Cortijo Montes, Miguel

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Cortijo Montes
Universidad Complutense de Madrid
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Ciencias Químicas
Química Inorgánica
Química Inorgánica
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    Overcoming Resistance of Caco‑2 Cells to 5‑Fluorouracil through Diruthenium Complex Encapsulation in PMMA Nanoparticles
    (Inorganic Chemistry, 2024) Coloma Manjón-Cabeza, Isabel; Parrón Ballesteros, Jorge; Cortijo Montes, Miguel; Cuerva de Alaiz, Cristian; Turnay Abad, Francisco Javier; Herrero Domínguez, Santiago
    Drug resistance, one of the main drawbacks in cancer chemotherapy, can be tackled by employing a combination of drugs that target different biological processes in the cell, enhancing the therapeutic efficacy. Herein, we report the synthesis and characterization of a new paddlewheel diruthenium complex that includes 5-fluorouracil (5-FU), a commonly used anticancer drug. This drug was functionalized with a carboxylate group to take advantage of the previously demonstrated release capacity of carboxylate ligands from the diruthenium core. The resulting hydrophobic complex, [Ru2Cl(DPhF)3(5-FUA)] (Ru-5-FUA) (DPhF = N,N′-diphenylformamidinate; 5-FUA = 5-fluorouracil-1-acetate) was subsequently entrapped in poly(methyl methacrylate) (PMMA) nanoparticles (PMMA@Ru-5-FUA) via a reprecipitation method to be transported in biological media. The optimized encapsulation procedure yielded particles with an average size of 81.2 nm, a PDI of 0.11, and a zeta potential of 29.2 mV. The cytotoxicity of the particles was tested in vitro using the human colon carcinoma cell line Caco-2. The IC50 (half maximal inhibitory concentration) of PMMA@Ru-5-FUA (6.08 μM) was just slightly lower than that found for the drug 5-FU (7.64 μM). Most importantly, while cells seemed to have developed drug resistance against 5-FU, PMMA@Ru-5-FUA showed an almost complete lethality at ∼30 μM. Conversely, an analogous diruthenium complex devoid of the 5-FU moiety, [Ru2Cl(DPhF)3(O2CCH3)] (PMMA@RuA), displayed a reduced cytotoxicity at equivalent concentrations. These findings highlight the effect of combining the anticancer properties of 5-FU with those of diruthenium species. This suggests that the distinct modes of action of the two chemical species are crucial for overcoming drug resistance.
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    Trapping Ag(I) ions by a Pd8 metallacrown molecule to form an unusual nonanuclear AgPd8 cation
    (Inorganica Chimica Acta, 2019) Calleja, Fernando ; Cortijo Montes, Miguel; Perles Hernáez, Josefina; Herrero Domínguez, Santiago; Jiménez Aparicio, Reyes
    The {[Pd(µ-SC6F5)(µ-dppm)Pd](µ-SC6F5)}4 (dppm = methanediylbis(diphenylphosphane)) (Pd8) metallacrown traps Ag(I) cations giving {Ag[Pd(µ3-SC6F5)(µ-dppm)Pd]4(µ-SC6F5)4}(X) (X = SO3CF3− (AgPd8a), SbF6− (AgPd8b) and ClO4− (AgPd8c)) and {Ag[Pd(µ3-SC6F5)(µ-dppm)Pd]4(µ-SC6F5)4}2[Pt(C6F5)4] (AgPd8d). The insertion of silver increases significantly the stability of the cluster that is stable in solution even in the presence of light, because of the macrocyclic effect.
