Fernández Barrenechea, José María

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José María
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Fernández Barrenechea
Universidad Complutense de Madrid
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Ciencias Geológicas
Mineralogía y Petrología
Cristalografía y Mineralogía
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    Palaeogeographical significance of clay mineral assemblages in the Permian and Triassic sediments of the SE Iberian Ranges, eastern Spain
    (Palaeogeography, palaeoclimatology, palaeoecology, 1997) Alonso Azcárate, Jacinto; Arche, Alfredo; Fernández Barrenechea, José María; López Gómez, José; Luque del Villar, Francisco Javier; Rodas, Magdalena
    The evolution of the palaeogeography of the SE Iberian Basin during the Permian and Triassic represents a general evolution from continental to marine environments. It has been recently studied from the sedimentological, stratigraphical, tectonic and palaeontological points of view. In spite of these results, many aspects of this palaeogeography are still a matter of discussion. In this study, clay mineralogy analysis complements previous studies representing a new aspect for understanding the evolution of the sedimentary environment and the palaeogeography of the Iberian Basin during the periods in question and thus of the palaeogeography and the location of the major high areas in the westernmost border of the Tethys sea. In spite of late diagenetic transformations the original clay mineral associations of the Permian-Triassic sediments of the SE Iberian Ranges can be reconstructed. Seventy-seven samples of siliciclastic and carbonate sediments of these ages have been studied (SEM and XRD), revealing six new aspects that help to precise the palaeogeographical interpretation of the area: (1) Two major mineral assemblages have been found: illite+ kaolinite +pyrophyllite in the continental facies and illite + chlorite + vermiculite + mixed-layer clays in the marine facies. (2) The Mg-rich clay minerals are here considered to be of marine origin. (3) Active phases of basin boundary faults are marked in the sediments by the presence of pyrophyllite, derived directly from the Palaeozoic metamorphic basement. (4) Unconformities separating major depositional sequences also separate formations with different clay mineralogy. (5) Different groups of clay minerals can be separated clearly coinciding with the different palaeogeographical stages also distinguished in the westernmost border of the Tethys sea. (6) The clay mineral associations back up the data of a previous hypothesis of a humid climate for the end of the Permian in the study area just prior to the first incursion of the Tethys sea.
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    Early Triassic-Anisian continental sediments from SE Iberian ranges: sedimentological and mineralogical features
    (Macla, 2008) Galán Abellán, Ana Belén; Fernández Barrenechea, José María; López Gómez, José; Lago San José, Marceliano; Benito Moreno, María Isabel
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    Paleoecological and paleoenvironmental changes during the continental Middle–Late Permian transition at the SE Iberian Ranges, Spain
    (Global and planetary change, 2012) Horra Del Barco, Raúl De La; Galán Abellán, Ana Belén; López Gómez, José; Sheldon, N.D.; Fernández Barrenechea, José María; Luque del Villar, Francisco Javier; Arche, Alfredo; Benito Moreno, María Isabel
    The Middle and Late Permian are characterized by a pair of mass-extinction events that are recorded in both marine and continental environments. Here, we present the first continental western peri-Tethyan record of an extinction event located in the Middle–Late interval. In the SE Iberian Ranges, Central Spain, the transition between the Lower and Middle subunits of the Middle Permian Alcotas Formation indicates a significant paleoclimatic change from arid and semiarid conditions towards more humid conditions. Coincident with the onset of humid conditions there were changes in the sedimentology, mineralogy, and geochemistry that indicate significant environmental changes including a shift in weathering intensity and a change of fluvial style from braided to meandering systems. Near the top of the Middle Subunit, a local biotic crisis is recorded by palynomorph assemblages. Following this crisis, there is a total absence of coal beds, plant remains, and microflora that defines a barren zone in the uppermost part of the Alcotas Formation which is recorded throughout the basin. The barren zone is accompanied by a shift back to braided stream systems, but not by a return to carbonate-bearing paleosols indicative of arid or semi-arid conditions. This combination of features is consistent with other Middle–Late continental basins related with mass extinctions, so the barren zone is interpreted as the extinction interval. The regional character of the extinction interval and its proximity with the Middle–Late Permian transition could be related with the global mid-Capitanian biotic turnover described in this period of time in other marine basins. However, the common difficulties of dating with precision non-marine rocks make this relationship difficult to probe in the Iberian Basin and in other Middle– Late Permian basins. Further work, including high resolution carbon-isotope analyses and complete studies of the magnetostratigraphy, should be desirable in order to obtain a better age constraint and to produce reliable comparisons with marine sections.
