Comas Rengifo, María José

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María José
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Comas Rengifo
Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Faculty / Institute
Ciencias Geológicas
Geodinámica, Estratigrafía y Paleontología
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    Descripción litoestratigráfica y aspectos sedimentológicas de las unidades
    (Coloquios de paleontología, 1992) Rodríguez, Sergio; Falces, Santiago; Arribas Mocoroa, María Eugenia; Peña, José Andrés de la; Comas Rengifo, María José; Moreno-Eiris, Elena
    Fhe features of the eight lithostratígraphic Units at Los Santos de Maimona basin are as fóllow: Unit O: Greywackes aud interbedded volcanic beds. Some coal layers occur in the lower part of this unit near Los Santos de Maimona. The estimated thickness of this unit, which usually is not well exposed, is 700 m. It is regarded as shallow marine terrigenous sediments. Unit 1: The so—called Siphonodendron limestone, composed of biostremal mars and limestones containing abundant rugose corals and brachíopods and frequent algae, tubulate corales, foraminifers, bryozoans, echinoderms, ostracods and mollucs. Its thickness altains 35 m at Los Santos hill and decrenses to the north, being only 10 m al El Almendro. It is regarded as the red flat of a fringing red. Unit 2: Composed of shales and sandstones and interbedded volcanic rock. Some calcarcous lenses also occur. It is usually poorly exposed, and contains few fossils. In the calcareous beds, some rugose corals, brachiopods, algae and foraminifers arc identifiable. Its thickness reaches 80 m at Navafría and 100 m at El Portezuelo, although it decreases to the north. It is rcgarded as mixed deposits in shallow sea. Unit 3: Composed of massive limestone and interbedded marl. It occurs only in sections close to the border of the basin (Navafría, Cerro Almeña, La Alameda), and corresponds to the Iowa part of the Unit 4 in sections where it is flor present. It Contains common colonies of Lithostrotion and Siphonodendron, aud foraminifers are quite abundant. Its thickness is very irregular; Ihe maximum, more than 50 m, occuis at Cerro Almeña and Sierra Cabrera. It is regarded as lime sand shoals and calcareous lagoenal deposits in a very shallow platfoxm. Unit 4: Composed of graded crinoidal calearenite and interbedded mart and shale. The best exposures are at El Portezuelo aud Cerro Almeña. The calcareous layas are thicker and more abundant near the border of the basin, but shale is dominant in the míddle. Although macrofossils are scarce in this unit, foraminífers and fragments of crinoids, brachiopods, rugose aud tabulate corals, trilobites, calcareous algae aud bryozoaus are common. The thickness of this unit attains 80 m at El Portezuelo, in the middlec of the basin, and deereases to the borders; at Cerro Almeña it is 42 m, und at La Alameda and El Almendro it is only 25 m. It is regarded as carbonate turbidites. Unit 5: Composed of interbedded shale, marl and some limestone tenses. The contatus sume corals, brachiopods, crinoids, algae and foraminifers. Exposures arcvcry poer. The real thiekness could not be measure, bul it is estimated tobe about 70 m. it in regarded as distal carbonate turbidites. Unit 6: The same lithology as unit 4, but carbonate are less abundant. Some large calcareous blocks up te 20x10x5 m occur in the northern area. The unit cont-ains a rieti fauna of brachiopods and corals. Bryozoans, algae and foraminifers are also comnon. Its thickness attains 40 m at Las Pilitas and decreases toward the north, being only 25 m at El Salamanco Chico. It is regarded as carbonate turbidites. Unit 7: Composed of shale, and interbedded sandstone and conglomerale in Ihe Iowa part. Sorne compressed goniatites, trilobites and plant fragments occur in shale some 50 m aboye the Unit 6. Its estimaled thickness is 250 m, but it is ordinarily poorly exposed. It is regarded as basinal deposits.
