Cuadrado Vives, María Carmen

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First Name
María Carmen
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Cuadrado Vives
Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Faculty / Institute
Nutrición y Ciencia de los Alimentos
Nutrición y Bromatología
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Search Results

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    Project number: 203
    Diseño de una asignatura optativa transversal en "cuidados en salud", basada en aprendizaje-servicio (ApS): estrategia docente basada en la experiencia y en responsabilidad social
    (2018) Angulo Carrére, María Teresa; Martínez Rincón, María Del Carmen; Álvarez Méndez, Ana María; Cuadrado Vives, María Carmen; Gallego Lastra, Ramón Del; González Sanavia, María José; Íñigo Mendía, Santiago; Pérez Gurbindo, Ignacio; Serrano Hernanz, Gema; Moreda de Figueroa, Victor
    El Proyecto de Innovación pretende desarrollar una asignatura piloto de aplicación transversal, basada en metodología Aprendizaje-Servicio, buscando el compromiso y motivación del aprendizaje universitario con una perspectiva social. Se persigue que la asignatura ayude a los estudiantes a valorar la utilidad que para la calidad de vida de la sociedad, tienen los conocimientos aprendidos, abordando nuevos desafíos y promoviendo el desarrollo de una conciencia y compromiso social.
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    Detection of pistachio allergen coding sequences in food products: A comparison of two real time PCR approaches
    (Food Control, 2017) Sanchiz Giraldo, África; Ballesteros Redondo, María Isabel; Martín, A.; Rueda Muñoz de San Pedro, Julia; Martín Pedrosa, Mercedes; Diéguez, Carmen; Rovira, Mercè; Cuadrado Vives, María Carmen; Linacero De La Fuente, M. Rosario
    The labelled of pistachio on food products is mandatory and, as a consequence, the development of suitable analytical methodologies to detect this nut in processed foods is advisable. In this work, two different qPCR assays to detect pistachio, SYBR®Green and locked nucleic acid (LNA) probes, are tested and compared. Pis v allergen coding sequences have been amplified and cloned in different pistachio varieties, and specific primers and probes for each allergen have been designed. According to our results, LNA probe-real time PCR appears to be the most sensitive and specific method, reaching 10 mg/kg of pistachio. The effect of temperature and/or pressure on pistachio DNA detection was also analysed by LNA probe-based qPCR. Data showed a reduced amplificability of pistachio after thermal treatment under pressure, nevertheless, this effect was not observed after boiling. The applicability of this method has been studied by analysing 14 food products and by comparison with a commercial ELISA kit.
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    Project number: 93
    Propuesta de mejora de la asignatura TFG del Grado en Nutrición Humana y Diétetica. Implantación de la prueba ECOE
    (2019) Hurtado Moreno, Olivia; Calle Purón, María Elisa; Cuadrado Vives, María Carmen; Morales Gómez, Paloma; Lafuente Duarte, María Esther; Hierro Paredes, Eva; López Gallardo, Meritxell; Redondo Cuenca, Araceli; Villarino Marín, Antonio Luis; Matallana González, María Cruz; Calle Pascual, Alfonso Luis
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    Determination of B-N-oxalyl-L-a, B-diaminopropionic acid and homoarginine in Lathyrus sativus and Lathyrus cicera by capillary zone electrophoresis
    (Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, 2015) Sacristán San Cristóbal, Mara; Varela, Alejandro; Martín Pedrosa, Mercedes; Burbano, Carmen; Cuadrado Vives, María Carmen; Legaz González, María Estrella; Muzquiz, Mercedes
    BACKGROUND: Lathyrus species as legumes represent an alternative protein source for human and animal nutrition. Heavy consumption of these species can lead to lathyrism, caused by the non-protein amino acid B-N-oxalyl-L-a, B-diaminopropionic acid (B-ODAP). Currently, there is no well-defined level below which B-ODAP is considered non-toxic. In this work, the B-ODAP content was determined in L. sativus and L. cicera samples to assess their potential toxicity. Homoarginine is another non-protein amino acid found in Lathyrus spp. with interesting implications for human and animal nutrition. RESULTS: The level of B-ODAP found in these two species ranged from 0.79 to 5.05 mg g−1. The homoarginine content of the samples ranged from 7.49 to 12.44 mg g−1. CONCLUSION: This paper describes an accurate, fast and sensitive method of simultaneous detection and quantification of B-ODAP and homoarginine by capillary zone electrophoresis in L. cicera and L. sativus seeds. Moreover, several methods of extraction were compared to determine the highest performance.
