León Aznar, Carlos

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León Aznar
Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Faculty / Institute
Ingeniería del Software e Inteligencia Artificial
Lenguajes y Sistemas Informáticos
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    The Need for Multi-Aspectual Representation of Narratives in Modelling their Creative Process
    (OpenAccess Series in Informatics, 2014) Gervás Gómez-Navarro, Pablo; León Aznar, Carlos
    Existing approaches to narrative construction tend to apply basic engineering principles of system design which rely on identifying the most relevant feature of the domain for the problem at hand, and postulating an initial representation of the problem space organised around such a principal feature. Some features that have been favoured in the past include: causality, linear discourse, underlying structure, and character behavior. The present paper defends the need for simultaneous consideration of as many as possible of these aspects when attempting to model the process of creating narratives, together with some mechanism for distributing the weight of the decision processes across them. Humans faced with narrative construction may shift from views based on characters to views based on structure, then consider causality, and later also take into account the shape of discourse. This behavior can be related to the process of representational re-description of constraints as described in existing literature on cognitive models of the writing task. The paper discusses how existing computational models of narrative construction address this phenome
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    Generación de historias de varios personajes en lenguaje natural con elementos narrativos y diálogo
    (2007) León Aznar, Carlos; Gervás Gómez-Navarro, Pablo
    En este trabajo de investigación se propone un sistema concreto de Generación de Lenguaje Natural capaz de crear historias con varios personajes, en las que se relaten secuencias de acciones y diálogos entre dichos personajes. Este sistema recibirá, como base de conocimiento, un conjunto determinado de datos que servirán como información a partir de la cual se creará la historia, y que describirán, de manera exhaustiva, todos los hechos o eventos que se den en una historia. El sistema de generación que se ha creado recibe este conocimiento, y crea, a partir del mismo, y unos objetivos del usuario sobre la información que quiere recibir, una historia en la que los protagonistas sean los personajes y, mediante la narración de sus hechos y la representación de sus diálogos, se transmita a un usuario un conocimiento determinado.
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    Project number: 63
    BigMark: análisis y predicción de calificaciones mediante Big Data
    (2018) León Aznar, Carlos; Francisco Gilmartín, Virginia; Hervás Ballesteros, Raquel; Martínez Ortiz, Iván; Sánchez Ruiz-Granados, Antonio Alejandro
    Proyecto de innovación docente en el que apliquemos estas técnicas de análisis de datos inteligentes para extraer información a partir de las calificaciones obtenidas por los alumnos durante el curso. El proyecto consiste en el desarrollo de una aplicación inteligente, disponible a través del navegador web o del móvil, para que tanto los profesores como los alumnos puedan ver las calificaciones del curso, compararlas e incluso predecirlas. La predicción se consigue mediante el análisis de datos y la aplicación de técnicas de regresión estadística a partir de los datos del curso actual y de los cursos anteriores, tanto del alumno que busca información como (de forma anonimizada) de sus compañeros.
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    Project number: PIMCD14/23-24
    Adaptación de material curricular de herramientas TIC para la diversidad funcional en carreras STEM
    (2024) León Aznar, Carlos; Alcaide García, Beatriz; Bautista Blasco, Susana; Francisco Gilmartín, Virginia; Hervás Ballesteros, Raquel; Méndez Pozo, Gonzalo; Sánchez-Horcajuelo López, Rocío; Trefftz Fernández, Nicolás Emmanuel; Villar Rubio, Alejandro; León Aznar, Carlos
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    Mixed narrative and dialog content planning based on BDI agents
    (2007) León Aznar, Carlos; Hassan Collado, Samer; Gervás Gómez-Navarro, Pablo; Pavón Mestras, Juan
    There exist various narrative systems, focused on different parts of the complex process of story generation. Some of them are oriented to content planning, and some to sentence planning, with different properties and characteristics. In this paper we propose a system based on BDI agents that generates stories (creating content, performing content planning and simple sentence planning) with narrative parts and dialogs. The content for the story is generated in a multiagent social simulation system, and the content planning is based on rules and a state space search algorithm based on the system representation of the reader’s perception of the story.
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    When Reflective Feedback Triggers Goal Revision: a computational Model for Literary Creativity∗
    (CEUR Workshop Proceedings, 2015) Gervás Gómez-Navarro, Pablo; León Aznar, Carlos
    Existing models of the writing task from a cognitive viewpoint agree on the importance of draft revision in the overall process. This is generally assumed to focus on reviewing intermediate drafts in search for feedback on how to modify them to match the driving constraints. However, in literary creativity it is often the case that the feedback leads not to a revision of the current draft but to a redefinition of the constraints that are driving the process. This phenomenon is explicitly described in Sharples’ model of writing as a creative task. Yet existing computational models of literary creativity do not contemplate it. The present paper describes a computational model of the creative processes in literary creativity that contemplates the explicit representation of the constraints driving the process, and allows for the feedback from the validation to modify not just the ongoing draft but also the constraints that it is expected to satisfy. This allows the model to represent cases of serendipitous discovery of interesting features.
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    A computational model for automated extraction of structural schemas from simple narrative plots
    (2011) León Aznar, Carlos; Gervás Gómez-Navarro, Pablo
    Building computational systems capable of creating and interpreting narrative content has been an objective of Artificial Intelligence since its beginnings. Its development, however, has been blocked by what is commonly known as the knowledge acquisition bottleneck, which does not permit story processing in the large. In this dissertation, a computational system that tries to take one step forward in the target of making it possible to process narrative content on a larger scale is presented. Two stages of research towards this goal are detailed. A semantic approach to narrative processing not yielding satisfying results is first explained. Then, a different system modelling a focus shifting towards a structural management that provided better results is shown. The current state of the art is studied in detail. Empirical validation has been carried out to prove to the possible extent the proposed hypothesis (the plausibility of structural processing for narrative content). Discussion about the most important aspects and design decisions is also included, and possible future lines of investigation are also exposed.
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    Project number: 187
    Caramelos con sabor a nota 2.0: apoyo digital para nuevos modelos de seguimiento de la participación en clase
    (2017) Sánchez Ruiz-Granados, Antonio A.; Moreno Ger, Pablo; Hervás Ballesteros, Raquel; Martínez Ortiz, Iván; Francisco Gilmartín, Virginia; León Aznar, Carlos
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    Reconocimiento visual de instrucciones de un entorno 3D para un robot autónomo
    (2005) León Aznar, Carlos; Mendoza Castejón, Jorge; Sánchez Nieto, Diego; Pajares Martinsanz, Gonzalo
    El proyecto consiste en el desarrollo de un motor de visión por computador modular, que tiene como objetivo el reconocimiento de gestos de las manos y de órdenes escritas, adquiridas a través de interfaz de imágenes como una cámara y otros, y la traducción de las mismas a órdenes inteligibles. Asimismo, se crearán un microrrobot y un entorno de visualización en tres dimensiones, que muestren, mediante el movimiento del mismo y el desplazamiento del personaje en el entorno, respectivamente, la ejecución de dichas órdenes. [ABSTRACT] The project consists on the development of a modular machine vision engine, that has as objective the reconoissance of hand gestures and written orders, adquired through an image interface like a camera and others, and the translation of these to understandable orders. Also, a micro-robot and a three dimension environment will be created that show, by the movement and the displacement of the character in the environment, respectively, the execution of the mentioned orders.