Rojo Salvador, ConcepciĆ³n

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Rojo Salvador
Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Faculty / Institute
AnatomĆ­a y EmbriologĆ­a
AnatomĆ­a y AnatomĆ­a PatolĆ³gica Comparadas
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    Project number: 46
    CreaciĆ³n de un modelo anatĆ³mico 3D y de realidad virtual para el aprendizaje de la anatomĆ­a veterinaria, la endoscopia digestiva alta y la planificaciĆ³n quirĆŗrgica en el perro
    (2021) Rojo Salvador, ConcepciĆ³n; Corral Pumarega, Jose Luis; Sainz RodrĆ­guez, Ɓngel; GonzĆ”lez MartĆ­nez, MarĆ­a Encina; RodrĆ­guez Franco, Fernando; Gaspar SimĆ³n, Ignacio de; GarcĆ­a-Sancho TĆ©llez, Mercedes Guadalupe; DĆ­az-RegaĆ±Ć³n FernĆ”ndez, David Rafael; RodrĆ­guez QuirĆ³s, JesĆŗs; PĆ©rez DĆ­az, Carmen; JimĆ©nez Socorro, Antonio NicolĆ”s; Mateos Sanz, MarĆ­a Aranzazu; Mendaza de Cal, Rosa MarĆ­a; de la Morena GarcĆ­a, Eva
    Se diseƱa y reconstruye en 3D un modelo anatĆ³mico del complejo esĆ³fago-estĆ³mago-duodeno del perro. El objetivo es disponer de un modelo impreso en 3D, asĆ­ como de materiales interactivos para el aprendizaje y la evaluaciĆ³n del aparato digestivo en las asignaturas de anatomĆ­a, medicina interna y cirugĆ­a. Se logra disponer de un prototipo flexible y bastante realista en cuanto a forma, textura y color. El modelo impreso se utiliza en docencia: en las clases de anatomĆ­a para el estudio de las morfologĆ­as externa e interna y la topografĆ­a, comparando con el modelo natural; en endoscopia digestiva como modelo para el desarrollo de habilidades manuales en la prĆ”ctica con estudiantes; en cirugĆ­a para la planificaciĆ³n y los abordajes quirĆŗrgicos. El modelo de aprendizaje virtual aĆŗn no estĆ” a disposiciĆ³n de los estudiantes, se encuentra actualmente en realizaciĆ³n. Contamos con un pdf interactivo y se estĆ” desarrollando un vĆ­deo virtual simulando el recorrido del endoscopio a travĆ©s del segmento digestivo de interĆ©s.
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    Short-term outcomes and complications of 65 cases of porous TTA with flange: a prospective clinical study in dogs
    (BMC Veterinary Research, 2020) Bernardi-Villavicencio, Cristina; JimĆ©nez Socorro, Antonio NicolĆ”s; Rojo Salvador, ConcepciĆ³n; Robles SanmartĆ­n, Javier Antonio; RodrĆ­guez QuirĆ³s, JesĆŗs
    Background: Cranial cruciate ligament rupture (CrCLR) is the most common orthopaedic cause of lameness in the hind limb in dogs. Many surgical treatments have been described, but tibial tuberosity advancement (TTA) is one of the most commonly used today. Since it was first described, TTA has evolved to reduce major complications and to arrest the progression of osteoarthrosis. The aim of this study was to assess a surgical technique called Porous TTA with flange prospectively. This study was performed in 61 dogs that underwent 65 Porous TTA with flange procedures, to validate it as an alternative CrCLR treatment. Complications and clinical outcomes (pain, lameness, weight bearing, flexion, extension, crepitation and atrophy) were reported over 3 months, i.e. at 3, 6 and 12 weeks postoperatively. Results: The results showed a positive clinical outcome, a minor complication rate of 47.69% at the first review 3 weeks postoperatively, 10.77% at the second one (6 weeks after the surgery) and 4% at the third one (at 12 weeks). Major complications were observed only at the last review, with one case that had an infection requiring implant removal; this represented 1.5% of cases. Variables evaluated for a relationship with complication scores and improvement were body condition score, sex, age, breed, body weight, breed size, side of the affected limb, traumatic anamnesis and time of lameness before surgery. No relationship was detected. Conclusions: Clinical outcomes and complications show that Porous TTA with flange is an efficient alternative for surgical treatment of CrCLR in dogs.
