Chocano Feito, Pedro José

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First Name
Pedro José
Last Name
Chocano Feito
Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Faculty / Institute
Ciencias Matemáticas
Álgebra, Geometría y Topología
UCM identifierScopus Author IDDialnet ID

Search Results

Now showing 1 - 4 of 4
  • Item
    On the triviality of flows in Alexandroff spaces
    (2022) Chocano Feito, Pedro José; Alonso Morón, Manuel; Romero Ruiz Del Portal, Francisco
    We prove that the unique possible flow in an Alexandroff T0-space is the trivial one. On the way of motivation, we relate Alexandroff spaces with topological hyperspaces.
  • Item
    A combinatorial description of shape theory
    () Chocano Feito, Pedro José; Alonso Morón, Manuel; Romero Ruiz Del Portal, Francisco
    We give a combinatorial description of shape theory using finite topological T0-spaces (finite partially ordered sets). This description may lead to a sort of computational shape theory. Then we introduce the notion of core for inverse sequences of finite spaces and prove some properties.
  • Item
    Computational approximations of compact metric spaces
    (Physica D: nonlinear phenomena, 2022) Chocano Feito, Pedro José; Alonso Morón, Manuel; Romero Ruiz Del Portal, Francisco
    Given a compact metric space X, we associate to it an inverse sequence of finite T0 topological spaces. The inverse limit of this inverse sequence contains a homeomorphic copy of X that is a strong deformation retract. We provide a method to approximate the homology groups of X and other algebraic invariants. Finally, we study computational aspects and the implementation of this method.
  • Item
    Shape compacta as extension of weak homotopy of finite spaces
    (2022) Chocano Feito, Pedro José; Alonso Morón, Manuel; Romero Ruiz Del Portal, Francisco
    We construct a category that classifes compact Hausdorff spaces by their shape and fnite topological spaces by their weak homotopy type.