Hernández Estrada, Adolfo

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Hernández Estrada
Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Faculty / Institute
Comercio y Turismo
Economía Financiera, Actuarial y Estadística
Estadística e Investigación Operativa
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Search Results

Now showing 1 - 10 of 11
  • Item
    Does gender affect entrepreneurship? Evidence from Spanish and Argentinian business incubators
    (Journal of Business Research, 2024) Rosado Cubero, Ana Isabel; Hernández Estrada, Adolfo; Blanco Jiménez, Francisco José; Freire Rubio, Teresa
    This study presents our findings from a systematic analysis of gender and entrepreneurship in Spanish and Argentinian incubators for 2020 and 2021. We improved our understanding of the unique challenges women entrepreneurs face in Spain compared to those in Argentina. Regarding gender and entrepreneurship in incubators, our findings show that neither country exhibits significant differences in success or failure rates nor in the type of financial model (state or public). However, we encountered significant differences in the internationalisation rates of businesses, which reflect a predominantly male profile. Finally, the analysis of the reach of this rate will focus on the type of financing, state versus private.
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    Project number: 205
    Big Data en Educación IV: Percepción de los estudiantes sobre el trabajo en grupo y redes sociales desde un entorno semipresencial
    (2021) Hernández Estrada, Adolfo; Aparicio Sánchez, María Del Socorro; Arteaga Martínez, Blanca; Fernández-Creuhet Santos, José María; García Pérez, Enrique; Gayubas Iglesias, David; Mateos-Aparicio Morales, Gregoria; Pascual Gómez, Isabel; Peñaloza Figueroa, Juan Luis; Rojas Candela, Ricardo; Gago De Santos, Pilar
    La situación actual plantea escenarios de aprendizaje en la universidad que requieren el uso de herramientas que faciliten el diseño e implementación de actividades educativas asíncronas. Con el objetivo de mejorar la motivación y el rendimiento de los estudiantes en este entorno, este trabajo se plantea como objetivo identificar qué variables resultan más influyentes en entornos de aprendizaje mediados por las Redes Sociales (RRSS) como espacios sociales de aprendizaje, y qué RRSS resultan más útiles en el aprendizaje de asignaturas relacionadas con la estadística. Para ello se utilizarán instrumentos de diagnóstico inicial y se diseñarán e implementarán actividades de comunicación en la plataforma Moodle. Los resultados permitirán conocer la percepción de los estudiantes sobre las posibilidades didácticas de las RRSS, así como el impacto que han tenido en su aprendizaje y en el rendimiento en la asignatura.
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    Cognitive–behavioral profile in pediatric patients with syndrome 5p-; genotype–phenotype correlationships
    (Genes, 2023) Bel Fenellos, María Cristina; Biencinto López, Chantal-María; Sáenz-Rico De Santiago, María Belén; Hernández Estrada, Adolfo; Sandoval-Talamantes, Ana Karen; Tenorio-Castaño, Jair; Lapunzina, Pablo; Nevado, Julian; Philibert, Robert; MDPI
    (1) Background: 5p minus Syndrome (S5p-) is a neurodevelopmental disorder caused by a deletion in the short arm of chromosome 5. Among the phenotypic characteristics of S5p-, the most characteristic and representative element is a monochromatic cry with a high-pitched tone reminiscent of a cat’s meow. Individuals may also show great phenotypic heterogeneity and great genetic variability. Regarding cognitive–behavioral aspects of the syndrome, the studies are scarce and do not establish a general profile of the main cognitive–behavioral particularities that this syndrome presents. The main objective of this work was to describe the development profile of a cohort of 45 children with 5p minus Syndrome, concerning the biomedical, genetic, cognitive, and behavioral aspects. Establishing putative genotype–phenotype (cognitive–behavioral profiles) relationships in our cohort, from an interdisciplinary approach. (2) Methods: A selection of instruments of measures was selected for neuropsychological assessment (3) Results: In general, children with S5p- have a higher cognitive level than a communicative and motor level. Language difficulties, especially expressive ones, influence the frequency and severity of the most frequent behavioral problems in S5p. The most significant problem behavior of children with S5p-, especially girls, is self-harm. Compulsive behavior, limited preferences, and interest in monotony are significantly more frequent in subjects with better cognitive levels. We also find a significant correlation between the size of the loss of genetic material on 5p and the cognitive level of the subjects. (4) Conclusions: We described for the first time, the cognitive–behavioral profile of a cohort of minors with S5p-. Remarkably, it was found that language, especially of an expressive nature, modulates the most frequent behavioral aspects in subjects with lower cognitive levels, so it is essential to develop verbal or alternative communication strategies adjusted to these individuals.