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    The Anisian continental-marine transition in Sardinia (Italy): state of the art, new palynological data and regional chronostratigraphic correlation
    (Journal of iberian geology, 2022) Stori, L.; Diez, J. B.; Juncal Rosales, Manuel Antonio; Horra Del Barco, Raúl De La; Borruel Abadía, Violeta; Martín Chivelet, Javier; Fernández Barrenechea, José María; López Gómez, José; Ronchi, Ausonio
    The scarce evidence of paleontological records between the upper Permian and the Anisian (Middle Triassic) of Western Europe could reflect (1) large stratigraphic gaps in the continental successions and/or (2) the persistence of disturbed conditions after the Permian–Triassic Boundary extinction event and the succession of ecological crises that occurred during the Early Triassic. In this context, the study of palynological associations, integrated with the stratigraphical and sedimentological data, plays a key role in dating and correlating the successions of the Western European domain and improves our understanding of environmental and paleoclimatic conditions. In some cases, pre-Anisian paleontological evidence is lacking, as in Sardinia (Italy), where a long gap encompasses the middle Permian (pars) to late Lower Triassic successions. Although fragmented and disseminated, the continental Lower-Middle Triassic sedimentary successions (Buntsandstein) of Sardinia have proved crucial to our understanding of the evolution of the southern edge of the Paleo-Europe and the different timings of the Tethys transgression (Muschelkalk facies) in some of these areas. Various paleogeographic reconstructions were attempted in previous works, without providing any consensus on the precise position of Sardinia and its surrounding seaways in the Western Tethys domain during this time interval. At present, the configuration and distribution of the subsiding and emerging landmasses and the temporal development of the transgressions of the Western Tethys during the Middle Triassic remain unclear. This work focuses on the stratigraphical, sedimentological and palynological aspects of three Middle Triassic continental-marine sedimentary successions in Sardinia, with particular attention to the analysis of the palynological associations sampled there, and it also provides a detailed review of all previous palynological publications on the Sardinian Anisian. The studied successions are: Su Passu Malu section (Campumari, SW Sardinia), Arcu is Fronestas section and Escalaplano section (Escalaplano, Central Sardinia). These sections were also correlated to other significant sections in the SW (Scivu Is Arenas) and NW (Nurra) parts of the island.
