Galindo Francisco, María Del Carmen

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First Name
María Del Carmen
Last Name
Galindo Francisco
Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Faculty / Institute
Ciencias Geológicas
Mineralogía y Petrología
Petrología y Geoquímica
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    U–Pb SHRIMP zircon dating of Grenvillian metamorphism in Western Sierras Pampeanas (Argentina): Correlation with the Arequipa-Antofalla craton and constraints on the extent of the Precordillera Terrane
    (Gondwana research, 2006) Casquet Martín, César; Pankhurst, R.J.; Fanning, C.M.; Baldo, Edgardo G.; Galindo Francisco, María Del Carmen; Rapela, Carlos W.; González Casado, José Manuel; Dahlquist, Juan A.
    Metamorphism of Grenvillian age (ca. 1.2 Ga; U–Pb zircon dating) is recognized for the first time in the Western Sierras Pampeanas (Sierra de Maz). Conditions reached granulite facies (ca. 780 °C and ca. 780 MPa). Comparing geochronological and petrological characteristics with other outcrops of Mesoproterozoic basement, particularly in the northern and central Arequipa-Antofalla craton, we suggest that these regions were part of a single continental crustal block from Mesoproterozoic times, and thus autochthonous or parautochthonous to Gondwana.
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    The Mesoproterozoic Maz terrane in the Western Sierras Pampeanas, Argentina, equivalent to the Arequipa–Antofalla block of southern Peru? Implications for West Gondwana margin evolution
    (Gondwana research, 2008) Casquet Martín, César; Pankhurst, R.J.; Rapela, Carlos W.; Galindo Francisco, María Del Carmen; Fanning, C.M.; Chiaradia, Massimo; Baldo, Edgardo G.; González Casado, José Manuel; Dahlquist, Juan A.
    The rocks of Sierra de Maz and Sierra del Espinal (Western Sierras Pampeanas) represent pre-Famatinian (Ordovician) basement. Isotope compositions (Nd and Pb) of metasedimentary rocks and SHRIMP U–Pb dating of detrital zircons, combined with other geological evidence, show that three parallel N–S domains can be recognized. The central Maz Domain contains pre-Grenvillian metasedimentary rocks deposited between 1.2 and 1.6 Ga, that underwent Grenvillian granulite facies metamorphism and were intruded by mafic igneous rocks and massif-type anorthosites. Metasedimentary rocks have high Nd TDM ages (1.7–2.7 Ga) and very radiogenic Pb (μ=9.8–10.2), suggesting provenance from reworked early Proterozoic or Archean continental crust. The domains to the east and west of the Maz Domain consist of three metasedimentary sequences with Nd TDM ages between 1.2 and 1.6 Ga and variably radiogenic Pb (μ=9.6–10.0). U–Pb SHRIMP dating of detrital zircons, Nd TDM model ages and comparison with other data suggest that these sequences are post-Grenvillian, i.e., Neoproterozoic and/or early Paleozoic. The Maz Domain is interpreted as a suspect terrane similar to the northern Arequipa–Antofalla craton that forms the basement of the Central Andes; both underwent Grenville-age orogeny and were probably once continuous along the western margin of Amazonia (West Gondwana).
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    The Río de la Plata craton and the assembly of SW Gondwana
    (Earth-science reviews, 2007) Rapela, Carlos W.; Pankhurst, R.J.; Casquet Martín, César; Fanning, C.M.; Baldo, Edgardo G.; González Casado, José Manuel; Galindo Francisco, María Del Carmen; Dahlquist, Juan A.
