Ferrer Caja, José María

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José María
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Ferrer Caja
Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Faculty / Institute
Estadística e Investigación Operativa
Estadística e Investigación Operativa
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Search Results

Now showing 1 - 9 of 9
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    Project number: 245
    Big data en educación II: metodologías adaptativas en el proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje desde el diagnóstico del estudiante
    (2019) Hernández Estrada, Adolfo; García Pérez, Enrique; Fernández-Cid Enríquez, Matilde; Vela Pérez, María; Peñaloza Figueroa, Juan Luis; Martínez Rodríguez, María Elena; Arteaga Martínez, Blanca; Macías Sánchez, Jesús; Martín Apaolaza, Nirian; Fernández-Crehuet Santos, José María; Pérez Martín, María; Mateos-Aparicio Morales, Gregoria; Fernández Molina, María Elia; Dorado Sánchez, Juan; Ruozzi López, Alberto; Martíns Pinto, Ana Rita; Martínez de La Fuente, Jorge Iván; Andrés García, Ángel De; Carrasco Pradas, Mª Desamparados; Álvarez Sáez, Manuel; Ferrer Caja, José María; Aparicio Sánchez, María Del Socorro; Barreal Pernas, Jesús; Jannes, Gil
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    Project number: 229
    Hacia la creación de una comunidad docente de aprendizaje en el área de la Estadística y la Investigación Operativa
    (2023) Ferrer Caja, José María; González Ortega, Jorge; Molina Peralta, Isabel; Dominguez Dominguez, Cristina; Granda Chico, Bibiana; Molina Ferragut, Elisenda; González Ortega, Jorge; Caballé Cervigón, Nuria; Muñoz López, Susana; Alonso Sanz, Rosa; Tejada Cazorla, Juan Antonio; Rio Moreno, Mario; Rodríguez González, Juan Tinguaro; Tejada Cazorla, Juan Antonio; Tirado Domínguez, Gregorio; Vitoriano Villanueva, Begoña; Yáñez Gestoso, Francisco Javier; Ortuño Sánchez, María Teresa
    El objetivo del presente proyecto ha sido crear un espacio de reflexión y evaluación de estrategias didácticas aplicadas en asignaturas de Estadística e Investigación Operativa facilitando la creación de una comunidad docente de aprendizaje en el área,
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    Project number: PIMCD226/23-24
    Matemática interdisciplinar, construyendo las transiciones profesionales
    (2024) Gómez Chacón, Inés María; Ortuño Sánchez, María Teresa; Martín Campo, Francisco Javier; Bacelo Polo, Adrián; Díaz-Cano Ocaña, Antonio; Folgueira López, Marta; Granda Chico, Bibiana; Mallavibarrena Martinez de Catro, Raquel; Martínez Aguinaga, Francisco Javier; Queipo Álvarez, Clara; Swerts Martín, Talía; Teran Viadero, Paula Milagros; Tirado Domínguez, Gregorio; Ferrer Caja, José María; Gómez Chacón, Inés María; Gómez Chacón, Inés María; Ortuño Sánchez, María Teresa
    Desarrollar estrategias y recursos para la transición a la profesión de los estudiantes de matemáticas favoreciendo la interdisciplinar en matemáticas y la apertura profesional. Orientaciones de evaluación para tutela y evaluación de TFGs interdisciplinares.
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    Project number: 272
    Experiencias piloto en evaluación online mediante casos prácticos generados en R para el entorno Moodle/Collaborate
    (2022) Martin Campo, Francisco Javier; Alonso Sanz, Rosa; Ferrer Caja, José María; González Ortega, Jorge; Muñoz López, Susana; Ortuño Sánchez, María Teresa; Tirado Domínguez, Gregorio; Vitoriano Villanueva, Begoña
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    Multi-criteria optimization for last mile distribution of disaster relief aid: Test cases and applications
    (European Journal of Operational Research, 2018) Ferrer Caja, José María; Martín Campo, Francisco Javier; Ortuño Sánchez, María Teresa; Pedraza-Martínez, Alfonso J.; Tirado Domínguez, Gregorio; Vitoriano Villanueva, Begoña
    Humanitarian organizations transport large quantities of aid for distribution in the aftermath of disasters. Transportation for last mile distribution includes multiple, and often conflicting, performance criteria that include time (deprivation), cost, coverage, equity and security. We build a compromise programming model for multi-criteria optimization in humanitarian last mile distribution. Regarding security, ours is the first multi-criteria model able to produce an actual vehicle schedule while forcing vehicles to form convoys in humanitarian operations research. We illustrate the multi-criteria optimization using a realistic test case based on the Pakistan floods, 2010. We standardize and share this case as well as cases based on the Niger famine, 2005 and the Haiti earthquake, 2010. By sharing test cases, we encourage basic scientific tasks such as replicability and model comparison within the humanitarian operations research community.