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    Sedimentary evolution of the continental Early–Middle Triassic Cañizar Formation (Central Spain): Implications for life recovery after the Permian–Triassic crisis
    (Sedimentary Geology, 2012) López Gómez, José; Galán Abellán, Ana Belén; Horra Del Barco, Raúl De La; Fernández Barrenechea, José María; Arche, Alfredo; Bourquin, Sylvie; Marzo Carpio, Mariano; Durand, Marc
    The Permian–Triassic transition (P–T) was marked by important geochemical perturbations and the largest known life crisis. Consequences of this event, as oxygen-depleted conditions and the unusual behavior of the carbon cycle, were prolonged during the Early Triassic interval delaying the recovery of life in both terrestrial and marine ecosystems. Studies on Lower Triassic sediments of continental origin, as in the case of Western Europe, are especially problematic due to the scarcity of fossils and absence of precise dating. The Cañizar Fm. is an Early–Middle Triassic unit of continental origin of the SE Iberian Ranges, E Spain. A detailed sedimentary study of this unit allows a shedding of light on some unresolved problems of the continental deposits of this age. The top of this unit is dated as early Anisian by means of a pollen association, while the age of its base is here estimated as late Smithian or Smithian–Spathian transition. Different facies associations and architectural elements have been defined in this unit. In the western and central parts of the basin, this unit shows sedimentary characteristics of fluvial deposits with locally intercalated aeolian sediments, while in the eastern part there is an alternation of both aeolian and fluvial deposits. Sedimentary structures also indicate changes in the climate conditions, mainly from arid to semiarid. Two marked arid periods when well-preserved aeolian sediments developed during early–middle Spathian and Spathian–Anisian transition. They alternated with two semiarid but more humid periods during the late Spathian and early Anisian. These conditions basically correspond with the general arid and very arid conditions described for central–western European plate during the same period of time. The Ateca–Montalbán High, in the northern border of the study basin, must have represented an important topographic barrier in the western Tethys separating aeolian dominated areas to the N and NE from fluvial dominated areas to the south. The Cañizar Fm. has been subdivided into six members (A–F) separated by seven (1–7) major bounding surfaces (MBS). These surfaces are well recognized laterally over hundred of km and they represent 104–105 My. MBS-5 is considered to be of late Spathian age and it is a clear indication of tectonic activity, represented by a mild unconformity. This event represents a change in the sedimentary characteristics (reactivation) of the unit and from here to the top of the unit are found the first signals of biotic recovery, represented by tetrapod footprints, plants, roots and bioturbation. All of these characteristics and the estimated age represented by the MBS-5 event permit this surface to be related to the coeval Hardegsen unconformity of Central–Western Europe. These first signals of biotic recovery can thus be related to an increased oxygen supply due to the new created paleogeographical corridors in the context of this tectonic activity. These biotic signals occurred 5 My after the Permian–Triassic limit crisis; a similar delay as occurred in other coeval and neighboring basins.
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    Sources of Sr and S in Aluminum-Phosphate–Sulfate Minerals in Early–Middle Triassic Sandstones (Iberian Ranges, Spain) and Paleoenvironmental Implications for the West Tethys
    (Journal of sedimentary research, 2013) Galán Abellán, Ana Belén; Alonso Azcárate, Jacinto; Newton, Robert J.; Bottrell, Simon H.; Fernández Barrenechea, José María; Benito Moreno, María Isabel; Horra Del Barco, Raúl De La; López Gómez, José; Luque del Villar, Francisco Javier
    Aluminum-phosphate–sulfate (APS) minerals, formed during early diagenesis in relation to acid meteoric waters, are the main host of Sr and S in the Early–Middle Triassic continental sandstones of the Iberian Ranges (east of the Iberian Peninsula). The sources of these elements and the effects of paleoenvironmetal changes on these sources and on the formation of APS minerals during Early–Middle Triassic times, were established on the basis of Sr and S isotopic analyses. The S and Sr data (d34S V-CDT = +11 to +14% and 87Sr/86Sr = 0.7099–0.7247, respectively) can be interpreted as resulting from mixing of different sources. Strontium was sourced from the dissolution of pre-existing minerals like K-feldspar and clay minerals inherited from the source areas, causing high radiogenic values. However, the isotopic signal must also be influenced by other sources, such as marine or volcanic aerosol that decreased the total 87Sr/86Sr ratios. Marine and volcanic aerosols were also sources of sulfur, but the d34S was lowered by dissolution of pre-existing sulfides, mainly pyrite. Pyrite dissolution and volcanic aerosols would also trigger the acid conditions required for the precipitation of APS minerals. APS minerals in the study area are found mainly in the Cañizar Formation (Olenekian?–Aegian), which has the lowest 87Sr/86Sr ratios. The lower abundance of APS minerals in the Eslida Formation (Aegian–Pelsonian) may indicate change in the acidity of pore water towards more alkaline conditions, while the increased 87Sr/86Sr ratios imply decreased Sr input from volcanic activity and/or marine aerosol inputs during Anisian times. Therefore, the decrease in abundance of APS minerals from the Early to Middle Triassic and the variations in the sources of Sr and S are indicative of changes in paleoenvironmental conditions during the beginning of the Triassic Period. These changes from acid to more alkaline conditions are also coincident with the first appearance of carbonate paleosols, trace fossils, and plant fossils in the upper part of the Cañizar Formation (and more in the overlying Eslida Formation) and mark the beginning of biotic recovery in this area. The presence of APS minerals in other European basins of the Western Tethys (such as the German Basin, the Paris Basin and the southeastern France and Sardinia basins) could thus also indicate that unfavorable environmental conditions caused delay in biotic recovery in those areas. In general, the presence of APS minerals may be used as an indicator of arid, acidic conditions unfavorable to biotic colonization.
