Murillo Arroyo, Francisco Javier

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First Name
Francisco Javier
Last Name
Murillo Arroyo
Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Faculty / Institute
Ciencias Económicas y Empresariales
Economía Aplicada, Estructura e Historia
Economía Aplicada
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    Xabier Arrizabalo, Chile: milagro o quimera. Significado histórico del modelo económico de la dictadura a 50 años del golpe, IME, Madrid 2023
    (Vegueta. Anuario de la Facultad de Geografía e Historia, 2023) Del Rosal Crespo, Mario; Murillo Arroyo, Francisco Javier
    Reseña del libro "Chile: milagro o quimera. Significado histórico del modelo económico de la dictadura a 50 años del golpe", de Xabier Arrizabalo
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    ¿Por qué creció la desigualdad en España durante la Gran Recesión?: una interpretación desde el marxismo
    (O Social em Questão, 2021) Murillo Arroyo, Francisco Javier
    Desde el estallido de la crisis los niveles de desigualdad en España se han intensificado a un ritmo superior al de otras economías. El método marxista permite comprender las causas que explican la desigualdad creciente: considerando que el origen de la crisis se fundamenta en el deterioro de las condiciones de rentabilidad se puede entender que la reacción adoptada para superarla haya pretendido aliviar la creciente presión sobre la ganancia. Para ello, se ha desplegado un ajuste salarial sustentado en el deterioro de las condiciones laborales y en la contención de las rentas salariales, que ha disparado la desigualdad.
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    The debate on Pension Systems: the paradigmatic cases of Chile and Spain
    (The American Journal of Economics and Sociology, 2019) Murillo Arroyo, Francisco Javier; Arrizabalo Montoro, Xabier; Del Rosal Crespo, Mario
    The paper is focused on pensions systems in the light of two case studies which are antagonistic within the capitalist economy. On the one hand, the case of the Spanish pension scheme, based on the principle of intergenerational solidarity. This system, conquered by the working class after decades of struggle, constitutes the backbone of the Spanish Social Security system thanks to the creation and development of indirect and deferred wages. On the other hand, the Chilean pension scheme imposed by the Pinochet dictatorship and subsequently maintained. This system, based on individual capitalization and private management, rejects the principle of solidarity and, therefore, it makes impossible the construction of a decent pension structure. The comparison of the Spanish and the Chilean pension systems can be expressed in just one revealing fact: while in Spain pensions reach on average 79% of the last salary earned, in Chile benefits barely reach 33% for male workers and 25% for female workers. The analysis of both cases is framed on the critique of political economy and hence it is totally opposed to the current mainstream in economics. Instead of assuming methodological individualism and a harmonious view of human societies, as orthodoxy does, the critical paradigm conceives capitalist economy as a dialectic process determined by the existence of social classes with different and opposed interests.
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    Precariedad, ajuste salarial y desigualdad en el caso español
    (Nuestra Bandera, 2022) Murillo Arroyo, Francisco Javier; Sanz, Marga
    El objetivo del artículo es el de identificar las causas que explican el escenario de creciente desigualdad que se ha desplegado en la economía española. Es un proceso que tiene un marcado carácter de clase, motivado en el objetivo de restaurar las condiciones de rentabilidad y articulado en torno al profundo proceso de desregulación laboral.
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    Interactions between TGF-beta1 and TGF-beta3 and their role in medial edge epithelium cell death and palatal fusion in vitro
    (Differentiation, 2009) Murillo Arroyo, Francisco Javier; Maldonado Bautista, Estela; Barrio MC; Río Sevilla, Aurora Del; López, Y; Martínez Sanz, Elena; González, I; Martín Álvaro, María Concepción; Casado Gómez, Inmaculada; Martínez Álvarez, María Concepción
    In recent decades, studies have shown that both TGF-b1 and TGF-b3 play an important role in the induction of medial edge epithelium (MEE) cell death and palatal fusion. Many of these experiments involved the addition or blockage of one of these growth factors in wild-type (WT) mouse palate cultures, where both TGF-b1 and TGF-b3 are present. Few studies have addressed the existence of interactions between TGF-b1 and TGF-b3, which could modify their individual roles in MEE cell death during palatal fusion. We carried out several experiments to test this possibility, and to investigate how this could influence TGF-b1 and TGF-b3 actions on MEE cell death and palatal shelf fusion. We double immunolabelled developing mouse palates with anti-TGF-b1 or anti-TGF-b3 antibodies and TUNEL, added rhTGF-b1 or rhTGF-b3 or blocked the TGF-b1 and TGF-b3 action at different concentrations to WT or Tgf-b3 null mutant palate cultures, performed in situ hybridizations with Tgf-b1 or Tgf-b3 riboprobes, and measured the presence of TUNEL-positive midline epithelial seam (MES) cells and MES disappearance (palatal shelf fusion) in the different in vitro conditions. By combining all these experiments, we demonstrate great interaction between TGF-b1 and TGF-b3 in the developing palate and confirm that TGF-b3 has a more active role in MES cell death than TGF-b1, although both are major inductors of MES disappearance. Finally, the co-localization of TGF-b1, but not TGF-b3, with TUNEL in the MES allows us to suggest a possible role for TGF-b1 in MES apoptotic clearance.
