González Acebrón, Laura

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González Acebrón
Universidad Complutense de Madrid
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Ciencias Geológicas
Geodinámica, Estratigrafía y Paleontología
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    Project number: 102
    GEODIVULGAR: Geología y Sociedad
    (2022) García Frank, Alejandra; Acedo Peñato, Abel; Alonso Zarza, Ana María; Alonso Recio, Carlos; Alonso García, Rocío; Armendáriz Sanz, Andrés; Berrocal Casero, Melani; Calonge García, María Amelia; Cambronero García-Miguel, Irene; Campos Millán, Eduardo; Canales Fernández, María Luisa; Carvajal de Lago, Alba María; Cervilla Muros, Miguel Ángel; Chicote Alvira, Gabriel; Chiri Pérez, Oliver; Corbalán García, Judit; Coronado Vila, Ismael; Cózar Maldonado, Pedro; del Moral González, Begoña; Díaz Megías, Isabel; Díez García, Irene Pilar; Esteve Serrano, Jorge Vicente; Fajardo Portera, Pilar; Fesharaki, Omid; Fraguas Herráez, Ángela; Galán Casado, José Miguel; Gamallo Paz, Isabel; Gamarra González, Jesus; García Peco, Víctor; Gómez Heras, Miguel; González Acebrón, Laura; Paiva Henriques, María Helena; Herrero Domínguez, Santiago; Hontecillas Tamayo, Daniel; Iglesias Álvarez, Núria; López Martín, Mª del Valle; López Martín, Pablo Santiago; Martín Aguilar, Lourdes; Martín Madrid, Yolanda; Martínez Gutiérrez, Gemma; Mateos Carralafuente, José Ricardo; Mediato Arribas, José Francisco; Molero Monsonís, Andrea; Montesinos del Valle, Mercedes; Muñoz García, María Belén; Nacenta Torres, Pablo; Navarro Terrón, Esther; Oliete Puertas, Elena; Oliva Martín, Anabel; Ozkaya de Juanas, Senay Amalia; Pérez Martín del Campo, Daniel; Portales Núñez, Killian; Rodrigo Sanz, Ana; Rodríguez García, Sergio; Rodríguez García de Castro, Isabel; Salas Herrera, Javier; Salazar Ramirez, Roselis Waikiria; Sánchez Fontela, Noelia; Torices Hernández, Angélica; Sanz Pérez, Danae; Vega Carricondo, Alejandro; Vitón García, Íñigo
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    Project number: 55
    Geodivulgar: Geología y Sociedad 2018
    (2019) García Frank, Alejandra; Canales Fernández, María Luisa; Muñoz García, María Belén; González Acebrón, Laura; Rodríguez García, Sergio; Martínez Gutiérrez, Gemma; Cózar Maldonado, Pedro; Calonge García, María Amelia; Gómez Heras, Miguel; Henriques, Maria Helena; Díaz Mejías, Isabel; Alonso Recio, Carlos; Rico Arjona, Rocío; Berrocal Casero, Mélani; Hernández Paredes, Ruth; Hontecillas Tamayo, Daniel; Martín Perea, David Manuel; Salazar Ramírez, Roselis Waikiria; Mateos Carralafuente, José Ricardo; Silva, Silvia; Acedo Peñato, Abel; Cervilla Muros, Miguel Ángel; Iglesias Álvarez, Núria; Rodríguez García de Castro, Isabel; Sánchez Fontela, Noelia; Villar Peláez, Alberto; Vitón García, Íñigo; Conde Carrión, Teresa; de la Fuente Olmos, Daniel; Gamarra González, Jesus; Herranz García, Sergio; Ortiz Lucena, Antonio; Sierra Ramírez, Nuria; Armendáriz Sanz, Andrés; Borrego Salgado, David; Chicote Alvira, Gabriel; Coronado Vila, Ismael; Fesharaki, Omid; Fraguas Herráez, Ángela; González Blázquez, Javier; Hernández Fragua, Laura; Navalpotro Gordo, Tania; Portales, Killian; Guilló Carrasco, Vicente Eduardo; Montesinos del Valle, Mercedes; Peña Vilanova, Jorge; Pérez Martín del Campo, Daniel; Pérez Garrido, Carlos; Sarmiento Chiesa, Graciela Noemí; Prieto Saiz, Irene; Mediato Arribas, José Francisco; del Moral González, Begoña; Rodrigo Sanz, Ana; Gonzalo Parra, Lorena
