Belando Montoro, María Remedios

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First Name
María Remedios
Last Name
Belando Montoro
Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Faculty / Institute
Educación-Centro Formación Profesor
Estudios Educativos
Teoría e Historia de la Educación
UCM identifierORCIDScopus Author IDWeb of Science ResearcherIDDialnet IDGoogle Scholar ID

Search Results

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  • Item
    Peculiarities of multicultural education development in north America, western Europe and Ukraine
    (International Journal of New Education (IJNE), 2020) Belando Montoro, María Remedios; Sultanova, Leila; Khomych, Lidiia
    The purpose of the article was to analyze the process of the multicultural education development in countries that have experience in the successful implementation of its ideas and to identify relevant for Ukraine ideas of multicultural education, as in Ukraine the number of foreign students in universities, academies and institutes is constantly growing. In order to solve the tasks we used general scientific (analysis, synthesis, comparison, systematization and generalization for studying the works of foreign and domestic scientists and the legislative support) as well as special scientific (prognostic analysis for determination of the multicultural education prospects in Ukraine) research methods. Underway the study, the fact of the need for the multicultural education and its links with the social, economic and political factors in the global labor market, as well as with the migratory flow that requires the integration of immigrants into society, was found out. However, each country’s multicultural education has its own peculiarities in relation to the legislative environment and the implementation of an inclusive education perspective at the different educational levels.
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    Transformación digital y metodológica de la formación profesional en la era pos-COVID
    (Revista de Investigación Educativa, 2024) Noguera, Ingrid; Belando Montoro, María Remedios; Torres-Sánchez, Mónica; Pineda-Herrero, Pilar
    En los últimos años, han existido distintas iniciativas para la modernización de la Formación Profesional (FP) al respecto de las estrategias docentes y el uso de tecnologías digitales. Este estudio tiene por objeto analizar la transformación digital y metodológica de la FP que la pandemia haya podido generar. Con este fin, se ha utilizado una metodología mixta secuencial, basada en una encuesta a profesorado de FP (N=158) y entrevistas a 11 coordinadores/as de ciclo durante el curso 2021-2022. Los resultados demuestran que el profesorado más innovador es mujer, joven y con participación en proyectos de innovación. También destaca el incremento a lo largo de la pandemia en la variedad de estrategias didácticas que el profesorado usa, con especial crecimiento del aprendizaje activo. Por último, existe un mayor uso de estrategias didácticas variadas tanto en la plataforma docente como en herramientas externas. En conclusión, la pandemia ha contribuido a impulsar una transformación que llevaba años tratando de activarse.
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    Use of network technologies in the professional activities of adult education teachers in Ukraine
    (IJERI: International Journal of Educational Research and Innovation, 2022) Sultanova, Leila; Belando Montoro, María Remedios
    The use of network technologies is fundamental to all professional activities in the field of education in the society of the 21st century. The field of adult education has also been influenced by this trend and network technologies have been acknowledged as basic tools for the improvement of learning opportunities and for the development of the teaching-learning activities themselves. Hence, this paper aims to know about the use of network technologies in professional activities of teachers in the field of adult education in four Ukrainian pedagogical institutions. For this purpose, a questionnaire was passed on about the use of network technologies in the professional activities of teachers in these institutions. Among the main results, it is worth noting that the use of network technologies is relevant in the professional activity of teachers regardless of their age, as well as the widespread use of the computer and the Windows operating system for professional activity. Among the Microsoft applications, Word stands out, used by the entire sample, followed by Power Point and Excel, both of which received more than two thirds of the responses. Google Drive stands out for cloud storage, Viber and Facebook Messenger predominate in messaging services and and are mostly used for email services, the latter being a specific Ukrainian email service. In conclusion, it is suggested that teachers be trained in a wider range of network technologies to improve their professional activity.