Delgado Verde, Miriam

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Delgado Verde
Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Faculty / Institute
Ciencias Económicas y Empresariales
Organización de Empresas
Organización de Empresas
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Search Results

Now showing 1 - 10 of 11
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    Project number: 250
    La gamificación como metodología docente en el aprendizaje de la economía y dirección de empresas
    (2020) Montoro Sánchez, María Ángeles; Delgado Verde, Miriam; López Saez, Pedro; Cruz González, Jorge; Amores Salvado, Javier; Maylin Aguilar, Caridad
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    Intellectual capital and radical innovation: Exploring the quadratic effects in technology-based manufacturing firms
    (Technovation, 2016) Delgado Verde, Miriam; Martín de Castro, Gregorio; Amores Salvadó, Javier
    After two decades of research, the complex question of the link between intellectual capital and radical innovation remains unsolved. With the aim of shedding new light on the accumulation patterns of intellectual capital in its relationship with radical innovation, this paper develops a novel theoretical and empirical exploration of the quadratic effects of intellectual capital, both individually and collectively and internal and external to the firm, on radical innovations, from the perspective of the Intellectual Capital-Based View. Three main hypotheses considering the quadratic effects of human, technological and vertical social capital on radical innovation are presented. The results from a sample of 251 Spanish high and medium high-tech manufacturing firms show different accumulation patterns of technological and vertical social capital on radical innovation. While the technological capital-radical innovation link loses intensity once a certain endowment of technological capital is reached, the relationship between vertical social capital and radical innovation increases exponentially and grows more intensively once a certain endowment of vertical social capital is attained. Conversely, the relationship between human capital and radical innovation is linear and positive. In addition, firms belonging to the chemical industry also have a positive influence on radical innovation, revealing the importance of this industry regarding innovations and technical changes. This study contributes to the intellectual capital literature by providing new evidence that helps to clarify the curvilinear intellectual capital-radical innovation relationship and the different role that the three types of intellectual capital play in that relationship.
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    The moderating role of social networks within the radical innovation process: a multidimensionality of human capital-based analysis
    (International Journal of Technology Management, 2015) Delgado Verde, Miriam; Cooper, Sarah; Martín de Castro, Gregorio
    Knowledge, or intellectual capital, and innovation continue to be key areas subject to rapid change in the current environment. The complexity of the relationship between knowledge and innovation leads to the in-depth study of more specific linkages. Intellectual capital is divided into human, organisational and social capital. This paper attempts to provide empirical evidence relating to the relationship between human capital and radical innovation, along with social networks. Using data collected via a questionnaire, our hypotheses were tested empirically in a sample of 251 Spanish technology-intensive manufacturing firms. The paper provides new, empirically-based insights into the study of radical innovation by adopting a research framework which is built upon the intellectual capital-based view of the firm, based on the multidimensionality of human capital. The main results show the positive and statistically significant role of human assets in radical innovation, and, regarding a moderating role, indicate the existence of a substitution effect between one of the human capital components – experience and abilities – and social networks.
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    New product development and supplier involvement: the role of R&D collaboration with supporting organisations
    (Journal of Technology Transfer, 2023) Delgado Verde, Miriam; Díez Vial, Isabel
    Existing research highlights the importance of sourcing external knowledge in manufacturers’ innovative processes. Specifically, supplier involvement in new product development (NPD) has been widely analysed but without conclusive results. To shed light on this matter, this paper provides a deeper insight by analysing the indirect effects in the relationship between supplier involvement and two NPD dimensions (efficiency and effectiveness). In particular, it examines R&D collaboration with supporting organisations as a mechanism by which knowledge provided by suppliers may lead to better innovation performance. This study focuses on 155 high-tech and medium–high-tech Spanish firms to test indirect effects through the PROCESS macro. The results show that while there is a positive and significant indirect effect of supplier involvement on NPD efficiency through R&D collaboration with supporting organisations, that indirect effect is not significant in increasing NPD effectiveness. This research contributes to the literature on inter-organisational networks and NPD by analysing the effects of supplier involvement on NPD through the role played by supporting organisations, with different empirical evidence for each NPD dimension and practical implications.