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    Petrografía de inclusiones fluidas en espeleotemas: comparación con calcitas no espeleotémicas
    (Geotemas, 2016) López Elorza, Maialen; Muñoz García, María Belén; González Acebrón, Laura; Martín Chivelet, Javier
    Los espeleotemas presentan inclusiones fluidas que pueden utilizarse como proxy paleoclimático ya que sus características dependen de las condiciones físicoquímicas y ambientales bajo las que se generaron. En esta línea, su caracterización petrográfica aparece como una tarea fundamental, previa a cualquier otro tipo de análisis. En este trabajo se presenta el estudio petrográfico de las inclusiones fluidas de dos coladas de Cueva del Cobre (Palencia), que ha permitido clasificarlas en siete tipos en función de su morfología (thorn shaped, boudin shaped, elongate, amorphous, oval shaped, pyriform y round shaped). Todas ellas son monofásicas líquidas. Dependiendo del tipo de morfología de las inclusiones, su posición en relación al cristal encajante es variable, siendo las elongated y thorn shaped exclusivamente intercristalinas, y todas las demás intracristalinas. Un análisis comparativo con inclusiones descritas en calcitas no espeleotémicas revela que las inclusiones fluidas elongated, amorphous y oval shaped son también comunes en esas calcitas, mientras que las pyriform y las boudin shaped no han sido descritas hasta ahora.
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    Project number: 94
    GEODIVULGAR: Geología y Sociedad
    (2018) García Frank, Alejandra; Canales Fernández, María Luisa; Muñoz García, María Belén; González Acebrón, Laura; Rodríguez García, Sergio; Martínez Gutiérrez, Gemma; Cózar Maldonado, Pedro; Calonge García, María Amelia; Gómez Heras, Miguel; Henriques, Maria Helena; Díaz Mejías, Isabel; Alonso Recio, Carlos; Rico Arjona, Rocío; Salazar Ramirez, Roselis Waikiria; Hontecillas Tamayo, Daniel; Berrocal Casero, Melani; Martín Perea, David Manuel; Rodríguez García de Castro, Isabel; Sánchez Fontela, Noelia; Martín Millán, Mariano; Seijas Morales, Naomi; Conde Carrión, Teresa; Domínguez Valdés, Elena; Sierra Ramírez, Nuria; Durán León, Alfonso; Ortiz Lucena, Antonio; Luceño Martín, Elena; Herranz García, Sergio; Fesharaki, Omid; Iglesias Álvarez, Núria; Navalpotro Gordo, Tania; Portales Núñez, Killian; Borrego Salgado, David; Montesinos del Valle, Mercedes; Poves Garrido, Consuelo; Hernández Fragua, Laura; Coronado Vila, Ismael; Armendáriz Sanz, Andrés; Rey Samper, Jesús Javier; Taboada Trujols, Irene; Guilló Carrasco, Vicente Eduardo; González Blázquez, Javier; Peña Vilanova, Jorge; Sarmiento Chiesa, Graciela Noemí; Silva, Silvia; Rodrigo Sanz, Ana; del Moral González, Begoña; Gonzalo Parra, Lorena; Pérez Martín del Campo, Daniel; Chicote Alvira, Gabriel
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    The uppermost deposits of the stratigraphic succession of the Farafra Depression (Western Desert, Egypt): Evolution to a Post-Eocene continental event
    (Journal of African earth sciences, 2013) Sanz Montero, María Esther; Wanas, H.; Muñoz García, María Belén; González Acebrón, Laura; López, M.V.
