Fernández Cruz, Francisco José

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Francisco José
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Fernández Cruz
Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Faculty / Institute
Educación-Centro Formación Profesor
Investigación y Psicología en Educación
Métodos de Investigación y Diagnóstico en Educación
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Search Results

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    Project number: 83
    Concreción y evaluación de los resultados de aprendizaje en la Facultad de Educación. Proyecto piloto en el Grado de Pedagogía y el Máster de Educación Especial
    (2020) Rodríguez Quintana, Esther; Rodríguez Mantilla, Jesús Miguel; Fernández Cruz, Francisco José; Martínez Zarzuelo, Angélica; Plangger, Lea; Jover Olmeda, Gonzalo; Fernández Díez, Mª Josefa; Garrote Escribano, Nicolás; León Carrascosa, Víctor
    Se presenta la Memoria del Proyecto Innova Gestión Calidad del curso 2018-2019 titulado : Concreción y evaluación de los resultados de aprendizaje en la Facultad de Educación. Proyecto piloto en el Grado de Pedagogía y el Máster de Educación Especial.
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    Diseño y validación de un instrumento de medida del perfil de formación docente en tecnologías de la información y comunicación
    (Revista Española de Pedagogía, 2018) Fernández Cruz, Francisco José; Fernández Díaz, María Josefa; Rodríguez Mantilla, Jesús Miguel
    Introducción: el presente estudio forma parte de una investigación acerca del perfil de formación docente en Tecnologías de la Información y Comunicación (TIC). El objetivo, en este caso, es elaborar y validar un instrumento de medida de dicho perfil en centros de Primaria y Secundaria. Metodología: tras la elaboración y aplicación del instrumento a una muestra de 1433 docentes de la Comunidad de Madrid, se analizó la fiabilidad, la validez de contenido y de constructo (esta última a través de Modelos de Ecuaciones Estructurales con la aplicación informática IBM SPSS-AMOS). Resultados: los resultados obtenidos en el análisis de fiabilidad Alfa de Cronbach = 0.973 para la totalidad del instrumento y en cada dimensión: 0.738 Aspectos Curriculares; 0.878 Planificación y Evaluación; 0.903 Aspectos Metodológicos; 0.935 Uso de las TIC; 0.896 Gestión Recursos TIC y 0.894 Formación TIC, oscilando los valores del coeficiente de discriminación de los ítems del instrumento final entre 0.33 y 0.74. El Análisis Factorial Confirmatorio demuestra un buen ajuste del modelo a los datos (CMIN/DF = 5.138, CFI = 0.905, RMSEA = 0.056, PRATIO = 0.928). Conclusiones: por todo ello, el instrumento presentado reúne las características técnicas exigidas para ser considerado una herramienta válida y fiable para medir el perfil de formación docente en TIC.
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    Factors associated with the impact of implementing quality management systems at schools: a multilevel analysis
    (Total Quality Management & Business Excellence, 2018) Rodríguez Mantilla, Jesús Miguel; Fernández Cruz, Francisco José; Fernández Díaz, María Josefa
    The aim of this study was to analyse the simultaneous effect of a set of predictors of the impact perceived by teachers and managers of implementing two Quality Management Systems (QMS): European Foundation for Quality Management (EFQM) and ISO:9001 STANDARDS. A sample of 2869 subjects from 114 Spanish schools has been taken, to which a 91-item questionnaire has been applied to assess the perceived impact that the implementation of QMS has had on the schools. Data analysis was carried out using hierarchical-linear modelling. Results show a high level of impact in Management and Planning system and medium impact in Communication, the Learning Process and External Relations. The main predictors of the impact are the position and years of service at the school (on Level 1 -Subject-) and ownership, school size and QMS implemented (on Level 2 -Schools-), finding that the impact perceived in schools with EFQM was higher. The specialised literature shows the scarcity of studies on the impact that QMS have on organisations, especially in the education sector. Thus, this study provides conclusions to the scientific and professional community with objective evidence of predictors of the impact perceived by teachers and managers of implementing QMS in schools.
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    Project number: 166
    Evaluación de las competencias innovadoras del profesorado de Grado/Postgrado de la Facultad de Educación, para la mejora de la práctica docente
    (2021) Fernández Cruz, Francisco José; Fernández Díaz, María Josefa; García Domingo, María Begoña; Gómez del Pulgar Cinque, Sandra; López Escribano, María del Carmen; Rodríguez Mantilla, Jesús Miguel; Vendrell Morancho, Mireia
    Las instituciones universitarias se están enfocando cada vez más en incorporar modelos de enseñanza innovadores en su cuerpo docente y personal para mejorar la calidad del aprendizaje de los estudiantes. Identificar estrategias para reformar la educación superior y mejorar el desempeño docente es fundamental para mejorar la calidad de la educación y adecuar las instituciones universitarias a los inminentes cambios sociales, tecnológicos e intelectuales. Por lo tanto, el objetivo general del proyecto propuesto (n.º 166) llevado a cabo durante el curso 2020-21 es “identificar las necesidades formativas del profesorado universitario de la Facultad de Educación en lo relativo a su competencia innovadora, a través de las valoraciones de los estudiantes y de los propios profesores, para planificar un programa de formación que permita mejorar su desempeño docente y el aprendizaje de sus alumnos”.