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    Understanding triggering skills for entrepreneurship: The case of ESIC
    (technological forecasting and social change, 2021) ana rosado cubero; adolfo hernandez estrada; teresa freire rubio; Rosado Cubero, Ana Isabel; Hernández Estrada, Adolfo
    The aim of this paper is to present the methodology and results of a study on the role played by an institution in higher education, the ESIC Business & Marketing School, in teaching different master's degree programmes to examine whether they respond to the demands of potential entrepreneurs who are seeking to acquire the tools and develop the skills necessary to eventually become successful. The main conclusions were that the students with the intention of achieving a higher level of entrepreneurial skills were enroled in the Executive Master of Business Administration (EMBA) programme without omitting other master's degree programmes also chosen by students with entrepreneurial concerns. It was also found that the variable with the highest impact on entrepreneurial motivation was family environment. Our data lead us to maintain that these students were not always going to start up a new business. The originality of this paper comes from our survey with 1,135 responses from the master's degree programmes taught in five cities in Spain with the inclusion of an analysis for LATAM students.
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    Project number: 254
    Big-data en educación V: mapa de riesgos y monitorización automática del abandono académico
    (2022) Peñaloza Figueroa, Juan Luis; Aparicio Sanchez, María del Socorro; Caballero Carbonell, Adolfo; Castro Pardo, Mónica de; Gomis Martí, José María; Guaita Martínez, José Manuel; Hernández Estrada, Adolfo; Losada Agrega, Laura; Wen, Low; Martín Martín, José María; Vargas Pérez, Carmen; Martín Santiago, Mónica
    El proyecto avanza en la identificación de las variables digitales válidas para predecir la deserción universitaria en sus distintas áreas de conocimiento. También avanza en un esquema de diagnóstico individualizado para las distintas fases de la deserción académica, que posteriormente puede ser convertido en lenguaje de máquina para su uso por parte de los profesores, para identificar situaciones de riesgo de abandono y realizar intervenciones para evitarlo.
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    Altruism in eWOM: propensity to write reviews on hotel experience
    (Journal of Theoretical and Applied Electronic Commerce Research, 2023) Llorens Marín, Miguel; Hernández Estrada, Adolfo; Puelles Gallo, María
    This research tests the relationship between aspects of customer influenceability at the time of booking a hotel with the propensity to write a review in electronic word-of-mouth communication. A valid sample of 739 online questionnaires was obtained. An Exploratory Factor Analysis was conducted in order to reduce the dimensions of the two critical variables, and a measurement model was built. Then a Path analysis was carried out. The novelty of this research lies in measuring the evolution from being a passive eWOM reader to a proactive eWOM writer. Results indicate a relationship between being influenced by reading reviews and the propensity to write reviews. The most important underlying motivation to write a review is altruistic. Managers should try to identify the most responsive customers and encourage them to write reviews on altruistic grounds. This study effectively validated the impact of being responsive to reading reviews on the inclination to, in turn, write them. Findings contribute to the evolving research landscape in eWOM within the hospitality and tourism sector, offering practical insights for industry practitioners to formulate more effective strategies in soliciting and managing customer reviews.
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    Promotion of entrepreneurship through business incubators: Regional analysis in Spain
    (Technological forecasting and social change, 2023) ana rosado cubero; adolfo hernandez estrada; francisco jose blanco jimenez; maria teresa freire rubio; Rosado Cubero, Ana Isabel; Hernández Estrada, Adolfo
    This study focuses on business incubators in Spain, which helps compare regions within Spain. This study has four goals: to shape taxonomy of the Spanish business incubator system, to compare between regions, to identify the factors affecting incubators' success, and to analyse during the COVID pandemic. Of the 478 business incubators registered in Spain, 89 were selected as the sample for study. Business incubators provide office space, equipment and mentoring services, as well as financial, legal and administrative support for entrepreneurs and start-up companies. Non-parametric statistical techniques are used to compare between regions, considering each regional business incubator as an ecosystem. The study focuses on six Spanish regions: Madrid, Catalonia, Castile- Leon, Aragon, Basque Country and Galicia.
