Fontanillas Pérez, Juan Carlos

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Juan Carlos
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Fontanillas Pérez
Universidad Complutense de Madrid
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    Description de la zooépibiose de l'écrevisse signal (Pascifastacus leniusculus, DANA) en astaciculture
    (Bulletin Français de la Pêche et de la Pisciculture, 2002) Fontanillas Pérez, Juan Carlos; García-Cuenca Ariati, Isabel; Cuellar, M.C
    Des recherches ont été effectuées concernant la zooépibiose de l’écrevisse signal (Pacifastacus leniusculus, D.), provenant d’un centre d’astaciculture espagnol, au cours de la période 1997-1998. Les organismes épibiotiques dominants trouvés sur l’exosquelette appartiennent aux groupes zoologiques d’Invertébrés suivants : Mastigophora (Bodo), Cilliophora (Stentor, Epistylis, Zoothamnium, Acineta), Turbelaria (Temnocephala), Rotifera (Brachionus), Annelida (Branchiobdella), Acarina (Hygrobates) et Ostracode (Eucypris ou Enthocytera), on souligne le nombre élevé de Branchiobdellides de l’espèce Branchiobdella instabilia M., dont les quantités minimum et maximum, en mâles et femelles, oscillent de 12 à 139 et de 7 à 130, respectivement. Les hyperbranchiobdelloses provoquent des automutilations, des décollements des pinces et autres appendices, des mues anormales, des lésions cuticulaires, de l’hémocytopénie et des changements éthologiques. Les colonisations maximales d’Ostracodes de l’espèce Eucypris virens, J.O., Enthocytera heterodonta, R., dans les poches d’incubation des femelles donnent lieu à une coloration rougeâtre des œufs et à leur perte postérieure. Compte tenu de leur nombre limité et de la période d’épibiose, les genres des sousi types Mastigophora, Ciliophora, Turbelaria, Rotifera et Arachnida ne représentent aucun danger pour les écrevisses. En ce qui concerne la zooépibiose associée aux appendices et aux régions du corps des écrevisses du Pacifique, les chélipèdes ou pinces constituent le substrat où se place de préférence le genre Branchiobdella ; le céphalothorax sert de support à tous les groupes taxonomiques d’épibiontes identifiés.
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    Reaction to Novel Objects and Fecal Glucocorticoid Metabolite Levels in Two Species of Nocturnal Geckos
    (Animals, 2023) Fernández-Lázaro, Gloria; Latorre, Roberto; Fontanillas Pérez, Juan Carlos; Barja, Isabel
    Many reptiles are maintained in captivity and heavily traded, although welfare measures for many species are not well established and are under-researched compared to other animals. In this study, we focused on two of these species: crested geckos (Correlophus ciliatus) and leopard geckos (Eublepharis macularius). To better interpret their behavior in captivity, the individual reaction to novel objects and the fecal glucocorticoid metabolite levels were measured in an attempt to identify the potential correlation between them. Also, we explored if some characteristic of the objects (e.g., color, shape, or smell) resulted in being more attractive to some species and/or individuals. Equivalent responses to different objects were not obtained for all the geckos, the behavioral response being highly individual and context-dependent, although modulated by the species. Individuals which manipulated earlier and interacted longer with novel objects showed lower basal fecal corticosterone metabolite (FCM) levels. Differences according to the species suggested that crested geckos have significantly greater and more variable FCM levels than leopard geckos. Our results can help to understand the reaction of geckos to novelty and have the potential to serve in their welfare assessment, although more studies are needed to proper establish welfare protocols.