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    Contribuciones al estudio palinológico del Cretácico Inferior de la Cuenca Vasco-Cantábrica: los afloramientos ambarígenos de Peñacerrada (España)
    (Coloquios de paleontología, 2001) Barrón López, Eduardo; Comas Rengifo, María José; Elorza, Laura
    Los afloramientos ambarígenos del Cretácico Inferior de Peñacerrada están situados en el margen S de la Cuenca Vasco-Cantábrica (España). Sus materiales, que se han analizado desde un punto de vista palinológico, corresponden a la unidad intermedia de la Formación Escucha y estan constituidos por lutitas y lignitos que se depositaron en los canales arenosos de una llanura deltaica. Este estudio ha revelado la existencia de una rica flora integrada por un elevado número de taxones de las divisiones Briophyta, Lycophyta, Pteridophyta, Coniferophyta, Cycadophyta/Ginkgophyta, Gnetophyta y Magnoliophyta, que se desarrolló en unas condiciones climáticas cálidas y húmedas. En las asociaciones palinológicas dominan los granos de polen anemófilo inaperturado, bisacado y del género Corollina y de esporas cinguladas, taeniadas y psiladas posiblemente hidrófilas que indican la existencia de bosques de coníferas, constituidos principalmente por plantas de las familias Araucariaceae y Cupressaceae, con un rico sotobosque de criptógamas vasculares y de formaciones xeromórficas, dominadas por especies de la familia Cheirolepidiaceae. Los estudios cualitativos y cuantitativos parecen indicar que los materiales de los afloramientos estudiados corresponderían al intervalo Aptiense Superior-Albiense Inferior. En la Península Ibérica, la palinoflora estudiada presenta semejanzas con un algunos afloramientos de la zona suroccidental de la Cordillera Ibérica, las Cordilleras Béticas y de las regiones portuguesas de Beira Litoral y Estremadura, siendo este estudio una de las primeras contribuciones palinológicas que se realizan en el Cretácico Inferior de la Cuenca Vasco-Cantábrica. [ABSTRACT] The outcrops with amber from Lower Cretaceous of Peñacerrada are located in the south margin of the Vasco-Cantabrian Basin (Spain). The palynological samples come from the middle unit of the Escucha Formation and consist of mudstones, limes and lignites deposited in the sandy channels of a deltaic plain. The palynoflora is rich and diverse constituted by a high number of taxa of the Briophyta, Lycophyta, Pteridophyta, Coniferophyta, Cycadophyta/Ginkgophyta, Gnetophyta and Magnoliophyta divisions, which developed in warm and wet climatic conditions. The inaperturate and bisaccate anemophilous and Corollina pollen grains and cingulate, taeniate and psilate, possibly hidrophilous, spores numerically dominated the assemblages. On the one hand, these associations show the existence of coniferous forests formed by trees of the Araucariaceae and Cupressaceae families, with a rich undergrow constituted by vascular cryptogamas. Besides, xeromorphic communities of the Cheirolepidiaceae family ocurred. The qualitative and quantitative analysis pointed out an Upper Aptian-Lower Albian age for the studied outcrops. The studied palynoflora presents similarities with ones from the southwestern zone of the Iberian Range, Betic Range and portuguese regions of Beira Litoral and Estremadura. This study is one of the first palynological contributions in Lower Cretaceous from Vasco-Cantabrian Basin.