    The extent and nature of the Archaean–Palaeoproterozoic craton of Río de la Plata of southern South America, a major but poorly understood crustal component in Neoproterozoic plate reconstructions, as well as the depositional, metamorphic and magmatic history of the surrounding orogenic belts, are reviewed and reassessed, in part through the analysis of material recovered from deep boreholes in western Argentina that penetrated Palaeozoic cover into basement. U–Pb SHRIMP zircon ages for these samples of 2162±6 Ma (diorite), 2189±14 Ma (amphibolitic schist) and 2088±6 Ma (granite) encompass the range of ages determined for the major Palaeoproterozoic orogenic events in the exposed parts of the craton close to the Atlantic coasts of Uruguay and Argentina. Taken together with the geochemical and Nd-isotope characteristics of these samples and an olivine gabbro from a further borehole that failed to yield zircon, these results strongly suggest that the Río de la Plata craton is extremely uniform in its dominant chrono-tectonic and lithological make-up, and that it extends westwards as far as the 535–520 Ma Pampean orogenic belt, against which it probably has a fault contact. U–Pb SHRIMP zircon detrital age patterns are presented for representative metasedimentary samples from the craton cover in the Tandilia belt of eastern Argentina, and from the Pampean (Cambrian) and Famatinian (Ordovician) belts to the west of the craton. Whereas the oldest cover rocks in Tandilia clearly show material derived from the underlying craton, such detritus only appears in the younger (Ordovician) units to the west. Sedimentary protoliths in the Pampean belt were dominated by Neoproterozoic (broadly ∼600 Ma) and late Mesoproterozoic (broadly ∼1100 Ma) provenance, and derivation from the Río de la Plata craton is highly unlikely. Regional considerations, including previously published zircon data, palaeocurrent and structural data, suggest that these rocks must have had an origin within Gondwana-forming blocks, for which the closest identifiable sources are ‘Brazilian’ and ‘African’ (Namaqua–Natal). Consequently, the preferred model for the Pampean orogeny is that the Río de la Plata craton reached its present position by large-scale dextral strike-slip movement against fore-arc sedimentary sequences that had developed on the southern and western margins of the Kalahari craton during the Early Cambrian. In the final stage the displaced sedimentary sequences outboard of the RPC collided with the Mesoproterozoic Western Sierras Pampeanas terrane, which was at the time attached to the large Amazonia craton and other smaller continental blocks, such as Arequipa–Antofalla and Río Apa. Protracted relative displacement of the RPC after the Pampean Orogeny led to its final position.
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    Diferencias entre granates de rocas ígneas y metamórficas de edad Famatiniana (Ordovícico), en las Sierras Pampeanas (Argentina)
    (Macla, 2006) Dahlquist, Juan A.; Alasino, Pablo H.; Galindo Francisco, María Del Carmen; Casquet Martín, César
    Los granates metamórficos de los esquistos de la zona de la biotita de la sierra de Chepes son ricos en Mn y tienen composiciones muy parecidas a la de los granates ígneos de diferentes rocas graníticas de edad Famatiniana (Ordovícico) de la misma región. Por tanto, el contenido de Mn, por sí mismo, no es suficiente para discriminar el origen de estos minerales, que pueden presentarse como cristales ígneos o como xenocristales en el granito. Por el contrario, el tipo de zonación del Mn permite distinguir entre ambas situaciones, al menos en el caso de granitoides cristalizados por encima de 700ºC.
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    Deformed carbonatite-syenite complex in the Western Sierras Pampeanas of Argentina: U-Pb shrimp zircon age and isotope (Nd, Sr) constraints.
    (2008) Casquet Martín, César; Pankhurst, R.J.; Galindo Francisco, María Del Carmen; Rapela, Carlos W.; Fanning, C.M.; Baldo, Edgardo G.; Dahlquist, Juan A.; González Casado, José Manuel; Colombo, F.
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    Evolución magmática del Granito Peñón Rosado, cerro Asperecito, flanco occidental de la Sierra de Famatina
    (Revista de la Asociación Geológica Argentina, 2006) Dahlquist, Juan A.; Alasino, Pablo H.; Galindo Francisco, María Del Carmen; Rapela, Carlos W.; Saavedra, Julio; Casquet Martín, César; Baldo, Edgardo G.; González Casado, José Manuel; Fanning, C.M.
    El granate es un mineral accesorio poco común en rocas ígneas y constituye un tema relevante de la petrología ígnea. Estudios combinados de petrología, química mineral, geoquímica de roca total y geoquímica isotópica en el cerro Asperecito indican que los granitoides con granate que forman el Granito Peñón Rosado (GPR) fueron producidos por la fusión parcial de rocas metasedimentarias con subsecuente diferenciación durante su emplazamiento en el Ordovícico temprano-medio. En este sentido, la facies GPR1 representa un cristalizado temprano, la facies GPR2 representa un fundido diferenciado, y la facies GPR3 un fundido residual. El Granito Peñón Rosado, fue emplazado en condiciones de alta temperatura (785ºC) y presión media (4,4 kb) en profundidades de la corteza media ( 15 km). El emplazamiento casi sincrónico en la corteza media de una abundante suite metaluminosa durante el Ordovícico inferior-medio (468 Ma en el cerro Asperecito) fue suficiente para inducir anatexis local de los metasedimentos circundantes. Los contenidos de elementos mayoritarios (CaO, Na2O) y elementos traza (Rb, Sr, Ba) en el Granito Peñón Rosado sugieren anatexis a partir de un material inmaduro acumulado en un plataforma continental. Así, el Granito Peñón Rosado es un típico granitoide tipo-S con granate y el modelo establecido aquí puede contribuir a un mejor entendimiento acerca de la cristalización del granate en rocas graníticas.
