Martín Chivelet, Javier

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Martín Chivelet
Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Faculty / Institute
Ciencias Geológicas
Geodinámica, Estratigrafía y Paleontología
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    Praemurgella valenciana nov. gen. et sp. (Foraminifera) in the Sierra de Utiel Formation (Coniacian-Santonian) of the Prebetic domain (SE Spain).
    (Geobios, 2000) Luperto Sinni, E.; Martín Chivelet, Javier; Giménez Fernández, Rocío
    Micropaleontological and biostratigraphical examination of Upper Cretaceous shallow marine carbonates outcropping in the Sierra de la Solana near the town of Bocairent (SE Spain) permitted the identification of numerous specimens of a new species of Foraminifera. To date, the genus of this species is unknown. Based on the detailed analysis of non-orientated thin sections, the new genus and representative new species were defined. The morphological and structural features of Praemurgella valenciana nov. gen. et sp. permit its interpretation as a primitive species related to MurgeUa lata LUPERTO SINNI, 1965, from which the name of the new genus was derived. Further, due to its biostratigraphical location restricted to a few meters within thick, monotonous inner-shelf successions of Betic carbonate platforms, this new species is considered to be a good chronobiostratigraphic marker corresponding to a mid Santonian age. [RÉSUMÉ] - l'Etude micropaldontologique et biostratigraphique de la succession crétacée à calcaires de plate-forme peu profonde de la Sierra de la Solana, proche de la ville de Bocairent (Province de Valence, SE de l'Espagne) a permis de collecter de nombreux exemplaires d'une nouvelle espéce de foraminifère, qui appartient également à un genre nouveau. L'analyse détaillée de ces exemplaires, basée exclusivement sur lames minces, a permis de définir le genre nouveau et l'espéce qui le représente. La définition de Praemurgella valenciana nov. gen. et sp. a une grande importance par deux raisons: (1) du point de vue systématique, ses caractéres morphologiques et structuraux situent P. valenciana comme une espéce primitive par rapport á Murgella lata LUPERTO SINNI, 1965, de laquelle dérive le nora du nouveau genre; (2) du point de vue biostratigraphique, l'espéce est limitée à quelques métres dans l'épaisse, continue et monotone succession carbonatée de la plate-forme bétique d'age coniacien-santonien, fait qui suggére que P. valenciana peut étre considerée comme un excellent marqueur chronobiostratigraphique, indicatif d'un age santonien moyen. [RIASSUNTO] - Le analisi micropaleontologiche e biostratigrafiche di una successione di rocce carbonatiche in facies di piattaforma, affiorante nella Sierra della Solana, in prossimith della citth di Bocairent (SE Spagna) hanno permesso di collezionare un notevole numero di esemplari di una nuova specie di foraminifero, che appartengono ad un genere non ancora conosciuto. Studi dettagliati di questi esemplari, basati esclusivamente su sezioni sotttili non orietate, hanno permesso di definite il genere nuovo e la nuova specie che lo rappresenta. La definizione di Praemurgella valenciana nov. gen. nov. sp. assume grande importanza per due motivi. Primo, per un punto di vista sistematico, dato che i caratteri morfologici e strutturali fanno ritenere P. valenciana una specie primitiva rispetto a Murgella lata LUPERTO SINNI, 1965, dalla quale deriva il nome del genere nuovo. Secondo, per la sua posizione biostratigrafica limitata a pochi metri entro la successione potente e monotona in facies di inner-shelf della piattaforma carbonatica betica, per cui la nuova specie pub essere considerata un buon marker cronobiostratigrafico, indicativo di un ets Santoniano medio.
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    Major palaeoenvironmental perturbation in an Early Aptian carbonate platform: Prelude of the Oceanic Anoxic Event 1a?
    (Sedimentary Geology, 2011) Najarro, María; Rosales, Idoia; Martín Chivelet, Javier
    The Early Aptian Oceanic Anoxic Event (OAE 1a) was characterized by intensified greenhouse climate conditions, widespread accumulation of organic deposits in open-marine settings, major perturbations in the C cycle and a generalized increase in terrestrial runoff. Sedimentological, diagenetic and chemostratigraphic analyses of Lower Aptian platform carbonates from the North Cantabrian basin (N Spain) illustrate the regional impact and effects of those global conditions on shallow marine environments. The studied interval outlines four stages of platform evolution. Stage 1 (earliest Bedoulian) is defined by an initial rapid marine transgression that led to deposition of shallow water oligotrophic photozoan skeletal assemblages, and by a later interval of subaerial exposure. Stage 2 (early Bedoulian) starts with a rapid transgression followed by deposition of grainstones that yield heterozoan assemblages, more typical of mesotrophic conditions, along with ferruginized oolites. Stage 3 (early Bedoulian) is defined by the drowning of the carbonate platform and subsequent deposition of open-marine marls, which are thought to represent the local expression of the OAE 1a. Finally, stage 4 shows the return of shallow water photozoan carbonate sedimentation. The carbonate O and C stable isotope records have revealed prominent negative excursions during deposition of the marly interval of the stage 3, which may be associated with the important global changes that occurred at the onset of the OAE 1a. The change in skeletal assemblages that preceded the isotopic excursions and the platform drowning documents conditions of environmental stress caused by a combination of local and global factors. The global change, coupled with increased basin subsidence, triggered the drowning of the platform by progressive reduction of the growth potential of the carbonate factory.
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    Litoestratigrafía del Cretácico superior del Altiplano de Jumilla - Yecla (Zona Prebética)
    (Cuadernos de geología ibérica, 1994) Martín Chivelet, Javier
    El Cretácico superior del Altiplano de Jumilla - Vecla (SE de España) está constituido por potentes series carbonáticas o mixtas desarrolladas en las plataformas prebéticas. Su estudio permite proponer un patrón litoestratigráfico globalmente nuevo, constituido por dieciocho unidades (quince formaciones y tres miembros). Ese patrón constituye una base para las correlaciones interregionales de las plataformas cretácicas del SE de España. Dichas unidades se han enmarcado en seis megaseduencias de depósito con edades comprendidas entre el Albiense superior y el Maastricbtiense superior. Éstas perfilan una evolución de las plataformas prebéticas fuertemente controlada por la tectónica sinsedimentaria y, en menor proporción, por el eustatismo.