Herranz Sorribes, Carmen

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Herranz Sorribes
Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Faculty / Institute
Nutrición y Ciencia de los Alimentos
Nutrición y Bromatología
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    Antimicrobial activity and occurrence of bacteriocin structural genes in Enterococcus spp. of human and animal origin isolated in Portugal
    (Archives of Microbiology, 2010) Brandão, Andreia; Almeida, Tereza; Muñoz Atienza, Estefanía; Torres, Carmen; Igrejas, Gilberto; Hernández Cruza, Pablo Elpidio; Cintas Izarra, Luis Miguel; Poeta, Patricia; Herranz Sorribes, Carmen
    The main objective of this study was to detect the antimicrobial activity and the presence of bacteriocin structural genes in 224 enterococcal isolates from fecal origin obtained from humans, pets, wild animals and birds. Direct antimicrobial activity against Listeria monocytogenes CECT4032 was detected in 102 (45.6%) of the tested isolates. From these, only 22 displayed bacteriocin activity against this indicator. The bacteriocinogenic strains contained one or more of the bacteriocin structural genes tested in this study, with those of enterocins P, A and L50 (L50A and L50B) being the most abundant. Our results show a high occurrence of the combination of different bacteriocin structural genes in the enterococcal isolates analyzed, indicating an elevated genetic potential of these strains to produce various bacteriocins.
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    In vitro and in vivo evaluation of lactic acid bacteria of aquatic origin as probiotics for turbot (Scophthalmus maximus L.) farming
    (Fish & Shellfish Immunology, 2014) Muñoz Atienza, Estefanía; Araújo, Carlos; Magadán, Susana; Hernández Cruza, Pablo Elpidio; Herranz Sorribes, Carmen; Santos, Ysabel; Cintas Izarra, Luis Miguel
    Turbot (Scophthalmus maximus L.) is an important commercial marine flatfish. Its production may be affected by bacterial diseases that cause severe economical losses, mainly tenacibaculosis and vibriosis, provoked by Tenacibaculum maritimum and Vibrio splendidus, respectively. An alternative or complementary strategy to chemotherapy and vaccination for the control of these diseases is the use of probiotics. In this work, we report the in vitro and in vivo potential of eight lactic acid bacteria (LAB), previously isolated from fish, seafood and fish products intended for human consumption, as turbot probiotics. Seven out of the eight LAB exerted direct antimicrobial activity against, at least, four strains of T. maritimum and V. splendidus. All LAB survived in seawater at 18 °C for 7 days, and withstood exposure to pH 3.0 and 10% (v/v) turbot bile; however, they differed in cell surface hydrophobicity (8.2–21.7%) and in their ability to adhere to turbot skin (1.2–21.7%) and intestinal (0.7–2.1%) mucus. Most of the tested strains inhibited the binding of turbot pathogens to the mucus. Leuconostoc mesenteroides subsp. cremoris SMM69 and Weissella cibaria P71 were selected based on their strong antimicrobial activity against T. maritimum and V. splendidus, good probiotic properties, and different adhesion ability to skin mucus and capacity to inhibit the adhesion of turbot pathogens to mucus. These two LAB strains were harmless when administered by bath to turbot larvae and juveniles; moreover, real-time PCR on the transcription levels of the immunity-related genes encoding IL-1β, TNF-α, lysozyme, C3, MHC-Iα and MHC-IIα in five organs (head-kidney, spleen, liver, intestine and skin) revealed the ability of these LAB to stimulate their expression in turbot juveniles, especially the non-specific immunity associated genes in mucosal tissues. Based on our results, Lc. cremoris SMM69 and W. cibaria P71 may be considered as suitable probiotic candidates for turbot farming.
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    Phenotypic and genetic evaluations of biogenic amine production by lactic acid bacteria isolated from fish and fish products
    (International Journal of Food Microbiology, 2011) Muñoz Atienza, Estefanía; Landeta, G.; de las Rivas, B.; Gómez Sala, Beatriz; Muñoz, R.; Hernández Cruza, Pablo Elpidio; Cintas Izarra, Luis Miguel; Herranz Sorribes, Carmen
    In this work, biogenic amine production (histamine, tyramine and putrescine) by a collection of 74 lactic acid bacteria of aquatic origin has been investigated by means of amino acid decarboxylation by growth on decarboxylase differential medium, biogenic amine detection by thin-layer chromatography (TLC) and decarboxylase gene detection by PCR. None of the evaluated strains showed neither production of histamine and putrescine, nor presence of the genetic determinants encoding the corresponding decarboxylase activities. However, the tyrosine decarboxylase gene (tdc) was present in all the enterococcal strains, and tyramine production was detected by TLC in all of them but Enterococcus faecium BCS59 and MV5. Analysis of the tyrosine decarboxylase operon of these strains revealed the presence of an insertion sequence upstream tdc that could be responsible for their lack of tyrosine decarboxylase activity.
