Panetsos Petrova, Fivos

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Panetsos Petrova
Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Faculty / Institute
Óptica y Optometría
Biodiversidad, Ecología y Evolución
Matemática Aplicada
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    Project number: 235
    Programa piloto de uso del portafolio como herramienta docente en el Grado de Biología
    (2020) Delgado Sáez, Juan Antonio; Jiménez Escobar, María Dolores; Pias Couso, María Beatriz; Herrero De Jáuregui, Cristina; Pérez Tris, Javier; Sánchez Jiménez, Abel; González Martín, Antonio; Saura Álvarez, María; Rodríguez Sousa, Antonio Alberto; Pardos Martínez, Fernando; Sánchez De Dios, Rut; Gutiérrez López, Mónica; Schmitz García, María Fe; Ramírez García, Álvaro; Vergara Carretero, Susana; Pulido Delgado, Francisco; Santos Martínez, Tomas; Acosta Gallo, Belén; Panetsos Petrova, Fivos; Arriero Higueras, Elena; Almodovar Pérez, Ana María; López De Pablo, Carlos Tomas; Alonso Campos, Germán; Miguel Garcinuño, José Manuel De; Gabriel Y Galán Moris, José María; Hernández Pazmiño, Nathalia
    Memoria final del proyecto de Innovación educativa "Programa piloto de uso del portafolio como herramienta docente en el Grado de Biología"
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    Necessary conditions for signal processing by resonant neurons
    (2001) Villacorta Atienza, José Antonio; Sánchez Jiménez, Abel; Panetsos Petrova, Fivos
    We study a mathematical model for information processing and coding by means of groups of resonant neurons. We conclude that incoming signals can be expressed by means of their Fourier series which coefficients are represented by the value of the membrane potential of the resonant neurons.
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    Computational study of resonant neural behaviour in the presence of continuous signals
    (2001) Sánchez Jiménez, Abel; Villacorta Atienza, José Antonio; Panetsos Petrova, Fivos; Pérez de Vargas, Antonio; Rattay, Frank
    The resonant behaviour and the response preference to input signals of specific frequencies are well known properties of many neurons of the Central Nervous System. In the present communication we computationally evaluate a theoretical model of oscillating neurons and we prove that ensembles of neurons with a reduced variety of channels could make use of the fluctuations of their membrane potential to perform signal analysis.
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    Strategies for the Biofunctionalization of Straining Flow Spinning Regenerated Bombyx mori Fibers
    (Molecules, 2022) Lozano Picazo, Paloma; Castro Domínguez, Cristina; Bruno, Augusto Luis; Baeza García, Alejandro; Martínez, Adelia S.; López, Patricia A.; Castro María, Ángela; Lakhal, Yassmin; Montero, Elena; Colchero Paetz, Luis; González Nieto, Daniel; Rojo, Francisco Javier; Panetsos Petrova, Fivos; Ramos Gómez, Milagros; Daza, Rafael; Gañán Calvo, Alfonso M.; Elices Calafat, Manuel; Guinea, Gustavo Víctor; Pérez Rigueiro, José
    High-performance regenerated silkworm (Bombyx mori) silk fibers can be produced efficiently through the straining flow spinning (SFS) technique. In addition to an enhanced biocompatibility that results from the removal of contaminants during the processing of the material, regenerated silk fibers may be functionalized conveniently by using a range of different strategies. In this work, the possibility of implementing various functionalization techniques is explored, including the production of fluorescent fibers that may be tracked when implanted, the combination of the fibers with enzymes to yield fibers with catalytic properties, and the functionalization of the fibers with cell-adhesion motifs to modulate the adherence of different cell lineages to the material. When considered globally, all these techniques are a strong indication not only of the high versatility offered by the functionalization of regenerated fibers in terms of the different chemistries that can be employed, but also on the wide range of applications that can be covered with these functionalized fibers.
