Pérez Garrido, Carlos

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Pérez Garrido
Universidad Complutense de Madrid
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Ciencias Geológicas
Mineralogía y Petrología
Cristalografía y Mineralogía
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    Estudio a multiescala de la interacción entre polimorfos de CaCO3 (calcita y aragonito) y soluciones acuosas con metales contaminantes (CD, Mn, Cu)
    (2011) Pérez Garrido, Carlos; Fernández Díaz, Lourdes
    La tesis doctoral que aquí se presenta se centra en el estudio de los fenómenos que resultan de la interacción entre la superficie de cristales de los dos polimorfos más abundantes del CaCO3, calcita y aragonito, y soluciones acuosas que contienen distintas concentraciones de tres metales divalentes potencialmente tóxicos: cadmio, manganeso y cobre. El objetivo fundamental de este estudio es establecer la eficacia de las superficies de estos minerales como sorbentes de estos elementos e interpretar las diferencias que se observan en esta eficacia, ya sea entre las superficies de las dos fases para un mismo metal o entre la sorción de distintos metales por la misma fase, en base a argumentos termodinámicos, cinéticos, cristalográficos, texturales, etc. Como consecuencia de la complejidad de los procesos que tienen lugar durante la sorción de metales divalentes por las superficies de calcita y aragonito, este estudio ha implicado enfrentarse a una variedad de problemas fisicoquímicos y cristalográficos en condiciones ambientales.
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    MIS5-MIS3 Neanderthal occupations at Amalda III cave (Northern Iberian Peninsula)
    (Quaternary Science Reviews, 2024) Rios Garaizar, Joseba; Sanchez Romero, Laura; Arriolabengoa, Martín; Benito Calvo, Alfonso; Expósito, Isabel; Miren Del Val; Karambaglidis, T.; Marín Arroyo, Ana B.; Pérez Garrido, Carlos; Arenas Sorriqueta, Elene; Eixea, Aleix; Gómez Olivencia, Asier; Agudo Pérez, Lucía; San Emeterio, Aixa; Arkeologi Taldea,Antxieta
    The arrival, occupation, and disappearance of Neanderthals in the Cantabrian region is the subject of a long-running debate that continues to this day. Knowledge of the evolution of Neanderthal societies since the end of the Middle Pleistocene in the north of the Iberian Peninsula is greatly impacted by the scarcity of a good chronological framework. This absence of good data creates difficulties in evaluating the cultural adaptations of these populations to environmental changes and their historical dynamics. The Amalda III cave, surveyed in 1983-84, contains a sequence of occupations ranging from the end of MIS5 (Levallois with Mousterian points and bifaces) to the beginning of MIS3 (Vasconian). It is possible to observe substantial changes in the environmental conditions and cultural responses of Neanderthal groups that inhabited the cave. Here we present the first results of the Amalda III sequence, which is currently being excavated by an interdisciplinary team. Our objective is to test, enrich and refine the regional environmental and Neanderthal cultural framework and the transformations that took place between the MIS5 and the MIS3. These new data are compared with the information available from several Middle Paleolithic sites in the region, advancing our understanding of the behavioural adaptations of Neanderthals to different ecological and socio-cultural situations between ca. 100 and 45 kyr BP in the Eastern Cantabrian region. In this way, we will be able to deepen our interpretation of the processes of cultural change of the last groups of Neanderthals that inhabited this region.