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    Female reproduction and the microbiota in mammals: Where are we?
    (Theriogenology, 2022) García García, Rosa María; Arias Álvarez, María; Jordán Rodríguez, Daniela; Rebollar, Pilar G.; Lorenzo González, Pedro Luis; Herranz Sorribes, Carmen; Rodríguez, Juan Miguel
    While it is generally accepted that the mammalian vagina contains a site-specific microbiota that plays relevant roles in genital and reproductive health, the existence of an extra-vaginal microbiota in the female reproductive tract (i.e. follicular fluid, oviduct, endometrium, and placenta) is, at least, a matter of controversy. Many conclusions in this field have failed to consider the technical limitations, biases, and confounding factors inherent to next-generation sequencing (NGS) approaches. While this creates uncertainty in the field, there is no doubt this subject is set to be the focus of new research efforts because of its scientific and practical connotations in female reproductive health. The current art state, its limitations, and gaps in our knowledge about the female reproductive tract's microbiota and, particularly, about the microbes of the extra-vaginal environment are presented in this review. Also are discussed possible relationships between the gut and oral microbiota and reproductive events.
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    Safety assessment and molecular genetic profiling by pulsed-field gel electrophoresis (PFGE) and PCR-based techniques of Enterococcus faecium strains of food origin
    (LWT - Food Science and Technology, 2015) Muñoz Atienza, Estefanía; Dias Araujo, C.; Campo, R.D.; Hernández Cruza, Pablo Elpidio; Herranz Sorribes, Carmen; Cintas Izarra, Luis Miguel
    Enterococcus faecium is authorized as animal probiotic in the European Union, but this species has emerged as an important cause of nosocomial infections in humans. We investigated the safety of 14 potential probiotic E. faecium strains with antimicrobial activity, previously isolated from food, following the guidance proposed by EFSA. All the enterococci were susceptible to ampicillin, and none of them harbored the genes encoding the enterococcal surface protein (esp), putative glycosyl hydrolase (hylEfm), and insertion sequence IS16. The genetic relatedness of these enterococci was determined by pulsed-field gel electrophoresis (PFGE), random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD), enterobacterial repetitive intergenic consensus (ERIC-PCR), and restriction analysis of amplified 16S rDNA (ARDRA). PFGE analysis of SmaI patterns evidenced four subgroups, whereas RAPD and ERIC-PCR analysis gave nine and eight different subgroups, respectively. ERIC-PCR yielded the highest diversity, followed by RAPD and PFGE, while ARDRA achieved the lowest diversity. In conclusion, we demonstrated the absence of well-known enterococcal virulence markers in a collection of E. faecium strains from food, which renders them safe to be used in the food industry or as probiotics in animal production, and that ERIC-PCR is a reliable tool to be used for molecular genetic profiling of potential probiotic enterococci.
