Pérez Amaral, Teodosio

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Pérez Amaral
Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Faculty / Institute
Ciencias Económicas y Empresariales
Análisis Económico y economía cuantitativa
Fundamentos del Análisis Económico
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    Adoption of E-Commerce by Individuals and Digital-Divide
    (Applied Economics in the Digital Era, 2020) Valarezo Unda, Ángel Eduardo; López Zorzano, Rafael Alberto; Pérez Amaral, Teodosio
    E-commerce penetration rates are distant among those groups of individuals with the lowest and the highest levels of online shopping adoption. This is an indicator of digital-divide, having negative effects in terms of untapped opportunities for people, companies, and the whole economy. Key socioeconomic and demographic determinants of adoption of e-commerce are explored, analyzing a dataset of 174,776 observations for the period 2008–2017 in Spain. The empirical analysis is based on a standard neoclassical utility maximization framework. Linear probability model, logistic regression, and Heckman’s sample selection correction model have been used. The results suggest that e-commerce adoption is positively related with being male, having higher levels of education, income and digital skills, being Spanish, and being employed; while being female, older, and belonging to a household of two or more members have negative effects. An interaction between digital skills and age has been introduced in the model, where high digital skills seem to have a positive influence, partly counteracting the lower odds for some age groups. Policy recommendations related to demand and supply measures are suggested to foster the adoption of e-commerce.
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    Drivers and barriers to cross-border e-commerce: Evidence from Spanish individual behavior
    (Telecommunications Policy, 2018) Valarezo Unda, Ángel Eduardo; Pérez Amaral, Teodosio; Herguera García, Íñigo; López Zorzano, Rafael Alberto; Garín Muñoz, Teresa
    This paper explores the determinants of the individual's decision to perform cross-border ecommerce (CBeC). The European Union (EU) is especially interested in the promotion of CBeC because it is an important tool in its strategy to achieve the Digital Single Market in Europe. In this paper official data is used from a representative survey of 16,209 individuals on ICT usage by households and individuals that was carried out in Spain by the National Institute of Statistics (INE) for the year 2016. Using a standard neoclassical utility maximization framework, and logistic regression techniques, the results show that being a male is positively related to the probability of practicing CBeC. Education is positively and significantly related to the probability of being involved in CBeC with EU countries. Computer and Internet Skills are significant and positive factors in explaining CBeC (either with EU countries or with the rest of the world). The variable “how often the consumer sees other customer reviews before buying online”, has a positive effect. Foreign nationality also increases the likelihood of using CBeC. To promote CBeC in Spain measures towards developing digital skills, Internet trust and use of online information reviews of goods and services are discussed.
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    Unleashing the potential of online learning in Spain: an econometric analysis
    (Telecommunications Policy, 2023) López Zorzano, Rafael Alberto; Valarezo Unda, Ángel Eduardo; Pérez Amaral, Teodosio
    Online learning and training continue gaining momentum worldwide resulting in the reduction of the traditional form of face-to-face education with its temporal and spatial limitations. Online education improves access to education and training, as witnessed during the Covid-19 pandemic. This article focuses on online education adoption in Spain. A representative survey on ICT use in households conducted annually by the Spanish National Institute of Statistics is used to construct a panel database for the years 2008–2020. The first objective is to provide an econometric model for adopting online education using this panel data. Next is to measure the effects of relevant observable individual socioeconomic variables on adoption. A Heckman selection model allows for estimating the impact of gender, age, education, digital skills, habitat, and income. The article also measures the effects of Covid-19 in 2020 on different population groups. The drivers and impediments have the expected signs and plausible sizes. The paper concludes with policy recommendations and suggestions for further research.
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    Digital divides across consumers of internet services in Spain using panel data 2007–2019: narrowing or not?
