Cámara Rica, Carmen

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Cámara Rica
Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Faculty / Institute
Ciencias Químicas
Química Analítica
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    Total and main as species present in cardiovascular tirrues of people living in as contaminated areas
    (Journal of the chilean chemical society, 2012) Pizarro, I; Román Silva, D.A.; Solar, Carlos; Gómez Gómez, María Milagros; Cámara Rica, Carmen; Palacios Corvillo, M.Antonia
    The concentration levels of As in the Chilean II Region of Antofagasta produces non cancer health outcomes such as cardiovascular diseases and in last term heart attack. On this study, the determination of total As content and main inorganic and organoarsenic species found in three heart tissues (auricle, mammary artery and fat) and the saphene vein of people living in the Chilean II Region, suffering coronary thrombosis has been carried out. Comparison with similar tissues of patients from other non-contaminated areas has been undertaken. The extraction of As species occurred in methanol: water (1:1) and As species determination have been used the tandem HPLC-ICP-MS using the Hamilton PRP X100 anion column. For total As determination has been performed by HG-AAS and ICP-MS. The auricle and in less extend the saphene support the higher As concentration (mean values of 7.7 and 2.5 µg g-1, respectively), being As(III) the predominant species. Methylarsonate (MA) and dimethylarsinate (DMA) is not a favoured mechanism. The presence of high total As and high As(III) species content in the auricle and saphene of more contaminated people, the damage found in the saphene tissue and the global characteristics of the people under study in which the As stigmas are present in all of them, suggests that As could be involved in the cardiovascular diseases. e-mail: ipizarro I
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    An approach to the arsenic status in cardiovascular tissues of patients with coronary heart disease
    (Human & Experimental Toxicology, 2010) Román, Domingo; Pizarro, I.; Rivera, L.; Cámara Rica, Carmen; Palacios Corvillo, M.Antonia; Gómez Gómez, María Milagros; Solar, Carlos
    Among non-cancer effects of arsenic, cardiovascular diseases have been well documented; however, few are known about the arsenic fate in cardiovascular tissues. We studied the analytic bioinorganic arsenic behaviour in cardiovascular tissues from an arsenic exposure coronary heart disease patient group from Antofagasta-Chile against a small unexposed arsenic coronary heart patient group. Total arsenic concentrations were measured in pieces of cardiovascular tissues of the arsenic-exposed and unexposed coronary heart patient groups by hydride generation atomic absorption spectrometry (HG-AAS); speciation analysis was made by high performance liquid chromatography-inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (HPLC-ICP-MS). Pieces of auricle (AU), mammary artery (MAM), saphenous vein (SAP) and fat residuals (FAT) were considered in this study. The arsenic concentrations in AU and MAM tissues were significantly different between both groups of patients. Also, it was demonstrated that the AU is an ‘As3+target tissue.’ Otherwise, linking of the total concentrations of arsenic with conditional variables and variables related to medical geology factors allowed us to infer that the latter are more important for the cardiovascular risk of arsenic exposure in the Antofagasta region. Knowledge of total arsenic and the prevalence of the trivalent ion (As3+) in the AU of patients could contribute to understanding the effect of arsenic on cardiovascular diseases.
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    Identificación y cuantificación del arsénico unido a las proteínas de tejidos cardiovasculares de pacientes sometidos a cirugía de revascularización coronaria
    (Revista Chilena de Cardiología, 2013) Pizarro, I; Román Silva, D.A.; Solar, Carlos; Cámara Rica, Carmen; Palacios Corvillo, M.Antonia; Gómez Gómez, María Milagros
    Introducción: Los efectos de la intoxicación con Arsénico (As) como enfermedades cardiovasculares (CV), pigmentaciones y oclusiones arteriales coronarias están asociados con la ingestión de As inorgánico a través del agua de bebida y a exposiciones ambientales. La unión del As (III) a proteínas y la metilación del As podría ser una primera etapa en el mecanismo de detoxificación. Objetivo: Evaluar la unión de As a proteínas en aurícula derecha y vena safena (VS) en sujetos expuestos de la Región de Antofagasta. Métodos: Se estudió la asociación As-proteína en el citosol de AD y VS de 6 pacientes con enfermedad coronaria grave de la Región de Antofagasta. Para el fraccionamiento del citosol se utilizaron columnas de exclusión molecular de tres diferentes rangos de masas. El perfil del As se detectó por Espectrometría de Masas Inductivamente Acoplado (ICP-MS) y por Espectroscopía Ultra Violeta - Visible de las fracciones moleculares (enlaces As- tiolatos de proteínas). Resultados: En todos los casos el As estuvo ampliamente distribuido en todo el intervalo de fracciones para AUD y VS. Los porcentajes de As colectado en las fracciones de las diferentes columnas usadas fueron 10, 25 y 50%. En la especiación de As en el citosol, por Cromatografía Líquida de Alta Resolución acoplada a la Espectrometría de Masas (IC-HPLC-ICP-MS), solamente se encontró As(III) y As(V) con una distribución Gaussiana para ambas especies, siendo la relación As(III)/As(V) constante para AUD y VS. Conclusión: En los tejidos CV existe asociación As – proteína lo cual podría implicar que el As está unido a biocompuestos de diferente peso molecular a través de grupos sulfhidrilos vecinales. Es probable que el As en AUD y VS se una a fracciones proteicas de masa molecular superior a 80 kDA y a subunidades de la estructura cuaternaria de la proteína nativa.
