Gómez Pérez, José Ignacio

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José Ignacio
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Gómez Pérez
Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Faculty / Institute
Arquitectura de Computadores y Automática
Arquitectura y Tecnología de Computadores
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    Project number: 126
    Herramientas para el diseño y gestión de Guías Docentes digitales
    (2021) García Payo, M. Carmen; Aranda Iriarte, José Ignacio; Franco Peláez, Francisco Javier; Tenllado Van Der Reijden, Christian Tomás; García Sánchez, Carlos; Gómez Pérez, José Ignacio; Riveira Martín, Mercedes del Carmen; Sanmartino Rodríguez, Julio Antonio; Payo Rubio, Marina; Pino Hernández, Javier; Díaz Núñez, Guillermo Jesús; Villar Serrano, Daniel
    El objetivo de este proyecto es elaborar una herramienta web que permita a los profesores actualizar las fichas docentes de su asignatura de forma online mediante un formulario web, almacenando la información de las guías en una base de datos, de modo que el sistema señale los cambios realizados, gestione el acceso y permisos de los usuarios, y permita exportar y generar las fichas de las asignaturas en diversos formatos respetando los apartados y condiciones de la Memoria de Verificación (VERIFICA).
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    Adaptive mapping and parameter selection scheme to improve automatic code generation for GPUs.
    (2014) Juega, J.C; Gómez Pérez, José Ignacio; Tenllado Van Der Reijden, Christian Tomás; Catthoor, F.
    Graphics Processing Units (GPUs) are today’s most powerful coprocessors for accelerating massive data-parallel algorithms. However, programmers are forced to adopt new programming paradigms to take full advantage of their computing capabilities; this requires significant programming and maintenance effort. As a result, there is an increasing interest in the development of tools for automatic mapping of sequential code to GPUs. Current automatic tools require both a deep knowledge on the GPU architecture and the algorithm being mapped, which makes the mapping process a labor-intensive task. This paper proposes a technique that improves the code mapping of one of these tools, PPCG, removing the need for any user interaction. It relies on data reuse estimations to explore the mapping space and compute appropriate values for the number of threads per threadblock and tile sizes. Our results show speedups of 3x on average compared to the default code generated by PPCG.
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    Project number: 346
    Generación automática de informes del programa Docentia para las memorias de seguimiento de los centros
    (2015) López Orozco, José Antonio; Díaz Agudo, María Belén; Piñuel Moreno, Luis; Chaver Martínez, Daniel Ángel; Gómez Pérez, José Ignacio; Castro Rodríguez, Fernando; García Sánchez, Carlos; Tenllado Van Der Reijden, Christian Tomás
    Informe final del Proyecto de Innovación y Mejora de la Calidad Docente 346 de la convocatoria 2014.
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    Microarchitectural Exploration of STT-MRAM Last-level Cache Parameters for Energy-efficient Devices
    (ACM Transactions on Embedded Computing Systems (TECS), 2022) Komalan, Manu; Gupta, Mohit; Catthoor, Francky; Gómez Pérez, José Ignacio; Marinelli, Tommaso; Tenllado Van Der Reijden, Christian Tomás
    As the technology scaling advances, limitations of traditional memories in terms of density and energy become more evident. Modern caches occupy a large part of a CPU physical size and high static leakage poses a limit to the overall efficiency of the systems, including IoT/edge devices. Several alternatives to CMOS SRAM memories have been studied during the past few decades, some of which already represent a viable replacement for different levels of the cache hierarchy. One of the most promising technologies is the spin-transfer torque magnetic RAM (STT-MRAM), due to its small basic cell design, almost absent static current and nonvolatility as an added value. However, nothing comes for free, and designers will have to deal with other limitations, such as the higher latencies and dynamic energy consumption for write operations compared to reads. The goal of this work is to explore several microarchitectural parameters that may overcome some of those drawbacks when using STT-MRAM as last-level cache (LLC) in embedded devices. Such parameters include: number of cache banks, number of miss status handling registers (MSHRs) and write buffer entries, presence of hardware prefetchers. We show that an effective tuning of those parameters may virtually remove any performance loss while saving more than 60% of the LLC energy on average. The analysis is then extended comparing the energy results from calibrated technology models with data obtained with freely available tools, highlighting the importance of using accurate models for architectural exploration.
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    COMPAD: A heterogeneous cache-scratchpad CPU architecture with data layout compaction for embedded loop-dominated applications
    (Journal of Systems Architecture, 2023) Marinelli, Tommaso; Gómez Pérez, José Ignacio; Tenllado Van Der Reijden, Christian Tomás; Catthoor, Francky
    The growing trend of pervasive computing has consolidated the everlasting need for power efficient devices. The conventional cache subsystem of general-purpose CPUs, while being able to adapt to many use cases, suffers from energy inefficiencies in some scenarios. It is well-known by now in the academic literature that the utilization of a scratchpad memory (SPM) can help reducing the overall energy consumption of embedded systems. This work proposes a hybrid cache-SPM architecture with support logic for semi-transparent data management and spatial locality improvement. Selected data are transferred and stored in the SPM in a compact form using dynamic layout transformation. As a second major contribution, we introduce a methodology to identify memory access sequences that make an inefficient use of the cache, marking them as candidates to be moved to an SPM of constrained space. The methodology does not require access to the source code of the target applications, relying on binary instrumentation and offline profiling. The resulting mapping policies have been tested on a simulated system, showing a mean memory dynamic energy reduction of 43% and a mean speed gain of 13% with a representative benchmark set.
