Burgueño Torres, Laura

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Burgueño Torres
Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Faculty / Institute
Especialidades Clínicas Odontológicas
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    A study on the chronology and sequence of eruption of primary teeth in Spanish children
    (European journal of paediatric dentistry, 2015) Burgueño Torres, Laura; Mourelle Martínez, Rosa; Nova García, Manuel Joaquín De
    Aim: The aim of this study is to determine the timing of primary teeth eruption in Spanish children, and to distinguish gender and arch differences. Materials and methods: A cross-sectional study was performed on primary teeth eruption in a sample of 1,250 children (623 girls and 627 boys) from the Region of Madrid aged between 3 and 42 months. The clinical emergence of teeth was taken to estimate the mean ages of primary teeth eruption. The t test was used to analyse gender and arch differences. Results: The process of primary dentition lasted 22.28 months, and statistically significant differences were found in the eruption of homologous contralateral teeth. The first molars and maxillary lateral incisors erupted earlier in girls than in boys, with no statistically significant chronological differences. The central incisors and second molars erupted first in the mandibular arch, while the lateral incisors, canines and first molars erupted first in the maxilla. A greater chronological difference was found between the lateral incisors, which erupted more than 8 months earlier in the maxilla than in the mandible. Conclusions: In the overall sample, the first tooth to erupt was the lower right central incisor at 10.96 ± 1.88 months, and the last was the upper left second molar, at 33.24 ± 4.35 months, symmetry was found in the eruption of the deciduous teeth. The greatest chronological difference was observed in the lateral incisors, with the upper ones erupting more than 8 months before the lower ones. Although statistically significant gender differences were found, they were considered clinically irrelevant.
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    Analysis of craniocervical abnormalities in osteogenesis imperfecta during growth
    (Applied Sciences, 2024) Nova García, Manuel Joaquín De; García de Sola, Rafael; Burgueño Torres, Laura
    Osteogenesis Imperfecta (OI) is a genetic disease characterized by osteopenia and bone fragility in which the craniocervical junction is also affected. This is of special relevance due to the high prevalence in anomalies described in the literature as follows: basilar invagination, basilar impression, and platybasia. Methods. We analyzed 19 lateral skull radiographs and 14 magnetic resonance images (MRIs) of 28 patients with OI in which eight linear and five angular measurements were plotted to determine the existence of craniocervical junction anomalies and compare them with 38 lateral skull radiographs and 28 MRIs performed on age-matched healthy controls. Results. From the reference values obtained from the control sample for each age group, we established the limit value at which pathology could be suspected. Some of the variables studied showed a clear trend associated with growth. More than half of the patients (60.71%) presented an anomaly in the skull base. Conclusions. According to the diagnostic criteria used and taking +2.5 SD as the limit value, 10.71% of the patients had basilar invagination, 35.71% had basilar impression, and 39.29% had platybasia, the latter being the most common finding
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    Project number: 340
    Uso del simulador dental, SIMODONT®, en Odontopediatría: comparación de habilidades manuales con Simodont® versus Tipodonto en dientes temporales de acrílico
    () Caleya Zambrano, Antonia María; Burgueño Torres, Laura; Diéguez Pérez, Montserrat; Gallardo López, Nuria; Mourelle Martínez, Rosa; De Nova Garcia, Manuel Joaquín; Martín Vacas, Andrea
    Desde que se iniciaron los estudios de Odontología se han utilizado escenarios de simulación para intentar desarrollar habilidades motoras y destrezas manuales en los estudiantes. Actualmente, los simuladores virtuales hápticos 3D de alta fidelidad están siendo ampliamente utilizados en la docencia de la práctica odontológica como herramienta didáctica. Estos simuladores permiten al estudiante realizar actividades de la profesión en un entorno seguro y controlado. En el curso 2022/2023 vamos a implantar el uso simuladores dentales, Simodont, en las prácticas preclínicas de Odontopediatría que se imparte en el Grado en Odontología. Además queremos valorar si la adquisión de conocimiento teóricos previos influye en la evaluación de las prácticas preclínicas en nuestra disciplina. Para el desarrollo de este proyecto primero se les pasará a los alumnos un cuestionario sobre preparaciones cavitarias, posteriormente realizarán las practicas preclínicas sobre dientes temporales de acrílicos sobre fantomas, en ellos realizarán preparaciones cavitarias en dientes temporales de acrílicos. Posteriormente, realizarán los mismos tratamientos pero en los simuladores dentales. Se establecerá una rúbrica para evaluar las preparaciones dentarias. Dichos procedimientos serán evaluados por dos profesores integrantes de este proyecto a ciegas. Una vez concluidas las prácticas se les pasará a los alumnos una encuesta de satisfacción y de opinión sobre el uso de simuladores. Se analizarán todos los resultados obtenidos y entre los miembros integrantes de este proyecto se redactará un documento de consenso sobre las posibles mejoras o modificaciones en el uso de simuladores dentales en Odontopediatría.
