Díez Vial, Isabel

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Díez Vial
Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Faculty / Institute
Ciencias Económicas y Empresariales
Organización de Empresas
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  • Item
    Research evolution in science parks and incubators: foundations and new trends
    (Scientometrics, 2017) Díez Vial, Isabel; Montoro Sánchez, María Ángeles
    In this paper we undertake a quantitative review of the existing literature on parks and incubators to identify their foundations from a longitudinal perspective. To do so, we searched records in the SSCI database from 1990 to 2015 and identified 318 citing documents, which we split into four periods of 5 years each, to identify the interactions and path dependence that exist between different foundations of research. We evaluate the evolution of the theoretical foundations of this research line taking into account changes in citations over time. We also identify areas of future research closely connected with the theoretical foundations already identified. For this purpose, we used two bibliometric techniques—co-citation analysis and bibliographic coupling—that enable us to assess the thematic similarity between scientific publications based on overlaps in their referencing patterns.
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    Knowledge spillovers in science and technology parks: how can firms benefit most?
    (Journal of Technology Transfer, 2015) Díez Vial, Isabel; Fernández Olmos, Marta
    This research evaluates the role of science and technology parks as locations fostering local knowledge exchange and promoting innovation. We consider that these knowledge externalities depend on firms’ internal efforts and strategies, since their capacity to understand and exploit others’ knowledge depends on their own knowledge base. Empirical evidence has been gathered from 2007 to 2011 in a longitudinal analysis on 11,201 firms in total, using a Spanish database from PITEC (Technological Innovation Panel). Results of a two Tobit models with random effects, confirm our hypotheses. First, firms with previous cooperation agreements with universities and research institutions would benefit most from the park as they can more easily incorporate existing knowledge in the park and improve their product innovation. Secondly, results also seem to indicate that product innovation is higher when firms with internal R&D efforts can share knowledge on a reciprocal basis with other firms that are also investing in R&D.