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    Shallow burial dolomitisation of Middle–Upper Permian paleosols in an extensional tectonic context (SE Iberian Basin, Spain): Controls on temperature of precipitation and source of fluids
    (Sedimentary Geology, 2011) Benito Moreno, María Isabel; Horra Del Barco, Raúl De La; López Gómez, José; Fernández Barrenechea, José María; Luque del Villar, Francisco Javier; Arche, Alfredo
    This work is focused on carbonate paleosols developed in three stratigraphic sections (Landete, Talayuelas and Henarejos) of theMiddle–Late Permian Alcotas Formation in the SE Iberian Basin. The Alcotas Formation, of alluvial origin, was deposited in semi-connected half-grabens developed during the early stages of the Permian–Triassic rifting stage that affected the Iberian Basin. The studied sections were located in two of these half-grabens, the Henarejos section being much closer to the basin boundary fault than the other two sections. The mineralogy and texture of the carbonate precursor of paleosols in the three studied sections are not preserved because original carbonate is replaced by coarse crystals of dolomite and/or magnesite. Dolomite crystals are typically euhedral, displaying rhombohedral shapes and reddish luminescence, although in the Henarejos section dolomite displays non-planar boundaries and frequently saddle habit. Micas are deformed and adapted to dolomite crystals, which, in turn, are affected by stylolites, suggesting that dolomite precipitated before mechanical and chemical compaction. Carbon and oxygen isotopic compositions of dolomite fromthe three sections showdifferent values (δ13CVPDB mean values=−6.7‰,−5.5‰ and −7.5‰; δ18OVPDB mean values=−4.0‰; –5.6‰and−8.2‰, at Landete, Talayuelas and Henarejos sections, respectively). The 87Sr/86Sr ratios are similar in the three sections yielding values between 0.71391 and 0.72213. The petrographic and geochemical features of dolomite in the three studied sections suggest precipitation fromsimilar fluids and during shallow burial diagenesis. Assuming that theminimum temperature for dolomite precipitation in the Henarejos sectionwas 60 °C (as suggested by the presence of non-planar saddle habit), and that the dolomitizing fluid had similar δ18O values at the three localities, then dolomite in the Talayuelas and Landete sections precipitated at temperatures around 16 and 25 °C cooler, respectively. In addition, the δ18OVSMOW values of the water from which dolomite precipitated would have ranged between −0.3 and −2.9‰. Dolomite is partially or totally replaced by non- to dark dull luminescent magnesite in the Landete and Talayuelas sections. Magnesite crystals are affected by stylolites, indicating that it precipitated before chemical compaction. The δ13C mean values are −6.5 and −6.0‰ and the δ18OVPDB mean values are −6.7 and −7.8‰, in the Landete and Talayuelas sections, respectively. The 87Sr/86Sr ratios of magnesite are similar in both sections yielding values between 0.71258 and 0.72508. This suggests that they probably precipitated from similar fluids during progressive burial and at higher temperatures than dolomites at the same sections. Assuming thatmagnesite precipitated froma fluid with similar δ18O values in both sections, then it had to precipitate at a temperature around 8 °C higher in Talayuelas than in the Landete section. Dolomitisation and magnesite precipitation probably occurred via reflux of saline to hypersaline brines from the overlying Mid-Late Triassic Muschelkalk and/or Keuper facies. The temperatures inferred for dolomite precipitation, however, are too high for shallow burial if a normal geothermal gradient is applied. Thus, it can be inferred that salinefluidswere heated as theyflowed through the syn-sedimentary extensional faults that controlledMiddle Permian to Middle Triassic sedimentation; consequently fluidswould have been at higher temperatures near the Henarejos area, which was closer to the basin boundary fault than at the Talayuelas and Landete areas, whichwere situated further away. This contention is in agreement with recent studies which demonstrate that an important thermal event took place during Late Triassic–Early Jurassic times in the Iberian Peninsula.
