Catalán Torrecilla, Cristina

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Catalán Torrecilla
Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Faculty / Institute
Ciencias Físicas
Física de la Tierra y Astrofísica
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    Propiedades en el rango ultravioleta de galaxias cercanas con datos de espectroscopía bidimensional
    (2012) Catalán Torrecilla, Cristina; Gil de Paz, Armando; Castillo Morales, África
    CALIFA (Calar Alto Legacy Integral Field Area survey) ha sido diseñado para ser el primer proyecto que proporcionará datos de espectroscopía de campo integral (IFS, del inglés Integral Field Spectroscopy) para una muestra que contenga todos los tipos de galaxias (~600) en el Universo local (0.005
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    Space density distribution of galaxies in the absolute magnitude - rotation velocity plane: a volume-complete Tully-Fisher relation from CALIFA stellar kinematics
    (Astronomy & Astrophysics, 2016) Catalán Torrecilla, Cristina; otros, ...
    We measured the distribution in absolute magnitude - circular velocity space for a well-defined sample of 199 rotating galaxies of the Calar Alto Legacy Integral Field Area Survey (CALIFA) using their stellar kinematics. Our aim in this analysis is to avoid subjective selection criteria and to take volume and large-scale structure factors into account. Using stellar velocity fields instead of gas emission line kinematics allows including rapidly rotating early-type galaxies. Our initial sample contains 277 galaxies with available stellar velocity fields and growth curve r-band photometry. After rejecting 51 velocity fields that could not be modelled because of the low number of bins, foreground contamination, or significant interaction, we performed Markov chain Monte Carlo modelling of the velocity fields, from which we obtained the rotation curve and kinematic parameters and their realistic uncertainties. We performed an extinction correction and calculated the circular velocity v_circ accounting for the pressure support of a given galaxy. The resulting galaxy distribution on the M-r - v(circ) plane was then modelled as a mixture of two distinct populations, allowing robust and reproducible rejection of outliers, a significant fraction of which are slow rotators. The selection effects are understood well enough that we were able to correct for the incompleteness of the sample. The 199 galaxies were weighted by volume and large-scale structure factors, which enabled us to fit a volume-corrected Tully-Fisher relation (TFR). More importantly, we also provide the volume-corrected distribution of galaxies in the M_r - v_circ plane, which can be compared with cosmological simulations. The joint distribution of the luminosity and circular velocity space densities, representative over the range of -20 > M_r > -22 mag, can place more stringent constraints on the galaxy formation and evolution scenarios than linear TFR fit parameters or the luminosity function alone.
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    Observational hints of radial migration in disc galaxies from CALIFA
    (Astronomy & Astrophysics, 2017) Catalán Torrecilla, Cristina; otros, ...
    Context. According to numerical simulations, stars are not always kept at their birth galactocentric distances but they have a tendency to migrate. The importance of this radial migration in shaping galactic light distributions is still unclear. However, if radial migration is indeed important, galaxies with different surface brightness (SB) profiles must display differences in their stellar population properties. Aims. We investigate the role of radial migration in the light distribution and radial stellar content by comparing the inner colour, age, and metallicity gradients for galaxies with different SB profiles. We define these inner parts, avoiding the bulge and bar regions and up to around three disc scale lengths (type I, pure exponential) or the break radius (type II, downbending; type III, upbending). Methods. We analysed 214 spiral galaxies from the CALIFA survey covering different SB profiles. We made use of GASP2D and SDSS data to characterise the light distribution and obtain colour profiles of these spiral galaxies. The stellar age and metallicity profiles were computed using a methodology based on full-spectrum fitting techniques (pPXF,GANDALF, and STECKMAP) to the Integral Field Spectroscopic CALIFA data. Results. The distributions of the colour, stellar age, and stellar metallicity gradients in the inner parts for galaxies displaying different SB profiles are unalike as suggested by Kolmogorov-Smirnov and Anderson-Darling tests. We find a trend in which type II galaxies show the steepest profiles of all, type III show the shallowest, and type I display an intermediate behaviour. Conclusions. These results are consistent with a scenario in which radial migration is more efficient for type III galaxies than for type I systems, where type II galaxies present the lowest radial migration efficiency. In such a scenario, radial migration mixes the stellar content, thereby flattening the radial stellar properties and shaping different SB profiles. However, in light of these results we cannot further quantify the importance of radial migration in shaping spiral galaxies, and other processes, such as recent star formation or satellite accretion, might play a role.