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    Base de datos Proyecto EDU2013-44801-P Impacto de la aplicación de Normas ISO9001 en centros educativos y factores asociados
    (2017) Fernández Díaz, María Josefa; Fernández Cruz, Francisco José; Fernández-Salinero Miguel, Carolina; Rodríguez Mantilla, Jesús Miguel; Fernández Díaz, María Josefa
    Es la base de datos que ha permitido realizar los artículos siguientes: - Fernández-Cruz, F.J.; Rodríguez-Mantilla, J.M. & Fernández-Díaz, M.J. (2020). Impact of the application of ISO 9001 standards on the climate and satisfaction of the members of a school, International Journal of Educational Management, Vol. 34 Iss: 7, pp. 1185-1202. (ISSN: 0951-354X) - Rodríguez-Mantilla, J.M.; Martínez-Zarzuelo, A., & Fernández-Cruz, F.J. (2020). Do ISO:9001 Standards and EFQM Model differ in their impact on the External Relations and Communication System at schools?, Evaluation and Program Planning Vol. 80, DOI: (ISSN: 0149-7189) - Fernández-Cruz, F.J.; Rodríguez-Mantilla, J.M. & Fernández-Díaz, MªJ. (2019). Assessing the impact of ISO:9001 implementation on school teaching and learning processes, Quality Assurance in Education, Vol. 27 Iss: 3, pp. 285 - 303 (ISSN: 0968-4883) DOI: - Rodríguez-Mantilla, J.M., Fernández-Cruz, F.J. &. Fernández-Díaz, MªJ. (2019). Comparative analysis between management team and teachers on the impact of ISO 9001 standards in educational centres, International Journal of Quality and Service Sciences, Vol. 11, Nº 2 (248-264) DOI: (ISSN 1756-669X) - Rodríguez-Mantilla, J.M., Fernández-Cruz, F.J. &. Fernández-Díaz, MªJ. (2018). Factors associated with the impact of implementing quality management systems at schools: a multilevel analysis, Total Quality Management & Business Excellence, Vol. 31, 1-17 DOI: (ISSN: 1478-3363)
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    Comparative analysis between management team and teachers on the impact of ISO 9001 standards in educational centres
    (International Journal of Quality and Service Sciences, 2019) Rodríguez Mantilla, Jesús Miguel; Fernández Cruz, Francisco José; Fernández Díaz, María Josefa
    Purpose The purpose of this paper is to analyse and compare the impact of implementation of ISO 9001:2008 Standards perceived by Management Teams and Teachers in schools in four autonomous communities in Spain. Design/methodology/approach To assess this impact, the authors used an evaluation instrument made up of 93 items assessing seven major dimensions, whose reliability has been excellent for the full scale (Cronbach’s α = 0.987) and dimensions (α > 0.93). The authors conducted descriptive and differential analyses (ANOVA and t-test for independent samples) of the assessments by professional position (managers and teachers) and other variables (size and type of school, years of implantation, etc.). A factorial analysis of variance was conducted to analyse the interaction effect between these variables in each of the evaluated dimensions. Findings The most significant results show a high impact on the dimension management, medium on communication, learning process and external relations and low impact on climate, support and recognition and satisfaction. Likewise, the authors found that members of the Management Teams valued the impact that ISO 9001:2008 Standards have had on all dimensions at a higher level, except for external relations, where no significant differences between Teachers and Management Team members were found. Practical implications The study makes it possible to conclude that in general terms, the members of the Management Team of the schools perceive a higher impact of the implementation of ISO 9001:2008 Standards than teacher do in the different dimensions evaluated. Originality/value The specialised literature shows the lack of studies related to the impact that the implementation of quality management systems has on organisations. Specifically, this study provides conclusions to the scientific and professional community with objective evidence of the impact ISO 9001:2008 implementation has had on schools, through an indirect system of perceptions of the education community of the changes, which according to them had taken place as a result of implementation. Thus, this study contributes to the development of a new body of knowledge by evaluating this impact.