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    Transition between Variscan and Alpine cycles in the Pyrenean-Cantabrian Mountains (N Spain): Geodynamic evolution of near-equator European Permian basins
    (Global and Planetary Change, 2021) Lloret, Joan; López Gómez, José; Heredia, N.; Martín González, Fidel; Horra Del Barco, Raúl De La; Borruel Abadía, Violeta; Ronchi, Ausonio; Fernández Barrenechea, José María; García-Sansegundo, Joaquín; Galé, Carlos; Ubide, Teresa; Gretter, Nicola; Diez, José B.; Juncal Rosales, Manuel Antonio; Lago, Marceliano
    In the northern Iberian Peninsula, the Pyrenean-Cantabrian orogenic belt extends E-W for ca. 1000 km between the Atlantic Ocean and Mediterranean Sea. This orogen developed from the collision between Iberia and Eurasia, mainly in Cenozoic times. Lower-middle Permian sediments crop out in small, elongated basins traditionally considered independent from each other due to misinterpretations on incomplete lithostratigraphic data and scarce radiometric ages. Here, we integrate detailed stratigraphic, sedimentary, tectonic, paleosol and magmatic data from well-dated lithostratigraphic units. Our data reveal a similar geodynamic evolution across the Pyrenean-Cantabrian Ranges at the end of the Variscan cycle. Lower-middle Permian basins started their development under an extensional regime related to the end of the Variscan Belt collapse, which stars in late Carboniferous times in the Variscan hinterland. This orogenic collapse transitioned to Pangea breakup at the middle Permian times in the study region. Sedimentation occurred as three main tectono-sedimentary extensional phases. A first phase (Asselian-Sakmarian), which may have even started at the end of the Carboniferous (Gzhelian) in some sections, is mainly represented by alluvial sedimentation associated with calc-alkaline magmatism. A second stage (late Artinskian–early Kungurian), represented by alluvial, lacustrine and palustrine sediments with intercalations of calc-alkaline volcanic beds, shows a clear upward aridification trend probably related to the late Paleozoic icehouse-greenhouse transition. The third and final stage (Wordian-Capitanian) comprised of alluvial deposits with intercalations of alkaline and mafic beds, rarely deposited in the Cantabrian Mountains, and underwent significant pre- and Early Mesozoic erosion in some segments of the Pyrenees. This third stage can be related to a transition towards the Pangea Supercontinent breakup, not generalized until the Early/Middle Triassic at this latitude because the extensional process stopped about 10 Myr (Pyrenees) to 30 Myr (Cantabrian Mountains). When compared to other well-dated basins near the paleoequator, the tectono-sedimentary and climate evolution of lower-middle Permian basins in Western and Central Europe shows common features. Specifically, we identify coeval periods with magmatic activity, extensional tectonics, high subsidence rates and thick sedimentary record, as well as prolonged periods without sedimentation. This comparison also identifies some evolutionary differences between Permian basins that could be related to distinct locations in the hinterland or foreland of the Variscan orogen. Our data provide a better understanding of the major crustal re-equilibration and reorganization that took place near the equator in Western-Central Europe during the post-Variscan period.