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    Caracterización bioquímica y genética de enterocinas producidas por cepas de "Enterococcus faecium" de origen cárnico : optimización de la producción molecular de acción de la enterocina P de "Enterococcus faecium" P13
    (2004) Herranz Sorribes, Carmen; Cintas Izarra, Luis; Rodríguez Gómez, Juan Miguel; Hernández Cruza, Pablo Elpidio
    En primer lugar, se identificaron las bacteriocinas producidas por Enterococcus faecium AA13, E. faecium G16 y E. faecium P21, tres cepas aisladas de chorizos españoles artesanos. Tras purificar a homogeneidad las bacteriocinas, se determinó su secuencia aminoacídica mediante degradación de Edman y, seguidamente, la secuencia nucleotídica de sus determinantes genéticos mediante clonación, PCR y secuenciación nucleotídica. Los resultados obtenidos indicaron que E. faecium AA13 y E. faecium G16 producen la enterocina P y que E. faecium P21 produce las enterocinas A y B. A continuación, se determinaron las condiciones óptimas para la producción de enterocina P por E. faecium P13 en un fermentador de mesa que contenía medio MRS a 32ºC y a un pH constante de 4,7; 5,0; 5,3; 5,7; 6,0; 6,2; 7,0 y 8,5. La producción máxima de enterocina P se obtuvo a pH 6,0 y representó un incremento de cuatro veces con respecto a la obtenida en un cultivo control desarrollado sin control del pH. Seguidamente, se estudió el mecanismo molecular de acción de la enterocina P en células del microorganismo sensible E, faecium T136, en liposomas derivados de éste y en liposomas sintéticos compuestos de dioleilfosfoglicerol (DOPG) y dioleilfosfocolina(DOPC) en proporción equimolar. La enterocina P ejerce una acción bactericida no lítica en este microorganismo, y, a nivel molecular, produce la disminución del ATP intracelular, el movimiento transmembrana de cationes K+ y la disiupación del potencial de membrana de la fuerza promotriz (PMF) sin afectar a su gradiente de pH. La enterocina P altera la permeabilidad de liposomas derivados del microorganismo sensible, pero no la de liposomas sintéticos con la composición mencionada. Finalmente. se evaluó la eficacia de la Ruta General de Secreción de Escherichia coli en el transporte y procesamiento de la enterocina P. Los resultados obtenidos sugieren que dicho sistema es ineficaz en la secreción de la enterocina P.
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    Antimicrobial activity, antibiotic susceptibility and virulence factors of Lactic Acid Bacteria of aquatic origin intended for use as probiotics in aquaculture
    (BMC Microbiology, 2013) Muñoz Atienza, Estefanía; Gómez Sala, Beatriz; Araújo, Carlos; Campanero, Cristina; del Campo, Rosa; Hernández Cruza, Pablo Elpidio; Herranz Sorribes, Carmen; Cintas Izarra, Luis Miguel
    Background. The microorganisms intended for use as probiotics in aquaculture should exert antimicrobial activity and be regarded as safe not only for the aquatic hosts but also for their surrounding environments and humans. The objective of this work was to investigate the antimicrobial/bacteriocin activity against fish pathogens, the antibiotic susceptibility, and the prevalence of virulence factors and detrimental enzymatic activities in 99 Lactic Acid Bacteria (LAB) (59 enterococci and 40 non-enterococci) isolated from aquatic animals regarded as human food. Results. These LAB displayed a broad antimicrobial/bacteriocin activity against the main Gram-positive and Gram-negative fish pathogens. However, particular safety concerns based on antibiotic resistance and virulence factors were identified in the genus Enterococcus (86%) (Enterococcus faecalis, 100%; E. faecium, 79%). Antibiotic resistance was also found in the genera Weissella (60%), Pediococcus (44%), Lactobacillus (33%), but not in leuconostocs and lactococci. Antibiotic resistance genes were found in 7.5% of the non-enterococci, including the genera Pediococcus (12.5%) and Weissella (6.7%). One strain of both Pediococcus pentosaceus and Weissella cibaria carried the erythromycin resistance gene mef(A/E), and another two P. pentosaceus strains harboured lnu(A) conferring resistance to lincosamides. Gelatinase activity was found in E. faecalis and E. faecium (71 and 11%, respectively), while a low number of E. faecalis (5%) and none E. faecium exerted hemolytic activity. None enterococci and non-enterococci showed bile deconjugation and mucin degradation abilities, or other detrimental enzymatic activities. Conclusions. To our knowledge, this is the first description of mef(A/E) in the genera Pediococcus and Weissella, and lnu(A) in the genus Pediococcus. The in vitro subtractive screening presented in this work constitutes a valuable strategy for the large-scale preliminary selection of putatively safe LAB intended for use as probiotics in aquaculture.