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    Assessing the impact of ISO: 9001 implementation on school teaching and learning processes
    (Quality Assurance in Education, 2019) Fernández Cruz, Francisco José; Rodríguez Mantilla, Jesús Miguel; Fernández Díaz, María Josefa
    Purpose A growing number of schools are now implementing quality management systems (QMS). As a result, studies are being conducted to assess the educational benefits of these systems and their capacity to identify areas for improvement in school processes and performance. The purpose the present study is to assess the impact of ISO:9001 implementation on teaching-learning processes in the classroom, and in schools with at least three years’ experience of applying this standard. Design/methodology/approach To this end, a questionnaire was administered to a final sample of 2,185 subjects from 80 pre-school, primary and secondary education schools in the regions of Madrid, Castile and León, Andalusia and Valencia (Spain). Findings The results show that ISO:9001 implementation yielded a higher than average impact on teaching-learning processes. Specifically, improvements were observed in the subdomains of tutorials, evaluation and classroom teaching methodologies as a result of implementing this QMS. Originality/value This impact was higher in state-subsidized private schools in Valencia and Andalusia with over nine years’ experience of ISO:9001 in schools with internal funding plans and in those with fewer than 29 teachers on the staff.
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    Impact of the application of ISO 9001 standards on the climate and satisfaction of the members of a school
    (International Journal of Educational Management, 2020) Fernández Cruz, Francisco José; Rodríguez Mantilla, Jesús Miguel; Fernández Díaz, María Josefa
    Purpose Recently, the application of quality management systems (QMS) in educational institutions has become widespread, in an effort to improve diverse processes and results in schools. However, there are very few studies that enable us to confirm whether these QMS bring true changes that are sustainable over time and lead to improvements in these institutions. Design/methodology/approach This study thus aims to assess the impact of the implementation of ISO:9001 standards on school climate and on the satisfaction of the members of the educational community at 80 Spanish preschools, primary and secondary schools in different autonomous communities. Findings The analyses performed show conclusive results regarding the impact of ISO:9001 standards on teachers' involvement in improving the school's climate, conflict resolution by the management team and in families' involvement and satisfaction with the school. However, no apparent evidence was found of the impact on relations among teachers, conflict resolution among staff members and the perception of satisfaction by the teachers themselves. Research limitations/implications We must bear in mind that the results and conclusions obtained are based on the instrument developed for this study, where it has been the members of the schools themselves who have assessed the changes they have perceived or that have taken place. However, due to the limitation of the instrument, it could be complemented in future research with external evaluations that could complement the results obtained in the present study. Originality/value Furthermore, greater impact of the ISO standards was identified in schools from certain regions (Valencia and Andalusia), in state-assisted private schools, in smaller schools and in institutions which have been implementing the QMS for longer periods of time. The management team also perceived a greater improvement in climate than did teachers.
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    Evaluación del Máster en Psicopedagogía en España: estudio del proceso de acreditación
    (Revista Fuentes, 2023) Fernández Cruz, Francisco José; Rodríguez Mantilla, Jesús Miguel; Gómez Del Pulgar Cinque, Sandra
    Para afrontar los cambios exigidos por el EEES en las titulaciones universitarias se ha visto necesario el trabajo desarrollado por las Agencias de Garantía de Calidad (AGC) para alcanzar una mayor transparencia, diversidad, competitividad y calidad de los planes de estudio ofertados. Sin embargo, no existen suficientes estudios que traten de detectar el impacto que la evaluación de las titulaciones universitarias tiene en los procesos que desarrollan. El presente trabajo pretende analizar el impacto del proceso de acreditación en las titulaciones del Máster en Psicopedagogía en España, aportando información sobre las diferencias encontradas entre las distintas agencias regionales y las instituciones universitarias y los puntos débiles que deben optimizar en los planes de mejora. Para ello, se utilizó una metodología de investigación cualitativa basada en un análisis documental que recabó y estudió los informes oficiales del proceso de acreditación en 12 universidades españolas de las 22 que ofrecen este título y que han pasado por esta evaluación. Se destaca, como resultado principal, la media que se obtiene en el conjunto de todas las acreditaciones del título del Máster en Psicopedagogía (=1,90), lo que supone un Valor C (Se alcanza parcialmente), obteniendo mejores puntuaciones aquellas universidades que más tiempo llevan verificadas. Como conclusión, se requiere de una mayor profundización en este tipo de estudios en cuanto al análisis de su repercusión en la titulación, especialmente en el proceso de aprendizaje.
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    Do ISO:9001 standards and EFQM model differ in their impact on the external relations and communication system at schools?
    (Evaluation and Program Planning, 2020) Rodríguez Mantilla, Jesús Miguel; Martínez Zarzuelo, Angélica; Fernández Cruz, Francisco José
    Implementation of Quality Management Systems (QMS) has increased greatly in recent years at a wide variety of institutions. The main purpose of this work is to evaluate and compare the impact of having implemented ISO:9001 standards and the EFQM model on the communication system and external relations at schools. This was done by applying a validated evaluation instrument to 2901 subjects of 116 schools in 4 Spanish Autonomous Communities. The results show that the QMS have a medium-high level of impact on the communication system and a moderate level on the external relations dimension. Furthermore, schools with EFQM feature significantly higher levels of impact on the dimensions studied than schools implementing ISO standards. Significant differences were found in the levels of impact as a function of the number of years of implementation and the type of funding received, among other variables. In addition, an interaction effect was found between the type and size of schools in regard to their external relations.