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    Project number: 416
    Experiential Learning: Interpretación socioeconómica del Covid-19 desde el aula a la práctica empírica
    (2021) Jannes, Gil; Amundaray Carmona, Samai; Encabo Herrera, Víctor; Ferrer Caja, José María; Morales Chinea, Ainhoa; Ribes Rossiñol De Zagranada, Juan; Riego Miedes, Enrique; Usar Artiles, Alejandro; Veintemillas Fernández, Víctor
    Memoria final del proyecto de Innovación Docente nº 416
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    A New Ant Colony-Based Methodology for Disaster Relief
    (Mathematics, 2020) Ferrer Caja, José María; Ortuño, M. T.; Tirado Domínguez, Gregorio
    Humanitarian logistics in response to large scale disasters entails decisions that must be taken urgently and under high uncertainty. In addition, the scarcity of available resources sometimes causes the involved organizations to suffer assaults while transporting the humanitarian aid. This paper addresses the last mile distribution problem that arises in such an insecure environment, in which vehicles are often forced to travel together forming convoys for security reasons. We develop an elaborated methodology based on Ant Colony Optimization that is applied to two case studies built from real disasters, namely the 2010 Haiti earthquake and the 2005 Niger famine. There are very few works in the literature dealing with problems in this context, and that is the research gap this paper tries to fill. Furthermore, the consideration of multiple criteria such as cost, time, equity, reliability, security or priority, is also an important contribution to the literature, in addition to the use of specialized ants and effective pheromones that are novel elements of the algorithm which could be exported to other similar problems. Computational results illustrate the efficiency of the new methodology, confirming it could be a good basis for a decision support tool for real operations.
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    Métodos heurísticos para un problema multicriterio de distribución de ayuda humanitaria
    (2016) Ferrer Caja, José María; Ortuño Sánchez, María Teresa; Tirado Domínguez, Gregorio
    Large scale disasters, such as the one caused by the Typhoon Haiyan, which devastated portions of the Philippines in 2013, or the catastrophic 2010 Haiti earthquake, which caused major damage in Port-au-Prince and other settlements in the region, have massive and lasting effects on populations. Nowadays, disasters can be considered as a consequence of inappropriately managed risk. These risks are the product of hazards and vulnerability, which refers to the extent to which a community can be affected by the impact of a hazard. In this way, developing countries, due to their greater vulnerability, suffer the highest costs when a disaster occurs. Disaster relief is a challenge for politics, economies, and societies worldwide. Humanitarian organizations face multiple decision problems when responding to disasters. In particular, once a disaster strikes, the distribution of humanitarian aid to the population affected is one of the most fundamental operations in what is called humanitarian logistics. This term is defined as the process of planning, implementing and controlling the effcient, cost-effective ow and storage of goods and materials as well as related information, from the point of origin to the point of consumption, for the purpose of meeting the end bene- ciaries' requirements and alleviate the suffering of vulnerable people, [the Humanitarian Logistics Conference, 2004 (Fritz Institute)]. During the last decade there has been an increasing interest in the OR/MS community in studying this topic, pointing out the similarities and differences between humanitarian and business logistics, and developing models suited to handle the special characteristics of these problems. Several authors have pointed out that traditional logistic objectives, such as minimizing operation cost, are not the most relevant goals in humanitarian operations. Other factors, such as the time of operation, or the design of safe and equitable distribution plans, come to the front, and new models and algorithms are needed to cope with these special features. Up to six attributes related to the distribution plan are considered in our multi-criteria approach. Even though there are usually simple ways to measure the cost of an operation, the evaluation of some other attributes such as security or equity is not easy. As a result, several attribute measures are proposed and developed, focusing on different aspects of the solutions. Furthermore, when metaheuristic solution methods are used, considering non linear objective functions does not increase the complexity of the algorithms significantly, and thus more accurate measures can be utilized...
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    Project number: 302
    Experiential learning: del aula a la práctica empírica
    (2020) Jannes, Gil; Ferrer Caja, José María; Moyano Armendariz, Mónica; Ribes Rossiñol De Zagranada, Juan; Riego Miedes, Enrique; Encabo Herrera, Víctor; Amundaray Carmona, Samai; Connor Dennis, Hampton; Domínguez Plata, Fátima; Morales Chinea, Ainhoa; Rivera Garrido, Blanca; Veintemillas Fernández, Víctor