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    Modulation of the Magnetic Properties of Two-Dimensional Compounds [NiX2(N–N)] by Tailoring Their Crystal Structure
    (Inorganic Chemistry, 2013) Cortijo Montes, Miguel; Herrero Domínguez, Santiago; Jiménez Aparicio, Reyes; Matesanz, Emilio
    A series of 2-D nickel compounds with the stoichiometry [NiCl 2(N-N)] has been prepared, [N-N = pyrazine (1), 4,4′-bipyridine (2), trans-4,4′-azopyridine (3), trans-1,2-bis(4-pyridyl)ethylene (4), and 1,2-bis(4-pyridyl)ethane (5)]. The complex [NiBr2(4,4′-bpy) ] (6) was also obtained for comparative reasons. Compound 2 is the β phase of the previously reported complex [NiCl2(4,4′-bpy)]. The syntheses of complexes 1-6 were carried out using solvothermal and microwave techniques. The compounds have been characterized by elemental analysis, infrared spectroscopy, thermogravimetry, and powder X-ray diffraction. The crystal structures of compounds 1, 4, and 5 have been solved using ab initio X-ray powder diffraction methods. Compounds 1-6 show the same arrangement, and their structures are described as layers formed by [NiX2] chains linked perpendicularly by N-N ligands. The magnetic properties of the compounds are explained as a balance between the ferromagnetic interactions along the [NiX2] chains and the antiferromagnetic interactions between chains from different layers. This work demonstrates that this balance can be tuned by the length of the N-N ligand. © 2013 American Chemical Society.
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    Diruthenium complexes as pH-responsive delivery systems: a quantitative assessment
    (Inorganic Chemistry Frontiers, 2023) Coloma Manjón-Cabeza, Isabel; Cortijo Montes, Miguel; Mancheño Real, María José; León González, María Eugenia De; Gutierrez, Crisanto; Desvoyes, Bénédicte; Herrero Domínguez, Santiago; ROYAL SOCIETY OF CHEMISTRY
    The controlled release of biologically active species from diruthenium compounds is crucial for the development of selective drug delivery systems based on such complexes, which in addition display antineoplastic properties by themselves. In the present work, we analyse in detail the kinetics of the pH-triggered release of the auxin-related hormones 2,4-D (2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetate) and NAA (1-naphthaleneacetate) from the metal–metal bonded tris(formamidinato) Ru25+ complexes [Ru2Cl(μ-DPhF)3(μ-2,4-D)](Ru2,4-D), [Ru2Cl(μ-DPhF)3(μ-NAA)] (RuNAA), [Ru2Cl(μ-DAniF)3(μ-2,4-D)] (Ru’2,4-D) and [Ru2Cl(μ-DAniF)3(μ-NAA)] (Ru’NAA) (DPhF = N,N’-diphenylformamidinate, DAniF = N,N’-bis(p-methoxy)phenylformamidinate). Moreover, the synthesis and complete characterisation of [Ru2Cl(μ-DAniF)3(μ-IAA)] (Ru’IAA, IAA = indole-3-acetate), Ru’2,4-D and Ru’NAA, including the crystal structure of the two latter ones, is reported. The release of auxins is studied through a fluorimetric quantitative assay, which allows determining the influence of different formamidinate ancillary ligands and the nature of the outgoing auxin ligand in the release process. Chemometrics is employed to evaluate the statistical significance of the variables. The release of auxins is slower at physiological pH and occurs faster at slightly acidic pH values. Compounds containing DPhF ancillary ligands and NAA outgoing ligand present a slower dissociation of the auxin, which is not complete in the first 24 h. The release rate is also correlated with the bond distance O1(auxin)–Ru1(hexacoordinated). A mechanism of the substitution reaction is tentatively proposed based on these findings. Overall, these results pave the way towards new systems for the controlled delivery of antineoplastic drugs under mild-acidic conditions like those surrounding solid tumours.