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    Project number: 298
    Diseño de infografías para la asignatura de Odontopediatria como mejora de la enseñanza en entornos virtuales
    (2021) Diéguez Pérez, Montserrat; Burgueño Torres, Laura; Reichard Monefeldt., Guillermo; Ticona Flores, Jesús Miguel; González Cabrera, Challana; Coro Montanet, Gleyvis; Cerdán Gómez, Fátima
    El empleo de recursos infográficos invita al aprendizaje y retención cognitiva por fijación visual, captando así la atención del alumnado e incrementando su interés por los contenidos impartidos. Se plantean como principal objetivo: Diseñar infografías para la asignatura de Odontopediatría dirigidas hacia el aprendizaje de aspectos morfológicos de la dentición temporal y experimentar dicho recurso entre el alumnado. Para el desarrollo de la investigación se siguieron las siguientes fases: Creación del grupo de trabajo, formación del profesorado en la generación, uso o aplicación de infografías, elaboración del material infográfico teniendo en cuenta el planteamiento de la temática, medición de la percepción del alumnado respecto a la adquisición de conocimientos tras la exposición del recurso digital mediante un cuestionario, redacción y divulgación del trabajo de investigación. Se diseño una infografía que resumía las diferencias morfológicas entre la dentición decidua y permanente, otra sobre la temática funciones de la dentición temporal y una que especificaba las características generales por cada uno de los dientes temporales de las hemiarcadas derechas. Las características generales de los recursos infográficos seleccionados por los estudiantes se basan en la simplicidad en cuanto al texto, imágenes y diseño.Las mejoras que podrían incrementar la calidad y eficacia del material infográfico se basan sobre todo en la esquematización del contenido textual y fotográfico.
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    Application of orthopantomography in the analysis of bone mineral density in patients with osteogenesis imperfecta
    (Applied Sciences, 2024) García Boedo, Lara; Burgueño Torres, Laura; Nova García, Manuel Joaquín De
    Osteogenesis imperfecta is a disorder characterized by osteopenia and bone fragility. Con sidering that orthopantomography is a routine diagnostic test in growing patients, it can be used to analyze bone density in these patients. The study sample consisted of 21 child patients diagnosed with OI, under medical treatment with antiresorptives and for whom orthopantomography was available, analyzed and compared with 20 healthy children. The panoramic radiographs were ana lyzed and the radiomorphometric indices and fractal dimension were measured after first selecting the areas of interest to be studied. The results showed that fractal dimension of the basal cortical bone was lower in the study group, and MCW was lower in patients with osteogenesis imperfecta. In addition, MCW and fractal dimension were lower with higher number of treatment cycles re ceived. In light of the results obtained, we can conclude that panoramic radiography can be useful in analyzing changes in bone mineral density in these patients throughout the course of treatment.
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    Evaluation of the severity of malocclusion in children with osteogenesis imperfecta
    (Journal of Clinical Medicine, 2022) Nova García, Manuel Joaquín De; Bernal Barroso, Fabiola; Mourelle Martínez, Rosa; Gallardo López, Nuria Esther; Diéguez Pérez, Montserrat; Feijoo García, Gonzalo; Burgueño Torres, Laura
    Occlusion is the way in which the dental arches are related to each other and depends on craniofacial growth and development. It is affected in patients with Osteogenesis Imperfecta (OI) who present altered craniofacial development. The malocclusion present in 49 patients diagnosed with different types of OI aged between 4 and 18 was studied. The control group of healthy people was matched for age, sex, and molar class. To study the mixed and permanent dentition, the American Board of Orthodontics (ABO) discrepancy Index was applied. The primary dentition was evaluated with a Temporary Dentition Occlusion Analysis proposed for this study. The OI group obtained higher scores in the Discrepancy Index than the control group, indicating a high difficulty of treatment. The most significant differences were found in types III and IV of the disease. Regarding the variables studied, the greatest differences were found in the presence of lateral open bite in patients with OI, and in the variable “others” (agenesis and ectopic eruption). The analysis of primary dentition did not show significant differences between the OI and control groups. Patients with OI have more severe malocclusions than their healthy peers. Malocclusion is related to the severity of the disease and may progress with age.
