Ramírez García, Susana

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Ramírez García
Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Faculty / Institute
Geografía e Historia
Análisis Geográfico Regional
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    Dando forma al turismo regenerativo: apuntes para la transición ecosocial impulsada desde el medio rural
    (2023) Ramírez García, Susana; Mancha Cáceres, Olga Inmaculada; Pinto Borges, Ana; Vieira, Elvira
    Objetivo: aplicar al turismo un marco de pensamiento que integre los conceptos más novedosos, como es la regeneración, que se propone para hacer frente a la crisis ambiental global, con otros enfoques de relación persona-medio ambiente, como el ecofeminismo, y de producción e intercambio de alimentos, como la agroecología. Metodología: más allá de un mero ejercicio conceptual fundado en una amplia revisión bibliográfica de una temática incipiente, analizamos las posibilidades de llevarlo a la práctica a través de su contraste con propuestas teóricas en auge y con experiencias previas de investigación en desarrollo rural. Resultados: el resultado es la propuesta de una metodología participativa, orientada a ámbitos concretos de trabajo con comunidades interesadas en el turismo regenerativo para el caso español. Originalidad: tanto el análisis teórico efectuado como la propuesta diseñada constituyen innovaciones en su aplicación a la práctica del turismo. Las publicaciones sobre turismo regenerativo, en pleno proceso de crecimiento inicial, se centran en aspectos relativos del abordaje regenerativo.
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    Nuevos actores e innovaciones sociales para el desarrollo rural: El caso de las zonas periurbanas de Madrid y Guadalajara (España)
    (AIBR: Revista de Antropología Iberoamericana, 2018) Mancha Cáceres, Olga Inmaculada; Ramírez García, Susana
    En los últimos años, en el espacio periurbano próximo a las ciudades de Madrid y Guadalajara (España), han surgido y tomado forma nuevas formas de comercialización a través de cadenas cortas de suministro de alimentos (Short Food Supply Chains, SFSC). Entre otros elementos, estos modelos económicos buscan conscientemente la reconstrucción de la relación entre productores de alimentos y sus consumidores, permitiendo a los agentes económicos tradicionales actuar junto con los agentes sociales. Además de la dimensión productiva y de consumo, este tipo de cadenas incluyen otras muchas dimensiones, como la articulación territorial y el surgimiento de nuevos vínculos sociales basados en la confianza. El presente trabajo tiene como objetivo destacar las estrategias de los intermediarios y la agencia de los actores de SFSC, analizando las dinámicas sociales y económicas que generan y su papel en la construcción de estas nuevas conexiones del consumidor con los espacios rurales.
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    Towards ecological transition: potentials and synergies of food production and gastronomic tourism
    (2022) Ramírez García, Susana; Mancha Cáceres, Olga Inmaculada; Figueiredo, Elisabete; Couto, Joana
    The present communication, of a theoretical type, raises the potential positive effect of the linkage between experiential tourism based on gastronomic heritage and agroecology oriented to ecological transition. Our main objective is to analyze the existing scientific production, the theoretical frameworks used, the methodological approaches and the cases analyzed to guide future research on the link between new models of tourism and sustainable food production. As specific objectives, we propose to: - Analyze the strategies implemented by agroecological production and regenerative agriculture initiatives that promote regenerative tourism. - To understand the role of agrarian cultural and identity reconnection in the protection of spaces and in the implementation of new sustainable lifestyles. In this regard, in this paper we advance an analysis of: - The innovations of the ecofeminist approach to transform European rural societies into vanguard territories in sustainability and resilience in the face of global change, - The interest of agroecology for the revitalization of rural spaces and the transition towards sustainable societies, - The roles of experiential gastronomic tourism, towards the achievement of the same objectives, in order to weave affective rural-urban relationships, articulate territories and societies and promote new models of food production and transforation, according to the capacities of the planet.
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    Enfrentar la ecoansiedad. El cuerpo como agente y vehículo de la revolución ecocultural
    (Cuerpos y diversidades : desafíos encarnados, 2024) Mancha Cáceres, Olga Inmaculada; Ramírez García, Susana; Cornejo Valle, Mónica; Blázquez Rodríguez, María Isabel
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    From “business as usual” tourism to regenerative tourism in search of a change of logics in economic and social activities
    (Socioecos 2024: Climate change, sustainability and socio-ecological practices, 2024) Ramírez García, Susana; Mancha Cáceres, Olga Inmaculada; Benjamín Tejerina Montaña (ed. lit.), Cristina Miranda de Almeida De Barros (ed. lit.), Clara Acuña Rodríguez (ed. lit.)