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    Diagenetic albitization in the Tera Group, Cameros Basin (NE Spain) recorded by trace elements and spectral cathodoluminescence
    (Chemical geology, 2012) González Acebrón, Laura; Götze, Jens; Barca, Donatella; Arribas Mocoroa, José; Más Mayoral, Ramón; Pérez Garrido, Carlos
    This paper deals with the diagenetic albitization of both plagioclases and K-feldspars in the Tithonian fluvial sandstones of a rift basin (Cameros Basin). The sandstones in the lower part of the rift record have not suffered this albitization process. A clear relationship is observed between sodium contents, as the main element of some feldspars and their cathodoluminescence (CL) color (the higher the sodium content, the lower is their CL intensity). In conclusion, albitization processes are detectable by decreased CL intensities and changes in the CL spectra. In addition, very different trace element compositions are obtained by laser ablation when comparing trace elements of non-albitized feldspars in sandstones of the lower part of the rift record with those of albitized feldspars in sandstones of the infill top. Non-albitized K-feldspars show Rb, Sr, Ba and Pb contents of up to 1000 ppm. In contrast, very flat profiles of trace element contents (< 250 ppm) are recorded in albitized feldspars (both K-feldspars and plagioclases). Thus, albitization implies feldspars impoverished in trace elements, including REE, which suggests that albitization is a dissolution and reprecipitation process. Further, albitized plagioclases show higher REE contents than albitized K-feldspars. We report here that REE patterns partly depend on the initial composition of the feldspar (K-feldspar or plagioclase) as a useful geochemical criterion for distinguishing albitized detrital plagioclases from albitized detrital K-feldspars. CL spectra from non-albitized and albitized K-feldspars and plagioclases revealed marked differences. Non-albitized K-feldspars present blue (main emission band at 460 nm) and brownish CL colors (590 nm), sometimes in the same grain. Brownish colors are related to weathering processes. The primary blue emission is related to Al–O−–Al centers, enhanced probably by Al incorporation due to the coupled substitution of Ba2+ + Al3+ ↔ M+ + Si4+. Weathered K-feldspars present 4.8 times lower Ba content than fresh blue luminescent ones. The brownish colors are related to the external border or fractured grain zones, altered by weathering processes. Therefore, the observed 590 nm emission is assumed to be caused by structural defects resulting from weathering and alteration. Albitized K-feldspars are usually weak luminescent with a typical CL emission band at 620 nm. Sometimes, relicts of the original blue luminescence (460 nm band) are still present. The leaching of probably both Al and Ba can be responsible for the decrease in the blue band. The characteristic 620 nm band is also dominant in albitized weak luminescent plagioclases. Two additional emission bands at 440 nm (Al–O−–Al center) and 565 nm (Mn2+) occur, when albitized plagioclases preserved their original CL characteristics (green CL color). Another spectral peak at ca. 720 nm can be explained by Fe3+ activation due to Fe3+–Al3+ substitution. The spectral CL measurements indicate that changes in luminescence due to albitization (620 nm emission) seem to be more related to structural defects than to trace element activation or quenching.
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    The intrusive nature of the Châtelperronian in the Iberian Peninsula
    (PLoS ONE, 2022) Rios Garaizar, Joseba; Iriarte, Eneko; Arnold, Lee J.; Sanchez Romero, Laura; Marín Arroyo, Ana B.; San Emeterio, Aixa; Gómez Olivencia, Asier; Pérez Garrido, Carlos; Demuro, Martina; Campaña, Isidoro; Bourguignon, Laurence; Benito Calvo, Alfonso; Iriarte, María J.; Aranburu, Arantza; Arranz Otaegi, Amaia; Garate, Diego; Silva Gago, María; Lahaye, Christelle; Ortega, Illuminada
    Multiple factors have been proposed to explain the disappearance of Neandertals between ca. 50 and 40 kyr BP. Central to these discussions has been the identification of new techno-cultural complexes that overlap with the period of Neandertal demise in Europe. One such complex is the Châtelperronian, which extends from the Paris Basin to the Northern Iberian Peninsula between 43,760–39,220 BP. In this study we present the first open-air Châtelperronian site in the Northern Iberian Peninsula, Aranbaltza II. The technological features of its stone tool assemblage show no links with previous Middle Paleolithic technology in the region, and chronological modeling reveals a gap between the latest Middle Paleolithic and the Châtelperronian in this area. We interpret this as evidence of local Neandertal extinction and replacement by other Neandertal groups coming from southern France, illustrating how local extinction episodes could have played a role in the process of disappearance of Neandertals.
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    Morphological and compositional characterization of gold contained in ferricretes of a weathered profile (Minvoul greenstone belt, Gabon)
    (Macla, 2018) Iglesias Martínez, Mario; Ordóñez Casado, Berta; Berrezueta, Edgar; Pérez Garrido, Carlos
    This study presents the quantification and morphological characterization of particles and nuggets of almost pure gold found in the iron duricrust of a weathering profile of the Archean greenstone belt of Minvoul (Republic of Gabon). The weathered profile on the area (Figure 1) was defined through pits and trenches and consists, from bottom to top, on saprolite, mottled clay zone, iron duricrust, pisolitic gravels and yellow latosol. The iron duricrust constitutes a hard continuous layer, which is concretionary and pisolitic and consists of cemented nodules of goethite, hematite and other iron oxides and hydroxides. Samples from this horizon contain abundant particles of gold. The study of morphology and microchemical composition of gold grains has been widely used as a tool for the understanding of the dissolution, dispersion and gold concentration processes in supergene environments, and for determining the primary or secondary origin of gold grains across the lateritic horizons (Webster and Mann, 1984; Butt and Hough, 2006). Moreover, the results obtained represent a contribution for the knowledge of the gold-potential of the Ntem complex greenstone belts where mineralization on bedrock remains unknown.