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    Linear One-Dimensional Coordination Polymers Constructed by Dirhodium Paddlewheel and Tetracyanido-Metallate Building Blocks
    (Crystals, 2019) Prior, David; Cortijo Montes, Miguel; González Prieto, Rodrigo; Herrero Domínguez, Santiago; Jiménez Aparicio, Reyes; Perles Hernáez, Josefina; Priego Bermejo, José Luis
    In this article, we describe the preparation of anionic heteronuclear one-dimensional coordination polymers made by dirhodium paddlewheels and tetracyanido-metallatate building blocks. A series of complexes of (PPh4)2n[{Rh2(µ-O2CCH3)4}{M(CN)4}]n (M = Ni (1), Pd (2), Pt (3)) formulae were obtained by reaction of [Rh2(μ-O2CCH3)4] with (PPh4)2[M(CN)4] in a 1:1 or 2:1 ratio. Crystals of 1−3 suitable for single crystal X-ray diffraction were grown by slow diffusion of a dichloromethane solution of the dirhodium complex into a chloroform solution of the corresponding tetracyanido–metallatate salt. Compounds 1 and 2 are isostructural and crystallize in the triclinic P-1 space group, while compound 3 crystallizes in the monoclinic P21/n space group. A detailed description of the structures is presented, including the analysis of the packing of anionic chains and PPh4+ cations.
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    Project number: 117
    I.amAble: aprendizaje e inclusión educativa mediante talleres científicos
    (2020) Herrero Domínguez, Santiago; Martínez Del Pozo, Álvaro; Mancheño Real, María José; Osío Barcina, José De Jesús; Nacenta Torres, Pablo; Bárcena Espelleta, Araceli; Rubio Lago, Luis; Álvarez Serrano, Inmaculada; Cortés Gil, Raquel; González Prieto, Rodrigo; Torrecilla Manresa, Sofia; Cilleros Prados, Olga; Sobrino Díaz, María Lourdes; Bartolomé Vílchez, Javier; Cortijo Montes, Miguel; Coloma Manjón-Cabeza, Isabel; Catalán Torrecilla, Cristina; Guerrero Martínez, Andrés; Martínez Madrid, Carmen Belén; Martínez Ruiz, María Paloma; Méndez Pozo, Gonzalo Rubén; Ranchal Sánchez, Rocío; Priego Bermejo, José Luis; Maestre Varea, David; Desvoyes, Bénedicte; Gutiérrez Franco, Yanna María; Arribas Fernández, Paula; Julián Cortés, Álvaro
    I.amAble ha ofrecido a estudiantes universitarios de física, química, veterinaria, biología y educación la oportunidad de complementar su formación mediante el diseño, la realización y la evaluación de talleres científicos que faciliten la inclusión de personas con diversidad cognitiva. Los talleres han sido diseñados por el alumnado universitario de ciencias y perfilados por estudiantes de educación para ser llevados a cabo por alumnado preuniversitario en parejas, de forma que un miembro pertenezca a un centro de secundaria ordinario y el otro miembro a un centro de educación especial. Aquellos talleres que se han considerado más adecuados por su adaptabilidad se han llevado a la práctica guiados por estudiantes de ciencias y de educación. Los miembros del proyecto, que incluyen representantes de todos los estamentos universitarios, han supervisado todas las tareas descritas anteriormente. Además de los miembros de la Universidad Complutense, también figuran personas voluntarias de otras instituciones científicas y educativas. El alumnado universitario ha tenido la posibilidad, no sólo de asentar y profundizar algunos contenidos científicos o poner en práctica algunas de las enseñanzas adquiridas, sino también de desarrollar su empatía, su capacidad de comunicar e improvisar y de adaptarse a un público heterogéneo. Ello ha mejorado sus perspectivas laborales, especialmente dentro de la educación formal e informal (animación sociocultural, museos científicos...). Además, han contribuido a facilitar la inclusión educativa de las personas con diversidad funcional y a mejorar la cultura científica de la sociedad. Con este proyecto, inspirado en la metodología Aprendizaje-Servicio (ApS), se ha pretendido también mejorar la accesibilidad a las experiencias y contenidos científicos y facilitar la inclusión educativa de las personas con diversidad funcional, especialmente diversidad cognitiva o intelectual. En la primera edición de I.amAble (2016-17) se hizo hincapié en el diseño y selección de fichas para hacer talleres (aunque también se realizaron talleres). En la segunda edición (2017-18) se puso un mayor énfasis en llevar los talleres a un mayor número de centros educativos. En la pasada edición (2018-19) se puso el acento en los procesos de evaluación. En esta cuarta edición (2019-20), se han seguido trabajando y puliendo todos esos aspectos, pero se ha priorizado la transformación de I.amAble en un proyecto de tipo aprendizaje-servicio, integrándolo en asignaturas formales, concretamente en Complementos de Física y Complementos de Química, del Máster en Formación de Profesorado, en la especialidad de Física y Química.
