Lombardo, Emanuela

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Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Faculty / Institute
Ciencias Políticas y Sociología
Ciencia Política y de la Administración
Ciencia Política y de la Administración
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Search Results

Now showing 1 - 10 of 28
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    Cuotas de género en política y economía: Regulación y configuración institucional en España
    (Política y gobierno, 2017) Lombardo, Emanuela; Verge, Tania
    Las cuotas de género en la política y en los consejos de administración de las empresas presentan diferencias importantes en España respecto al grado de coerción, el periodo de implementación establecido y las sanciones por incumplimiento, indicando una regulación “fuerte” para las primeras y “débil” para las segundas. Para explicar por qué se introdujeron enfoques regulativos diferentes, adoptamos un enfoque feminista institucionalista que nos permite analizar la distinta configuración institucional subyacente a los sucesivos procesos de reforma de estas cuotas, así como las estrategias discursivas de los actores clave que apoyaron o se opusieron a su adopción. Mientras que las cuotas en la política siguieron una secuencia armónica, en las empresas la secuencia fue claramente conflictiva.
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    Gender quotas, gender mainstreaming and gender relations in politics
    (Political Science, 2013) Meier, Petra; Lombardo, Emanuela
    This article seeks to reintroduce discussions on gender relations in politics back into scholarly and political debate. Many countries have adopted gender quotas, but it is unclear whether their implementation has meaningfully changed the prevalent inequalities governing gender relations in politics. This article considers whether the implementation of gender quotas could promote change, and assesses this change with reference to five criteria formerly used to assess the strategy of gender mainstreaming. These are a shift towards a more comprehensive concept of gender equality; the incorporation of a gender perspective intersected with other inequalities in mainstream politics; equal political representation; organizational changes in selection and recruitment mechanisms as well as the functioning of politics; and, finally, the displacement of hierarchies, and the empowerment of subjects. Reflection on and empirical illustrations of gender quotas with regard to these criteria reveal a mixed picture, demonstrating the need to reintroduce discussions about gender equality within politics back into gender quota debates. This discussion will not focus on the legitimacy of or need for gender quotas, but on how their implementation can contribute to the improvement of gender relations in politics beyond a quantitative sense. Approaching gender quotas through the use of criteria devised for assessing the gender mainstreaming strategy is helpful in exploring the potential of gender quotas in the transformation of gender relations.
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    Feminist political analysis: Exploring strengths, hegemonies and limitations
    (Feminist Theory, 2017) Lombardo, Emanuela; Kantola, Johanna
    Austerity politics, war in the Middle East and at other borders of the European Union, the rise of nationalisms, the emergence of populist parties and politicians, Islamophobia and the refugee crisis are amongst the recent developments suggesting the need for discussions about the theories and concepts that academic disciplines provide for making sense of societal, cultural and political transformations. In this article, we focus on the capacities of feminist political theories to undertake this task. By assessing different feminist approaches to political analysis that range from focusing on women and men, to analysing gender, to doing intersectionality and to adopting post-structural and new materialist approaches, we explore the contributions and the limitations of each framework. This allows us to consider where feminist theoretical debates on gender and politics currently are, to assess old and new developments and to address lacunae in the debate. Our argument is that dominant approaches in political science influence the emergence and marginalisation of particular feminist frameworks for political analysis, but also that feminist theorising of gender and politics, in striving for recognition within mainstream political science, reproduces its own hegemonies and marginalisations.
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    Gender regime change in decentralized states: the case of Spain
    (Social Politics, 2020) Lombardo, Emanuela; Alonso, Alba
    This article applies Walby’s systemic theory of gender regime to Spain’s decentralized state, to capture changes in the gender regime. Locating the “hegemon” at different levels of government for each domain (economy, polity, violence, and civil society) and considering interactions between governmental levels provided a clear understanding of changes in the gender regime. The relationship between governmental level acting as hegemon in specific domains and variations in political majorities across governmental levels explained changes toward a neoliberal– conservative type in the economy domain. Shifts toward a neoliberal gender regime in violence and polity, and toward a conservative type in civil society, were contested.