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    Project number: 52
    I.amAble: El aprendizaje en ciencias al servicio de la inclusión educativa
    (2019) Herrero Domínguez, Santiago; Corrales Castellanos, María Eugenia; Sobrino Díaz, María Lourdes; Cilleros Prados, Olga; Barba Fernández, Carmen; Azor Lafarga, Alberto Eduardo; Hernández Díaz, María Yolanda; Martínez del Pozo, Álvaro; Ranchal Sánchez, Rocío; Maestre Varea, David; Méndez Pozo, Gonzalo Rubén; Gervás Gómez-Navarro, Pablo; Pastor Gil, Lorena; Taravillo Corralo, Mercedes; Guerrero Martínez, Andrés; Sánchez Benítez, Francisco Javier; Martín Conde, María; Priego Bermejo, José Luis; González Prieto, Rodrigo; Jiménez Aparicio, Reyes; Álvarez Serrano, Inmaculada; Cortés Gil, Raquel; Osío Barcina, José de Jesús; Mancheño Real, María José; Arribas Fernández, Paula; Lobato Fernández, Álvaro; Sánchez Arroyo, Antonio José; Torrecilla Manresa, Sofía; Cárdenas Bonett, Marlón Félix; Desvoyes, Benedicte; Bárcena Espelleta, Araceli; Nacenta Torres, Pablo; Rubio Lago, Luis; Bautista Blasco, Susana; Julián Cortés, Alvaro; Arancibia Llaneza, Julieta Noelia; Lombraña Pascual, Rodrigo; Catalán Torrecilla, Cristina; Gutiérrez Franco, Yanna María; Mártínez Ruiz, María Paloma
    I.amAble es un proyecto que nació con una filosofía centrada en la utilización de acciones de solidaridad como método de aprendizaje. Se diseñan y organizan talleres científicos inclusivos para realizarlos en parejas formadas por personas con discapacidad cognitiva y de educación secundaria ordinaria. Se pretende aprender a la vez que se da un servicio a la universidad y a la sociedad, y ese es el espíritu que se ha seguido manteniendo durante esta tercera edición del curso 2018-2019.
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    Análisis espacialmente resuelto de la tasa de formación estelar y su densidad cósmica en galaxias cercanas
    (2018) Catalán Torrecilla, Cristina; Gil de Paz, Armando; Castillo Morales, África
    La formación estelar es uno de los procesos físicos más relevantes que determinan la formación de las galaxias, además de ser un factor esencial para su evolución. Esta Tesis Doctoral tiene como objetivo abordar el tema de la formación estelar en galaxias cercanas explorando distintas escalas físicas que van desde las galaxias como sistemas completos hasta las diferentes componentes estructurales que las forman, tales como bulbos, barras, y discos. La manera de proceder ha sido la siguiente, (I) se ha determinado la tasa de formación estelar actual en galaxias externas desde una perspectiva global, (II) se ha analizado la variación de la tasa de formación estelar a lo largo de las distintas estructuras internas que moldean las galaxias (bulbos, barras, y discos) con el objetivo de caracterizar los procesos de activación y quenching presentes, (III) finalmente, se proporcionan los valores de la densidad de la tasa de formación estelar para las galaxias y para sus componentes. La aparición de técnicas de espectroscopía de campo integral (del inglés, Integral Field Spectroscopy), que combinan al mismo tiempo las ventajas de la imagen y la espectroscopía clásica, es especialmente apropiada para el estudio en dos dimensiones de la estructura de las galaxias. Esta técnica permite tener información espacial y espectral de manera simultánea. Por ello, a lo largo de esta tesis, hemos usado los datos IFS de la exploración de galaxias cercanas CALIFA (Calar Alto Legacy Integral Field Area Survey)...