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    Coastal wetlands as markers of transgression in proximal extensional systems (Berriasian, W Cameros Basin, Spain)
    (Journal of Iberian Geology, 2019) Mas Mayoral, José Ramón; Arribas Mocoroa, María Eugenia; González Acebrón, Laura; Quijada, Isabel Emma; Campos-Soto, S.; Suárez González, Pablo; Sacristán Horcajada, Sara; Arribas Mocoroa, José; Benito Moreno, María Isabel; Pérez Garrido, Carlos; Alonso Millán, Ángela
    The early stages of intraplate extensional systems commonly are recorded by deposition of continental sediments. In this context, given appropriate tectonics and eustasy, transgressions can be well recorded in the areas of the basins located close to the sea, but they may be difficult to recognize in the innermost landwards areas of the system. This situation occurs in the innermost Upper Jurassic-Early Cretaceous Cameros Basin, part of the Iberian Extensional System (N. Spain), where a Berriasian transgression is recorded. The Berriasian succession in this area consists of siliciclastic deposits (sandstone and mudstone) of the Salcedal Formation and of carbonate and mixed carbonate-fine siliciclastic deposits (limestone and marl) of the San Marcos Formation. The sedimentological analysis of this depositional succession indicates that a Berriasian carbonate coastal wetland system occupied that sector of the Cameros Basin during deposition of the San Marcos Formation. This carbonate coastal wetland system consisted of shallow and quiet water bodies including some with marine influence others with no to very little marine influence, and palustrine areas. A semiarid climate characterized by the seasonal alternation of short wet and long dry periods caused water bodies of the system to undergo episodic desiccation and subaerial exposure. Moreover, this complex mosaic of sub-environments was connected laterally with a distal zone of a distributive fluvial system that was rimmed by siliciclastic tidal flats during phases of greater marine influence. The paleogeographic arrangement of this coastal wetland depositional system indicates that the marine influence came from the Basque-Cantabrian Basin to the north. During the period of Berriasian maximum marine influence, accommodation linked to the eustatic rise added to accommodation generated by tectonic subsidence from the extensional reactivation of late Variscan strike-slip faults. All these factors favored marine incursion into the west Cameros Basin from the Basque-Cantabrian Basin to the north. The example of the Berriasian transgression recorded in the W Cameros Basin by establishment of coastal wetland systems matches the interpretations of previous studies in neighboring areas. In those areas, complex coastal systems record transgressions in the innermost parts of the intraplate extensional basins of the Iberian Plate. This observation suggests that this paleogeographic and sedimentological arrangement may be common in the innermost parts of intraplate extensional basins during transgressive episodes throughout the geological record.
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    Lower paleolithic butchery knives and carpentry tools: MODE 1 industry of “El Pino” (Campos del Paraíso, Cuenca, Spain)
    (Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports, 2022) Domínguez-Solera, Santiago David; Martín Lerma, Ignacio; Moreno, Davinia; Pérez Garrido, Carlos
    This paper contains the results of the archaeological campaigns carried out at the El Pino Site (Campos del Paraíso, Carrascosa del Campo, Cuenca, Spain). The stratigraphy belongs to the Valdejudíos River floodplain and is rich in Mode 1 prehistoric industry made from quartzite rolling stones. The site has been dated by Optically Stimulated Luminescence (OSL) and Electron Spin Resonance (ESR), giving the last technique a terminus ante quem of 1 Ma for this technological horizon. The excellent preservation of the lithic surfaces has allowed us to discover the use given to the instruments through traceological methods. An effective usage of retouched and unretouched flakes (not the cores) for butchery, and rabots for processing wood is verified. The manufacturing operational systems of Mode 1 pieces have been studied and subsequently evaluated as being similar to the oldest ones of the Oldowan industries in Africa (2.6 Ma); however, they showed more “archaism” than other contemporary worldwide examples. The ineffectiveness of the idea of a linear evolution of material culture “from simplicity to complexity”, to assess the lithic technology of the European Lower Paleolithic, is revealed.