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    Biospeciation of tungsten in the serum of diabetic and healthy rats treated with the antidiabetic agent sodium tungstate
    (Talanta, 2011) Gómez Gómez, María Milagros; Rodríguez Fariñas, Nuria; Cañas Montalvo, Benito; Domínguez, Jorge; Guinovart, Joan; Cámara Rica, Carmen
    It is known that oral administration of sodium tungstate preserves the pancreatic beta cell function in diabetic rats. Healthy and streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats were treated with sodium tungstate for one, three or six weeks, after which the species of W in serum, were analysed. An increase in serum W with treatment time was observed. After six weeks, the serum W concentration in diabetic rats (70 mg L−1) was about 4.6 times higher than in healthy specimens. This different behaviour was also observed for Cu accumulation, while the Zn pattern follows the contrary. The patterns observed in the retention of Cu and Zn may be attributable to a normalization of glycaemia. The speciation analysis of W was performed using 2D separations, including an immunoaffinity packing and a SEC (Size Exclusion Chromatography) column coupled to an ICP-MS (Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry) for elemental detection. Ultrafiltration data together with SEC-ICP-MS results proved that around 80% of serum W was bound to proteins, the diabetic rats registering a higher W content than their healthy counterparts. Most of the proteinbound W was due to a complex with albumin. An unknown protein with a molecular weight higher tan 100 kDa was also found to bind a small amount of W (about 2%). MALDI-TOF (Matrix-Assisted Laser Desorption Ionization Time-of-Flight) analysis of the desalted and concentrated chromatographic fractions confirmed albumin as the main protein bound to tungstate in rat serum, while no binding to transferrin (Tf) was detected. The interaction between glutathione and W was also evaluated using standard solutions; however, the formation of complexes was not observed. The stability of the complexes between W and proteins when subjected to more stringent procedures, like those used in proteomic methodologies (denaturing with urea or SDS, boiling, sonication, acid media, reduction with -mercaptoethanol (BME) or DTT (dithiotreitol) and alkylation with iodoacetamide (IAA), was also evaluated. Our results indicate that the stability of the complexes between W and proteins is not too high enough to remain unaltered during protein separation by SDS–PAGE in denaturing and reducing conditions. However, the procedures for in-solution tryptic digestion and for ESI-MS analysis in MeOH/H2O/with 0.1% formic acid could be used for protein identification without large loss of binding between W and proteins.
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    Arsenic species-binding proteins in human cardiovascular and muscle tissues
    (Journal of the Chilean Chemical Society, 2013) Pizarro, I.; Roman Silva, D.A.; Gómez Gómez, María Milagros; Cámara Rica, Carmen; Palacios Corvillo, M.Antonia
    The intracellular As-protein binding in cytosol and methanol–water extract of the auricle and saphene tissues of As impacted people was evaluated by bidimensional size exclusion FPLC-UV-ICP-MS. The fractionation of cytosol using Superdex, Phenomenex and MonoQ HR 5/5 columns, shows that As was distributed in a wide range of contiguous fractions of each column, being 8, 25, 50 % the percentages of As in the collected fractions, respectively. Arsenic a sulphur coelute when FPLC–UV–ICP–MS was applied, which could implicate that As is bound to bio-compounds of different molecular mass through vicinal sulphur groups. The monitoring of S, Cu and P. In the methanol: water extracts a similar study than performed with the cytosol using preparative gel chromatography on Sephadex G-75 and Shephadex G-100 columns. A very low As and protein contain were found in the different fractions of both SEC fractionating series. A similar As–protein association to that found in the cytosol after fractionating with MonoQ HR 5/5 was observed for auricle and saphene. Inorganic and methylated As speciation in the 20 - 26 cytosol fractions obtained within the Phenomenex column was performed by HPLC–ICP–MS using the Hamilton PRP-X100 column. Only As(III) and As(V) were present and the results obtained shows that the As(III)/As(V) ratio is constant in most cases. Direct evidence of the existence of As–binding peptides in auricle and saphene vein from arsenic impacted human beings has have been obtained which was previously reported by means of novo peptide synthesis.
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    Study of tungstate–protein interaction in human serum by LC–ICP-MS and MALDI-TOF
    (Analytical and bioanalytical chemistry, 2008) Rodríguez Fariñas, Nuria; Gómez Gómez, María Milagros; Cámara Rica, Carmen
    Oral administration of sodium tungstate is an effective treatment for type 1 and 2 diabetes in animal models; it does not incur significant side effects, and it may constitute an alternative to insulin. However, the mechanism by which tungstate exerts its observed metabolic effects in vivo is still not completely understood. In this work, serum-containing proteins which bind tungstate have been characterized. Size exclusion chromatography (SEC) coupled to inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS) with a Phenomenex Bio-Sep-S 2000 column and 20 mM HEPES and 150 mM NaCl at pH 7.4 as the mobile phase was chosen as the most appropriate methodology to screen for tungsten–protein complexes. When human serum was incubated with tungstate, three analytical peaks were observed, one related to tungstate–albumin binding, one to free tungstate, and one to an unknown protein binding (MW higher than 300 kDa). Matrix-assisted laser desorption ionization time-of-flight (MALDI-TOF) mass spectrometric analysis of the tungsten-containing fractions collected from SEC–ICP-MS chromatograms, after desalting and preconcentration processes, confirmed the association of tungstate with albumin and the other unknown protein.