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    Estudio de la erupción de los dientes temporales en una muestra de niños de la Comunidad de Madrid
    (2014) Burgueño Torres, Laura; Mourelle Martínez,, María Rosa; Nova García, M. Joaquín de
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    Influence of the severity of osteogenesis imperfecta on cranial measurements
    (Children, 2023) Nova García, Manuel Joaquín De; García de Sola, Rafael; Burgueño Torres, Laura
    Osteogenesis Imperfecta (OI) is a disease that causes bone fragility and deformities, affecting both the cranial base and the craniocervical junction, and may lead to other neurological disorders. A retrospective cross-sectional study was carried out based on cephalometric analysis of the cranial base in a sample of patients with OI, in lateral skull radiographs and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), comparing them with a sample of age-matched controls. When the different variables of the craniocervical junction were analyzed, significance was found in comparisons with the different age groups. All measurements of the variables studied stabilized as growth progressed. For most of the variables, the severity of the disease influences the measurements of the skull base, with statistically significant differences. Both age and severity of the disease are factors that directly influence the anatomy of the craniocervical junction in these patients and may serve as indicators in the early detection and prevention of other derived alterations.
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    Project number: 375
    Certezas manifestadas por el alumnado con relación a la adquisición de competencias específicas en la modalidad de prácticas tuteladas de la asignatura Clínica Odontológica Integrada del Grado de Odontología
    (2020) Diéguez Pérez, Montserrat; Burgueño Torres, Laura; Real Benlloch, Irene; Rodríguez Peinado, Nazareth
    Las prácticas tuteladas constituyen una metodología clave en la formación de los futuros odontólogos. En este contexto, la investigación propuesta tiene como objetivo mostrar la percepción que tienen los alumnos del Grado de Odontología de nuestra universidad sobre las competencias específicas que se adquieren durante las prácticas clínicas. Se optará por una metodología cuantitativa fundamentada en la técnica del cuestionario que será aplicada al inicio, durante y tras la finalización del curso académico. La investigación asegurará en todo momento la protección a la identidad de las personas y el anonimato de los datos obtenidos. La valoración que los estudiantes hacen de la adquisición de estas competencias y su percepción sobre el incremento de esta adquisición permitiría reflexionar sobre la eficacia de esta metodología docente y replantear cambios con relación al desarrollo del enfoque competencial. En base al éxito obtenido se podría garantizar una formación de calidad incrementando las posibilidades de transferencia de los objetivos planteados con esta asignatura de cara a la adquisición de una adecuada profesionalidad tras finalizar el 5º curso del Grado de Odontología.
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    Sexual dimorphism of primary dentition in Spanish children
    (Acta odontologica Scandinavica, 2018) Burgueño Torres, Laura; Mourelle Martínez, Rosa; Diéguez Pérez, Montserrat; Nova García, Manuel Joaquín De
    Aim: To analyse differences in the eruption of primary teeth between both sexes. Materials and methods: A cross-sectional study was performed in a sample of 1250 children aged between 3 and 42 months. The clinical emergence of teeth was taken to estimate average ages for primary teeth eruption. The t-test was used to analyse gender and arch differences. Results: Eruption of primary teeth began at the same time in girls as in boys; although the eruptive process was longer in girls. It was observed that almost all deciduous teeth emerged earlier in boys, except for the first molar (upper and lower) and the maxillary central incisors. The differences were statistically significant for almost all the primary teeth except for the central incisors, both upper and lower. Conclusions: By comparing the timing of the eruption of primary teeth in both sexes, it was found that eruption of almost all primary teeth took place earlier in boys than in girls and that the eruption process was shorter for boys than for girls. Most of the deciduous teeth erupted earlier in the right side in both sexes. No differences were found in the sequence of eruption of primary teeth between genders.