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    Light Microscopic, Ultrastructure Analysis and Functional Morphology of Cornu aspersum Spermatozoa Containedin the Frozen Hermaphroditic Duct
    (Int. J. Morphol, 2023) Fontanillas Pérez, Juan Carlos; Fuertes Recuero, Manuel; Rojo Salvador, Concepción; García-Cuenca Ariati, Isabel
    In this study we describe the functional morphology of Cornu aspersum (Helix aspersa), spermatozoa using light, scanning (SEM) and transmission electron (TEM) microscopies. The studies were performed with sperm located in the frozen hermaphroditic duct. Our results showed that the head presents an elongated conical shape slightly coiled in a corkscrew, with the nucleus partially covered by an acrosome, where an apical vesicle is located at the lateralized apex. This peculiar shape suggests the helical displacement movement of the spermatozoa. The head and the nucleus are slightly larger size compared to those of other gastropod species. The intermediate tract is surrounded by a mitochondrial complex and a glycogen helix. The glycogen helix is coiled helically along the intermediate tract, presenting at least five twists of glycogen helices. The complexity of both the mitochondrial complex and the glycogen helix suggests a high metabolic consumption considering the long period of time until fertilization occurs. Our findings on the detailed characterization of Cornu aspersum spermatozoa, obtained from a frozen hermaphroditic duct can contribute to a better understanding of the functional morphology of sperm and serve as a reference for future studies.
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    [Actualidad Veterinaria] Utilización de la fauna edáfica como indicador biológico del suelo: una introducción a la entomología de aplicación veterinaria
    (Sanidad militar: revista de sanidad de las Fuerzas Armadas de España, 2005) Lleó Casanova, Belén; Fontanillas Pérez, Juan Carlos; García-Cuenca Ariati, Isabel; García Artiga, Carlos; Moreno Fernández-Caparros, Luis Ángel
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    First report of polymelia in a passerine bird, the Pied Flycatcher
    (Ardea, 2023) Fontanillas Pérez, Juan Carlos; Cantarero Carmona, Alejandro; Fuertes Recuero, Manuel; Longhin, Davide; Chiesurin, Leonardo; Tusini, Samuele
    Polymelia is a congenital defect characterized by an excessive number of limbs. Leg malformations are unusual and have rarely been reported in birds. The ultimate mechanism that regulates this type of abnormal development is not yet well understood. Here we report polymelia in a nestling of the European Pied Flycatcher Ficedula hypoleuca. We have ringed more than 12,100 Pied Flycatcher nestlings since 1991 and have never observed this malformation before. To our knowledge, there is no study indicating polymelia in any bird of the order Passeriformes. We observed and studied a Pied Flycatcher nestling that had two extra limbs fused at the pelvis. We used X-rays, Computerized Tomography (CT) scan and Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI). We describe the observed malformations and discuss potential causes. The malformation could be due to an embryonic cause, such as a parasitic twin (pygopagus parasitic) or a genetic mutation.
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    Flora macrofítica y fauna perifítica y bentónica de los estanques exteriores de un centro de Astacicultura
    (MONTES, 2002) Fontanillas Pérez, Juan Carlos; García-Cuenca Ariati, Isabel; Cuellar, Mª C.
    Se realiza un estudio de las características del agua de abastecimiento y la flora y la microfauna de los estanques exteriores de un centro de astacicultura español. Se ha comprobado que los márgenes máximos y mínimos de las características físico-químicas del agua de los estanques, se hallan entre los límites considerados como idóneos para la biología y la cría de cangrejos. Alguno de los vegetales macrofíticos identificados constituyen destacados alimentos y refugios para los cangrejos y excelentes soportes de adherencia para la microflora y microfauna acuática epibiótica que también forman parte fundamental de la dieta alimentaria, juntamente con la bentofauna de los fondos activos de los estanques. Las cantidades de macro y microinvertebrados de los estanques han ofrecido evidentes oscilaciones según las condiciones climáticas en las diferentes épocas del año, destacando el predominio de los órdenes (Physa, Hidrobia), Ephemeroptera (Heptogenia, Ecdyonurus) y diptera (Chironomuis y Corynoneura) durante el período comprendido entre febrero y septiembre.
