, SE Spain) to alpine (Austria) was monitored during one year using a chlorophyll fluorometer. Local climatic data were also recorded. Mean monthly activity of crust within each site were strongly linked irrespective of crust type whilst, using the data from all sites, highly significant linear relationships (mean monthly values) were found for activity with incident light, air temperature and air relative humidity, and a nonlinear response to rainfall saturating at about 40 mm per month. Air relative humidity and air temperature were the best predictors of metabolic activity duration. The links observed are all highly significant allowing climate data to be used to model activity and to gain inferences about the effects of climate change over BSC communities, soil structure and fertility. Linear relationships mean that small changes in the environment will not produce massive alterations in activity. BSC also appear to behave as a single functional group, which is helpful when proposing general management policies for soil ecosystems protection.
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    Anatomical, morphological and ecophysiological strategies in Placopsis pycnotheca (lichenized fungi, Ascomycota) allowing rapid colonization of recently deglaciated soils
    (Flora, 2011) Ríos, Asunción De los; Raggio Quílez, José; Pérez-Ortega, Sergio; Vivas, Mercedes; Pintado Valverde, Ana; Green, Thomas George Allan; Ascaso, Carmen; García Sancho, Leopoldo
    The green algal lichen Placopsis pycnotheca was identified at Pia and Marinelli glaciers (Isla Grande of Tierra de Fuego, Chile) as a primary colonizer of bare soil in areas close to the front of the glacier or around small ponds created after glacier retreatment. Electron microscopy study showed that P. pycnotheca formed a thick hypothallus within which hyphae and their extracellular polymeric substances bind numerous soil particles. This structure augments water holding and soil stabilization capacities and constitutes an early stage in soil crust development. In addition, numerous cephalodia are formed within the hypothallus and subsequently develop upwards towards the thallus surface, sometimes before the formation of squamules with green algae. These anatomical and morphological strategies together with physiological properties such as the long photosynthetic activity period (measured in the laboratory) help explain its pioneering role as a colonizer and its apparently high growth rate.
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    Antarctic Studies Show Lichens to be Excellent Biomonitors of Climate Change
    (Diversity, 2019) García Sancho, Leopoldo; Pintado Valverde, Ana; Green, Thomas George Allan
    Lichens have been used as biomonitors for multiple purposes. They are well-known as air pollution indicators around urban and industrial centers. More recently, several attempts have been made to use lichens as monitors of climate change especially in alpine and polar regions. In this paper, we review the value of saxicolous lichens for monitoring environmental changes in Antarctic regions. The pristine Antarctica offers a unique opportunity to study the effects of climate change along a latitudinal gradient that extends between 62° and 87° S. Both lichen species diversity and thallus growth rate seem to show significant correlations to mean annual temperature for gradients across the continent as well as to short time climate oscillation in the Antarctic Peninsula. Competition interactions appear to be small so that individual thalli develop in balance with environmental conditions and, as a result, can indicate the trends in productivity for discrete time intervals over long periods of time.
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    High nitrogen contribution by Gunnera magellanica and nitrogen transfer by mycorrhizas drive an extraordinarily fast primary succession in sub‐Antarctic Chile
    (New Phytologist, 2019) Benavent González, Alberto; Raggio Quílez, José; Villagra, Johana ; Pintado Valverde, Ana; Blanquer, José Manuel ; Rozzi, Ricardo ; Green, Thomas George Allan; García Sancho, Leopoldo
    Chronosequences at the forefront of retreating glaciers provide information about colonization rates of bare surfaces. In the northern hemisphere, forest development can take centuries, with rates often limited by low nutrient availability. By contrast, in front of the retreating Pia Glacier (Tierra del Fuego, Chile), a Nothofagus forest is in place after only 34 yr of development, while total soil nitrogen (N) increased from near zero to 1.5%, suggesting a strong input of this nutrient. We measured N-fixation rates, carbon fluxes, leaf N and phosphorus contents and leaf δ15N in the dominant plants, including the herb Gunnera magellanica, which is endosymbiotically associated with a cyanobacterium, in order to investigate the role of N-fixing and mycorrhizal symbionts in N-budgets during successional transition. G. magellanica presented some of the highest nitrogenase activities yet reported (potential maximal contribution of 300 kg N ha−1 yr−1). Foliar δ15N results support the framework of a highly efficient N-uptake and transfer system based on mycorrhizas, with c. 80% of N taken up by the mycorrhizas potentially transferred to the host plant. Our results suggest the symbiosis of G. magellanica with cyanobacteria, and trees and shrubs with mycorrhizas, to be the key processes driving this rapid successioncyanobacteria
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    Environmental determinants of biocrust carbon fluxes across Europe: possibilities for a functional type approach
    (Plant and Soil, 2018) Büdel, Burkhard; Raggio Quílez, José; Green, Thomas George Allan; Pintado Valverde, Ana; García Sancho, Leopoldo
    Background and aims Due to the well-known importance of biocrusts for several ecosystem properties linked to soil functionality, we aim to go deeper into the physiological performance of biocrusts components. Possible functional convergences in the physiology of biocrust constituents would facilitate the understanding of both species and genus distributional patterns and improve the possibility of modelling their response to climate change. Methods We measured gas exchange in the laboratory under controlled conditions of lichen- and moss-dominated biocrusts from four environmentally different locations in Europe. Field data were used to determine the natural hydration sources that drive metabolic activity of biocrusts. Results Our results show different activity drivers at the four sites. Within site analyses showed similar C fixation for the different crust types in the three sites without hydric stress whilst light use related parameters and respiration at 15 °C were similar in the between sites analyses. There were significant differences in water relations between the biocrusts types, with moss-dominated crusts showing higher maximum and optimum water contents. Conclusions The functional type approach for biocrusts can be justified from a physiological perspective when similar values are found in the within and between site analyses, the latter indicating habitat independent adaptation patterns. Our multi-site analyses for biocrusts functional performance provide comparisons of C fluxes and water relations in the plant-soil interface that will help to understand the adaptation ability of these communities to possible environmental changes.
