Fernández Pérez, Luis Antonio

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Luis Antonio
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Fernández Pérez
Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Faculty / Institute
Ciencias Físicas
Física Teórica
Física Teórica
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Search Results

Now showing 1 - 10 of 82
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    Finite size effects on measures of critical exponents in d=3 O(N) models
    (Physics letters B, 1996) Ballesteros, H. G.; Fernández Pérez, Luis Antonio; Martín Mayor, Víctor; Muñoz Sudupe, Antonio
    We study the critical properties of three-dimensional O(N) models, for N = 2,3,4. Parameterizing the leading correctionsto-scaling for the r] exponent, we obtain a reliable infinite volume extrapolation, incompatible with previous Monte Carlo values, but in agreement with e-expansions. We also measure the critical exponent related with the tensorial magnetization as well as the v exponents and critical couplings.
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    Ianus: an adaptive FPGA computer
    (Computing in science & engineering, 2006) Fernández Pérez, Luis Antonio; Martín Mayor, Víctor; Muñoz Sudupe, Antonio; otros, ...
    Dedicated machines designed for specific computational algorithms can outperform conventional computers by several orders of magnitude. In this note we describe Ianus, a new generation FPGA based machine and its basic features: hardware integration and wide reprogrammability. Our goal is to build a machine that can fully exploit the performance potential of new generation FPGA devices. We also plan a software platform which simplifies its programming, in order to extend its intended range of application to a wide class of interesting and computationally demanding problems. The decision to develop a dedicated processor is a complex one, involving careful assessment of its performance lead, during its expected lifetime, over traditional computers, taking into account their performance increase, as predicted by Moore’s law. We discuss this point in detail.
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    Critical behavior in the site-diluted three-dimensional three-state Potts model
    (Physical review B, 2000) Ballesteros, H. G.; Fernández Pérez, Luis Antonio; Martín Mayor, Víctor; Muñoz Sudupe, Antonio; Parisi, G.; Ruiz Lorenzo, J. J.
    We have studied numerically the effect of quenched site dilution on a weak first-order phase transition in three dimensions. We have simulated the site diluted three-states Potts model studying in detail the secondorder region of its phase diagram. We have found that the n exponent is compatible with the one of the three-dimensional diluted Ising model, whereas the h exponent is definitely different.
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    New universality class in three dimensions? The antiferromagnetic RP^(2) model
    (Physics letters B, 1996) Ballesteros, H. G.; Fernández Pérez, Luis Antonio; Martín Mayor, Víctor; Muñoz Sudupe, Antonio
    We present the results of a Monte Carlo simulation of the RP^(2) model in three dimensions with negative coupling. We observe a second order phase transition between the disordered phase and an antiferromagnetic, unfrustrated, ordered one. We measure, with a finite size scaling analysis, the thermal exponent, obtaining v = 0.784(g). We have found two magnetic-type relevant operators whose related YJ exponents are 0.038( 2) and 1.338( 8) respectively.
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    Critical behavior of the dilute antiferromagnet in a magnetic field
    (Physical review B, 2011) Fernández Pérez, Luis Antonio; Martín Mayor, Víctor; Yllanes, D.
    We study the critical behavior of the diluted antiferromagnet in a field with the tethered Monte Carlo formalism. We compute the critical exponents (including the elusive hyperscaling violations exponent θ). Our results provide a comprehensive description of the phase transition and clarify the inconsistencies between previous experimental and theoretical work. To do so, our method addresses the usual problems of numerical work (large tunneling barriers and self-averaging violations).
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    First Order Phase Transition in a 3D disordered system
    (AIP conference proceedings: large scale simulations of complex systems, condensed matter and fusion plasma, 2008) Fernández Pérez, Luis Antonio; Gordillo Guerrero, A.; Martín Mayor, Víctor; Ruiz Lorenzo, J. J.
