Serrano Pedraza, Ignacio

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Serrano Pedraza
Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Faculty / Institute
Psicología Experimental, Procesos Cognitivos y Logopedia
Psicología Básica
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    Effects of spatial frequency content on classification of face gender and expression.
    (The Spanish journal of psychology, 2010) Aguado Aguilar, Luis; Serrano Pedraza, Ignacio; Rodríguez, Sonia; Román, Francisco J
    The role of different spatial frequency bands on face gender and expression categorization was studied in three experiments. Accuracy and reaction time were measured for unfiltered, low-pass (cut-off frequency of 1 cycle/deg) and high-pass (cutoff frequency of 3 cycles/deg) filtered faces. Filtered and unfiltered faces were equated in root-mean-squared contrast. For low-pass filtered faces reaction times were higher than unfiltered and high-pass filtered faces in both categorization tasks. In the expression task, these results were obtained with expressive faces presented in isolation (Experiment 1) and also with neutral-expressive dynamic sequences where each expressive face was preceded by a briefly presented neutral version of the same face (Experiment 2). For high-pass filtered faces different effects were observed on gender and expression categorization. While both speed and accuracy of gender categorization were reduced comparing to unfiltered faces, the efficiency of expression classification remained similar. Finally, we found no differences between expressive and non expressive faces in the effects of spatial frequency filtering on gender categorization (Experiment 3). These results show a common role of information from the high spatial frequency band in the categorization of face gender and expression.