Serrano Talavera, José Manuel

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First Name
José Manuel
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Serrano Talavera
Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Faculty / Institute
Ciencias Biológicas
Biodiversidad, Ecología y Evolución
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    Project number: 295
    Laboratorio de cambio climático
    (2018) Jiménez Escobar, María Dolores; Delgado Sáez, Juan Antonio; Barandica Fernández, Jesús María; Serrano Talavera, José Manuel; Hernández Pazmiño, Nathalia; Betanska, Agata; Díaz Carro, Miguel; Soneira Martínez, Fernando
    En el presente proyecto, se aborda e ilustra de un modo sencillo el estudio del cambio climático dentro de la asignatura de Ecología y asignaturas relacionadas. En este tema, los estudiantes deben superar la dificultad de entender que el cambio climático es un proceso a nivel planetario, con consecuencias detectables a nivel local. Para facilitar la compresión de éstos conceptos podemos simular de manera experimental un aumento de temperatura a nivel de parcela y estudiar cómo se pueden ver afectados algunos de los procesos esenciales que rigen la dinámica de las comunidades biológicas y el funcionamiento de los ecosistemas a pequeña escala. Con dicho propósito en el presente proyecto de innovación docente se proyectó la instalación de OTCs (Open Top Chamber) en el Real Jardín Botánico Alfonso XIII, para facilitar la monitorización por parte de los alumnos de variables ambientales sensibles al cambio climático y poder realizar pequeños experimentos que permitieran abordar trabajos de investigación, trabajos fin de grado e, incluso, trabajos fin de máster.
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    Subindividual variation accounts for most of the variability in two reproductive traits in Cistus ladanifer
    (Acta Oecologica, 2022) Díaz Carro, Miguel; Martínez, José A.; Serrano Talavera, José Manuel; Delgado Sáez, Juan A.
    There is increasing evidence of within species flower trait variability. In Cistus ladanifer, there is a great variation in the number of locules of the ovary (6–12). In this study, we assessed the variation in the number of ovary locules and ovule production at population, individual and intraindividual levels in 5 localities in the Madrid Region (Central Spain). We have answered the following questions: What level present larger variation? Is there a relationship between the number of ovary locules and ovule production? And if yes, does it hold across all levels? We sampled almost 500 flowers from 50 individuals for five localities. We counted the number of locules of the ovary and estimate the number of ovules per flower. The partitioning of total variation among populations, individuals and within-individuals was estimated for both variables. To analyze differences among locations, we performed general linear models. We found that within-individual variation was the main source of variation for all measured variables. Inter-individual variation was relevant only for the number of locules, and interpopulation variation was almost negligible for all variables. Despite the positive correlation between the number of locules per flower and ovule production, populations with more locules did not present more ovules per flower. In summary, we found that variation in the number of locules and its relationship with ovule production is scale dependent.
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    Project number: 341
    Haciendo visibles procesos e interacciones ecológicas a través de la experimentación
    (2016) Delgado Sáez, Juan Antonio; Jiménez Escobar, María Dolores; Serrano Talavera, José Manuel; Barandica Fernández, Jesús María
    El presente proyecto aborda la facilitación del aprendizaje de conceptos abstractos en ecología mediante experimentación.Para ello proponemos la realización de modelos de experimentación que permitan abordar conceptos abstractos en ecología a través de la selección de procedimientos experimentales necesarios para obtener las mediciones (el cómo se hace). Sobre estos procedimientos se realizará un modelo lo más real posible con todos los elementos básicos, de manera que los estudiantes puedan ver la configuración material del mismo y, sobre éste esquema discutir las limitaciones empíricas y su aportación a la generalización abstracta del proceso medido. El resultado son tres productos prácticos que incluyen el desarrollo teórico, un guión de prácticas, hojas de cálculo (Excel) para la realización de los cálculos y una presentación que permite conocer detalles teóricos y del desarrollo material de la práctica.