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    "Mainstreaming" de género y análisis de los diferentes "marcos interpretativos" de las políticas de igualdad en Europa: el proyecto MAGEEQ
    (Aequalitas: Revista jurídica de igualdad de oportunidades entre mujeres y hombres, 2005) Bustelo Ruesta, María Dolores; Lombardo, Emanuela
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    European Integration and Disintegration: Feminist Perspectives on Inequalities and Social Justice
    (Journal of Common Market Studies, 2019) Lombardo, Emanuela; Kantola, Johanna
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    Resistance to implementing gender mainstreaming in EU research policy
    (European Integration online Papers, 2014) Mergaert, Lut; Lombardo, Emanuela
    In this article, we analyze the implementation of gender mainstreaming in the European Union (EU) through the study of ‘resistance’ to gender equality initiatives in EU research policy. Contributing to feminist institutionalist theories, we identify resistance to gender initiatives within the Directorate General Research and Innovation, showing that there have been obstacles to an effective implementation of gender mainstreaming in the European Commission’s 6th Framework Programme (FP6). We argue that the encountered resistances reveal tensions between the European Commission’s official mandate of mainstreaming gender equality into all policies and its actual implementation, which results in the ‘filtering out’ of transformative gender equality goals
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    Project number: 260
    Planificación docente, semipresencialidad, nuevos métodos y técnicas para la virtualización de la docencia
    (2018) Polo Villar, César; Carrillo Barroso, Ernesto Javier; Bustelo Ruesta, María Dolores; Gutiérrez Díaz, Eduardo; Lombardo, Emanuela; López Sánchez, Eliseo Rafael; Llorente Márquez, Jesús; Martínez González, Ana María; Pérez Guerrero, Pedro Luis; Tamayo Saez, Manuel; Velasco González, María
    El presente proyecto pretende aprovechar el esfuerzo realizado en el proyecto refª 188 que presentamos con el mismo título en la convocatoria 2016-17. Dicho proyecto nos ha permitido adoptar una concepción más precisa del concepto de semipresencialidad y su vinculación con las nuevas tecnologías (b-learning), y la percepción de las oportunidades, y también de los límites estructurales, que presenta su desarrollo en el marco de la materia "Políticas Públicas", y de las asignaturas en las que se despliega esta materia en las distintas titulaciones de Grado y Postgrado en las que participan los profesores investigadores y los profesores colaboradores que suscriben esta propuesta. De esta forma, la propuesta parte del diagnóstico elaborado con las conclusiones del proyecto 188, y se centra en objetivos ya muy concretos, relativos a los siguientes elementos: - Apoyo en experiencias exitosas (Instituto Ortega y Gasset / Universidad de Vigo) - Aplicación conocimientos sobre instrumentos metodológicos adquiridos en el proyecto anterior: "Prototipar" (Fase del método de learning by doing de TEAMLABS) - Identificación del grupo de referencia idóneo (número de alumnos / gestión compartida por varios profesores para superar la masificación) - Definición de la secuencia idónea entre actividad presencial y trabajo en línea: Guía docente - Estrategia de articulación teoría / prácticas: Consolidación de un programa común - Construcción de materiales didácticos (formatos, ubicación en la plataforma virtual, enlaces web, etc.) - Gestión de materiales didácticos: Referencias bibliográficas, materiales audiovisuales (incorporación de la Biblioteca de la Facultad de Ciencias Políticas al Proyecto) - Socialización de una guía metodológica para el diseño y realización de las actividades prácticas: Memorandum - Exploración de vías de promoción de la igualdad e integración en el proceso enseñanza-aprendizaje - Expediente "0" papeles: La plataforma virtual como gestor de las interacciones propias del proceso enseñanza aprendizaje. - Explorar la posible internacionalización de la docencia semipresencial en la materia de Políticas Públicas: Posibilidad de incorporar materiales en inglés en distintos formatos).
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    Towards equal sharing of care? Judicial implementation of EU equal employment and work–life balance policies in Spain
    (Policy and Society, 2019) La Barbera, MariaCaterina; Lombardo, Emanuela
    Discursive factors have not figured prominently in implementation research. This article fills this gap by addressing the material and discursive conflicts articulated around equality at workplace between women and men in multilevel judicial contexts. It studies obstacles to and opportunities for the judicial implementation of EU equal employment policies in Spain by analyzing two cases of parental rights to childcare litigated before Spanish and supranational courts, namely the Court of Justice of the European Union and the European Court of Human Rights. The claimants are working parents who litigate for the recognition of their right to provide childcare. In judicial implementation multiple meanings about women, gender and intersectionality can be articulated and counteracted at different levels. Frame analysis of selected judicial documents and content analysis of legal proceedings and interviews show that simultaneous favorable institutions, framing, and actors are needed for implementing EU equal employment policies in a way that allows overcoming the gendered division of care and paid work. Distinguishing among ‘women’, ‘gender’ and ‘intersectionality’ approaches, we assess the extent to which the result of judicial implementation is the transformation of gender roles towards equal sharing of care.
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    Gender and politics research in Europe: towards a consolidation of a fourishing political science subfeld?
    (European Political Science, 2021) Ahrens, Petra; Erzeel, Silvia; Evans, Elizabeth; Kantola, Johanna; Kuhar, Roman; Lombardo, Emanuela
    Over the past twenty years, the feld of “gender and politics” has fourished in European political science. An example of this is the growing number of “gender and politics” scholars and the increased attention paid to gender perspectives in the study of the political. Against this backdrop, we take stock of how the “gender and politics” feld has developed over the years. We argue that the feld has now entered a stage of “consolidation”, which is refected in the growth, diversifcation and professionalization of the subfeld, as well as in the increased disciplinary recognition from major gatekeepers in political science. But while consolidation comes with specifc opportunities, it also presents some key challenges. We identify fve such challenges: (1) the potential fragmentation of the feld; (2) persisting hierarchies in knowledge production; (3) the continued marginalization of feminist political analysis in “mainstream” political science; (4) the changing link between academia and society; and (5) growing opposition to gender studies in parts of Europe and beyond. We argue that both the “gender and politics” feld and political science in general should address these challenges in order to become a truly inclusive discipline.