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    Biomimetic Approaches for Separated Regeneration of Sensory and Motor Fibers in Amputee People: Necessary Conditions for Functional Integration of Sensory–Motor Prostheses With the Peripheral Nerves
    (Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology, 2020) Guedan Duran, Atocha; Jemni Damer, Nahla; Orueta Zenarruzabeitia, Irune; Guinea , Gustavo V.; Perez Rigueiro , José; Gonzalez Nieto,,Daniel; Panetsos Petrova, Fivos
    The regenerative capacity of the peripheral nervous system after an injury is limited, and a complete function is not recovered, mainly due to the loss of nerve tissue after the injury that causes a separation between the nerve ends and to the disorganized and intermingled growth of sensory and motor nerve fibers that cause erroneous reinnervations. Even though the development of biomaterials is a very promising field, today no significant results have been achieved. In this work, we study not only the characteristics that should have the support that will allow the growth of nerve fibers, but also the molecular profile necessary for a specific guidance. To do this, we carried out an exhaustive study of the molecular profile present during the regeneration of the sensory and motor fibers separately, as well as of the effect obtained by the administration and inhibition of different factors involved in the regeneration. In addition, we offer a complete design of the ideal characteristics of a biomaterial, which allows the growth of the sensory and motor neurons in a differentiated way, indicating (1) size and characteristics of the material; (2) necessity to act at the microlevel, on small groups of neurons; (3) combination of molecules and specific substrates; and (4) temporal profile of those molecules expression throughout the regeneration process. The importance of the design we offer is that it respects the complexity and characteristics of the regeneration process; it indicates the appropriate temporal conditions of molecular expression, in order to obtain a synergistic effect; it takes into account the importance of considering the process at the group of neuron level; and it gives an answer to the main limitations in the current studies.
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    Substitution of natural sensory input by artificial neurostimulation of an amputated trigeminal nerve does not prevent the degeneration of basal forebrain cholinergic circuits projecting to the somatosensory cortex
    (Frontiers in cellular neuroscience, 2014) Herrera Rincón, Celia; Panetsos Petrova, Fivos
    Peripheral deafferentation downregulates acetylcholine (ACh) synthesis in sensory cortices. However, the responsible neural circuits and processes are not known. We irreversibly transected the rat infraorbital nerve and implanted neuroprosthetic microdevices for proximal stump stimulation, and assessed cytochrome-oxidase and choline- acetyl-transferase (ChAT) in somatosensory, auditory and visual cortices; estimated the number and density of ACh-neurons in the magnocellular basal nucleus (MBN); and localized down-regulated ACh-neurons in basal forebrain using retrograde labeling from deafferented cortices. Here we show that nerve transection, causes down regulation of MBN cholinergic neurons. Stimulation of the cut nerve reverses the metabolic decline but does not affect the decrease in cholinergic fibers in cortex or cholinergic neurons in basal forebrain. Artifical stimulation of the nerve also has no affect of ACh-innervation of other cortices. Cortical ChAT depletion is due to loss of corticopetal MBN ChAT-expressing neurons. MBN ChAT downregulation is not due to a decrease of afferent activity or to a failure of trophic support. Basalocortical ACh circuits are sensory specific, ACh is provided to each sensory cortex “on demand” by dedicated circuits. Our data support the existence of a modality-specific cortex-MBN-cortex circuit for cognitive information processing.
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    Biotechnology and Biomaterial-Based Therapeutic Strategies for Age-Related Macular Degeneration. Part I: Biomaterials-Based Drug Delivery Devices
    (Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology, 2020) Jemni Damer, Nahla; Guedan Duran, Atocha; Fuentes Andion , María; Serrano Bengoechea , Nora; Alfageme Lopez , Nuría; Armada Maresca, Felix; Guinea , Gustavo V.; Pérez Rigueiro, José; Rojo, Francisco; Gonzalez Nieto, Daniel; Kaplan , Daniel L.; Panetsos Petrova, Fivos
    Age-related Macular Degeneration (AMD) is an up-to-date untreatable chronic neurodegenerative eye disease of multifactorial origin, and the main causes of blindness in over 65 years old people. It is characterized by a slow progression and the presence of a multitude of factors, highlighting those related to diet, genetic heritage and environmental conditions, present throughout each of the stages of the illness. Current therapeutic approaches, mainly consisting of intraocular drug delivery, are only used for symptoms relief and/or to decelerate the progression of the disease. Furthermore, they are overly simplistic and ignore the complexity of the disease and the enormous differences in the symptomatology between patients. Due to the wide impact of the AMD and the up-to-date absence of clinical solutions, the development of biomaterials-based approaches for a personalized and controlled delivery of therapeutic drugs and biomolecules represents the main challenge for the defeat of this neurodegenerative disease. Here we present a critical review of the available and under development AMD therapeutic approaches, from a biomaterials and biotechnological point of view. We highlight benefits and limitations and we forecast forthcoming alternatives based on novel biomaterials and biotechnology methods. In the first part we expose the physiological and clinical aspects of the disease, focusing on the multiple factors that give origin to the disorder and highlighting the contribution of these factors to the triggering of each step of the disease. Then we analyze available and under development biomaterials-based drug-delivery devices (DDD), taking into account the anatomical and functional characteristics of the healthy and ill retinal tissue.