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    O Projecto PTDC/CTE-GIX/098968/2008 - Estratigrafia de alta resolução das séries marinhas ricas em matéria orgânica do Jurássico Inferior da Bacia Lusitânica: Perspectivas iniciais e resultados obtidos
    (Comunicaçoes geológicas, 2013) Duarte, Luis Vitor; Silva, Ricardo Louro; Mendonça Filho, João Graciano; Azerêdo, Ana Cristina; Cabral, Maria Cristina; Comas Rengifo, María José; Correia, Gil Fernando Gomes; Ferreira, R.; Loureiro, I.M.; Paredes, Ruth Maydoly; Pereira, A. J. S. C.; Poças Ribeiro, Nadi
    Apresenta-se neste trabalho uma caracterização e os principais resultados do Projecto “Estratigrafia de alta resolução das séries marinhas ricas em matéria orgânica do Jurássico Inferior da Bacia Lusitânica”, financiado pela Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia (Portugal). Este projecto centrou-se numa análise estratigráfica multidisciplinar baseada num vasto conjunto de parâmetros bióticos e abióticos da sucessão margo-calcária rica em matéria orgânica do Jurássico Inferior da bacia, envolvendo sete objetivos principais: 1. Análise sedimentológica (mineralógica, textural e composicional) e sequencial da sucessão hemipelágica do Jurássico Inferior (Sinemuriano superior–Toarciano); 2. Precisões biostratigráficas a partir do registo de amonóides do intervalo compreendido entre o Sinemuriano superior e o Pliensbaquiano superior; 3. Análise paleontológica e paleoecológica da macrofauna bentónica (fundamentalmente braquiópodes e bivalves); 4. Análise biostratigráfica, taxonómica e paleoecológica da fauna de ostracodos (Sinemuriano–Toarciano); 5. Análise quimiostratigráfica baseada principalmente nos isótopos estáveis de carbono (Sinemuriano–Pliensbaquiano); 6. Análise geoquímica e de petrografia orgânica (carbono orgânico total, pirólise Rock-Eval e biomarcadores) do Sinemuriano–Pliensbaquiano; 7. Análise dos padrões de variação dos raios gama (Sinemuriano–Toarciano.
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    Organic-Rich facies in the Sinemurian and Pliensbachian of the Lusitanian Basin, Portugal: Total organic carbon distribution and relation to transgressive-regressive facies cycles
    (Geologica acta, 2010) Duarte, Luís Vitor; Silva, Ricardo; Oliveira, Luiz Carlos Veiga de; Comas Rengifo, María José; Silva, Francisco
    The upper Sinemurian to Pliensbachian series of the Lusitanian Basin (Portugal) correspond to marly limestone sediments rich in benthic and nektonic macrofauna. This sedimentary record includes several intervals of organicrich facies, which are particularly well developed in the western sectors of the basin. They correspond to grey and dark marls locally showing strong lamination (black shale type) and are recognized as one of the most important potential oil source rocks. This study shows the vertical and lateral distribution of these organic-rich intervals, supported by over 550 total organic carbon (TOC) determinations. The results presented reveal two important intervals, with several black shale occurrences, in the Oxynotum(?)–Raricostatum (Polvoeira Member of Água de Madeiros Formation) and at the top of the Ibex-upper part of Margaritatus zones (top of the Vale das Fontes Formation), showing in the distal (western) sectors up to 22% and 15% TOC, respectively. TOC values decrease progressively towards the proximal sectors, the youngest organic-rich interval being the most expressive at the basin scale. This lateral TOC distribution, the facies stacking patterns and the decrease observed in benthic macrofauna confirm that these intervals are related to 2nd-order transgressive phases. 2nd-order regressive phases, developed during the uppermost Raricostatum and Spinatum zones respectively, show lower TOC values. TOC distribution combined with other stratigraphic and sedimentological parameters enabled seven facies maps to be created for the time interval studied. At the regional scale, this study shows for the first time the good similarity between the upper Sinemurian-Pliensbachian sedimentary successions of the Lusitanian and Basque- Cantabrian basins.
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    El Pliensbachiense de la Cordillera Ibérica
    (2015) Comas Rengifo, María José; Goy, Antonio
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    Pliensbachian calcareous nannofossils of the Santotis section (Basque-Cantabrian Basin, N Spain).
