Cea Soriano, Trinidad Lucía

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First Name
Trinidad Lucía
Last Name
Cea Soriano
Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Faculty / Institute
Salud Pública y Materno-Infantil
Medicina Preventiva y Salud Pública
UCM identifierORCIDScopus Author IDWeb of Science ResearcherIDDialnet ID

Search Results

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    The heterogeneity of reversion to normoglycemia according to prediabetes type is not explained by lifestyle factors
    (Scientific Reports, 2021) Giraldez García, Carolina; Cea Soriano, Trinidad Lucía; Albaladejo Vicente, Romana; Franch Nadal, Josep; Mata Cases, Manel; Díez Espino, Javier; Artola, Sara; Serrano, Rosario; Regidor Poyatos, Enrique
    Healthy lifestyle interventions and drug therapies are proven to have a positive preventative influence on normal glucose regulation in prediabetes. However, little is known on the specific role that these factors play on reversion to normal glycemia according to type of prediabetes. We used data from the Observational prospective cohort study, The Cohort study in Primary Health Care on the Evolution of Patients with Prediabetes from 2012 to 2015. A total of 1184 individuals aged 30-74 years old were included and classified based on the ADA in three mutually exclusive groups using either fasting plasma glucose (FPG) levels (from 100 to 125 mg/dl, FPG group), HbA1c (5.7-6.4%, HbA1c group) or both impaired parameters. Information on lifestyle factors and biochemical parameters were collected at baseline. Reversion to normal glucose regulation was calculated at third year of follow-up. Relationship of lifestyle factor and type of prediabetes with reversion were estimated using odds ratios (ORs) with 95% confidence intervals (95% CIs) adjusting by different groups of confounders. Proportion of reversion rates were 31% for FPG group, 31% for HbA1c group and 7.9% for both altered parameters group, respectively. Optimal life style factors such as BMI < 25 kg/m2[OR (95% CI): 1.90 (1.20-3.01)], high adherence to Mediterranean diet 1.78 (1.21-2.63) and absence of abdominal obesity 1.70 (1.19-2.43) were the strongest predictors for reversion to normal glucose. However, those did not modify the ORs of reversion to normal glucose. Taking as reference those with both impaired parameters, subjects with FPG impairment (FPG group) had an OR of 4.87 (3.10-7.65) and 3.72 (2.39-5.78) for HbA1c group. These estimates remained almost the same after further adjustment for biochemical parameters and lifestyle factors (4.55(2.84-7.28) and 3.09 (1.92-4.97), respectively). Optimal lifestyle factors showed to be a positive predictor for reversion to normal glucose regulation however, the differences of reversion risk according type of prediabetes are not explained by lifestyle factors.
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    Effect of tramadol and DOACs with special attention to dabigatran on concomitant use, on the risk of mayor bleeding using BIFAP database in Spain
    (Pharmacoepidemiology and Drug Safety, 2022) Burgos González, Airam De; Huerta Álvarez, María Consuelo Yolanda; Peñalver, María José; Sordo Delcastillo, Luis; Pulido Manzanero, José; Cea Soriano, Trinidad Lucía
    Background Tramadol, a weak opioid, inhibits the reuptake of serotonin, a key feature on vascular homeostasis. A suspected interaction exists between dabigatran and tramadol, which might trigger an excess on risk of bleeding however, there is a gap in knowledge on this topic. Purpose To estimate the effects of tramadol, dabigatran and concomitant use on the risk of hospitalized major bleeds (Gastrointestinal bleeding and intra-extracranial bleeds). Methods Among a validated established cohort of new users of oral anticoagulants for non valvular atrial fibrillation (NVAF) aged 18 years or older, we identified all hospitalized bleed episodes (GIB and extra/intracranial bleeds) within 2008-2015. A nested case–control analysis was conducted using conditional logistic regression. Adjusted odds ratios (aORs) with 95% confidence intervals (CIs) were calculated for dabigatran, tramadol and concomitant use. Several sensitivity analyses were carried out. Results aORs (95%CIs) for current use of only dabigatran, only tramadol and concomitant users were 1.73 (1.37-2.18) and 1.38 (1.13-1.67) and 2.04 (0.74-5.67) compared with non-users of both drugs (>365 days). aORs for current continuers and non-continuer users of dabigatran were 1.36 (1.00-1.86) and 2.19 (1.61-2.98), respectively. For the latter, non-continuer users with a short duration of dabigatran cumulated the highest risk (3.36 (1.88-5.99)). There also was an increased risk with concomitant use of tramadol and rivaroxaban (2.24 (1.19-4.21)), or antagonist of vitamin K (1.30 (1.00-1.69)). Conclusion There was a trend towards and increased risk of excess bleeds when using concomitantly with dabigatran. The effect decreases with a narrower definition of current use.
