Bayarri Toscano, Gabriel

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Bayarri Toscano
Universidad Complutense de Madrid
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    Brazil above everything, God above everyone : an ethnography of Bolsonarist Metaphorical Colonial Sense in the 2018 Brazilian elections
    (2022) Bayarri Toscano, Gabriel; Lisón Arcal, José Carmelo; Downey, Gregory
    This thesis seeks to explain the success of Brazil’s far-right-wing Bolsonarists in the 2018 election campaign. It analyses how the different communicative forms present in the campaign, were structured around foundational metaphors that generated the entire cognitive universe of Bolsonarismo, allowing it to link into the type of society Brazil actually was: a post-colonial society, historically racist, hierarchical and founded on a regime of the normalisation of violence, which at the same time built its management of these dilemmas on the cordiality and flexibility of its relationships through festive expressions, such as carnivals and football. Influenced by Caio Prado Jr’s (2011/1942) concept of colonial sense, I have called the relationship between Bolsonarist metaphorical thinking and Brazil’s colonial origin a metaphorical colonial sense. This concept of metaphorical colonial sense has been crucial to the testing of the hypotheses that were the starting points for this thesis. These were that the Bolsonarist phenomenon could be explained as a product of the existence of a global systemic crisis, as a product of the existence of specific elements in Brazilian culture closely linked to the colonial past that included an acceptance of hierarchies and a specific historical social order that was perceived to be at risk, and through the category of “far-right” rather than fascism, as, although Bolsonarismo shared certain features of fascism, it was a complex, particular and peculiarly Brazilian phenomenon better explained by the concept of “far-right.”..