Cuevas Cervero, María Aurora

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First Name
María Aurora
Last Name
Cuevas Cervero
Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Faculty / Institute
Ciencias de la Documentación
Biblioteconomía y Documentación
Biblioteconomía y Documentación
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Search Results

Now showing 1 - 3 of 3
  • Item
    Critical information literacy as a form of information activism
    (The Journal of Academic Librarianship, 2023) Colmenero Ruiz, María Jesús; Cuevas Cervero, María Aurora; Martínez Ávila, Daniel
    Information literacy emerged in the 1970s to address information needs in an active and critical way. However, the increasing availability of information and the evolution of technology led information literacy to focus more on instrumental aspects and less on its cognitive, axiological, and critical dimensions. As a response, a new wave emerged to explicitly focus on the most critical and emancipatory aspects: Critical Information Literacy (CIL). This concept has been developed in a dynamic and spontaneous way through the various practices and publications on the topic and as a reflection of the social advances in recent decades. In this paper, CIL is presented as a means of action for informational activism to promote changes in society aligned with the values of human rights and social justice. We present a review of the main authors that have worked with CIL, including the active scene in Brazil and its Freirean influence, aiming at systematizing the concept and its main characteristics in a global landscape dominated by misinformation and absence of informational and digital competences. The concept of informational activism is presented and discussed as one of the main lines of action for Library and Information Science in today's polarized society.
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    Alfabetización en información y educación a distancia: una relación necesaria
    (As redes sociais e seu impacto na cultura e na educação do seculo XXI, 2012) Cuevas Cervero, María Aurora
    Se presenta la relación entre la alfabetización en información y la educación a distancia, especialmente relevante en la universidad. Se propone y defiende La integración de las competencias informacionales en la educación superior y el papel de las bibliotecas en este proceso.
  • Item
    Alfabetización en información en bibliotecas escolares
    (Guía para bibliotecas escolares, 2009) Cuevas Cervero, María Aurora; Universidade da Coruña, Universidade da Coruña
    Se presentan los conceptos y modelos teóricos de alfabetización informacional (ALFIN)orientados a la biblioteca escolar y su vinculación con el contexto de la programación curricular. Se ofrecen ejemplos, actividades y bibliografía del área de ALFIN