Marco Martínez, Fernando

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Marco Martínez
Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Faculty / Institute
Traumatología y Ortopedia
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    Eficacia del trasplante de células madre mesenquimales de lipoaspirado en el tratamiento de lesiones crónicas del manguito rotador. Modelo experimental en ratas
    (Revista Española de Cirugía Ortopédica y Traumatología, 2024) Ponz Lueza, Virginia; Lópiz Morales, María Yaiza; Rodríguez Bobada, María Cruz; Tornero Esteban, Pilar; Arvinius, Camila; García Fernández, Carlos; Seara Lifante, D.; Rojo Pérez, Francisco Javier; Marco Martínez, Fernando
    Background and aim: Rotator cuff tears emerge in approximately 30% of the population over 60 years of age. Arthroscopic surgical treatment of these lesions is the treatment of choice, however, despite the improved repair techniques, the rate of re-tears ranges between 11 and 94%. Therefore, researchers seek to improve the biological healing process through the use of different alternatives such as mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs). Our objective is to evaluate the efficacy of a Cellular Therapy Drug made from allogeneic stem cells derived from adipose tissue in a rat model of chronic rotator cuff injury. Material and methods: The supraspinatus lesion was created in 48 rats for subsequent suturing at 4 weeks. MSCs in suspension were added to 24 animals after suturing, and HypoThermosol-FRS® (HTS) to 24 animals as a control group. Histology (Åström and Rausing scale) and the maximum load, displacement and elastic constant of the supraspinatus tendon were analyzed in both groups 4 months after the repair. Results: No statistically significant differences were found in the histological score comparing the tendons treated with MSCs with respect to the tendons treated with HTS (P=.811) nor in the results of maximum load (P=.770), displacement (P=.852) or elastic constant (P=.669) of the tendon in both groups. Conclusions: The addition of adipose-derived cells in suspension to the repair of a chronic cuff injury does not improve the histology or biomechanics of the sutured tendon.