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    Project number: 311
    Desarrollo de un sistema de aprendizaje activo a través de las TICS en “la nube”, sistema de evaluación abierto y participativo y mejora de la inserción laboral del alumnado. Aplicación a una asignatura del M.O. Minería de Datos e Inteligencia de Negocios”
    (2015) Martín de Castro, Gregorio; Amores Salvado, Javier; Delgado Verde, Miriam
    En la asignatura de Inteligencia de Negocios y Cuadro de Mando Integral, dentro del M.O. en Minería de Datos e Inteligencia de Negocios, ofrece posibilidades de ampliar y mejorar el proceso de aprendizaje y evaluación del alumnado en los masters oficiales. Por esta razón, este grupo de mejora de innovación docente pretende girar alrededor de dos aspectos clave: Ofrecer una experiencia de aprendizaje del alumnado real y basada en las nuevas tecnologías de la información y las comunicaciones utilizando la plataforma tecnológica de software real utilizado por una gran cantidad de empresas e instituciones españolas y mundiales en la denominada “ nube”. Se realizarán 5 sesiones prácticas de inteligencia de negocios y cuadro de mando integral a través de la plataforma tecnológica en la nube y con casos de empresa y negocios simulada. Esta experiencia con un software muy demandado en el mercado y real desarrollará habilidades técnicas y cognitivas de los alumnos, adquiriendo experiencia válida y muy solicitada para el mercado de trabajo objeto de este master – controller, datamining, etc.- Complementando esta nueva experiencia de aprendizaje, el desarrollo un sistema de evaluación para postgrado participativo y ampliado, más allá de la mera observación y valoración del profesorado, y aplicando el sistema 360 grados al aula, donde la evaluación del alumnado conste de la evaluación del profesorado, así como de autoevaluación (el propio alumno) y los pares (resto de compañeros). Con ello se pretende una involucración ampliada del alumnado en el sistema de aprendizaje activo y sistema de evaluación ampliado. Los resultados de esta experiencia se pretenden trasladar a otras materias de postgrado.
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    Project number: 52
    Gestión de la diversidad en el aula e internacionalización de la docencia en Fundamentos de Administración de Empresas en la Universidad Complutense de Madrid.
    (2014) Montoro Sánchez, Maria Angeles; Díez Vial, Isabel; Martin de Castro, Gregorio; Delgado Verde, Miriam; Almodóvar Martínez, Paloma; Zhang Zhang, Yingying; Cruz González, Jorge
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    Open search strategies and firm performance: The different moderating role of technological environmental dynamism
    (Technovation, 2015) Cruz González, Jorge; López Sáez, Pedro; Navas López, José Emilio; Delgado Verde, Miriam
    Mainly driven by the rapid progress of the 'open innovation' paradigm, previous research has devoted considerable efforts in investigating how the degree of openness to external knowledge influences firms' innovation performance. However, much less is known about its impact on performance at the firm level. Moreover, the question of which open search strategy is more suitable depending on environmental features is unresolved. We focus on breadth and depth as two distinct open search strategies and claim that, besides their different benefits in terms of learning and innovation, it is also necessary to consider their costs. Based on survey data of 248 high-technology manufacturing Spanish firms, this study extends recent research about the context dependency of openness effectiveness by showing that the effect of these two open search strategies on perceived firm performance is contingent with technological environmental dynamism in a reverse fashion. While search breadth is found to be positively associated with performance in less technologically dynamic environments, it seems to hurt performance in more dynamic contexts. On the contrary, while search depth is found to have a positive effect on performance in highly technologically dynamic environments, it appears to harm firm performance in more stable contexts
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    Project number: 31
    Salud y bienestar desde la práctica deportiva: adquisición de competencias en asignaturas de Dirección de Empresas
    (2023) Delgado Verde, Miriam; Amores Salvado, Javier; Cruz González, Jorge; Curiel Franco, Juan Carlos; Díez Vial, Isabel; Estévez Mendoza, Carlos Isidoro; González Masip, Jaime Juan; Martín De Castro, Gregorio; Martín Rocañín, Gonzalo David; Montoro Sánchez, María Ángeles; Navas López, José Emilio; Pardo García, Rodrigo; Romero Moreno, Rosa
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    Project number: 278
    Empresa, Economía y Medio Ambiente. Propuesta de adaptación curricular de los Grados de Administración de Empresas, Economía, Comercio y Turismo hacia la Empresa Sostenible y la Economía Curricular
    (2017) Martín de Castro, Gregorio; Delgado Verde, Miriam; Balarezo Nuñez, Remy Michael; Purcachi Aguirre, Walther
    El proyecto analiza las materias de los cuatro grados comentados para identificar posibles deficiencias en el desarrollo competencial del alumnado relativo a cuestiones de medio ambiente, RSC y ética de los negocios.
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    La innovación tecnológica desde el marco del capital intelectual
    (2008) Delgado Verde, Miriam; Navas López, José Emilio; Martín de Castro, Gregorio; López Sáez, Pedro
    La importancia creciente del conocimiento, como factor productivo clave en la sociedad actual, exige un cambio en la forma de pensar sobre la innovación en términos generales así como en términos específicos como la innovación tecnológica, la innovación de producto o la innovación organizativa. Asímismo , las empresas son conscientes de que el conocimiento es el recurso más valioso y estratégico para enfrentarse al entorno actual. El presente estudio propone un modelo teórico sobre los diferentes elementos de capital (capital humano, capital tecnológico, capital relacional y capital social) como fuente de distintos tipos de innovación tecnológica.