    This paper gives insight into continental sedimentary deposits that occur at the uppermost part of the stratigraphic succession present in the north-eastern sector of the Farafra Depression (Western Desert, Egypt). Using space imagery to complete the field work, the geology of the area has been mapped and the presence of a N–S oriented fault system is documented. The analysis of the morphotectonic features related to this fault system allows reconstructing the structural and sedimentological evolution of the area. The study indicates that the continental deposits were accumulated in alluvial systems that unconformably overlie shale and evaporitic rocks attributable to the Paleocene–Eocene Esna Formation. The deposits of the Esna Formation show soft-sediment deformation features, which include slump associated to dish and pillar sedimentary structures and provide evidence of syndepositional tectonic activity during the sedimentation of this unit. The outcrops are preserved in two areas on separated faultbounded blocks. Proximal alluvial fan facies crop out in a dowthrown block close to the depression boundary. The proximal facies are made up mostly by polymictic conglomerates which occasionally contain boulders. The conglomerate clasts are mainly quartz, carbonate, anhydrite satin spar vein, mudrock, ironstone and nummulite fossils. The mid-fan facies consist of trough cross-bedded, rippled and rosslaminated quartzarenites with reworked glauconite grains and carbonate rock fragments, interpreted as deposited by distributary streams. The distal alluvial fan deposits consist of sandy marls that evolve toward the top of the sections into root-bioturbated lacustrine limestone beds that are locally silicified. The limestones are biomicrites containing characea, ostracods and gastropods with fenestral porosity. A number of features, including clast provenance (mainly from marine Paleocene and Eocene rocks), the observed fractural pattern (N–S direction related to the opening of the Red Sea), and the sedimentary relationships, suggests that the continental deposits were accumulated during the Oligocene–Miocene interval.
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    Project number: 83
    GEODIVULGAR: Geología y Sociedad
    (2021) García Frank, Alejandra; Canales Fernández, María Luisa; Muñoz García, María Belén; González Acebrón, Laura; Rodríguez García, Sergio; Alonso Zarza, Ana María; Martínez Gutiérrez, Gemma; Herrero Domínguez, Santiago; Cózar Maldonado, Pedro; Calonge García, María Amelia; Gómez Heras, Miguel; Fraguas Herráez, Ángela Raquel; Henriques, María Helena Paiva; Coronado Vila, Ismael; Díaz Megías, Isabel; Alonso Recio, Carlos; Navarro Terrón, Esther; Alonso García, Rocío; Sánchez Fontela, Noelia; Gamarra González, Jesus; Mateos Carralafuente, José Ricardo; Acedo Peñato, Abel; García Peco, Víctor; Ozkaya de Juanas, Senay Amalia; Sanz Pérez, Danae; Cambronero García-Miguel, Irene; Galán Casado, José Miguel; Chiri Pérez, Oliver; Gómez-Escalonilla Canales, Víctor; Oliete Puertas, Elena; García Osuna, David; Vega Carricondo, Alejandro; Martín Aguilar, Lourdes; Carvajal de Lago, Alba María; Corbalán García, Judit; Portales Núñez, Killian; Montesinos del Valle, Mercedes; Gamallo Paz, Isabel; Armendáriz Sanz, Andrés; Vitón García, Íñigo; Salas Herrera, Javier; Cervilla Muros, Miguel Ángel; Iglesias Álvarez, Núria; Hontecillas Tamayo, Daniel; Pérez Garrido, Carlos; Fesharaki, Omid; Díez García, Irene Pilar; Rodrigo Sanz, Ana; del Moral González, Begoña; Mediato Arribas, José Francisco; Pérez Martín del Campo, Daniel; Chicote Alvira, Gabriel; López Martín, Valle; Campos Millán, Eduardo; Fajardo Portera, Pilar; Nacenta Torres, Pablo; Rodríguez García de Castro, Isabel; Salazar Ramirez, Roselis Waikiria
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    Project number: 50
    Geodivulgar: Geología y Sociedad