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    Project number: 286
    Atlas electrónico de registros de retinográficos y tomográficos: cribado, derivación, y modelización matématica. Parte III: Retinopatía Diabética
    (2017) Sánchez Ramos, Celia; Pérez Carrasco, María Jesús; Bonnin Arias, Cristina Natalia; Llorens Casado, María Belén; Panetsos Petrova, Fivos
    El objetivo de este proyecto es continuar con el Atlas retinográfico iniciado en las convocatorias anteriores con imágenes obtenidas con los principales y novedosos instrumentos utilizados en la actualidad para el diagnóstico de patologías retinianas. El Atlas presentará, además de las imágenes, una detallada descripción de los aspectos que debe tenerse en cuenta en el momento de realizar el cribado. Y además, se realizará un novedoso modelizado matemático de las imágenes. Esta tercera parte se centrará en el diagnóstico de RETINOPATÍAS DIABÉTICAS, una patología con una prevalencia del 4% de la población en general y que constituye una de las primeras causas de ceguera no reversible en los países desarrollados, causando incapacidad laboral permanente. El Atlas puede ser de gran interés para los enfermos de DIABETES ya que está probado que el 100% de los afectados a los 15 años padecen RETINOPATÍAS DIABÉTICAS. Por lo que conviene que sepan el estado del fondo de su ojo. Estará constituida por una extensa relación de retinografías (fotografías del fondo de ojo – retina) y tomografías de coherencia óptica (imágenes de cortes histológicos de la retina en vivo), exponiendo casos reales de patologías comunes y poco comunes. Constituye una herramienta con triple función: por un lado será un elemento didáctico para el aprendizaje de patologías retinianas y el método de diagnóstico por imagen; en segundo lugar, podrá utilizarse para realizar evaluaciones tipo test; y, en tercer lugar, constituirá una completa base de datos que podrá ser utilizado como material de consulta y diagnóstico comparado en la práctica clínica. En definitiva, se trata de una herramienta muy económica de gran utilidad para un amplio grupo de profesionales sanitarios expertos y especialistas en visión y en sistema ocular.
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    Project number: 163
    Atlas electrónico de registros retinográficos y tomográficos: cribado, derivación, diagnóstico diferencial y seguimiento de afecciones retinianas Parte IV: Retinopatía del Prematuro
    (2018) Sánchez Ramos, Celia; Pérez Carrasco, María Jesús; Bonnin Arias, Cristina Natalia; Panetsos Petrova, Fivos; Blanco Torcal, Barbara Prisca; Navarro Blanco, Carolina; Blázquez Sánchez, Vanesa
    El objetivo de este proyecto es continuar con el Atlas retinográfico iniciado en las convocatorias anteriores con imágenes obtenidas con los principales y novedosos instrumentos utilizados en la actualidad para el diagnóstico de patologías retinianas. El Atlas presenta, además de las imágenes, una detallada descripción de los criterios cribado. Esta cuarta parte se centra en el diagnóstico por imagen de la retinopatía del prematuro, que se define como una vitreorretinopatía fibro y vasoproliferativa periférica que acontece en los recién nacidos inmaduros, generalmente sometidos a oxigenoterapia. El Atlas está constituido por una extensa relación de retinografías (fotografías del fondo de ojo–retina) y tomografías de coherencia óptica (imágenes de cortes histológicos de la retina en vivo), exponiendo casos reales de patologías comunes y poco comunes. Constituye una herramienta con triple función: por un lado, será un elemento didáctico para el aprendizaje de patologías retinianas y el método de diagnóstico por imagen; en segundo lugar, puede utilizarse para realizar autoevaluaciones y, en tercer lugar, constituye una completa base de datos de casos clínicos. En definitiva, se trata de una herramienta muy económica y de gran utilidad para un amplio grupo de profesionales sanitarios expertos y especialistas en sistema visual.
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    Information coding by ensembles of resonant neurons
    (Biological Cybernetics, 2005) Villacorta Atienza, José Antonio; Panetsos Petrova, Fivos
    In the present paper, we propose a novel neu- ral procedure for signal processing and coding based on the subthreshold oscillations and resonance of the neural membrane potential that could be used by real neurons to perform frequency spectra analysis and information cod- ing of incoming signals. Taking into account the biophys- ical properties of the neural membranes, we note that the subthreshold resonant behaviour they exhibit can be used to analyse incoming signals and represent them in the fre- quency domain. We study the reliability of the representa- tion of signals depending on the biophysical parameters of the neurons, the fault-tolerance of this coding scheme and its robustness against noise and in the presence of spikes. The principal characteristics of our system are the use of the physical phenomenon of neural resonance (rarely con- sidered in the literature for signal coding); it fits well with the biophysical parameters of most neurons that exhibit subthreshold oscillations; it is compatible with experimen- tal data; and it can be easily integrated in a more general model of information processing and coding that includes communication between neurons based on spikes.