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    Continuous chlorophyll fluorescence, gas exchange and microclimate monitoring in a natural soil crust habitat in Tabernas badlands, Almería, Spain: progressing towards a model to understand productivity
    (Biodiversity and Conservation, 2014) Vivas, M.; Büdel, B.; Colesie, C.; Weber, B.; Schroeter, B.; Lázaro, R.; Raggio Quílez, José; Pintado Valverde, Ana; García Sancho, Leopoldo; Green, Thomas George Allan
    The Soil Crust International project aims to better understand the functioning of biological soil crust environments (BSC) in Europe in order to understand the importance of these ecosystems.The final objective of this project is to inform and streng then protection strategies for these types of habitats in the frame of the European Union. To achieve this, four different soil crust regions have been chosen in Europe following latitudinal and altitudinal gradients .The work presented here is based on the simultaneous monitoring of gas exchange, chlorophyll fluorescence and microclimate of the most abundant BSC in one of these four locations, the Tabernas badlands, Almeria, SE Spain, one of thedriest regions in Europe. The five BSC types monitored are dominated by the lichen species Squamarina cartilaginea, Diploschistes diacapsis, Toninia albilabra and Psora decipiens, and by the moss Didymodon rigidulus.We aim to understand the conditions in which the BSC are metabolically active in order to get a better knowledge about the contribution of the BSC to the carbon budge tof the ecosystem. Our first results after nearly1 year of chlorophyll fluorescence and microclimatic monitoring linked to gas exchange data during typical activity days obtained in the field suggest similar physiological performance between the different BSC types studied. BSC were active under suboptimal conditions, and activity duration was not different whether measured by chlorophyll a fluorescence or CO2 gas exchange, a relationship that will be the basis of a productivity model.
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    Photosynthetic rate and thallus size are not related in alpine yellow-green Rhizocarpon crustose lichens: Implications for lichenometry and growth
    (Geomorphology, 2018) Raggio Quílez, José; Green, Thomas George Allan; García Sancho, Leopoldo; Pintado Valverde, Ana
    Lichenometry, first proposed at the beginning of the XXth century, is a technique that uses growth rates of saxicolous crustose lichens to date exposed surfaces over an age range of 500 years from present. Despite of the wide use of the methodology, it has been strongly criticized by several authors who consider that biological aspects involved in growth rates of lichens used are not sufficiently considered and that this will contribute to uncertainty in the final surface dating. The assumption, important for direct lichenometric measurements, that crustose lichens have constant growth rates through all their life span, is controversial, with some works pointing to a change in growth rate with thallus size in yellow-green Rhizocarpon sp. samples, the most widely lichens used for surface dating. This change in growth rate with size would contribute to inaccuracy in dating. In this work, we contribute to the discussion with a novel approach in which we measure several physiological parameters linked to carbon gain in 42 Rhizocarpon sp. samples of different sizes collected in the same locality. We found no significant relationship between thallus photosynthetic rate and thallus size indicating that possible growth rate variations over Rhizocarpon life span are not linked to carbon gain. The experiment performed provides a new data set to include in lichenometric modelling with the aim to obtain a better understanding of crustose lichens biology before attempting more feasible and accurate surface dating strategies. Measurements of length of activity periods and carbon allocation in Rhizocarpon are recommended to achieve future improvements in this direction.
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    Comparative ecophysiology of three Placopsis species, pioneer lichens in recently exposed Chilean glacial forelands
    (Symbiosis, 2012) Raggio Quílez, José; Green, Thomas George Allan; Crittenden, P. D.; Pintado Valverde, Ana; Vivas, M.; Pérez Ortega, S.; Ríos, A. De Los; García Sancho, Leopoldo
    Lichen species belonging to the genus Placopsis are early colonisers on snow free moraines of exposed land surfaces in the subantarctic region of Tierra de Fuego, South Chile. The physiological performance of three co-occurring species, P. pycnotheca, (terricolous), and P. perrugosa, and P. stenophylla (both saxicolous) was studied. All, possess green algal photobionts but have cyanobacteria in cephalodia. It was found that there was (i) a strong positive correlation between the acetylene reduction rate (AR) and the maximum photosynthetic rate (Amax), between the N content and the AR rate, and between the N and P contents, and (ii) the relationship between the CO2-exchange rates and the responses obtained in the laboratory reflected the ecology of these three lichens in the field. The results provide new information about the dynamics of some of the fastest growing crustose lichens. We hypothesize that the performance of these three species may have developed as a response to growing in an unstable environment that resulted from frequent glacial fluctuations.