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    Famatinian cordierite-bearing magmatism on the proto-Andean margin of Gondwana
    (Libro de resúmenes: Geosur 2007. Un congreso sobre geología y geofísica del Hemisferio Sur, Santiago de Chile, 18 al 20 de noviembre de 2007, 2007) Alasino, Pablo H.; Dahlquist, Juan A.; Rapela, Carlos W.; Galindo Francisco, María Del Carmen; Casquet Martín, César; Pankhurst, R.J.; Saavedra, Julio; Baldo, Edgardo G.; Demant, A.; Hervé, F.; Menichetti, M.; Tassone, A.
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    Plutón La Costa, una expresión de magmatismo tipo-s en el sector noreste de la Sierra de Velasco, Sierras Pampeanas.
    (Revista de la Asociación Geológica Argentina, 2006) Alasino, Pablo H.; Dahlquist, Juan A.; Galindo Francisco, María Del Carmen; Casquet Martín, César
    Estudios combinados de petrología, química mineral y geoquímcia de roca total revelan la presencia de dos unidades graníticas peraluminosas con minerales aluminosos magmáticos tales como granate y mica blanca y la presencia distintiva de turmalina. Las evidencias aquí presentadas indican que estas dos facies, Anillaco y Anjullón, junto a la unidad peraluminosa Santa Cruz estudiada en trabajos previos, constituyen una serie de rocas co-sanguíneas, emplazadas en niveles someros de la corteza y las cuales conforman una unidad ígnea mayor denominada aquí plutón La Costa, la cual aflora en el sector noreste de la sierra de Velasco. La asociación mineral, la química mineral y la geoquímica de roca total permiten definir al plutón La Costa como un clásico granitoide tipo–S, derivado de una roca fuente de composición esencialmente pelítica. Diferentes estudios demuestran que la generación de granitoides tipo-S requiere de un alto gradiente geotérmico, por lo cual el plutón La Costa indica que la corteza en esta región soportó un notable calentamiento durante la generación del magma. Sin embargo, la ausencia de datos geocronológicos impide definir el evento tectomagmático que produjo el magma primordial de este plutón. [ABSTRACTS] La Costa pluton, an expresion of S- type magmatism in the northeastern sector of the Sierra de Velasco, Sierras Pampeanas. Combined petrology, mineral chemistry and whole-rock geochemistry studies reveal the presence of two peraluminous granitic units with magmatic aluminous minerals, such as garnet and white mica, and the distinctive presence of tourmaline. The evidence presented here indicates that these two facies, Anillaco and Anjullón, together with the peraluminous Santa Cruz unit studied in previous works, constitute co-sanguineous rocks, emplacemed in shallow levels of the crust, conforming a greater igneous unit, named here as La Costa pluton, that outcrops in the northeast sector of the sierra de Velasco. The mineral assemblage, the mineral chemistry and the whole-rock geochemistry allow defining the La Costa pluton as classic S-type granitoids, derived of a source rock of dominant pelitic composition. Several studies demonstrate that a high geothermal gradient is required for the generation of S-types granitoids, thus the La Costa pluton indicates that the crust supported a remarkable heating in this region during the generation of the magma. However, the absence of geochronological data prevents identification of the tectomagmatic event that yielded the parental magma of this pluton.
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    Revisiting accretionary history and magma sources in the Southern Andes: Time variation of “typical Andean granites”
    (7º International Symposium on Andean Geodynamics (ISAG 2008, Nice), Extended Abstracts, 2008) Rapela, Carlos W.; Pankhurst, R.J.; Dahlquist, Juan A.; Baldo, Edgardo G.; Casquet Martín, César; Galindo Francisco, María Del Carmen
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    Magmatismo anorogénico Neoproterozoico (845 Ma) en las Sierras Pampeanas Occidentales de Maz y Espinal. ¿Nueva evidencia del rifting temprano de Rodinia?
    (Ciencias de la Tierra para la Sociedad: Trabajos presentados en el XVII Congreso Geológico Argentino, 2008) Baldo, Edgardo G.; Casquet Martín, César; Colombo, F.; Pankhurst, R.J.; Galindo Francisco, María Del Carmen; Rapela, Carlos W.; Dahlquist, Juan A.; Fanning, C.M.