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    Formación de agentes de prevención de la soledad: Acompañamiento y fomento de hábitos saludables para personas mayores en situación de soledad no deseada II (ApS_Te_acompaño)
    (2022) Delgado Losada, María Luisa; Martínez Zujeros, Sergio; Rodríguez Rodríguez, María Cruz; Cea Soriano, Trinidad Lucía; Pulido Manzanero, José; Suárez Castro, Miriam
    ApS_Te_acompaño es un Proyecto de Aprendizaje-Servicio de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid en el marco de la “Convocatoria Proyectos Aprendizaje Servicio Complutense 2021”. ApS_Te_acompaño trata de mantener la experiencia de ApS comenzada en el curso 2020_21, dirigida a la formación de Agentes Prevención de la Soledad, que les capacite para el desarrollo del acompañamiento y fomento de hábitos saludables para personas mayores en situación de soledad no deseada, fragilidad y/o vulnerabilidad social. El proyecto se llevó a cabo con los/as estudiantes del Máster Universitario en Salud, Integración y Discapacidad (MSID) y de la asignatura de Práctica Clínica II: Intervención Neurocognitiva y Social del Grado en Terapia Ocupacional que se imparte en la Facultad de Medicina.
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    Identificación de problemas relacionados con el medicamento y estrategias de mejora en personas mayores
    (2020) Fernández Alfonso, María Soledad; Cea Soriano, Trinidad Lucía; Astasio Arbiza, Paloma; Bedoya Del Olmo, Luis Miguel; Garcia Broncano, Rosario; García Ferrera, Alicia; García García, Luis; Garcimartín Álvarez, Alba; Gómez Oliver, Francisca; González Burgos, Elena María; Guerra Guirao, José Antonio; Manouchehri, Marjan; Manzano Lista, Francisco Javier; Ortega Molina, Soledad Paloma; Pulido Manzanero, José; Sánchez Ortíz, Sara; Santos Sancho, Juana María
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    Project number: 206
    Idoneidad y validez de herramientas que fomentan el aprendizaje asociativo a partir de exámenes tipo test
    (2020) Cea Soriano, Trinidad Lucía; García Seoane, Jorge Juan; Ortega Molina, Soledad Paloma; López Gallardo, Meritxell; Astasio Arbiza, Paloma; Martínez Hernández, David; Lázaro Fernández, Alberto; Santos Sancho, Juana María; García Ferrera, Alicia; Gutiérrez Albaladejo, Natalia; Herrera Marcos, Isabel
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    Estimating the Prevalence of Recreational Opioid Use in Spain Using a Multiplier Method
    (International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 2022) Pulido Manzanero, José; Sánchez Niubo, Albert; Llorens, Noelia; Hoyos Miller, Juan Eduardo; Barrio, Gregorio; Belza, Maria Jose; Cea Soriano, Trinidad Lucía; Angulo Brunet, Ariadna; Sordo Delcastillo, Luis
    Acknowledgement of the prevalence of recreational opioid use (PROU) is key to the planning and evaluation of care services. However, in Spain, the prevalence of PROU in recent years is unknown. The objective of this study was to estimate the PROU between 2005 and 2019 in the general populations of six Spanish cities. A benchmark-multiplier methodology was used to estimate the PROU population size. The benchmark used was overdose deaths from recreational opioid use in Spain’s six most populated cities. The multiplier was the overdose death rate in a cohort of heroin users. Linear regression was used to estimate the trend of the PROU estimate over the set period of years. In 2005, the PROU was 4.78 (95%CI 3.16–7.91) per 1000 people. The estimated trend decreased, with the two lowest values being 2.35 per 1000 in 2015 and 2.29 in 2018. In 2019 the PROU was 2.60 per 1000 (95%CI 1.72–4.31), 45% lower than in 2005. While the decline in the PROU continues, its deceleration over the last four years calls for increased vigilance, especially in light of the opioid crisis in North America that has occurred over the last few years.