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    Project number: 119
    VirtualizaciĆ³n e impresiĆ³n 3D de modelos anatĆ³micos aplicados a la docencia y planificaciĆ³n quirĆŗrgica
    (2017) PĆ©rez DĆ­az, Carmen; Rojo Salvador, ConcepciĆ³n; Gaspar SimĆ³n, Ignacio de; Sanz DueƱas, Javier; RodrĆ­guez QuirĆ³s, JesĆŗs; LĆ³pez Rodriguez, Juan; Barroso Santos-Carvalho, Paulo; Llorca MartĆ­n, Celia; Crenes Vazquez, Maria Eugenia; Perianes Rodriguez, IƱigo; Portero Fuentes, Miriam; Paton Rubio, David
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    Light Microscopic, Ultrastructure Analysis and Functional Morphology of Cornu aspersum Spermatozoa Containedin the Frozen Hermaphroditic Duct
    (Int. J. Morphol, 2023) Fontanillas PĆ©rez, Juan Carlos; Fuertes Recuero, Manuel; Rojo Salvador, ConcepciĆ³n; GarcĆ­a-Cuenca Ariati, Isabel
    In this study we describe the functional morphology of Cornu aspersum (Helix aspersa), spermatozoa using light, scanning (SEM) and transmission electron (TEM) microscopies. The studies were performed with sperm located in the frozen hermaphroditic duct. Our results showed that the head presents an elongated conical shape slightly coiled in a corkscrew, with the nucleus partially covered by an acrosome, where an apical vesicle is located at the lateralized apex. This peculiar shape suggests the helical displacement movement of the spermatozoa. The head and the nucleus are slightly larger size compared to those of other gastropod species. The intermediate tract is surrounded by a mitochondrial complex and a glycogen helix. The glycogen helix is coiled helically along the intermediate tract, presenting at least five twists of glycogen helices. The complexity of both the mitochondrial complex and the glycogen helix suggests a high metabolic consumption considering the long period of time until fertilization occurs. Our findings on the detailed characterization of Cornu aspersum spermatozoa, obtained from a frozen hermaphroditic duct can contribute to a better understanding of the functional morphology of sperm and serve as a reference for future studies.
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    Project number: 350
    Pintando caballos: Estudio de la Anatomƭa y BiomecƔnica Equina a travƩs de la Pintura sobre el Animal Vivo
    (2016) MartĆ­nez Sainz, MarĆ­a Del Pilar; Rojo Salvador, ConcepciĆ³n; Contreras RodrĆ­guez, Julio; MarĆ­n GarcĆ­a, MarĆ­a Del Pilar; Serres Dalmau, MarĆ­a Consolacion; Fores Jackson, Paloma; Re, Michela Tatiana; Andres Alonso, Felipe; GutiĆ©rrez Cepeda, Luna
    CreaciĆ³n de un material docente (para web y plataformas mĆ³viles) pintando las estructuras anatĆ³micas mĆŗsculo-esquelĆ©ticas sobre caballos vivos para el aprendizaje de la anatomĆ­a funcional y biomecĆ”nica equina de forma sencilla, visual y didĆ”ctica.
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    Canine Upper Digestive Tract 3D Model: Assessing Its Utility for Anatomy and Upper Endoscopy Learning
    (Animals, 2024) DĆ­az-RegaĆ±Ć³n FernĆ”ndez, David Rafael; Mendaza de Cal, Rosa; GarcĆ­a-Sancho TĆ©llez, Mercedes Guadalupe; RodrĆ­guez Franco, Fernando; Sainz RodrĆ­guez, Ɓngel; RodrĆ­guez QuirĆ³s, JesĆŗs; Rojo Salvador, ConcepciĆ³n
    A teaching strategy using 3D-printed models of the canine upper digestive tract (UDT) for anatomy demonstration and upper endoscopy instruction was evaluated. The canine UDT (esophagusā€“stomachā€“duodenum) was scanned and 3D-printed molds were manufactured using silicone casting. First-year students were introduced to these 3D models in practical sessions alongside real specimens. Simultaneously, fifth-year students were trained in endoscope handling and anatomical recognition using 3D specimens. Both groups completed an anonymous survey. Results showed that overall, first-year (n = 93) and fifth-year (n = 45) students agreed or strongly agreed that the 3D-printed model was effective for learning purposes. In summary, first-year students highlighted an improved understanding of size, volume, topography, and easier manipulation of the 3D model compared to fresh specimens. Fifth-year students were more enthusiastic, finding the 3D model valuable for spatial vision and clinical training. While both groups were against completely replacing the natural UDT with the 3D model, first-year students were more hesitant. These findings suggest that the 3D model of the canine UDT is an effective tool for hands-on training in clinical endoscopy and a valuable, albeit complementary, resource for teaching anatomy and topography.