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    U-Pb Ages of Detrital Zircons from the Permo-Triassic Series of the Iberian Ranges: A Record of Variable Provenance during Rift Propagation
    (The Journal of geology, 2012) Sánchez Martínez, Sonia; Horra Del Barco, Raúl De La; Arenas Martín, Ricardo; Gerdes, A.; Galán Abellán, Ana Belén; López Gómez, José; Fernández Barrenechea, José María; Arche, Alfredo
    The provenance of the Permo-Triassic series of the Talayuelas anticline (Iberian Ranges) have been studied using UPb geochronology (laser ablation inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry) of detrital zircons. These intracontinental siliciclastic series were formed by extensive sandy braided fluvial systems associated with ephemeral lake deposits and aeolian sediments, with paleocurrents suggesting constant NW-SE transport directions. Upper Permian reddish sandstones from the Upper Alcotas Formation (Lopingian) contain a dominant Variscan zircon population (290–360 Ma), which indicates source areas located in the axial zone of the Variscan belt, in the core of the Ibero- Armorican arc. However, in the Lower Triassic sandstones of the Canñizar Formation (Olenekian), the Variscan zircon population is almost completely replaced by Cadomian zircons (520–750 Ma), with important Avalonian (390–520 Ma), Mesoproterozoic (900–1750 Ma), Eburnian (1.78–2.35 Ga), and post-Eburnian and Archaean (12.4 Ga) zircon populations. This detrital zircon content now suggests source areas located more to the NW, in the Avalonian microcontinent, although a limited supply coming from the southern part of Laurentia cannot be ruled out. Finally, in the Middle Triassic (Anisian), the source areas returned to the Variscan axial zone, since the Variscan zircon population is again highly dominant during this period. The changes detected in the source areas of the Permo-Triassic series are related to the development and propagation of the Iberian rift, one of the large extensional structures that determined the generation of the sedimentary basins and finally caused the breakup of Pangea. The methodology followed in this article is very useful to understand the generation and evolution of these intracontinental basins and also the relationships between the different rift systems generated in the North Atlantic realm during the Permo- Triassic times.
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    Geochemical markers of paleoenvironments, weathering, and provenance in Permian–Triassic terrestrial sediments
    (Journal of Sedimentary Research, 2020) Galán Abellán, Ana Belén; Fernández Barrenechea, José María; Horra Del Barco, Raúl De La; Alonso Azcárate, Jacinto; Luque del Villar, Francisco Javier; Borruel Abadía, Violeta; López Gómez, José
    This study compares several geochemical factors (major and minor rare earth elements, Ti/Al ratios, and chemical index of alteration, CIA, values) in the Early Triassic Cañizar Formation (Fm) (Buntsandtein facies) of E Iberia with those of adjacent Middle Permian and Middle Triassic units (Alcotas and Eslida fms, respectively). According to significant differences detected, it seems that most geochemical perturbation occurred during the Early Triassic. Variations in Ti/Al ratios suggest changes in source areas between the studied units and even within the Cañizar Fm. These provenance changes correlate with successive tectonic pulses during the opening and development of the Iberian Basin, as they can be linked to major sedimentary surfaces and unconformities, as well as major sedimentological variations. Ti enrichment in the lower and middle part of the Cañizar Fm, together with high Sr and P concentrations, may be indicative of environmental alterations related to acid meteoric waters. Moreover, this acid alteration took place under arid conditions as reflected by CIA values, indicating that during the deposition of the Cañizar Fm, variable but predominantly physical weathering prevailed in contrast to the chemical weathering that took place when the Alcotas and Eslida formations were deposited. Our data along with the known fossil record of the study area indicate that during the Middle–Late Permian and Early Triassic, conditions in this tectonically active area changed from humid to arid-acid, hampering biotic recovery. Then, during late Early–Middle Triassic times, the return of more humid and less acid environments promoted biotic development. Geochemical markers emerged as useful tools complementary to sedimentological, paleontological, and tectonic data for unveiling paleoenvironmental events, especially in a setting of significant regional change.