Ramos Ruiz, Amparo

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Ramos Ruiz
Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Faculty / Institute
Ciencias Geológicas
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    Photoproduction of meson and baryon resonances in a chiral unitary approach
    (Progress in particle and nuclear physics, 2000) Oset, E.; Marco, E.; Nacher, J. C.; Oller, J. A.; Peláez Sagredo, José Ramón; Ramos Ruiz, Amparo; Toki, H.
    By means of a coupled channel non-perturbative unitary approach, it is possible to extend the strong constrains of Chiral Perturbation Theory to higher energies. In particular, it is possible to reproduce the lowest lying resonances in mesonmeson scattering up to 1.2 GeV using the parameters of the O(p²) and O ( p^ 4 ) Chiral Lagrangian. The meson baryon sector can also be tackled along similar lines. We report on an update of these results showing some examples of photon induced reactions where the techniques have been recently applied.
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    SU(3) Chiral approach to meson and baryon dynamics
    (Nuclear physics A, 2000) Oset, E.; Hosaka, A; Nacher, J. C.; Oka, M.; Oller, J. A.; Parreño, A.; Peláez Sagredo, José Ramón; Ramos Ruiz, Amparo; Toki, H.
    We report on recent progress on the chiral unitary approach, which is shown to have a much larger convergence radius than ordinary chiral perturbation theory, allowing one to reproduce data for meson meson interaction up to 1.2 GeV and meson baryon interaction up to the first baryonic resonances. Applications to physical processes so far unsuited for a standard chiral perturbative approach are presented, concretely the K⁻ p → Λ(1405) γ reaction and the N*(1535) N+(1535) π and η couplings.