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    Current Advances in Mesenchymal Stem Cell Therapies Applied to Wounds and Skin, Eye, and Neuromuscular Diseases in Companion Animals
    (Animals, 2024) Picazo GonzĆ”lez, Rosa Ana; Rojo Salvador, ConcepciĆ³n; RodrĆ­guez QuirĆ³s, JesĆŗs; GonzĆ”lez Gil, Alfredo
    Mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) are considered a very promising alternative tool in cell therapies and regenerative medicine due to their ease of obtaining from various tissues and their ability to differentiate into different cell types. This manuscript provides a review of current knowledge on the use of MSC-based therapies as an alternative for certain common pathologies in dogs and cats where conventional treatments are ineffective. The aim of this review is to assist clinical veterinarians in making decisions about the suitability of each protocol from a clinical perspective, rather than focusing solely on research. MSC-based therapies have shown promising results in certain pathologies, such as spinal cord injuries, wounds, and skin and eye diseases. However, the effectiveness of these cell therapies can be influenced by a wide array of factors, leading to varying outcomes. Future research will focus on designing protocols and methodologies that allow more precise and effective MSC treatments for each case.
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    Project number: PIMCD140/23-24
    ReconstrucciĆ³n 3D abdominal en el perro y el gato: aplicaciĆ³n para el estudio de la anatomĆ­a y los procedimientos clĆ­nicos
    (2024) Rojo Salvador, ConcepciĆ³n; GarcĆ­a-Sancho Tellez, Mercedes Guadalupe; GonzĆ”lez MartĆ­nez, MarĆ­a Encina; JimĆ©nez Socorro, Antonio NicolĆ”s; LĆ³pez SĆ”nchez, Patricia; Mateos Sanz, MarĆ­a Aranzazu; Mendaza de Cal, Rosa MarĆ­a; Moreno DĆ­az, Claudia; Moreno MadroƱo, Jose Luis; MuƱoz Feito, Alejandro; PĆ©rez DĆ­az, Carmen; RodrĆ­guez Franco, Fernando; RodrĆ­guez QuirĆ³s, JesĆŗs; RodrĆ­guez Rojo, MarĆ­a; SĆ”inz RodrĆ­guez, Ɓngel; Rojo Salvador, ConcepciĆ³n
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    3D-Printed Model of the Ovine Stomach by Surface Scanning: Evaluation for Teaching Veterinary Anatomy
    (International Journal of Morphology, 2021) Mendaza-DeCal, Rosa MarĆ­a; Rojo Salvador, ConcepciĆ³n
    This study investigated the use of fused deposition modeling (FDM), three-dimensional (3D) printed models, of the ovine stomach to learn surface and topographical anatomy. The objectives were: i) to faithfully reproduce the external morphology, the normal volume and the correct positioning of the four compartments of the stomach ii) to facilitate students the spatial visualization of the organ with emphasis on the complex relationship stomach-greater omentum. The model was built based on surface scanning. To obtain the images the ovine stomach was scanned using a 3D surface scanner. Assessment of the model was performed through surveys to first-year veterinary students after the practical sessions in which, they studied and compared both real and 3D-printed specimens. Regarding morphology no significant differences were reported, students were equally able to identify the different structures and compartments on the 3D-printed model. Understanding of both spatial position and relationship of the stomach with neighboring anatomical structures was easier achieved with the 3D-printed model. Other advantages of the 3D-printed model were handle-resistance and ease of handling, availability and reduction of animal specimens. We propose that 3D-printed ovine stomach by surface scanning is a valuable simple model to support learning of surface and topographical anatomy.
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    Project number: 309
    Estudio de la cavidad celĆ³mica de la Pogona vitticeps mediante tĆ©cnicas convencionales y avanzadas de diagnĆ³stico por imagen
    (2021) GarcĆ­a Real, MarĆ­a Isabel; Ruiz FernĆ”ndez, MarĆ­a JosĆ©; FernĆ”ndez Valle, EncarnaciĆ³n; Mateos Sanz, MarĆ­a Aranzazu; Rojo Salvador, ConcepciĆ³n; Santos Ɓlvarez, Inmaculada; Ardiaca GarcĆ­a, MarĆ­a; Ariza Pastrana, Salvador; Chamorro Sancho, Manuel JosĆ©
    En este proyecto de innovaciĆ³n y mejora de la calidad docente se ha llevado a cabo un estudio de correlaciĆ³n de la anatomĆ­a de la cavidad celĆ³mica de la Pogona vitticeps con diferentes tĆ©cnicas de diagnĆ³stico por imagen, tanto convencionales, como avanzadas.