González Estecha, María Montserrat

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María Montserrat
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González Estecha
Universidad Complutense de Madrid
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  • Item
    Consensus document on the prevention of methylmercury exposure in Spain
    (Journal of trace elements in medicine and biology, 2015) González Estecha, María Montserrat; Bodas Pinedo, Andrés; Guillén Pérez, José Jesús; Rubio Herrera, Miguel Ángel; Martínez Álvarez, Jesús Román; Herraiz Martínez, Miguel Ángel; Martell Claros, Nieves; Ordóñez Iriarte, José María; Sainz Martín, Josefa María; Farré Rovira, Rosaura; Martínez-Astorquiza Ortiz de Zarate, Txantón; García Donaire, José Antonio; Calvo Manuel, Elpidio; Bretón Lesmes, Irene; Prieto Menchero, Santiago; Llorente Ballesteros, María Teresa; Martínez García, María José; Moreno Rojas, Rafael; Salas Salvadó, Jordi; Bermejo Barrera, Pilar; Cuadrado Cenzual, María Ángeles; Gallardo Pino, Carmen; Blanco Fuentes, María; Torres Moreno, Miriam; Trasobares Iglesias, Elena M.; Barceló Martín, Bernardino; Arroyo Fernández, Manuel; Calle Pascual, Alfonso
    The beneficial effects of fish consumption in both children and adults are well known. However, the intake of methylmercury, mainly from contaminated fish and shellfish, can have adverse health effects. The study group on the prevention of exposure to methylmercury (GEPREM-Hg), made up of representatives from different Spanish scientific societies, has prepared a consensus document in a question and answer format, containing the group's main conclusions, recommendations and proposals. The objective of the document is to provide broader knowledge of factors associated with methylmercury exposure, its possible effects on health amongst the Spanish population, methods of analysis, interpretation of the results and economic costs, and to then set recommendations for fish and shellfish consumption. The group sees the merit of all initiatives aimed at reducing or prohibiting the use of mercury as well as the need to be aware of the results of contaminant analyses performed on fish and shellfish marketed in Spain. In addition, the group believes that biomonitoring systems should be set up in order to follow the evolution of methylmercury exposure in children and adults and perform studies designed to learn more about the possible health effects of concentrations found in the Spanish population, taking into account the lifestyle, eating patterns and the Mediterranean diet.
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    Relationship between serum selenium, sociodemographic variables, other trace elements and lipid profile in an adult Spanish population
    (Journal of trace elements in medicine and biology, 2016) Palazón Bru, Irene; Trasobares Iglesias, Elena M.; Palazón Bru, Antonio; Fuentes Ferrer, Manuel; Cuadrado Cenzual, María Ángeles; Calvo Manuel, Elpidio; González Estecha, María Montserrat; Bodas Pinedo, Andrés