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    Evaluation of locked nucleic acid and TaqMan probes for specific detection of cashew nut in processed food by real time PCR
    (Food control, 2018) Sanchiz Giraldo, África; Ballesteros Redondo, María Isabel; Marqués, Eric; Diéguez, Carmen; Rueda Muñoz de San Pedro, Julia; Cuadrado Vives, María Carmen; Linacero De La Fuente, M. Rosario
    Cashew (Anacardium occidentale) nut can trigger serious reactions in allergic patients, including anaphylaxis and death. Labelling the presence of cashew nuts in food products is mandatory and consequently, sensitive and specific analytical methods must be developed. In this study, Ana o allergen coding sequences have been sequenced in several cashew varieties. Two hydrolysis probes, locked nucleic acid (LNA) and TaqMan, have been designed and their efficiency, sensitivity, limit of detection and specificity for Ana o 1 coding-sequence detection have been compared. Reliable Real Time PCR assays to detect and quantify up to 10 ppm of cashew nuts in complex mixtures have been developed. Moreover, the influence of boiling and autoclave treatment on cashew nut detectability has been analysed by qPCR, showing both probes similar performance. This analytical method was able to detect up to 1000 ppm with good functionality in autoclave treated samples. Boiling did not affect cashew nut detectability. Both hydrolysis probes are suitable for Ana o 1 coding sequence detection. Applicability of the assay has been studied by analysing several food products, and comparing the results with those of a commercial ELISA kit.
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    Amperometric determination of hazelnut traces by means of Express PCR coupled to magnetic beads assembled on disposable DNA sensing scaffolds
    (Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical, 2017) Ruiz Valdepeñas Montiel, Víctor; Torrente Rodríguez, Rebeca Magnolia; González de Rivera, Guillermo; Reviejo García, Ángel Julio; Cuadrado Vives, María Carmen; Linacero De La Fuente, M. Rosario; Gallego Rodríguez, Francisco Javier; Campuzano Ruiz, Susana; Pingarrón Carrazón, José Manuel
    A disposable amperometric sensor using magnetic microcarriers has been designed and implemented to be used in combination with the so called Express PCR to detect the presence of hazelnut traces in foodstuffs through the detection of Cor a 9 allergen coding sequence. The developed procedure involves the use of streptavidin-modified magnetic microbeads (Strep-MBs), specific biotinylated capture and detector probes which hybridize with a specific region of the gene encoding the protein Cor a 9, and appropriate primers for PCR amplification. A 50-mer synthetic target DNA or unmodified 100-bp PCR products were selective captured via sandwich hybridization with capture probe modified MBs and biotinylated signaling probes. The resulting biotinylated hybrids were coupled with a commercial streptavidin–peroxidase (Strep-HRP) conjugate and the final modified MBs were magnetically captured onto a screen-printed carbon electrode to perform amperometric detection using the H2O2/HQ system. A LOD of 0.72 pM was obtained for the synthetic target and the applicability studies demonstrated the possibility to detect the denatured PCR amplified samples obtained using only 20 pg of genomic DNA extracted from hazelnut. RSD values obtained, below 10% in all cases, confirmed the good reliability of extraction, amplification and quantification protocols involved in the developed methodology. The strict specificity of the designed primers and selected probes for hazelnut was demonstrated by performing PCR amplification of genomic DNA extracted from different hazelnut varieties and other species of similar families (pistachio, cashew, walnut and tangerine) and analyzing the resultant amplicons by the developed electrochemical sensor. The reliable and sensitive results achieved indicate that Express PCR in conjunction with an electrochemical DNA sensor, used for the first time in this work, provides a suitable sensitive, specific, and cost-effective method for routine food allergens determinations, particularly useful for resource-limited settings.
