Cotillas Soriano, Salvador

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Cotillas Soriano
Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Faculty / Institute
Ciencias Químicas
Ingeniería Química y de Materiales
Ingeniería Química
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Search Results

Now showing 1 - 9 of 9
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    Remediation of the Alluvial Aquifer of the Sardas Landfill (Sabiñánigo, Huesca) by Surfactant Application
    (Sustainability, 2022) Guadaño, Joaquín; Gómez, Jorge; Fernández, Jesús; Lorenzo Fernández, David; Dominguez Torre, Carmen M.; Cotillas Soriano, Salvador; García Cervilla, Raúl; Santos López, Aurora
    Sardas Landfill at Sabiñánigo Huesca is polluted with Dense Non-Aqueous Liquid Phases (DNAPLs) composed of a complex mixture of chlorinated organic compounds (COCs). This DNAPL was produced as liquid waste from lindane production being dumped decades ago in the unlined landfills close to the lindane factory. This DNAPL migrated by gravity through the subsurface and accumulated in the contact between the alluvial and marls layers (about 15 m b.g.l.). Seven injections of an aqueous emulsion of a biodegradable non-ionic surfactant (E-Mulse 3®) were carried out at the most polluted areas of the Sardas alluvial. Injections were carried out between April and November 2021 using different surfactant concentrations (6.7, 20, 25 and 50 g/L), injection volumes (0.2 to 7 m3) and injection flow rates (0.08–0.85 m3/h). Injected fluids were extracted in the same well or surrounding wells, and the time elapsed between surfactant injection and extraction varied between 24 and 72 h. A total of 22 m3 were injected into the alluvial, and more than double this injected volume was extracted. Injection and extraction points were in the contact between the marls and the alluvial layer. Extracted fluid accumulated in tanks, and phases separated. DNAPL recovered here was mobilized rather than solubilized and managed as toxic waste. The aqueous supernatant was treated in a wastewater treatment plant with physicochemical treatment (including adsorption in activated carbon) before being discharged into the environment. The transport of the injected fluids was monitored by conductivity profiles using bromide (260–538 mg·L−1) as a conservative tracer. High radial dispersion of the injected fluid was found. Surfactant losses by adsorption in the alluvial and absorption in DNAPL were noticed, and both surfactant and contamination did not escape from the capture zone. Monitoring since 2018 of the COCS in groundwater and the DNAPL presence in the contact between alluvial and marls layers showed a significant reduction of COCs in the treated zone with the surfactant injections.
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    LED visible light assisted photochemical oxidation of HCHs in aqueous phases polluted with DNAPL
    (Process Safety and Environmental Protection, 2022) Conte, Leandro O.; Cotillas Soriano, Salvador; Sánchez Yepes, Andrés; Lorenzo Fernández, David; Santos López, Aurora
    This work focuses on removing hexachlorocyclohexanes (HCHs) found in groundwater polluted with dense non-aqueous phase liquids (DNAPLs) by photo-oxidation with hydrogen peroxide or persulfate using LED visible light and ferrioxalate as the catalyst. Single oxidation tests were also performed to evaluate the contribution of LED-vis light on HCHs removal. Results show that it is possible to attain the degradation of HCHs up to 85% in 420 min with persulfate, whereas percentages lower than 40% are obtained when using hydrogen peroxide. Using both oxidants in the presence of ferrioxalate and LED visible light promotes the generation of hydroxyl and sulfate radicals under circumneutral pH values, which are the main responsible species for HCHs removal. Specifically, an oxidant conversion higher than 50% was achieved during the photochemical treatment with both oxidants, whereas conversions below 20% were obtained in the absence of LED visible light irradiation. On the other hand, DNAPL produced as liquid residuum of lindane production contains other chlorinated organic compounds (COCs), which are susceptible to being oxidized by hydroxyl and sulfate radicals, generating competitive oxidation reactions. The final conversion of chlorbenzenes reaches values close to 100% and HCHs are only effectively removed when persulfate is used as the oxidant. This better performance indicates that the photo-oxidation of DNAPL polluted groundwater with LED-vis light should be carried out with persulfate to ensure the removal of more dangerous COCs. This confirms the excellent ability of sulfate radicals for C-Cl bond breakdown.