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    Guía Rápida de SPSS v.25 (Prácticas de Ecología)
    (2019) López-Pintor Alcón, Antonio; Barandica Fernández, Jesús; Acosta Gallo, Belén; Casado González, Miguel Ángel; Delgado Sáez, Juan Antonio; García Avilés, Javier; de las Heras Puñal, Paloma; Herrero de Jáuregui, Cristina; Jiménez Escobar, María Dolores; López de Pablo, Carlos Tomás; Martín de Agar Valverde, Pilar; Martín Zorrilla, Juan Vicente; Morcillo Alonso, Felipe; Ortega Quero, Marta; Rovira Sanroque, José Vicente; Serrano Talavera, José Manuel
    Guía rápida de SPSS v.25 para usar en las Prácticas de Ecología (Grado en Biología, 3er curso)
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    Conceptual basis for an integrated system for the management of a protected area. Examples from its application in a mediterranean area
    (Journal of Environmental Management, 2016) Cornejo Montoro, Enrique; García Fungairiño, Sara; Barandica Fernández, Jesús María; Serrano Talavera, José Manuel; Martín Zorrila, Juan Vicente; Gómez, T.; Zapata, F.J.; Acosta Salmerón, Francisco Javier
    Improving the efficiency of management in protected areas is imperative in a generalized context of limited conservation budgets. However, this is overlooked due to flaws in problem definition, general disregard for cost information, and a lack of suitable tools for measuring costs and management quality. This study describes an innovative methodological framework, implemented in the web application SIGEIN, focused on maximizing the quality of management against its costs, establishing an explicit justification for any decision. The tool integrates, with this aim, a procedure for prioritizing management objects according to a conservation value, modified by a functional criterion; a project management module; and a module for management of continuous assessment. This appraisal associates the relevance of the conservation targets, the efficacy of the methods employed, both resource and personnel investments, and the resulting costs. Preliminary results of a prototypical SIGEIN application on the Site of Community Importance Chafarinas Islands are included.
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    Project number: 219
    GUARDIANES: Aprendiendo a aplicar la Ecología para un mundo sostenible
    (2023) López-Pintor Alcón, Antonio; Barandica Fernández, Jesús María; Calatayud Estrada, María Luisa; De Las Heras Puñal, María Paloma; García Ibáñez, Epifanio; García Rabasa, Sonia; Jiménez Ariza, Javier; Macías García, Raquel; Morcillo Alonso, Felipe; Pezzoli, Federica; Serrano Talavera, José Manuel; López-Pintor Alcón, Antonio
    Este proyecto constituye la segunda fase del proyecto "Enseñar Ecología hoy: abandonando la tarima para jugar con el mundo real" (Innova Docencia 2018-19, Ref. 107). El objetivo general de dicho proyecto era adaptar la totalidad de la asignatura a un entorno gamificado, y ponerla a prueba en un grupo piloto.
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    Opportunities for GHG emissions reduction in road projects: a comparative evaluation of emissions scenarios using CO2NSTRUCT
    (Journal of Cleaner Production, 2015) Fernández-Sánchez, Gonzalo; Berzosa, Álvaro; Barandica Fernández, Jesús María; Cornejo Montoro, Enrique; Serrano Talavera, José Manuel
    In the road construction sector, a number of measures and alternatives have been proposed to reduce the emissions of greenhouse gases (GHG). While these measures can result in a notable abatement of this impact, when analyzed independently and in absolute terms, they are not equally relevant within a common context, such as a complete road transport infrastructure project. In this work, we analyze a broad range of scenarios for emission reduction combining plausible options given the current state of technology and involving those elements of road construction and maintenance with major contributions to the total balance of emissions. The selection of scenarios goes beyond the usual perspectives focused on pavements and materials, and includes other factors dealing with machinery, transport distance, energy sources, land-use change, as well as combined scenarios intended to find optimal alternatives. This has been achieved using the tool CO2NSTRUCT, which considers a life-cycle assessment approach for road transport infrastructure in evaluating GHG emission, thus providing an adequately comprehensive context for comparing relative contributions. This common reference enables to accomplish the ranking of the possible solutions. Results indicate that strategies involving the use of construction materials with lower emissions in their production process and recycled materials are the most effective, followed by those using lower-pollutant sources of energy in both off-road and transport machinery and lighting. This research also shows that the process of selection of suitable options should consider not only the construction stage but also the maintenance stage spanning road service life. Furthermore, the study demonstrates the importance of performing these analyses within a reference framework, enabling the identification of more efficient strategies amongst the universe of alternative solutions to mitigate GHG emissions.