    (Atti della Società toscana di scienze naturali residente in Pisa. Memorie. Serie A, 2008) Fraguas Herráez, Ángela Raquel; Comas Rengifo, María José; Perilli, Nicola
    The target of this paper is to study the succession of the Pliensbachian calcareous nannofossil assemblages recovered from the Santotis section (Northern Spain) in order to calibrate the biohorizons against the ammonite zones. In this section, one hundred nineteen marly and carbonate-dominated levels have been recognized and forty-one of them have been sampled. The semiquantitative analysis has been carried out on smear slides and reveals that the majority of the assemblages show a bad to moderate degree of preservation and the species abundance varies from rare to frequent. In the studied section, the most relevant Pliensbachian composition changes of the assemblages are the first appearances of the genera Similiscutum (Jamesoni Zone) and Lotharingius (Stokesi Zone). The assemblages further change due to the appearance of the species belonging to the genus Biscutum. The succession of the assemblages have allowed the identification of two main events, the FOs of Similiscutum cruciulus (Jamesoni Zone) and Lotharingius hauffii (Stokesi Zone) as well as four secondary events, the FOs of Biscutum novum (Davoei Zone), Biscutum grandis (Stokesi Zone), Biscutum finchii (Stokesi Zone) and Lotharingius barozii (Stokesi Zone). Assemblages and biohorizons have allowed the identification of the upper part of the NJ3 Crepidolithus crassus Zone, the complete NJ4 Similiscutum cruciulus Zone and the almost complete NJ5 Lotharingius hauffii Zone.
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    Moluscos bivalves da Formação de Água de Madeiros (Sinemuriano superior) da Bacia Lusitânica (Portugal)
    (Comunicaçoes geológicas, 2013) Paredes, R.; Comas Rengifo, María José; Duarte, L.V.
    Apresenta-se a distribuição estratigráfica dos taxa de moluscos bivalves ao longo da Formação de Água de Madeiros (Sinemuriano superior–extrema base do Pliensbaquiano) na Bacia Lusitânica. Estudaram-se as secções de S. Pedro de Moel e Peniche, por serem as mais completas e representativas do ponto de vista do registo paleontológico e seu significado biostratigráfico. Esta análise estratigráfica de alta resolução baseia-se em 2691 espécimes recolhidos em 180 estratos, o que permitiu um acréscimo significativo (31%) de novos taxa reconhecidos na bacia neste intervalo. Evidencia-se uma variação vertical na composição taxonómica das associações faunísticas com o surgimento de espécies oportunistas interpretadas como facultativamente pseudoplânctónicas. Este registo é observado na transição entre as cronozonas Oxynotum e Raricostatum, interpretando-se como tendo sido favorecido por mudanças na deposição, de que resultaram condições pelo menos disóxicas. O surgimento de formas de Pseudomytiloides e de Oxytoma durante o Sinemuriano terminal da bacia aponta para que estas ocorrências sejam as primeiras no contexto do Jurássico NO europeu.
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    Calibration of Pliensbachian calcareous nannofossil events in two ammonite-controlled sections from northern Spain (Basque-Cantabrian area)
    (Rivista italiana di paleontologia e stratigrafia, 2002) Perilli, Nicola; Comas Rengifo, María José
    Common and diverse calcareous nannofossìl assemblages were found in two continuous and expanded successions, sedimented on hemipelagic carbonate ramp. Based on refined ammonite biostratigraphy closely spaced sampling and semiquantitative analysis, the main purpose of this paper is to calibrate against ammonire zones and subzones, the nannofossil composition chanqes and the identified biohorizons. In the study area, the first notable composition change is in the lower Carixian, with the appearance and abundance increase of the gents Similiscutwm, that represents a large amount of the assemblages up to the lower Domerian. Although, the appearance of the genera Blscwtum and B ussonius is eastly detectable around the Carixian/Domerian Zone boundary the other relevant Pliensbachian composition changes took place in the lower Domerian. It includes the sharp abundance increase of Calci'uascularls and the abundance appearance of the genus Lotharingiws, that dominate the upper Domerian assemblages, also characterized by the significant presence of the genus Biscutum. The set of easily recognizable and reliable events includes the First Occurrences (FOs) oÍ Similiscwtum aùtwm and SimiLiscutum cruciulus $anesoniZone), the FOs of Lotbaringiws barozii and Lotharingius haffii (Stokesi/Margaritatus Zone boundary), the First Common Occurrence (FCO) of Lotharingius hauJfii (Margaritatus/Spinatum Zone boundary) and, probably, the FCO of Calciuascularis jansae (Stokesi/Margaritatus Zone boundary). Instead, the FOs of Biscutum dwbium, Bussoniws prinsii (Davoei Zone), Biscutum novum, Biscutum grande and Biscutum finchii (Stokesi Zone) are slightly difficult to calibrate against ammonite zones.