    (2023) García Frank, Alejandra; Acedo Peñato, Abel; Alonso Garcia, Rocio; Alonso Zarza, Ana María; Armendáriz Sanz, Andrés; Berrocal Casero, Melani; Calonge García, Mª Amelia; Cambronero García-Miguel, Irene; Campos Millán, Eduardo; Canales Fernández, María Luisa; Carvajal De Lago, Alba María; Cazorla Bermejo, Miguel; Cernadas Garrido, Antonio; Cervilla Muros, Miguel Ángel; Chicote Alvira, Gabriel; Chiri Pérez, Oliver; Corbalán García, Judit; Coronado Vila, Ismael; Cózar Maldonado, Pedro; Del Moral González, Begoña; Diaz Megias, Isabel; Díaz Olías, Ana; Díez García, Irene Pilar; Esteve Serrano, Jorge Vicente; Fajardo Portera, Pilar; Fesharaki, Omid; Fraguas Herráez, Ángela Raquel; Fuentes Rodriguez, María; Gamallo Paz, Isabel; Gamarra González, Jesús; García Martín, Gema; García Peco, Víctor; Gómez Recio, Marta; Gómez Heras, Miguel; González Acebrón, Laura; Gutiérrez Gálvez, María; Henriques, Maria Helena Paiva; Herrero Maire-Richard, Laura; Herrero Dominguez, Santiago; Hontecillas Tamayo, Daniel; Iglesias Álvarez, Núria; Martín Perea, David Manuel; Martín Aguilar, Lourdes; Martínez Álvarez, Leyre; Martínez Gutiérrez, Gemma; Mateos Carralafuente, José Ricardo; Mediato Arribas, José Francisco; Mejía Ruiz, Irene; Molero Monsonís, Andrea; Montesinos Del Valle, Mercedes; Moreno Muñoz, Alberto; Muñoz García, María Belén; Nacenta Torres, Pablo; Navarro Terrón, Esther; Oliva Martín, Anabel; Ozkaya De Juanas, Senay; Portales Núñez, Killian; Quesada García, Álvaro; Rodrigo Sanz, Ana; Rodríguez García, Sergio; Rodríguez García De Castro, Isabel; Romero García, Santiago Alejandro; Salas Herrera, Javier; Salazar Ramírez, Roselis Waikiria; Sánchez Fontela, Noelia; Sanz Pérez, Danae; Torices Hernández, Angélica; Suárez Pérez, María Gabriela; Vega Carricondo, Alejandro; Vitón García, Íñigo; Yubero Martínez, Miguel
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    Sedimentary evolution of tectonically-controlled Cenozoic shallow marine glaucony, fluviatile and lacustrine-palustrine deposits at Bahariya region, Egypt
    (Journal of African earth sciences, 2022) Afify, A.M.; Sanz Montero, María Esther; González Acebrón, Laura; Muñoz García, María Belén
    The Cenozoic basin of the tectonically-active Bahariya region (Western Desert, Egypt) contains a unique paleoenvironmental, paleotectonic and paleoclimatic record displaying a large variety of sedimentary facies, stratigraphic discontinuities, and geochemical changes. This study deals with the sedimentary evolution and tectono-stratigraphic modelling of shallow marine Upper Eocene glaucony facies (Upper Hamra Formation) that changes upward into a sequence of Oligocene continental fluviatile sandstone-calcrete (Radwan Formation) and then into Miocene lacustrine-palustrine deposits (Continental Carbonate Unit). The tectonic instability of the Bahariya basin can be deduced from occurrence of sedimentary discontinuities, development of pedogenic features, and unconformable relations among rock units. Both sedimentation pattern and facies distribution seem to have been controlled by fault activity through time. Two types of glaucony facies (pelloidal and massive smectitic glaucony) were deposited in a narrow sub-basin along main faults reaching the basin center. These faults also conditioned the deposition of the Oligocene fluviatile sandstone and Miocene lacustrine-palustrine carbonates. A transition from greenhouse (global warming event of the Middle Eocene Climatic Optimum) to icehouse climatic conditions (Eocene-Oligocene climatic cooling) is probably represented by the deposition of the shallow marine glaucony facies during the Priabonian. Semi-arid to sub-humid conditions were dominant during the formation of the Oligocene calcretes and the Miocene lacustrine-palustrine carbonates. The latter carbonate deposits consist of basal thin-bedded chert deposits displaying hydro-plastic sedimentary structures that are possibly coeval with the Miocene basaltic extrusions along faulted and low-lying areas. We conclude that both paleoclimate and intraplate tectonic activity related to the Red Sea rifting influenced the pattern of sea level, continental drainage, sedimentation rate and clastic supply since the Priabonian up to the middle Miocene in the Bahariya basin.