    We present a detailed numerical study on the effects of adding quenched impurities to a three dimensional system which in the pure case undergoes a strong first order phase transition (specifically, the ferromagnetic/paramagnetic transition of the site-diluted four states Potts model). We can state that the transition remains first-order in the presence of quenched disorder (a small amount of it) but it turns out to be second order as more impurities are added. A tricritical point, which is studied by means of Finite-Size Scaling, separates the first-order and second-order parts of the critical line. The results were made possible by a new definition of the disorder average that avoids the diverging-variance probability distributions that arise using the standard methodology. We also made use of a recently proposed microcanonical Monte Carlo method in which entropy, instead of free energy, is the basic quantity.
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    Nature of the spin-glass phase at experimental length scales
    (Journal of statistical mechanics: theory and experiment, 2010) Fernández Pérez, Luis Antonio; Martín Mayor, Víctor; Muñoz Sudupe, Antonio; otros, ...
    We present a massive equilibrium simulation of the three-dimensional Ising spin glass at low temperatures. The Janus special-purpose computer has allowed us to equilibrate, using parallel tempering, L = 32 lattices down to T ≈ 0.64Tc. We demonstrate the relevance of equilibrium finite-size simulations to understand experimental non-equilibrium spin glasses in the thermodynamical limit by establishing a time-length dictionary. We conclude that non-equilibrium experiments performed on a time scale of one hour can be matched with equilibrium results on L ≈ 110 lattices. A detailed investigation of the probability distribution functions of the spin and link overlap, as well as of their correlation functions, shows that Replica Symmetry Breaking is the appropriate theoretical framework for the physically relevant length scales. Besides, we improve over existing methodologies to ensure equilibration in parallel tempering simulations.
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    Monte Carlo study of O(3) antiferromagnetic models in three dimensions
    (Physical review B, 1996) Ballesteros, H. G.; Fernández Pérez, Luis Antonio; Martín Mayor, Víctor; Muñoz Sudupe, Antonio
    We study three antiferromagnetic formulations of the O(3) spin model in three dimensions by means of Monte Carlo simulations: (1) a two parameter s model with nearest- and next-nearest neighbors couplings in a cubic lattice; (2) a face-centered-cubic lattice with nearest-neighbor interaction; (3) a cubic lattice with a set of fully frustrating couplings. We discuss in all cases the vacua properties and analyze the phase transitions. Using finite-size scaling analysis we conclude that all phase transitions found are of first order.
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    Janus: an FPGA-based system for high-performance scientific computing
    (Computing in science & engineering, 2009) Fernández Pérez, Luis Antonio; Martín Mayor, Víctor; Muñoz Sudupe, Antonio; Yllanes, D.; otros, ...
    This paper describes JANUS, a modular massively parallel and reconfigurable FPGA-based computing system. Each JANUS module has a computational core and a host. The computational core is a 4x4 array of FPGA-based processing elements with nearest-neighbor data links. Processors are also directly connected to an I/O node attached to the JANUS host, a conventional PC. JANUS is tailored for, but not limited to, the requirements of a class of hard scientific applications characterized by regular code structure, unconventional data manipulation instructions and not too large data-base size. We discuss the architecture of this configurable machine, and focus on its use on Monte Carlo simulations of statistical mechanics. On this class of application JANUS achieves impressive performances: in some cases one JANUS processing element outperfoms high-end PCs by a factor ≈1000. We also discuss the role of JANUS on other classes of scientific applications.
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    Scaling corrections: site percolation and Ising model in three dimensions
    (Journal of Physics A-Mathematical and General, 1999) Ballesteros, H.G.; Fernández Pérez, Luis Antonio; Martín Mayor, Víctor; Muñoz Sudupe, Antonio; Parisi, G.; Ruiz Lorenzo, J. J.
    Using Finite-Size Scaling techniques we obtain accurate results for critical quantities of the Ising model and the site percolation, in three dimensions. We pay special attention in parameterizing the corrections-to-scaling, what is necessary to put the systematic errors below the statistical ones.