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    The Risk of SARS-CoV-2 Infection in Pregnant Women: An Observational Cohort Study Using the BIFAP Database
    (Healthcare, 2022) Mota, Mercedes; Huerta Álvarez, María Consuelo Yolanda; Llorente, Ana; Cea Soriano, Trinidad Lucía
    Background: It has been suggested that women experiencing during pregnancy several physiological and immunological changes that might increase the risk of any infection including the SARS-CoV-2. Objective: We aimed to quantify the risk of SARS-CoV-2 infection during pregnancy compared with women with no pregnancies. Methods: We used data from the BIFAP database and a published algorithm to identify all pregnancies during 2020. Pregnancies were matched (1:4) by age region, and length of pregnancy with a cohort of women of childbearing age. All women with SARS-CoV-2 infection before entering the study were discarded. We estimated incidence rates of SARS-CoV-2 with 95% confidence intervals (CIs) expressed by 1000 person-months as well as Kaplan–Meier figures overall and also stratified according to pregnancy period: during pregnancy, at puerperium (from end of pregnancy up to 42 days) and after pregnancy. (from 43 days after pregnancy up to end pf study period (i.e., June 2021). We conducted a Cox regression to assess risk factors for SARS-COV infection. The incidence rate of SARS-CoV-2 infection expressed by 1000 person-months were. Results: There was a total of 103,185 pregnancies and 412,740 matched women at childbearing, with a mean age of 32.3 years. The corresponding incidence rates of SARS-CoV-2 infection according to cohorts were: 2.44 cases per 1000 person-months (confidence interval (CI) 95%: 2.40–2.50) and 4.29 (95% CI: 4.15–4.43) for comparison cohort. The incidence rate ratio (IRR) of SARS-CoV-2 was 1.76 (95% CI: 1.69–1.83). When analyzing according to pregnancy period, the IRRs were 1.30 (95% CI: 11.20–1.41) during the puerperium and 1.19 (95% CI: 41.15–1.23) after pregnancy. In addition to pregnancy itself, other important risk factors were obesity (1.33 (95% CI: 1.23–1.44)) and diabetes (1.23 (95% CI: 11.00–1.50). Conclusion: Pregnant women are at increased risk of SARS-CoV-2 infection compared with women of childbearing age not pregnant. Nevertheless, there is a trend towards reverting during puerperium and after pregnancy.
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    Project number: 213
    Fomento del autoaprendizaje mediante la construcción de exámenes tipo test
    (2021) Pulido Manzanero, José; Astasio Arbiza, Paloma; Cea Soriano, Trinidad Lucía; Ortega Molina, Soledad Paloma; Santos Sancho, Juana María; García Ferrera, Alicia; De Burgos González, Airam; Regidor Poyatos, Enrique
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    Formación de agentes de prevención de la soledad: Acompañamiento y fomento de hábitos saludables para personas mayores en situación de soledad no deseada (ApS_Te_acompaño)
    (2022) Delgado Losada, María Luisa; Suárez Castro, Miriam; Pulido Manzanero, José; Cea Soriano, Trinidad Lucía
    ApS_Te_acompaño es un Proyecto de Aprendizaje-Servicio de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid en el marco de la “Convocatoria Proyectos Aprendizaje Servicio Complutense 2020”. ApS_Te_acompaño trata de poner en marcha una experiencia de ApS dirigida a la formación de Agentes Prevención de la Soledad, que les capacite para el desarrollo del acompañamiento y fomento de hábitos saludables para personas mayores en situación de soledad no deseada, fragilidad y/o vulnerabilidad social. El proyecto se llevó a cabo con los/as estudiantes del Máster Universitario en Salud, Integración y Discapacidad (MSID) que se imparte en la Facultad de Medicina, fruto de la experiencia previa durante el curso 2019/20 con motivo de la situación de crisis sociosanitaria provocada por la pandemia.
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    The role of prenatal exposure to antidepressants, anxiolytic, and hypnotics and its underlying illness on the risk of miscarriage using BIFAP database
    (Pharmacoepidemiology and Drug Safety, 2022) Kitchin, Álvaro; Huerta Álvarez, María Consuelo Yolanda; Llorente García, Ana; Martínez Hernández, David; Ortega Molina, Soledad Paloma; Cea Soriano, Trinidad Lucía
    Purpose: Despite the notable increase on the prescription of antidepressants and anxiolytics during pregnancy, recommendation on maintaining the treatment during prenatal period is still controversial. We aimed to separately assess the role of effects of the antidepressants and anxiolytic and the underlying illness, controlled by potential confounding associated with miscarriage onset. Methods: We used data from a validated pregnant cohort aged 15–49 years from 2002 to 2016 using BIFAP database. All confirmed miscarriages were used to perform a nested control analysis using conditional logistic regression. Women were classified according to use of each drug of interest into four mutually exclusive groups: nonusers, users only during prepregnancy, continuers, and initiators during first trimester. Adjusted odds ratios (aORs) for major confounders during pregnancy such as number of visits to primary care practitioners visits, obesity, smoking, HTA, diabetes with 95% confidence intervals were calculated. Results: Compared with nonusers, antidepressants continuers had the highest increased risk of miscarriage aOR (95%) of 1.29 (1.13–1.46), being continuers of paroxetine and fluoxetine the antidepressants with the strongest association. Likewise, continuers of anxiolytics and initiators showed an increased risk of 1.19 (1.04–1.37) and 1.30 (1.13–1.50). When separating the effect between the condition itself or the treatment, women exposed during first trimester, regardless treatment duration and/or the underlying illness, had the highest risk 1.27 (1.08–1.51) for antidepressants and 1.25 (1.13–1.39) for anxiolytics. Conclusions: Our analysis showed an association between prenatal exposure to antidepressants and anxiolytics and miscarriage onset after controlling by potential confounding adjusting for confounders and the underlying illness. This association was not supported for hypnotic medications. Further studies are warranted to evaluate the risk of miscarriage among subpopulation of pregnant women requiring these medications.