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    Nuevas tendencias en el manejo de caracoles para una cría rentable
    (2016) Fontanillas Pérez, Juan Carlos; García Artiga, Carlos; García-Cuenca Ariati, Isabel; García-Cuenca Ariati, Isabel
    La Helicicultura o cría de caracol con fines productivos, es una industria zootécnica que lleva desarrollándose en España más de 40 años. Desde entonces ha ido evolucionando en consonancia con el desarrollo que ha tenido en países próximos a nosotros como Francia e Italia principalmente. En los últimos cinco años con la entrada de países europeos como Bulgaria, Polonia o Grecia y otros como Marruecos, han hecho modificar los criterios de producción de nuestros criaderos para poder competir con los precios de estos países, pasando de pequeñas granjas a grandes criaderos en invernaderos de más de 5.000 m2, donde se crían caracoles de origen nacional y también se engordan y se procesan caracoles procedentes de países europeos de los ya mencionados. Los criadores de caracoles ya no se limitan a vender exclusivamente caracoles vivos para consumo, sino que los procesan y elaboran recetas que enlatan como alimentos cocinados para su venta en grandes cadenas de distribución o vía online. Asimismo, se están elaborando productos alternativos como el caviar de caracol que dado su altísimo precio le está costando irrumpir en el mercado nacional, no así en otros como es el japonés. El mercado del caracol sigue evolucionando y no es descabellado pensar que en los próximos años aparezcan normativas comunitarias que hagan más fácil a nuestros helicicultores competir con los actuales países exportadores.
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    Determination of the appropriate concentration of sodium alginate used for in vitro culture of cat preantral follicles in a serum-free medium containing FSH, EGF and IGF-I
    (Reproduction in Domestic Animals, 2023) Fontanillas Pérez, Juan Carlos; González Gil, Alfredo; García-Cuenca Ariati, Isabel; Picazo González, María Dolores; Fuertes Recuero, Manuel
    Culture of domestic cat preantral follicles can be a suitable technology to assist oocyte conservation strategies in the family Felidae. This research was aimed to comparatively analyse cat preantral follicular development of follicles directly seeded on growth surface or encapsulated in 0.5 or 1% of sodium alginate in a serum-free medium containing FSH, EGF and IGF-I. Preantral follicles were isolated from cat ovarian cortical tissue after ovariectomy. Alginate was dissolved at 0.5 or 1% in PBS. Follicles, 4 per well, with 0% (G-0%), 0.5% (G-0.5%) or 1% (G-1%) of sodium alginate were cultured in M199 with FSH (100 ng/mL), EGF (100 ng/mL) and IGF-I (100 ng/mL) for 7 days at 37°C, 5% CO2 and 99% humidity. Culture medium was replaced every 48 h and samples were stored at −20°C until ELISA of steroid hormones. Morphometric evaluation of follicles was performed every 24 h. G-0% follicles showed granulosa cell migration away from the oocyte and disrupted morphology, whereby they reached apparently larger diameters (203.70 ± 5.82 μm; p < .05) than G-0.5% and G-1% follicles (157.89 ± 8.47 μm and 95.23 ± 1.67 μm, respectively) which maintained three-dimensional organization, being larger in G-0.5% than in G-1% (p < .05). G-0.5% follicles attained the multi-layer preantral follicle stage on day 7 of culture, whereas G-1% follicles underwent progressive atresia. On day 6, steroid concentrations were higher (p < .05) in G-0% than in G-1%: 60 ± 19 vs 0.88 ± 0.32 pg/mL oestradiol; 2.6 ± 0.84 vs 0.04 ± 0.02 ng/mL progesterone; 1.3 ± 0.22 vs 0.61 ± 0.04 ng/mL testosterone and 1.6 ± 0.54 vs 0.22 ± 0.07 ng/mL androstenedione respectively. Steroid concentrations in G-0.5% were comprised between those of G-0% and G-1% (p > .05). In conclusion, two-layer cat preantral follicles encapsulated in 0.5% alginate cultured in medium containing FSH, EGF and IGF-I can develop up to the multi-layer preantral stage in 7 days of culture, whereas follicles directly seeded on growth surface or encapsulated in 1% alginate lost their three-dimensional organization, and experienced regression with compromised steroidogenesis, respectively.