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    Project number: 269
    Creación de un observatorio internacional sobre el mercado laboral, las condiciones de trabajo y la seguridad social, para su utilización docente
    (2019) Arrizabalo Montoro, Xabier; Del Rosal Crespo, Mario; Murillo Arroyo, Francisco Javier; Guerrero Jiménez, Diego; Vicent Valverde, Lucia; González Gozalo, Ricardo; Tzoneva, Roumiana; Costa Gomes, Cláudia María
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    El milagro económico español: dinámica salarial e impacto sobre la estructura de propiedad
    (2019) Murillo Arroyo, Francisco Javier
    Este libro contribuye a comprender las principales contradicciones del proceso de acumulación que experimentó la economía española durante el periodo 1994 y 2007. El modelo español se granjeó el reconocimiento internacional, y la calificación de milagro económico, al alcanzar unas cotas de crecimiento superiores a las de las principales potencias capitalistas. El análisis de las bases sobre las que se sustentó esta dinámica permite entender el estallido de la crisis y los fenómenos desencadenados desde su eclosión. A partir de la aplicación del método de análisis marxista, el libro pretende desentrañar las causas que explican que este proceso de crecimiento no quedara acompañado de un avance similar de las condiciones materiales de vida de la mayor parte de la población, la clase asalariada. La vía activada para aliviar las crecientes tensiones que acucian a la rentabilidad y reactivar, de este modo, la acumulación, se asentó sobre el disciplinamiento salarial. Los salarios quedaron sometidos a un profundo proceso de ajuste, inoculándose además un creciente grado de precariedad a las relaciones laborales. Esta dinámica salarial regresiva no fue su único resultado sino que también se desplegó una tendencia creciente de centralización de la riqueza que completa el escenario de aguda polarizacion que sufrió la sociedad española.
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    The distributive pattern of the spanish economy: the impact of adjustment on inequalities
    (The political economy of contemporary Spain: from miracle to mirage, 2018) Murillo Arroyo, Francisco Javier; Molero Simarro, Ricardo; Buendia García, Luís
    The so-called ‘Spanish miracle’, beginning in the mid-1990s, eventually became a nightmare for the majority of the population, culminating in the present-day economic and political crisis. This book explores the main features of the Spanish political-economic model during both the growth and crisis periods. Analyzing the causes and consequences of the continuing economic crisis in Spain, this book delves into five analytical axes: the evolution of the growth model; the role of Spain in the international division of labor; the financial sector and its influence on the rest of the economy; changes in the labor market; and the distributional consequences of both the expansive phase and the later crisis. Furthermore, contributors examine the formation of a triangle of actors (the government sector, building sector, and financial capital) that shaped the Spanish growth model, together with the effects of Spain’s membership in the Economic and Monetary Union. Also considering ecological problems, gender issues, and the immigration question, this book challenges the alleged recovery of living conditions during recent years, as well as the explanation of the crisis as the result of irrational behaviors or the greedy nature of certain actors. The Political Economy of Contemporary Spain provides a coherent explanation of the Spanish economic crisis based on a pluralistic approach, while proposing several measures that could contribute to a transformation of Spain’s economic and social models.
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    Analysis of the presence of cell proliferation-related molecules in the Tgf-β3 null mutant mouse palate reveals misexpression of EGF and Msx-1
    (Cells Tissues Organs, 2011) Del Río, A; López-Gordillo, Y; Martínez, M L; Barrio Asensio, María Del Carmen; Murillo Arroyo, Francisco Javier; Maldonado Bautista, Estela; Martínez Sanz, Elena; Martínez Álvarez, María Concepción
    The Tgf-β3 null mutant mouse palate presents several cellular anomalies that lead to the appearance of cleft palate. One of them concerns the cell proliferation of both the palatal medial edge epithelium and mesenchyme. In this work, our aim was to determine whether there was any variation in the presence/distribution of several cell proliferation-related molecules that could be responsible for the cell proliferation defects observed in these palates. Our results showed no difference in the presence of EGF-R, PDGF-A, TGF-β2, Bmp-2, and Bmp-4, and differences were minimal for FGF-10 and Shh. However, the expression of EGF and Msx-1 changed substantially. The shift of the EGF protein expression was the one that most correlated with that of cell proliferation. This molecule is regulated by TGF-β3, and experiments blocking its activity in culture suggest that EGF misexpression in the Tgf-β3 null mutant mouse palate plays a role in the cell proliferation defect observed.
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    False self-employment and bogus internships in Spain
    (The Economic and Labour Relations Review, 2023) Arrizabalo Montoro, Xabier; Del Rosal Crespo, Mario; Murillo Arroyo, Francisco Javier; Cambridge University Press
    This paper focuses on the state of precarious work in Spain: Are all those who work as self-employed persons and interns truly operating under those descriptions, or are many of them employees so precariously engaged that they have no labour contracts? If so, how has this come to pass? Why is it increasingly happening? This paper raises some answers based on the Marxist approach. We link employment instability to increased exploitation of the Spanish labour force. This trend is a reaction by capital to low rates of profit and the implementation of particular governmental economic policies implemented to meet the demands of the European Union. Due to the precariousness of work, prospects for achieving a stable and autonomous life for a large cohort of Spain’s working youth are seriously threatened.