    The large figures of economic and social value attributed to tourism have in their distribution a bias towards consolidated destinations and modalities (cities, sun, and beach...). On the other hand, rural areas, with a low incidence in the economic figures that support the supposed prosperity of the sector, are mostly outside the advantages (economic) and disadvantages (saturation, deterioration, contribution to global change) of traditional destinations. Echoing the potential of tourism in rural areas, we analyse the possibilities of regenerative tourism supported by protected areas. Among the emerging options, this proposal will investigate the potentially positive effect of experiential tourism, based on gastronomic heritage and agroecology. The application of the emerging regenerative proposal to tourism seeks an approach that takes it beyond the reviled sustainability, trying to actively contribute to the eco-social transition, restoring and revitalizing territories through a new approach to tourist use contemplated from an ecocentric perspective. Our paper analyses the theoretical bases that sustain regenerative tourism and anticipates a methodological proposal of analysis-action for territories, which natural and heritage values contain attractions susceptible to tourist use. The definition of the tourism model, its participatory planning and monitoring are proposed from a redesign that addresses the possible risks derived from conventional tourism and that faces the challenges of global change.
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    Cuerpos y diversidades: desafíos encarnados
    (2024) Cornejo Valle, Mónica; Blázquez Rodríguez, María Isabel; Pichardo Galán, José Ignacio; Albarracín Garrido, Diego; Barrientos Delgado, Jaime Eduardo; García Pérez, Enrique; Lisón Arcal, José Carmelo; Mancha Cáceres, Olga Inmaculada; Martín Páez, Mario; Martín Andino Martín, Ignacio Borja; Murialdo Miniello, Virginia; Ramírez García, Susana; Vartabedian Cabral, Julieta Luciana; Collado, Sebastián; Ramos Cantó, Juana; Puche Cabezas, Luis; Cornejo Valle, Mónica; Blázquez Rodríguez, María Isabel
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    Las agriculturas territorializadas, oportunidades y retos frente al paradigma agroindustrial
    (Documents d'Anàlisi Geogràfica, 2016) Ramírez García, Susana; Mancha Cáceres, Olga Inmaculada; Canto Fresno, Consuelo Del
    Este artículo se plantea dos objetivos. El primero es interrogarse sobre el papel que desempeñan hoy las agriculturas locales en el desarrollo sostenible de los espacios rurales y en qué medida construyen un movimiento de retorno de la agricultura al territorio que propicia nuevas relaciones entre ambos, expresadas en maneras diferentes de producir, en nuevos objetivos y nuevos lazos con el territorio. En segundo lugar, se busca reflexionar sobre la difícil convivencia de dos paradigmas relativos a la producción agroalimentaria, el industrial hipermoderno, basado en la globalización/mundialización, y el posmoderno, basado en el anclaje territorial.
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    Forest therapy and forest bathing exploring the socioecological connection in the era of the climate emergency
    (Socioecos 2024: Climate change, sustainability and socio-ecological practices, 2024) Mancha Cáceres, Olga Inmaculada; Ramírez García, Susana
    The climate crisis and the global emergency pose complex challenges that extend beyond environmental aspects, basically their impact on individuals and society’s emotional and mental health. Ongoing analyses of the planet’s physical, economic, and social developments reveal data and clarify cause-and-effect relationships. These findings are driving the emergence of various proposals for the reconfiguration of social dynamics. Emerging concepts such as biomimicry, ecofeminism, organic Gaia theory, agroecology, and regeneration, among others, share the common thread of repositioning individuals within nature. They also share ethical and moral assumptions such as holism, diversity, empathy, compassion (in its etymological sense of “suffering with the other”), and reciprocity. This communication theoretically and analytically reviews nature immersion therapies, focusing on forest bathing, as an innovative response embedded in these new logics to address the human dimension of the global emergency. Forest bathing, also known as Shinrin-yoku, has emerged as a socioecological practice that offers physical benefits and opportunities to strengthen the connection between individuals and nature. The relational approach in forest therapy, which views the forest as a healing entity, is presented as a valuable transcendent perspective beyond traditional pharmaceutical approaches. This vision proposes a symbiotic connection between the individual and their natural environment, fostering a mutualistic relationship where the person, feeling cared for by the forest, may develop protective attitudes towards nature that contribute to their well-being. Forest bathing is a holistic solution and systemic vision that provides a framework for addressing environmental concerns, eco-anxiety, and ecological grief. These findings have significant implications for improving strategies that promote personal and collective care in the context of the global emergency. This communication analyses the contributions from different disciplines involved in personal and environmental health care, and individuals’ self-perception of their place in the territory and the planet have been reviewed and assessed. The literature review has been complemented with ethnographic data.