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    (Coloquios de paleontología, 1992) Rodríguez, Sergio; Arribas Mocoroa, María Eugenia; Comas Rengifo, María José; Peña, José Andrés de la; Falces, Santiago; Gegúndez, P.; Martínez Chacón, María Luisa; Moreno-Eiris, Elena; Perejón, Antonio; Sánchez, J.L.; Sáchez Chico, Fátima
    The stratigraphic succession of Los Santos basin can be divided in three groups: a lower group composed mainly of greywackes and volcanie rocks, a middle carbonate group, and an upper siliciclastie group. SANCHEZ el uf (1988) described four lirbologie units (1-4) in the Jower part of the carbonate sediments based on five stratigraphic seetions iii tbe southern part of the basin. RODRÍGUEZ et al., in press) defined duce units, including the upper part of tbe carbonate rocks (5-6)and the upper siliciclastic rocks (7), based on six new stratigraphic sections, also in the southern area. Finally, FALCES (1991) briefly deseribed 4w lower siliciclastic unit (0), and characterized the variations of the units 1 to 7 on dic basis of several stratigraphical sections in the northern part of the basin: ihe calcareous Units 1,3,4 and 6 yielded abundant fossils and perniited a precise biostratigraplw, based mainly in foraminifers, corals and brachiopods. Sorne Goniatites, conodonts and algae provided additional data.
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    Los nanofósiles calcáreos del Pliensbachiense de la sección de Tudanca (Cuenca Vasco-Cantábrica, España)
    (Coloquios de paleontología, 2007) Fraguas Herráez, Ángela Raquel; Comas Rengifo, María José; Perilli, Nicola
    Se estudian los nanofósiles calcáreos identificados en materiales del Pliensbachiense de la sección de Tudanca (Cuenca Vasco-Cantábrica, España). Se han reconocido doscientos catorce niveles estratigráficos constituidos, fundamentalmente, por una alternancia de margas y calizas, de los que se han tomado un total de sesenta y cinco muestras. Se ha realizado un análisis semicuantitativo sobre las smear slides preparadas observándose, en la mayoría de ellas, un estado de preservación de malo a moderado y una abundancia total de nanofósiles calcareos de rara a frecuente. Se han identificado dos divisiones, dos clases, cinco órdenes, siete familias, una subfamilia, trece géneros y veintiséis especies. Los datos obtenidos han permitido establecer una bioestratigrafía de detalle con nanofósiles calcáreos, calibrada con las zonas de ammonites y marcar con precisión la primera y la última aparición de las especies más abundantes e índices de zona. Se han identificado las zonas de nanofósiles calcáreos, NJ4 Similiscutum cruciulus y NJ5 Lotharingius hauffii completas, así como la parte superior de la Zona NJ3 Crepidolithus crassus. Se han reconocido algunos cambios significativos en la composición de las asociaciones de nanofósiles. El primero de ellos, la aparición del género Similiscutum en la Zona Jamesoni de ammonites. Otro cambio relevante en la composición tiene lugar en el Pliensbachiense Superior, e incluye la primera aparición del género Biscutum, un incremento en la abundancia de C. jansae, la primera aparición del género Lotharingius, y una disminución en la abundancia de los géneros Similiscutum, Crucirhabdus, Crepidolithus y Parhabdolithus. El mayor cambio registrado en las asociaciones de nanofósiles calcáreos durante la Zona Spinatum es el fuerte aumento en la abundancia de L. hauffii. Los eventos principales en la sección de Tudanca son: 1. FO de S. cruciulus; 2. FO de L. hauffii. Los eventos secundarios son: 1. FO de B. novum; 2. FO de B. finchii; 3. FO de B. grandis; 4. FO de L. barozii; 5. FCO de C. jansae; 6. FCO de L. hauffii.