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    Characterization of Pediococcus acidilactici strains isolated from rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss, Walbaum) feed and larvae: safety, DNA fingerprinting and bacteriocinogenicity
    (Diseases of Aquatic Organisms, 2016) Dias Araújo, C.; Muñoz Atienza, Estefanía; Poeta, P.; Igrejas, G.; Hernández Cruza, Pablo Elpidio; Herranz Sorribes, Carmen; Cintas Izarra, Luis Miguel
    The use of lactic acid bacteria (LAB) as probiotics constitutes an alternative or complementary strategy to chemotherapy and vaccination for disease control in aquaculture. The objectives of this work were (1) the in vitro safety assessment of 8 Pediococcus acidilactici strains isolated from rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss, Walbaum) feed and larvae; (2) the evaluation of their genetic relatedness; (3) the study of their antimicrobial/bacteriocin activity against fish pathogens; and (4) the biochemical and genetic characterization of the bacteriocin produced by the strain displaying the greatest antimicrobial activity. Concerning the safety assessment, none of the pediococci showed antibiotic resistance nor produced hemolysin or gelatinase, degraded gastric mucin, or deconjugated bile salts. Four strains (50%) produced tyramine or putrescine, but the corresponding genes were not amplified by PCR. Enterobacterial repetitive intergenic consensus-PCR (ERIC-PCR) fingerprinting allowed clustering of the pediococci into 2 well-defined groups (68% similarity). From the 8 pediococci displaying direct antimicrobial activity against at least 3 out of 9 fish pathogens, 6 strains (75%) were identified as bacteriocin producers. The bacteriocin produced by P. acidilactici L-14 was purified, and mass spectrometry and DNA sequencing revealed its identity to pediocin PA-1 (PedPA-1). Altogether, our results allowed the identification of 4 (50%) putatively safe pediococci, including 2 bacteriocinogenic strains. ERIC-PCR fingerprinting was a valuable tool for genetic profiling of P. acidilactici strains. This work reports for the first time the characterization of a PedPA-1-producing P. acidilactici strain isolated from an aquatic environment (rainbow trout larvae), which shows interesting properties related to its potential use as a probiotic in aquaculture.
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    Identification of bacteriocin genes in enterococci isolated from game animals and saltwater fish
    (Journal of Food Protection, 2011) Almeida, Tereza; Brandão, Andreia; Muñoz Atienza, Estefanía; Gonçalves, Alexandre; Torres, Carmen; Igrejas, Gilberto; Hernández Cruza, Pablo Elpidio; Herranz Sorribes, Carmen; Cintas Izarra, Luis Miguel; Poeta, Patrícia
    Bacteriocins produced by enterococci, referred to as enterocins, possess great interest for their potential use as biopreservatives in food and feed, as well as alternative antimicrobials in humans and animals. In this context, the aim of the present study was to determine the antimicrobial activity and the presence of bacteriocin structural genes in fecal enterococcal isolates from animal origins. Evaluation of the direct antimicrobial activity of 253 isolates from wild boars (Sus scrofa, n = 69), mullets (Liza ramada, n = 117), and partridges (Perdix perdix, n = 67) against eight indicator bacterial strains (including Listeria monocytogenes, Pediococcus pentosaceus, and Enterococcus spp.) showed that 177 (70%) exerted antimicrobial activity against at least one indicator microorganism. From these isolates, 123 were further selected on the basis of their inhibition group, and 81 were found to be producers of bacteriocins active against Listeria monocytogenes. Analysis of the presence of enterocin structural genes in a subset of 36 isolates showed that 70% harbored one or more of the evaluated genes, those of enterocin P and hiracin JM79 being the most prevalent. These results show that wild animals constitute an appropriate source for the isolation of bacteriocinogenic enterococci.
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    Project number: 171
    Detectives de alimentos: un trabajo en equipo para la investigación de toxiinfecciones alimentarias
    (2021) Herranz Sorribes, Carmen; Haza Duaso, Ana Isabel; Rodríguez Gómez, Juan Miguel; Morales Gómez, Paloma; Domínguez Bernal, Gustavo Ramón; Alfonso Álvarez, Virginia; Aller Galán, Patricia; Arribas Gómez, María; Blanco Gutiérrez, María Del Mar; Chacha Hidalgo, María Cristina; Checa Martín, Gemma; Dschoutezo Gordo, Sophie Marie; Escobar Pastor, María José; Fernández Cano, Clara; Fernández Zambrano, Lucía; Gabriel Peg, Patricia de; Gardel Ron, Paula; Garzás Sánchez, Sara María; Gattoni Krüger, Paula Verena; González Tejero, Silvia; Pascual Ocón, Carmen; Peñil Martín-Serrano, Raquel; Pérez Cepas, Carmen; Rayo Juárez, Claudia; Rupérez García, Alicia; Sanz Almaraz, Laura
    Proyecto de Innovación Docente en el que los estudiantes realizan un trabajo cooperativo mediante el método del puzle para diseñar fichas descriptivas de patógenos de transmisión alimentaria y resolver un caso de toxiinfección alimentaria