    (Telecommunications Policy, 2021) Pérez Amaral, Teodosio; Valarezo Unda, Ángel Eduardo; López Zorzano, Rafael Alberto; Garín-Muñoz, Teresa
    Digital gaps have the potential to exacerbate the inequalities that exist in society. The main objective of this paper is to study the gaps that occur in the use of internet services by households in Spain during the period 2007–2019 and to become useful in the design of policies addressed to narrow specific digital divides. The data is a panel obtained from the ICT-H Survey on Households of the National Statistics Institute. This paper defines the gaps as the differences in the use of internet services across individual consumers. A selected group of twelve digital services are considered: e-commerce, e-selling, e-tourism, e-learning, e-health, e-banking, e-government, VoIP, chat, email, cloud services, and social networks. The second level digital gaps are analyzed in each service according to six relevant socio-demographic characteristics: gender, age, education, digital skills, population size, and income. A set of graphs show the evolution of the gaps. Gaps are narrowing in most dimensions and specific characteristics, but not in others such as age, education, and digital skills. The gaps reveal the evolution of digitization and in some cases of digital exclusion for specific groups. Specific knowledge about digital gaps is useful for policymakers, since closing the digital divide is an explicit policy goal in this country, as well as in other parts of Europe. Then, a dynamic panel data model was proposed and estimated using Arellano and Bond techniques. A dynamic/network effect was found, as well as other socio-demographic determinants. Finally, the paper contains conclusions, policy recommendations and an agenda for future research. The policy recommendations consist of digital education programs targeted at the most exposed groups such as the elderly, the less well-educated and people with lower digital skills.
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    E-commerce by individuals in Spain using panel data 2008–2016
    (Telecommunications Policy, 2020) Pérez Amaral, Teodosio; Valarezo Unda, Ángel Eduardo; López Zorzano, Rafael Alberto; Garín-Muñoz, Teresa; Herguera García, Íñigo
    Digital technologies sometimes create digital divides. One of the remedies for certain divides in Europe is the creation of the Digital Single Market, of which e-commerce is one of the main elements. The focus of this work is e-commerce in Spain. The current study improves on existing international literature by using a large and representative panel data set on individual consumers, with 133,420 observations for the period 2008–2016. Moreover, it uses economic models and employs a variety of panel techniques. This paper measures digital e-commerce divides and their evolution along time. Next, a model that incorporates previously neglected explanatory variables, at the individual level, such as income and digital skills, is formulated. Individual demand models are estimated using panel logistic regression techniques. This allows quantifying the impact of each of the socioeconomic and geographic characteristics on the adoption of the service. Newly incorporated variables are significant as well as age, education, gender and geographical and time variables. The results allow novel regional comparisons. Policy recommendations are derived, suggesting effective and affordable measures targeted at specific socio-demographic groups.
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    Evolution of the internet gender gaps in Spain and effects of the Covid-19 pandemic
    (Telecommunications Policy, 2022) Garín-Muñoz, Teresa; Pérez Amaral, Teodosio; Valarezo Unda, Ángel Eduardo
    There is a widely accepted belief in new technologies that the digital divide in using a service will disappear as the service reaches an advanced level of maturity. The work presented here shows that this idea is debatable. Data from Spain, a country where daily internet users are 75.9 percent of the population, prove that the gender gap still exists. The paper explores if this gap can be entirely explained by the socioeconomic differences between men and women. We build a micro panel model and incorporate a set of socioeconomic variables (age, education, income, employment status, digital skills, and resident population) that allow us to isolate the effects of gender on the decision to become a daily Internet user. The results conclude that the Internet gap is a phenomenon with a specific gender component. Other things being equal a woman negatively affects the probability of using the Internet. Applying a similar model to 15 Internet services, we obtain that gender is always significant to explain the likelihood of being a user of each service. However, in some services (7 out of 15), the effect is favorable to women, and for other services (8), the gender effect favors men. The work concludes by analyzing the impact of the first wave of the Covid-19 pandemic on the use of Internet services, paying particular attention to its possible implications for the gender gap.
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    Models for individual adoption of eCommerce, eBanking and eGovernment in Spain
    (Telecommunications Policy, 2019) Garín-Muñoz, Teresa; López Zorzano, Rafael Alberto; Pérez Amaral, Teodosio; Herguera García, Íñigo; Valarezo Unda, Ángel Eduardo
    This paper analyzes the adoption patterns of selected internet services such as eCommerce, eBanking and eGovernment in Spain. High quality official data from the Survey on Equipment and Use of Information and Communication Technologies in Households (ICT-H) of the National Institute of Statistics are used. The dataset is a cross section of 16,209 individuals for 2016. Theoretical demand models, grounded in a standard neoclassical utility maximization framework, are adapted to these services. Logistic regression techniques allow quantifying the impact of the socioeconomic characteristics of the individual on the adoption of each service. The resulting models are statistically significant and with a high predictive power. Age, education and levels of internet and computer skills are all significant in explaining the adoption of any of the three services; as are gender and income, but just for eCommerce and eBanking. Interestingly, the level of trust in internet is only significant to explain participation in eCommerce. Finally, policy recommendations are suggested, highlighting the desirability of using specific measures for the different socio-demographic groups and income strata.