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    Project number: PIMCD328/23-24
    Elaboración de una metodología basada en el aprendizaje autónomo de herramientas informáticas para fomentar las competencias digitales de los estudiantes de Ingeniería Química
    (2024) Lorenzo Fernández, David; Checa Fernández, Cristina Alicia; Cotillas Soriano, Salvador; Domínguez Torre, Carmen María; Herraíz Carboné, Miguel; García Cervilla, Raúl; Martínez Rodríguez, Mercedes; Rodríguez Vega, Sergio; Sánchez Yepes, Andrés; Santos López, Aurora
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    Depletion of ARGs in antibiotic-resistance Klebsiella, Pseudomonas and Staphylococcus in hospital urines by electro and photo-electro disinfection
    (Journal of Water Process Engineering, 2022) Herraiz Carboné, Miguel; Cotillas Soriano, Salvador; Lacasa, Engracia; Cañizares, Pablo; Rodrigo, Manuel A.; Sáez, Cristina
    The depletion of blaKPC (K. pneumoniae), blaOXA-50 (P. aeruginosa) and mecA (S. aureus) genes from hospital urines is evaluated to contribute to solve the silent pandemic of antibiotic-resistance bacteria. A microfluidic flowthrough reactor with MMO anode and CB/PTFE cathode working at 50 A m− 2 is employed during electrodisinfection and photo-electrodisinfection processes. The electrodisinfection process only achieves an almost negligible removal of DNA and slightly log ARG increments of 0.18, 0.19 and 0.71 for blaOXA-50, mecA and blaKPC genes, respectively. Conversely, the photo-electrodisinfection process attains the complete disinfection for all ARB tested and logarithmic removals of 3.70, 2.25 and 0.82 for blaOXA-50, mecA and blaKPC genes, respectively. These outcomes emphasize the potential of the UV light coupled to the electrodisinfection process to promote the formation of not only hypochlorite but also chlorine and even nitrogen radicals, which contribute to enhance the disinfection efficiency of the target ARB and their ARGs.
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    The integration of ZVI-dehalogenation and electrochemical oxidation for the treatment of complex effluents polluted with iodinated compounds
    (Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering, 2022) Moratalla, Ángela; Correia, Sergio E.; Cotillas Soriano, Salvador; Lacasa, Engracia; Cañizares, Pablo C.; Rodrigo, Manuel A.; Sáez Blázquez, Cristina
    This work evaluates the integration of dehalogenation with Zero Valent Iron (ZVI) and electrochemical oxidation (EO) for the treatment of urines polluted with iodinated X-ray contrast media (ICM). To do this, different strategies were evaluated: pretreatment with ZVI followed by EO (ZVI-EO) or electrolysis enhanced with ZVI-dehalogenation (EO/ZVI). For comparison purposes, single electrolysis was also performed to check the best treatment strategy. Results showed that EO was less efficient than EO/ZVI and ZVI-EO processes. Removal percentages of 74.9%, 87.6% and 99.5% were reached after passing 13.8 Ah dm−3 at 10 mA cm−2 during EO, EO/ZVI and ZVI-EO, respectively. EO/ZVI process favored the production of large amounts of hydroxyl radicals in the effluent through Fenton´s reaction, enhancing the degradation rate of iopamidol (IPM). The pretreatment with ZVI allowed to transform up to 95% of IPM to C17H25N3O8. Then, electrolysis attained the almost complete removal of the raw pollutant (ZVI-EO). The different iodine species formed at the end of the treatment were also monitored, finding similar proportions of organic iodine species for EO and EO/ZVI processes, although single EO promoted the formation of the stable inorganic iodine (IO3-) and EO/ZVI favored the release of I-. Total organic carbon removal percentages lower than 20% were achieved, suggesting that the technologies employed were selective for the removal of the target pollutant under the operating conditions studied. Finally, the organic IPM by-products were also identified by LC-MS and the chromatographic area profiles showed higher values for EO/ZVI followed by ZVI-EO and EO.
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    Degradation of Lindane by persulfate/ferrioxalate/solar light process: Influential operating parameters, kinetic model and by-products
    (Applied Catalysis B: Environmental, 2023) Conte, Leandro Óscar; Legnettino, Giuseppe; Lorenzo Fernández, David; Cotillas Soriano, Salvador; Prisciandaro, Marina; Santos López, Aurora
    This work describes the removal of lindane by persulfate activated with ferrioxalate under simulated solar light irradiation and circumneutral pH conditions. The influence of the main operating parameters is evaluated, and a kinetic model based on a radical mechanism is proposed and validated. To do this, synthetic solutions polluted with lindane and different amounts of oxidant and catalyst were employed. Results show that it is possible to completely remove lindane in 300 min using 2.29 mM persulfate and 0.12 mM ferrioxalate. Furthermore, chloride mineralization higher than 90% is achieved under these conditions. On the other hand, the main intermediate organic compounds are identified, and a degradation pathway based on the formation of sulfonated organics is proposed. Finally, the kinetic model proposed fits well with the experimental results and can help to predict the degradation of lindane in more complex effluents and under different operating conditions.
