Domínguez-Adame Acosta, Francisco

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Domínguez-Adame Acosta
Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Faculty / Institute
Ciencias Físicas
Física de Materiales
Física de la Materia Condensada
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Search Results

Now showing 1 - 9 of 9
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    Detection of oxygen-depleted zones in Yba_2Cu_3O_(7—x )by Luminescence
    (Physica Status Solidi A-Applications and Materials Science, 1993) Remón, A.; García, J. A.; Gómez, P.; Piqueras de Noriega, Javier; Domínguez-Adame Acosta, Francisco
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    Cathodoluminescence and positron-annihilation study of defect distribution in III-V wafers
    (Revue de Physique Appliquee, 1989) Domínguez-Adame Acosta, Francisco; Méndez Martín, Bianchi; Piqueras de Noriega, Javier; De Diego, N.; LLopis, J.; Moser, P.
    Positron annihilation (PA) is a sensitive technique for detection of vacancy-type defects in crystals, that has been widely used in recent years to study defects in semiconductors (1). On the other side, CL and other luminescence techniques have been applied (2) to study the defect distribution in semiconductor wafers. In some cases PA can be useful to interpret results obtained by CL-SEM (3). In this work PA and CL have been used to investigate the distribution and nature of defects in GaP : S, GaAs : Te and undoped SI GaAs wafers. CL intensity, dislocation density and vacancy concentration profiles have been measured. The latter has been obtained by positron lifetime measurements.
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    SEM-CL of reaction bonded SIC
    (Physica Status Solidi A-Applied Research, 1988) Piqueras de Noriega, Javier; Domínguez-Adame Acosta, Francisco; Méndez Martín, Bianchi
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    A solvable 2-body Dirac-equation in one space dimension
    (Canadian Journal of Physics, 1991) Domínguez-Adame Acosta, Francisco; Méndez Martín, Bianchi
    A solvable Hamiltonian for two Dirac particles interacting by instantaneous linear potentials in (1 + 1) dimensions is discussed. The system presents no Klein paradox even if the coupling is rather strong, so particles remain bound. The four independent components of the wave function describing the system resemble the nonrelativistic oscillator eigenfunctions. Although the Hamiltonian is not fully covariant, the effective frequency of the oscillator obeys a typical relativistic Doppler law. In contrast to the nonrelativistic treatment, eigenstates are intrinsically coupled with the overall translational motion of the system.
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    Composition dependence of cathodoluminescence emission of Al_xGa_(1−x)P
    (Solid State Communications, 1990) Fernández Sánchez, Paloma; Domínguez-Adame Acosta, Francisco; Piqueras De Noriega, Francisco Javier; Armelles, Gaspar
    Cathodoluminescence of AlxGa1−xP has been investigated for x between 0.10 and 0.53. A band corresponding to the 610 nm band of pure GaP has been found to shift to higher energies with increasing x. The position of a red band centred at 690 nm is independent of x.
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    Scanning electron-acoustic microscopy of Bi_2Sr_2CaCu_2O_x
    (Solid State Communications, 1993) Domínguez-Adame Acosta, Francisco; Fernández Sánchez, Paloma; Piqueras de Noriega, Javier
    The temperature dependence of scanning electron acoustic microscopy (SEAM) and cathodoluminescence signals of B_i2Sr_2CaCu_2O_x samples have been measured. The evolution of SEAM signal with temperature between 90 and 300 K indicates the capability of SEAM to detect structural changes.
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    Spatial-distribution of Mn-related emission in GaP studied by cathodoluminescence and photoluminescence
    (Materials Chemistry and Physics, 1993) Piqueras de Noriega, Javier; Domínguez-Adame Acosta, Francisco; Monteiro, T.; Pereira, E.
    Cathodoluminescence (CL) from untreated as well as heat-treated GaP:Te:Mn samples has been investigated. Spectra of untreated samples present two emission bands that peak at 585 and 730 nm. The CL image shows bright spots associated with dislocations, as well as doping striations. The red band (730 nm) is higher at these bright spots. Heat treatments enhance the red-band emission, while the bright spot contrast remains. Time-resolved photoluminescence indicates that the red band is due to excitons bound to complexes.
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    Study of radiative transitions in the range 1.5-2.1 eV in GaP
    (Materials Chemistry and Physics, 1991) García, J. A.; Remon, A.; Domínguez-Adame Acosta, Francisco; Piqueras de Noriega, Javier
    The spectral emission of GaP:S in the range 1.5- 2.1eV (800-600nm) has been studied by cathodoluminescence in the scanning electron microscope and by photoluminescence. In as-grown samples the spectra show two bands centered at about 700-730 and 800nm. Annealing the sample above 900K enhances the band of 700nm and causes the occurence of a band centered at 610-620nm. The conditions under which each band is prominent in the luminescence spectrum are analyzed and discussed.
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    Nonlocal separable potential approach to multicenter interactions
    (Molecular Physics, 1991) Domínguez-Adame Acosta, Francisco; Méndez Martín, Bianchi; Maciá Barber, Enrique Alfonso; González, M. A.
    It is shown that nonlocal separable potentials may be used to study bound states of particles in multicentre potentials. The binding energy is obtained in a closed form. The cases of H_2+ ion and polymer chains are discussed in detail and results compared to experimental data.