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    A Comparative Analysis on the Impact of Bank Contention in STT-MRAM and SRAM Based LLCs
    (2019) Evenblij, Timmon; Komalan, Manu Perumkunnil; Catthoor, Franky; Sakhare, Sushil; Debacker, Peter; Kar, Gouri; Furnemont, Arnaud; Bueno Mora, Nicolás; Gómez Pérez, José Ignacio; Tenllado Van Der Reijden, Christian Tomás; IEEE
    Spin Transfer Torque Magnetic RAM (STT-MRAM) is being extensively considered as a promising replacement for Last Level Caches (LLC), due to its high density, low leakage and non-volatility. However, writes to STT-MRAM are energy intensive and have a high latency. While the high dynamic energy consumption during writes can be compensated by the low static energy consumption, the high latency results in performance degradation. This work shows that in contrast to SRAM-based LLCs, the performance degradation for STT-MRAM is primarily due to bank contention, when trying to satisfy a read request while the bank is being written. We holistically explore the effects of cache banking and cache contention on energy and performance in the LLC of mobile multicore systems, with in-order cores or with out-of-order cores. The detail of the analysis is enabled by highly accurate cache models, based on a 28nm SRAM industry compiler, and an in-house developed STT-MRAM compiler, which generates full STT-MRAM macro designs with silicon-validated MTJ stack and complete parasitic extraction at the 28nm node. Our results show that there is a clear difference in the energy-performance optimal banking configuration between STT-MRAM caches and SRAM caches. These low contention STT-MRAM cache designs with the optimal number of banks save at least 60% cache energy while losing at most single digit percentages in system performance compared to SRAM cache designs. This show an increased potential of using STT-MRAM as a replacement for SRAM in an LLC.
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    Spatio-temporal resolution of irradiance samples in machine learning approaches for irradiance forecasting
    (IEEE access, 2020) Eschenbach, Annette; Yepes, Guillermo; Tenllado Van Der Reijden, Christian Tomás; Gómez Pérez, José Ignacio; Piñuel Moreno, Luis; Zarzalejo, Luiis F.; Wilbert, Stefan
    Improving short term solar irradiance forecasting is crucial to increase the market share of the solar energy production. This paper analyzes the impact of using spatially distributed irradiance sensors as inputs to four machine learning algorithms: ARX, NN, RRF and RT. We used data from two different sensor networks for our experiments, the NREL dataset that includes data from 17 sensors that cover a 1 km^2 area and the InfoRiego dataset which includes data from 50 sensors that cover an area of 94 Km^2. Several studies have been published that use these datasets individually, to the author knowledge this is the flrst work that evaluates the influence of the spatially distributed data across a range from 0.5 to 17 sensors per km^2. We show that all of algorithms evaluated are able to take advantage of the data from the surroundings, from the very short forecast horizons of 10s up to a few hours, and that the wind direction and intensity plays an important role in the optimal distribution of the network and its density. We show that these machine learning methods are more effective on the short horizons when data is obtained from a dense enough network to capture the cloud movements in the prediction interval, and that in those cases complex non-linear models give better results. On the other hand, if only a sparse network is available, the simpler linear models give better results. The skills obtained with the models under test range from 13% to 70%, depending on the sensor network density, time resolution and lead time.
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    Funcionamiento de la herramienta OpenIRS-UCM y sus sinergias con Moodle
    (VII Jornada Campus Virtual UCM: valorar, validar y difundir Campus Virtual, 2012) García Sánchez, Carlos; Castro Rodríguez, Fernando; Chaver Martínez, Daniel Ángel; Tenllado Van Der Reijden, Christian Tomás; Gómez Pérez, José Ignacio; López Orozco, José Antonio; Piñuel Moreno, Luis
    Los sistemas de respuesta interactiva han ido ganando aceptación dentro de la comunidad educativa en los últimos años y una prueba clara de ello es el número creciente de los sistemas comerciales disponibles hoy en el mercado. Sin embargo, la mayoría de las soluciones se basan en sistemas que están cerrados, son rígidos y dependientes del software instalado en el computador del profesor. Presentamos en este trabajo una nueva herramienta gratuita que hemos denominado OpenIRS-UCM que incorpora la mayoría de las funcionalidades de las aplicaciones comerciales con la ventaja de integrar varios tipos de mandos comerciales con otros dispositivos como smartphones, PDAs, portátiles, etc. Además, permite interactuar con la plataforma del campus virtual de Moodle incrementando exponencialmente sus posibilidades de uso.