Urieta Mora, Javier

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Urieta Mora
Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Faculty / Institute
Ciencias Químicas
Química Orgánica
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  • Item
    Design and synthesis of organic p-type semiconductors: toward efficient Perovskite Solar Cells
    (2021) Urieta Mora, Javier; Martín León, Nazario; Molina Ontoria, Agustín
    Perovskite solar cells (PSCs) have become one of the most promising technologies for searching clean alternatives to fossil fuels in order to achieve a sustainable society taking advantage of the unlimited solar energy. In a few years of research, PSCs have reached promising efficiencies up to 25% which are comparable to the commercial silicon-based cells. As a means to improve the efficiencies and the stability of PSCs, the research has been closely connected to the design of highly efficient charge selective layers such as electron (ETMs) and hole-transporting materials (HTMs). Although the charge selective layer could present either inorganic or polymeric structures, organic-based small molecules have been demonstrated as the most promising alternative for the preparation of highly efficient PSCs...