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    Project number: 334
    Aprendizaje bidireccional a través de cuestionarios online
    (2022) Domínguez Torre, Carmen María; Santos López, Aurora; Rodríguez Vega, Sergio; Lorenzo Fernández, David; Cotillas Soriano, Salvador; Conte, Leandro Oscar; Sáez González, Patricia; García Cervilla, Raúl; Checa Fernández, Alicia; Sánchez Yepes, Andrés
    El presente proyecto de innovación docente utiliza la herramienta online del Campus Virtual “entorno de cuestionarios” para mejorar la docencia impartida por los profesores, ayudar a los estudiantes a detectar sus puntos débiles (con suficiente antelación a la realización de los exámenes de la asignatura) e incentivar el estudio, autonomía y aprendizaje en Ingeniería de la Reacción Química, asignatura anual y de carácter obligatorio, de tercer curo del Grado de Ingeniería Química.
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    Project number: 444
    Herramientas de gamificación para la evaluación de competencias en ingeniería de la reacción Química
    (2023) Domínguez Torre, Carmen María; Santos López, Aurora; Martínez Rodríguez, Mercedes; Rodríguez Vega, Sergio; Cotillas Soriano, Salvador; Lorenzo Fernández, David; García Cervilla, Raúl; Checa Fernández, Cristina Alicia; Sánchez Yepes, Andrés; Domínguez Torre, Carmen María
    El objetivo del proyecto es la utilización de herramientas de gamificación para motivar la participación del estudiante en clase, identificar los conceptos de la asignatura (Ingeniería de la Reacción Química, del Grado en Ingeniería Química) que presentan mayor dificultad de aprendizaje y evaluar los conocimientos adquiridos en clase por parte de los estudiantes. La herramienta seleccionada en el proyecto ha sido Quizziz ( Se trata de una herramienta de gamificación que permite evaluar a los estudiantes mientras se divierten. La información obtenida durante el desarrollo del proyecto permitirá, por un lado, detectar los contenidos de la asignatura más difíciles de asimilar y, por otro, actuar sobre la docencia impartida relativa a dichos aspectos. Durante el curso se propondrán una serie de casos prácticos (problemas relacionados con cada tema/bloque de la asignatura), para que el estudiante los resuelva de forma individual, haciendo uso del material que considere oportuno. De esta forma adquirirá autonomía en el empleo de fuentes bibliográficas. El profesor seleccionará uno de los casos propuestos para resolver en el aula durante una parte de la sesión de seminarios. En la segunda parte de la sesión se emplearán herramientas de gamificación para plantear y resolver cuestiones adicionales en relación con el caso práctico resuelto previamente. De este modo, no solo se evaluarán las destrezas de los estudiantes en cuanto a la resolución de problemas se refiere, sino también, su capacidad para poner en práctica los conocimientos teóricos adquiridos ante problemas abiertos. El estudiante conocerá en tiempo real si su respuesta es correcta y podrá identificar las carencias de aprendizaje y reforzar/profundizar en esos conocimientos. La herramienta de gamificación permite fomentar la participación del estudiante en clase y mejorar su aprendizaje. Los profesores pueden identificar si existen aspectos donde se detectan carencias en el conocimiento en un número mayor de estudiantes para mejorar la transmisión del conocimiento en esos puntos. Así, este proyecto de innovación educativa busca fomentar la participación y el aprendizaje continuo del estudiante durante el curso a través de la resolución de casos prácticos y la aplicación de herramientas de gamificación en el aula. Con esta actividad se pretende aumentar la adquisición de conocimientos y competencias y mejorar la tasa de éxito de la asignatura Ingeniería de la Reacción Química.
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    Electrochemical Technologies to Decrease the Chemical Risk of Hospital Wastewater and Urine
    (Molecules, 2021) Moratalla, Ángela; Cotillas Soriano, Salvador; Lacasa, Engracia; Cañizares, Pablo C.; Rodrigo, Manuel A.; Sáez, Cristina
    The inefficiency of conventional biological processes to remove pharmaceutical compounds (PhCs) in wastewater is leading to their accumulation in aquatic environments. These compounds are characterized by high toxicity, high antibiotic activity and low biodegradability, and their presence is causing serious environmental risks. Because much of the PhCs consumed by humans are excreted in the urine, hospital effluents have been considered one of the main routes of entry of PhCs into the environment. In this work, a critical review of the technologies employed for the removal of PhCs in hospital wastewater was carried out. This review provides an overview of the current state of the developed technologies for decreasing the chemical risks associated with the presence of PhCs in hospital wastewater or urine in the last years, including conventional treatments (filtration, adsorption, or biological processes), advanced oxidation processes (AOPs) and electrochemical advanced oxidation processes (EAOPs).