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    Thermal processing effects on the IgE-reactivity of cashew and pistachio
    (Food Chemistry, 2018) Sanchiz Giraldo, África; Cuadrado Vives, María Carmen; Diéguez, Carmen; Ballesteros Redondo, María Isabel; Rodríguez, Julia; Crespo, Jesús F.; Cuevas, Natividad de las; Rueda Muñoz de San Pedro, Julia
    Thermal processing can modify the structure and function of food proteins and may alter their allergenicity. This work aimed to elucidate the influence of moist thermal treatments on the IgE-reactivity of cashew and pistachio. IgE-western blot and IgE-ELISA were complemented by Skin Prick Testing (SPT) and mediator release assay to determine the IgE cross-linking capability of treated and untreated samples. Moist thermal processing diminished the IgE-binding properties of both nuts, especially after heat/pressure treatment. The wheal size in SPT was importantly reduced after application of thermally-treated samples. For cashew, heat/pressure treatedsamples still retain some capacity to cross-link IgE and degranulate basophils, however, this capacity was diminished when compared with untreated cashew. For pistachio, the degranulation of basophils after challenge with the harshest heat/pressure treatment was highly decreased. Boiling produced more variable results, however this treatment applied to both nuts for 60 min, led to an important decrease of basophil degranulation.
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    Influence of enzymatic hydrolysis on the allergenic reactivity of processed cashew and pistachio
    (Food Chemistry, 2018) Cuadrado Vives, María Carmen; Cheng, Hsiaopo; Sanchiz Giraldo, África; Ballesteros Redondo, María Isabel; Easson, Michael; Grimm, Casey C.; Diéguez, Carmen; Linacero De La Fuente, M. Rosario; Burbano, Carmen; Maleki, Soheila J.
    Cashew and pistachio allergies are considered a serious health problem. Previous studies have shown that thermal processing, pressurization and enzymatic hydrolysis may reduce the allergenic properties of food by changing the protein structure. This study assesses the allergenic properties of cashew and pistachio after thermal treatment (boiling and autoclaving), with or without pressure (autoclaving), and multiple enzymatic treatments under sonication, by SDS-PAGE, western blot and ELISA, with serum IgE of allergic individuals, and mass spectroscopy. Autoclaving and enzymatic hydrolysis under sonication separately induced a measurable reduction in the IgE binding properties of pastes made from treated cashew and pistachio nuts. These treatments were more effective with pistachio allergens. However, heat combined with enzymatic digestion was necessary to markedly lower IgE binding to cashew allergens. The findings identify highly effective simultaneous processing conditions to reduce or even abolish the allergenic potency of cashew and pistachio.
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    Detection by real time PCR of walnut allergen coding sequences in processed foods
    (Food Chemistry, 2016) Linacero De La Fuente, M. Rosario; Ballesteros Redondo, María Isabel; Sanchiz Giraldo, África; Prieto, Nuria; Iniesto, Elisa; Martínez, Yolanda; Martín Pedrosa, Mercedes; Muzquiz, Mercedes; Cabanillas Martín, Beatriz; Rovira, Mercè; Burbano, Carmen; Cuadrado Vives, María Carmen
    A quantitative real-time PCR (RT-PCR) method, employing novel primer sets designed on Jug r 1, Jug r 3, and Jug r 4 allergen-coding sequences, was set up and validated. Its specificity, sensitivity, and applicability were evaluated. The DNA extraction method based on CTAB–phenol–chloroform was best for walnut. RT-PCR allowed a specific and accurate amplification of allergen sequence, and the limit of detection was 2.5 pg of walnut DNA. The method sensitivity and robustness were confirmed with spiked samples, and Jug r 3 primers detected up to 100 mg/kg of raw walnut (LOD 0.01%, LOQ 0.05%). Thermal treatment combined with pressure (autoclaving) reduced yield and amplification (integrity and quality) of walnut DNA. High hydrostatic pressure (HHP) did not produce any effect on the walnut DNA amplification. This RT-PCR method showed greater sensitivity and reliability in the detection of walnut traces in commercial foodstuffs compared with ELISA assays.