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    Very coarse-grained beaches as a response to generalized sea level drops in a complex active tectonic setting: Pleistocene marine terraces at the Cadiz coast, SW Spain
    (Marine Geology, 2016) González Acebrón, Laura; Más Mayoral, Ramón; Arribas Mocoroa, José; Gutiérrez Mas, José Manuel; Pérez Garrido, Carlos
    The studied Pleistocene deposits at the Cadiz coast are located on the current intertidal zone or at cliffs parallel to the actual coast (6.50 m a.s.l.) from the localities of El Puerto de Santa María to Chiclana. Five sequences of very coarse-grained beaches have been recognized and dated. They unconformably overlie Pliocene units and are formed by clast-supported conglomerate and coarse-grained sandstone. Chronological ages (⁸⁷Sr/⁸⁶Sr and AMS ¹⁴C analysis) and stratigraphic correlation stand that the oldest marine terrace is the one placed topographically higher and towards the SE of Cadiz city, dated as Early Pleistocene (1.3 Ma). After it, the sea retreatment produces subaerial exposure of Sequence 1 and the development of several calcrete profiles and a paleokarst. Subsequent sea-level rises allow the sedimentation of Sequences 2, 3 and 4 during Early-Middle Pleistocene (1 to 0.8 Ma) in areas close to Cadiz city, with subaerial exposure recorded at the top of Sequences 3 and 4. During the very Upper Pleistocene, sedimentation of Sequence 5 occurs towards the SE of Cadiz city. Based on the spatial position of Sequence 5 we can conclude that this area constituted a downthrown block during the Latest Pleistocene, in relation to neotectonic processes and diapirism
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    Cinética de disolución de superficies (𝟏𝟎𝟏̅𝟒) de calcita en presencia de diferentes sales de Cu2+ disueltas en agua
    (Macla, 2023) Pérez Garrido, Carlos; Astilleros García-Monge, José Manuel; Fernández Díaz, María Lourdes
    Las interacciones de polimorfos del carbonato cálcico (CaCO3), principalmente calcita y aragonito, con soluciones acuosas que contienen metales contaminantes tiene un gran interés medioambiental ya que las superficies de estas fases minerales tienen la capacidad de secuestrar de forma eficaz dichos contaminantes mediante procesos acoplados de disolución-precipitación y/o adsorción (Godelitsas et al., 2003; Prieto et al., 2003). Este estudio pretende, por un lado, valuar los cambios producidos sobre las superficies de calcita en contacto con soluciones acuosas ricas en Cu2+ de diferente concentración, y por otro, estudiar la posible influencia en esos cambios de los aniones que pueden acompañar a este catión, para lo que se han utilizado soluciones de tres sales diferentes CuCl2·2H2O, CuSO4·5H2O y Cu(NO3)2·H2O.
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    Project number: 83
    GEODIVULGAR: Geología y Sociedad
    (2021) García Frank, Alejandra; Canales Fernández, María Luisa; Muñoz-García, María Belén; González Acebrón, Laura; Rodríguez García, Sergio; Alonso Zarza, Ana María; Martínez Gutiérrez, Gemma; Herrero Domínguez, Santiago; Cózar Maldonado, Pedro; Calonge García, María Amelia; Gómez Heras, Miguel; Fraguas Herráez, Ángela Raquel; Henriques, María Helena Paiva; Coronado Vila, Ismael; Díaz Megías, Isabel; Alonso Recio, Carlos; Navarro Terrón, Esther; Alonso García, Rocío; Sánchez Fontela, Noelia; Gamarra González, Jesus; Mateos Carralafuente, José Ricardo; Acedo Peñato, Abel; García Peco, Víctor; Ozkaya de Juanas, Senay Amalia; Sanz Pérez, Dánae; Cambronero García-Miguel, Irene; Galán Casado, José Miguel; Chiri Pérez, Oliver; Gómez-Escalonilla Canales, Víctor; Oliete Puertas, Elena; García Osuna, David; Vega Carricondo, Alejandro; Martín Aguilar, Lourdes; Carvajal de Lago, Alba María; Corbalán García, Judit; Portales Núñez, Killian; Montesinos del Valle, Mercedes; Gamallo Paz, Isabel; Armendáriz Sanz, Andrés; Vitón García, Íñigo; Salas Herrera, Javier; Cervilla Muros, Miguel Ángel; Iglesias Álvarez, Núria; Hontecillas Tamayo, Daniel; Pérez Garrido, Carlos; Fesharaki, Omid; Díez García, Irene Pilar; Rodrigo Sanz, Ana; del Moral González, Begoña; Mediato Arribas, José Francisco; Pérez Martín del Campo, Daniel; Chicote Alvira, Gabriel; López Martín, Valle; Campos Millán, Eduardo; Fajardo Portera, Pilar; Nacenta Torres, Pablo; Rodríguez García de Castro, Isabel; Salazar Ramirez, Roselis Waikiria