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    Estimation of CO2 emissions in the life cycle of roads through the disruption and restoration of environmental systems
    (Ecological Engineering, 2014) Barandica, Jesús M.; Delgado Sáez, Juan Antonio; Berzosa, Álvaro; Fernández Sánchez, Gonzalo; Serrano Talavera, José Manuel; Martín Zorrila, Juan Vicente
    Effects of disruption and restoration of terrestrial ecosystems have been largely overlooked when conducting assessments of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions inroadconstructionprojects. This is animportant oversight given the intensive land-conversion generated by linear infrastructure development, as well as the relevance given to carbon pool variations associated with land use and land-use changes by national inventories of GHG emissions and global reports. This paper describes the implementation of a methodology to classify those environmental systems in land-uses categories, to determine their carbon stocks (vegetationandsoil), andto quantifyCO2 emissions andremoval relatedto theirmanagement atthedifferent stages of road construction projects. The procedure is illustrated through its application in the impact assessment of road projects in the territory of Spain. This methodology integrates currently available information on carbon stocks and considers the accounting criteria adopted in national GHG emissions inventories. It is intended to constitute part of an integral assessment tool for GHG emissions in linear infrastructure projects. Four case studies are presented in which emissions from the disruption of environmental systems range from 0.55 to 3.66 kT CO2 km−1. This represents 5 to 13% of the total emissions in the construction stage, and 3.5 to 7% of the net CO2 balance, i.e., once the initial carbon sequestration by restoration planting has been discounted. Results also indicate that under ideal conditions the long-term effect of restoration may even fully offset this impact, though really such conditions are far from being the case in the usual development of plantations. This study confirms the advisability of systematically incorporating the analysis of land use and land-use changes into the assessment of GHG emissions of road projects for consideration in decision-making from the design stage to the maintenance stage in such projects.
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    Effects of fertilization and neighbour removal on biomass allocation and fruit production in Cistus ladanifer
    (Plant Biosystems, 2011) Delgado Sáez, Juan Antonio; Serrano Talavera, José Manuel; López, F.; Acosta, F. J.
    The aim of this article was to assess short-term (11 months) changes in vegetative biomass allocation and in reproductive output in response to increased nutrient availability and to different intra-specific competition scenarios in adult C. ladanifer plants. We performed a factorial field experiment with four treatments: (1) no fertilization and no neighbour removal, (2) fertilization (400 kg ha71 of controlled release NPK fertilizer) and no neighbour removal, (3) no fertilization and neighbour removal (all vegetation growing within a 2 m radius around the target plant were cut) and (4) fertilization and neighbour removal. We found a significant interaction between fertilization and neighbour removal affecting patterns of biomass allocation; plants without neighbours allocated relatively more biomass to leaves and less to branches only in the nonfertilized group, with no evident effect on the fertilized one. Furthermore, the positive effects of neighbour removal on number and biomass of fruits were appreciable regardless of nutrient conditions, which suggest that competition intensity was independent from soil fertility.
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    Estudio de comunidades de matorral mediterráneo I
    (2019) López-Pintor Alcón, Antonio; Barandica Fernández, Jesús; Acosta Gallo, Belén; Casado González, Miguel Ángel; Delgado Sáez, Juan Antonio; García Avilés, Javier; de las Heras Puñal, Paloma; Herrero de Jáuregui, Cristina; Jiménez Escobar, María Dolores; López de Pablo, Carlos Tomás; Martín de Agar Valverde, Pilar; Martín Zorrilla, Juan Vicente; Morcillo Alonso, Felipe; Ortega Quero, Marta; Rovira Sanroque, José Vicente; Serrano Talavera, José Manuel
    Conjunto de guiones de prácticas de Ecología, correspondientes al bloque temático sobre el estudio de comunidades, y material complementario (estadillo y plantilla para la matriz de datos).