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    Fluid-inclusion petrography in calcite stalagmites: Implications for entrapment processes
    (Journal of sedimentary research, 2021) López Elorza, Maialen; Muñoz García, María Belén; González Acebrón, Laura; Martín Chivelet, Javier
    Fluids trapped in speleothems have an enormous potential in frontier fields of paleoclimate and paleohydrological research. This potential is, however, hampered by diverse scientific and technical limitations, among which the lack of a systematic methodology for genetically characterizing fluid inclusions is a major one, as these can have different origins, and thus, the trapped fluid (usually water), different meanings. In this work, we propose a systematic petrological classification of fluid inclusions, based on: 1) the temporal relation between fluid inclusions and the host calcite, 2) the spatial relation between fluid inclusions and the “crystallites” and crystals aggregates, and 3) the phases (water, air) trapped inside fluid inclusions. The first criterion allows dividing fluid inclusions in two main categories: primary and secondary, whose identification is critical in any research based on trapped fluids. The other two criteria allow the definition of eight types of primary and four types of secondary fluid inclusions. Primary fluid inclusions contain the drip water that fed stalagmites at the time of crystal growth, and can be intercrystalline, i.e., located between adjacent crystallites, or intracrystalline, i.e., with the fluid trapped within crystallites. We differentiate six main types among the intercrystalline fluid inclusions (elongate, thorn-shaped, down-arrow, interbranch, macro-elongate, and bucket) and other two among intracrystalline inclusions (pyriform and boudin). In primary inclusions, water is the main phase, while gas is much less abundant. The presence of gas could be related to slow drip rates or degassing in the cave, but also to later leakage due to changes in temperature and humidity often occurring during inadequate handling of speleothem samples. Secondary fluid inclusions were clearly related to younger water inlet through stratigraphic disruptions or unconformities. They are formed after water infiltration, but sealed before the renewed crystal growth. We differentiate four main types of secondary inclusions: interconnected, rounded, triangular, and vertical fluid inclusions. The identification of primary and secondary fluid inclusions in speleothems is a key for interpretation in paleoclimate studies. Integration of petrological results allow establishment of three different genetic scenarios for the formation of fluid inclusions, whose identification can be relevant because of their predictive character.
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    Project number: Proyecto Innova Docencia 43
    Geodivulgar: Geología y Sociedad
    (2020) García Frank, Alejandra; Alonso Zarza, Ana María; Canales Fernández, María Luisa; González Acebrón, Laura; Martínez Gutiérrez, Gemma; Muñoz García, María Belén; Rodríguez García, Sergio; Gómez Heras, Miguel; Calonge García, Mª Amelia; Paiva Henriques, Mª Helena; Coronado Vila, Ismael; Fraguas Herráez, Ángela; Cózar Maldonado, Pedro; Alonso García, Rocío; Alonso Recio, Carlos; Díaz Megías, Isabel; Navarro Terrón, Esther; Rico Arjona, Rocío; Acedo Peñato, Abel; Benites Cañote, Alexandra Lucytani; Berrocal Casero, Mélani; Cambronero García-Miguel, Irene; Conde Carrión, Teresa; Ozkaya de Juanas, Senay Amalia; Domínguez Valdés, Elena; Gamarra González, Jesús; García Cobeña, Josué; Hernández Paredes, Ruth; Herranz García, Sergio; Hontecillas Tamayo, Daniel; Ma, Haiqian; Martín Perea, David Manuel; Mateos Carralafuente, José Ricardo; Ortiz Lucena, Antonio; Salazar Ramírez, Roselis Waikiria; Sánchez Fontela, Noelia; Sanz Pérez, Danae; Sierra Ramírez, Nuria; García Morato, Sara; Díez García, Irene Pilar; Martín Aguilar, Lourdes; Carvajal de Lago, Alba María; Corbalán García, Judit; Chiri Pérez, Oliver; Oliete Puertas, Elena; Gonzalo Parra, Lorena; Iglesias Álvarez, Núria; Mediato Arribas, José Francisco; del Moral González, Begoña; López Martín, Mª del Valle; Pérez Garrido, Carlos; Pérez Martín del Campo, Daniel; Rodríguez García de Castro, Isabel; Rodrigo Sanz, Ana; Sarmiento Chiesa, Graciela Noemí; Ureta Gil, María Soledad; Armendáriz Sanz, Andrés; Cervilla Muros, Miguel Ángel; González Blázquez, Javier; Montesinos del Valle, Mercedes; Portales Núñez, Killian; Prieto Saiz, Irene; Salas Herrera, Javier; Vitón García, Íñigo; Gamallo Paz, Isabel; Fesharaki, Omid; Chicote Alvira, Gabriel
    Con el lema “Geología para todos” el proyecto Geodivulgar: Geología y Sociedad apuesta por la divulgación de la Geología a todo tipo de público, incidiendo en la importancia de realizar simultáneamente una acción de integración social entre estudiantes y profesores de centros universitarios, de enseñanza infantil, primaria, de educación especial y un acercamiento con público con diversidad funcional.