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    Deep Phenotyping and Genetic Characterization of a Cohort of 70 Individuals With 5p Minus Syndrome
    (Frontiers in Genetics, 2021) Nevado, Julian; Bel Fenellos, María Cristina; Sandoval-Talamantes, Ana Karen; Hernández Estrada, Adolfo; Biencinto López, Chantal-María; Martínez-Fernández, María Luisa; Barrúz, Pilar; Santos-Simarro, Fernando; Mori-Álvarez, María Ángeles; Mansilla, Elena; García-Santiago, Fé Amalia; Valcorba, Isabel; Sáenz-Rico De Santiago, María Belén; Martínez-Frías, María Luisa; Lapunzina, Pablo; Sáenz-Rico De Santiago, María Belén; Julian Nevado Blanco; Katalin Komlosi, Medical Center – University of Freiburg, Germany
    Chromosome-5p minus syndrome (5p-Sd, OMIM #123450) formerly known as Cri duChat syndrome results from the loss of genetic material at the distal region of the short arm of chromosome 5. It is a neurodevelopmental disorder of genetic cause. So far, about 400 patients have been reported worldwide. Individuals affected by this syndrome have large phenotypic heterogeneity. However, a specific phenotype has emerged including global developmental delay, microcephaly, delayed speech, some dysmorphic features, and a characteristic and monochromatic high-pitch voice, resembling a cat’s cry. We here describe a cohort of 70 patients with clinical features of 5p- Sd characterized by means of deep phenotyping, SNP arrays, and other genetic approaches. Individuals have a great clinical and molecular heterogeneity, which can be partially explained by the existence of additional significant genomic rearrangements in around 39% of cases. Thus, our data showed significant statistical differences between subpopulations (simple 5p deletions versus 5p deletions plus additional rearrangements) of the cohort. We also determined significant “functional” differences between male andfemale individuals
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    Effect of advanced high school major on mathematical performance at university: a comparative study in business administration degrees
    (Revista de Educación, 2023) Arroyo Barrigüete, J.L.; Carabias López, S.; Hernández Estrada, Adolfo; Segura Maroto, Marina
    Estudios previos apuntan a que la especialidad cursada en bachillerato es una variable muy relevante en la predicción del rendimiento medio durante el primer curso en grados en Administración y Dirección de Empresas (ADE). Sin embargo, el efecto en asignaturas concretas y específicamente en las de matemáticas, no está plenamente resuelto, pues además de que existen muy pocos estudios al respecto, las evidencias son contradictorias y no existen estudios comparativos entre varios centros. En este trabajo se comparan los resultados en dos universidades diferentes: 873 alumnos del grado en ADE de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid y 822 de la Universidad Pontificia Comillas. La información se ha obtenido de las bases de datos institucionales de ambos centros, seleccionando de entre todos los alumnos matriculados entre los cursos 2009/2010-2021/2022 aquellos para los que se disponía de información completa. Metodológicamente se ha combinado el uso de modelos de regresión con redes neuronales interpretables, para asegurar la robustez de los resultados. El análisis muestra que, en ambas universidades e independientemente de la aproximación metodológica, los resultados son virtualmente idénticos: los alumnos procedentes del bachillerato de ciencias presentan un rendimiento académico sensiblemente mejor en matemáticas empresariales I y II que sus compañeros de ciencias sociales. Desde el punto de vista de la práctica docente, estos resultados tienen dos implicaciones. En primer lugar, parece necesario llevar a cabo una reflexión sobre el enfoque y contenidos de matemáticas en el bachillerato de ciencias sociales, buscando un mayor alineamiento con los requerimientos de los grados ligados a esta especialidad. En segundo lugar, respecto a la práctica docente en el primer curso universitario, parece necesario repensar las estrategias didácticas en matemáticas, considerando las características y el estilo de aprendizaje de los alumnos procedentes del bachillerato de ciencias sociales.
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    Project number: 421
    Big-data en educación VI: Indicadores de la competencia de literacidad digital académica de los profesores y estudiantes de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid: Recursos tecnológicos, huella digital académica y rendimiento académico
    (2023) Peñaloza Figueroa, Juan Luis; Aparicio Sánchez, María Del Socorro; Caballero Carbonell, Adolfo; Durán Durán, Yolanda; Hernández Estrada, Adolfo; Lluna Taverner, Francisco José; Dones Tacero, Milagros; Hermosa del Vasto, Paola Marcela; Ignacio Cabeza, Jorge; Quiroga Vera, Anjuli-Bai; Baciero de Lama, Carmen; Torrecilla Muñoz, Ainhoa; Vázquez Rodríguez, Silvia