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    Tetracarbonatodiruthenium Fragments and Lanthanide(III) Ions as Building Blocks to Construct 2D Coordination Polymers
    (Polymers, 2019) Gutiérrez Martín, Daniel; Cortijo Montes, Miguel; Martín Humanes, Álvaro; González Prieto, Rodrigo; Delgado Martínez, Patricia; Herrero Domínguez, Santiago; Priego Bermejo, José Luis; Jiménez Aparicio, Reyes
    Two-dimensional coordination polymers of [Pr(DMSO)2(OH2)3][Ru2(CO3)4(DMSO)(OH2)]·5H2O (Prα) and [Ln(OH2)5][Ru2(CO3)4(DMSO)]·xH2O (Ln = Sm (Smβ), Gd (Gdβ)) formulae have been obtained by reaction of the corresponding Ln(NO3)3·6H2O dissolved in dimethyl sulphoxide (DMSO) and K3[Ru2(CO3)4]·4H2O dissolved in water. Some DMSO molecules are coordinated to the metal atoms reducing the possibilities of connection between the [Ru2(CO3)4]3− and Ln3+ building blocks giving rise to the formation of two-dimensional networks. The size of the Ln3+ ion and the synthetic method seem to have an important influence in the type of two-dimensional structure obtained. Slow diffusion of the reagents gives rise to Prα that forms a 2D net that is built by Ln3+ ions as triconnected nodes and two types of Ru25+ units as bi- and tetraconnected nodes with (2-c)(3-c)2(4-c) stoichiometry (α structure). An analogous synthetic procedure gives Smβ and Gdβ that display a grid-like structure, (2-c)2(4-c)2, formed by biconnected Ln3+ ions and two types of tetraconnected Ru25+ fragments (β structure). The magnetic properties of these compounds are basically explained as the sum of the individual contributions of diruthenium and lanthanide species, although canted ferrimagnetism or weak ferromagnetism are observed at low temperature.
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    Microwave and solvothermal methods for the synthesis of nickel and ruthenium complexes with 9-anthracene carboxylate ligand
    (Inorganica Chimica Acta, 2015) Cortijo Montes, Miguel; Delgado-Martínez, Patricia; González Prieto, Rodrigo; Herrero Domínguez, Santiago; Jiménez Aparicio, Reyes; Perles Hernáez, Josefina; Priego Bermejo, José Luis; Torres, Marisa Rosario
    Microwave and solvothermal activation processes have been explored as tools for the preparation of various nickel and ruthenium complexes. Different reaction conditions are tested using ethanol or water as solvents. Three nickel derivatives, [Ni(9-atc)2(OH2)2(py)2]·2EtOH (1), [Ni2(9-atc)4(OH2)(py)4]·2H2O (2·2H2O), and [Ni2(9-atc)4(py)2] (3), and two diruthenium compounds, {[Ru2Cl(9-atc)4]·2H2O}n (4) and [Ru2(9-atc)4(EtOH)2]·2EtOH (5), are obtained. The crystal structure determination of complexes 1-3 and 5 is also described. Compound 1 displays a 1D extended supramolecular structure with hydrogen bonds involving crystallization solvent molecules. Compound 2 is dimetallic, and both nickel centers show an octahedral coordination environment, whereas complexes 3 and 5 display a typical carboxylate-bridged paddlewheel-type structure with two metal atoms connected by four bridging carboxylate ligands. All compounds show weak antiferromagnetic interactions except 3, where a strong intra-dimer antiferromagnetic coupling is observed. Compound 4 also shows a strong zero field splitting.
