Sánchez Luna, Manuel Ramón

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First Name
Manuel Ramón
Last Name
Sánchez Luna
Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Faculty / Institute
Salud Pública y Materno-Infantil
UCM identifierORCIDScopus Author IDWeb of Science ResearcherIDDialnet ID

Search Results

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    New Strategies of Pulmonary Protection of Preterm Infants in the Delivery Room with the Respiratory Function Monitoring
    (American Journal of Perinatology, 2019) Zeballos Sarrato, Gonzalo; Sánchez Luna, Manuel Ramón; Zeballos Sarrato, Susana; Pérez Pérez, Alba; Pescador Chamorro, Isabel; Bellón Cano, Jose María
    Objective: To investigate if the use of a visible respiratory function monitor (RFM) to use lower tidal volumes (Vts) during positive pressure ventilation (PPV) in the delivery room (DR) reduces the need of surfactant administration and invasive mechanical ventilation during the first 72 hours after birth of preterm infants <32 weeks' gestational age (GA). Study design: Infants <32 weeks' GA (n = 106) requiring noninvasive PPV were monitored with a RFM at birth and randomized to visible (n = 54) or masked (n = 52) display on RFM. Pulmonary data were recorded during the first 10 minutes after birth. Secondary analysis stratified patients by GA (<28, 28-29+6, or ≥30 weeks). Results: Median expiratory Vts during inflations were greater in the masked group (7 mL/kg) than in the visible group (5.8 mL/kg; p = 0.001) same as peak inflation pressure (PIP) administered (21.5 vs. 19.7 cmH2O; p < 0.001). Consequently, minute volumes were greater in the masked group (256 vs. 214 mL/kg/min; p < 0.001), with no differences in respiratory rate. These differences were higher in those <30 weeks' GA. There was no difference in the need of surfactant administration or intubation during the first 72 hours of age. Conclusion: Using a RFM in the DR prevents the use of large Vt and PIP during respiratory support inflations, mostly in the more immature newborn infants, but with no other short-term benefits.
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    DCO2/PaCO2 correlation on high-frequency oscillatory ventilation combined with volume guarantee using increasing frequencies in an animal model
    (European Journal of Pediatrics, 2019) González Pacheco, Noelia; Sánchez Luna, Manuel Ramón; Arribas Sánchez, Cristina; Santos González, Martín; Orden Quinto, Cristina; Tendillo Cortijo, Francisco Javier
    To examine the correlation DCO2/PaCO2 on high-frequency oscillatory ventilation (HFOV) combined with volume guarantee (VG) throughout increasing frequencies in two different respiratory conditions, physiological and low compliance. Neonatal animal model was used, before and after a bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL). HFOV combined with VG was used. The frequency was increased from 10 to 20 Hz, and high-frequency tidal volume (VThf) was gradually decreased maintaining a constant DCO2. Arterial partial pressure of carbon dioxide (PaCO2) was evaluated after each frequency and VThf change. Six 2-day-old piglets were studied. A linear decrease in PaCO2 was observed throughout increasing frequencies in both respiratory conditions while maintaining a constant DCO2, showing a significant difference between the initial PaCO2 (at 10 Hz) and the PaCO2 obtained at 18 and 20 Hz. A new DCO2 equation (corrected DCO2) was calculated in order to better define the correlation between DCO2 and the observed PaCO2.Conclusion: The correlation DCO2/PaCO2 throughout increasing frequencies is not linear, showing a greater CO2 elimination efficiency at higher frequencies, in spite of maintaining a constant DCO2. So, using frequencies close to the resonant frequency of the respiratory system on HFOV combined with VG, optimizes the efficiency of gas exchange.What is Known: • The efficacy of CO2removal during high-frequency oscillatory ventilation (HFOV), described as the diffusion coefficient of CO2(DCO2) is related to the square of the high-frequency tidal volume (VThf) and the frequency (f), expressed as DCO2= VThf2× f.What is New: • The correlation between DCO2and PaCO2throughout increasing frequencies is not linear, showing a greater CO2elimination efficiency at higher frequencies. So, using very high frequencies on HFOV combined with volume guarantee optimizes the efficiency of gas exchange allowing to minimize lung injury.
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    Cost-utility analysis of Palivizumab for Respiratory Syncytial Virus infection prophylaxis in preterm infants: update based on the clinical evidence in Spain
    (BMC Infectious Diseases, 2017) Sánchez Luna, Manuel Ramón; Burgos Pol, R.; Oyagüez, I.; Figueras Aloy, J.; Sánchez Solís, M.; Martinón Torres, F.; Carbonell Estrany, X.
    Background: This study aimed at estimating the efficiency of palivizumab in the prevention of Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV) infection and its sequelae in preterm infants (32day 1-35day 0weeks of gestational age –wGA-) in Spain. Methods: A decision-tree model was developed to compare health benefits (Quality Adjusted Life Years-QALYs) and costs of palivizumab versus a non-prophylaxis strategy over 6 years. A hypothetical cohort of 1,000 preterm infants, 32day 1-35day 0 wGA (4.356 kg average weight) at the beginning of the prophylaxis (15 mg/kg of palivizumab; 3.88 average number of injections per RSV season) was analysed. The model considered the most recent evidence from Spanish observational and epidemiological studies on RSV infection: the FLIP II study provided hospital admission and Intensive Care Unit (ICU) admission rates; in-hospital mortality rate was drawn from an epidemiological study from 2004 to 2012; recurrent wheezing rates associated to RSV infection from SPRING study were adjusted by the evidence on the palivizumab effect from clinical trials. Quality of life baseline value, number of hospitalized infants and the presence of recurrent wheezing over time were granted to estimate QALYs. National Health Service and societal perspective (included also recurrent wheezing indirect cost) were analysed. Total costs (€, 2016) included pharmaceutical and administration costs, hospitalization costs and recurrent wheezing management annual costs. A discount rate of 3.0% was applied annually for both costs and health outcomes. Results: Over 6 years, the base case analysis showed that palivizumab was associated to an increase of 0. 0731 QALYs compared to non-prophylaxis. Total costs were estimated in €2,110.71 (palivizumab) and €671.68 (non-prophylaxis) from the National Health System (NHS) perspective, resulting in an incremental cost utility ratio (ICUR) of €19,697.69/QALYs gained (prophylaxis vs non-prophylaxis). Results derived from the risk-factors population subgroups analysed were in line with the total population results. From the societal perspective, the incremental cost associated to palivizumab decreased to an €1,253.14 (ICUR = €17,153.16€/QALYs gained for palivizumab vs non-prophylaxis). One-way and probabilistic sensitivity analyses confirmed the robustness of the model. Conclusions: The prophylaxis with palivizumab is efficient for preventing from RSV infections in preterm infants 32day 1-35day 0 wGA in Spain