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    Tuning of Adsorption and Magnetic Properties in a Series of Self-Templated Isostructural Ni(II) Metal−Organic Frameworks
    (Crystal Growth and Design, 2013) Cortijo Montes, Miguel; Herrero Domínguez, Santiago; Jiménez Aparicio, Reyes; Perles Hernáez, Josefina; Priego Bermejo, José Luis; Torroba, Javier
    An isomorphous series of five metal–organic frameworks of formula [Ni4(O2CR)(OH)2(4-pyc)5] [4-pyc = 4-pyridinecarboxylate or isonicotinate; R = C6H5 (1), 4-OMe-C6H4 (2), 2,6-(OMe)2-C6H3 (3), 3,5-(OMe)2-C6H3 (4), 3,4,5-(OMe)3-C6H2 (5)] were obtained by solvothermal reactions. These compounds display a three-dimensional framework where the nickel atoms are coordinated to the hydroxyde anions and two different organic ligands: isonicotinate and phenylcarboxylate. Both hydroxyde (μ3-OH) and phenylcarboxylate (μ3-1κO,2κO,3κO′) ligands are coordinated to nickel atoms of the same secondary building unit (SBU). The SBU consists of four edge-sharing NiA6 octahedra (A = O, N). The isonicotinate ligands, however, act as linkers between SBUs displaying three different coordination modes: μ-1κN,2κO; μ3-1κN,2κO,3κO′; and μ4-1κN,2:3κ2O,4κO′. Nitrogen adsorption measurements were done to obtain textural parameters of these microporous networks. Micropore size distributions indicate cylindrical pores with diameters of approximately 0.80 nm. The values of Brunauer–Emmett–Teller surface areas (SBET) obtained are in the range of 382–488 m2/g, and the micropore volumes are between 0.13 cm3/g and 0.19 cm3/g. Both parameters are influenced by the substitution grade and position of the methoxy groups of the phenylcarboxylate ligand. The magnetic properties, which also depend on the arylcarboxylate ligands, vary from compound 1 (with only antiferromagnetic interactions) to compound 5, which shows a spin glass behavior (Tg = 15 K).
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    One‐Dimensional [Ni(O2CR)2(NN)x] Polymers: Structural, Magnetic, and Density Functional Theory Studies
    (ChemPlusChem, 2014) Cortijo Montes, Miguel; Herrero Domínguez, Santiago; Jerez, Belén; Jiménez Aparicio, Reyes; Perles Hernáez, Josefina; Priego Bermejo, José Luis; Tortajada Pérez, José
    Five nickel complexes, [Ni2(3,4,5-tmb)4(4,4 ′-bpy)] (1), [Ni2(2-ntc)4(4,4 ′-bpy)] (2), [Ni(9-atc)2(4,4 ′-bpy)] (3), [Ni(3,4,5-tmb)2(t-bpee) ] (4), and [Ni2(2-ntc)4(t-bpee)2] (5) (3,4,5-tmb=3,4,5-trimethoxybenzoate; 2-ntc=2-naphthalenecarboxylate; 9-atc=9-anthracenecarboxylate; 4,4 ′-bpy=4,4 ′-bipyridine; t-bpee=trans-1,2-bis(4-pyridyl)ethylene), are prepared. They are characterized by elemental analysis, IR spectroscopy, thermogravimetric analysis, and single-crystal and powder X-ray diffraction. 1 and 2 form linear chains of paddlewheel units joined by 4,4 ′-bpy ligands; 3 and 4 display zigzag chains formed by cis-bis(chelate) Ni(O2CR)2 units joined by 4,4 ′-bpy and t-bpee, respectively; and the structure of 5 consists of double chains. The magnetic behavior of the compounds is also studied, and DFT calculations using the broken-symmetry approximation are performed to gain a better understanding of the strong antiferromagnetism found in 1. © 2014 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.