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    Aperture corrections for disk galaxy properties derived from the CALIFA survey Balmer emission lines in spiral galaxies
    (Astronomy & Astrophysics, 2013) Iglesias Páramo, J.; Vílchez, J. M.; Galbany, L.; Sánchez, S. F.; Rosales Ortega, F. F.; Mast, D.; García Benito, R.; Husemann, B.; Aguerri, J. A. L.; Alves, J.; Bekeraité, S.; Bland-Hawthorn, J.; Catalán Torrecilla, Cristina; Amorim, A. L. de; Lorenzo Cáceres, A. de; Ellis, S.; Falcón Barroso, J.; Flores, H.; Florido, E.; Gallazzi, A.; Gomes, J. M.; González Delgado, R. M.; Haines, T.; Hernández Fernández, J. D.; Kehrig, C.; López Sánchez, A. R.; Lyubenova, M.; Marino, Raffaella Anna; Mollá, M.; Monreal Ibero, A.; Mourᾶo, A.; Papaderos, P.; Rodrigues, M.; Sánchez Blázquez, P.; Spekkens, K.; Stanishev, V.; van de Ven, G.; Walcher, C. J.; Wisotzki, L.; Zibetti, S.; Ziegler, B.
    This work investigates the effect of the aperture size on derived galaxy properties for which we H alpha ve spatially-resolved optical spectra. We focus on some indicators of star formation activity and dust attenuation for spiral galaxies that have been widely used in previous work on galaxy evolution. We investigated 104 spiral galaxies from the CALIFA survey for which 2D spectroscopy with complete spatial coverage is available. From the 3D cubes we derived growth curves of the most conspicuous Balmer emission lines (H alpha, H beta) for circular apertures of different radii centered at the galaxy's nucleus after removing the underlying stellar continuum. We find that the H alpha flux (f(H alpha)) growth curve follows a well-defined sequence with aperture radius that shows a low dispersion around the median value. From this analysis, we derived aperture corrections for galaxies in different magnitude and redshift intervals. Once stellar absorption is properly accounted for, the f (H alpha)/f(H beta) ratio growth curve shows a smooth decline, pointing toward the absence of differential dust attenuation as a function of radius. Aperture corrections as a function of the radius are provided in the interval [0.3, 2.5]R-50. Finally, the H alpha equivalent-width (EW(H alpha)) growth curve increases with the size of the aperture and shows a very high dispersion for small apertures. This prevents us from using reliable aperture corrections for this quantity. In addition, this result suggests that separating star-forming and quiescent galaxies based on observed EW(H alpha) through small apertures will probably result in low EW(H alpha) star-forming galaxies begin classified as quiescent.
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    Fossil group origins IV. Characterization of the sample and observational properties of fossil systems
    (Astronomy & Astrophysics, 2014) Zarattini, S.; Barrena, R.; Girardi, M.; Castro Rodríguez, N.; Boschin, W.; Aguerri, J. A. L.; Mendéz Abreu, J.; Sánchez Janssen, R.; Catalán Torrecilla, Cristina; Corsini, E. M.; Burgo, C. del; D'Onghia, E.; Herrera Ruiz, N.; Iglesias Páramo, J.; Jiménez Bailón, E.; Lozada Muñoz, M.; Napolitano, N.; Vilchez, J. M.
    Context. Virialized halos grow by the accretion of smaller ones in the cold dark matter scenario. The rate of accretion depends on the different properties of the host halo. Those halos for which this accretion rate was very fast and efficient resulted in systems dominated by a central galaxy surrounded by smaller galaxies that were at least two magnitudes fainter. These galaxy systems are called fossil systems, and they can be the fossil relics of ancient galaxy structures. Aims. We started an extensive observational program to characterize a sample of 34 fossil group candidates spanning a broad range of physical properties. Methods. Deep r-band images were obtained with the 2.5-m Isaac Newton Telescope and Nordic Optic Telescope. Optical spectroscopic observations were performed at the 3.5-m Telescopio Nazionale Galileo for similar to 1200 galaxies. This new dataset was completed with Sloan Digital Sky Survey Data Release 7 archival data to obtain robust cluster membership and global properties of each fossil group candidate. For each system, we recomputed the magnitude gaps between the two brightest galaxies (Delta m(12)) and the first and fourth ranked galaxies (Delta m(14)) within 0.5 R-200. We consider fossil systems to be those with Delta m(12) >= 2 mag or Delta m(14) >= 2.5 mag within the errors. Results. We find that 15 candidates turned out to be fossil systems. Their observational properties agree with those of non-fossil systems. Both follow the same correlations, but the fossil systems are always extreme cases. In particular, they host the brightest central galaxies, and the fraction of total galaxy light enclosed in the brightest group galaxy is larger in fossil than in non-fossil systems. Finally, we confirm the existence of genuine fossil clusters. Conclusions. Combining our results with others in the literature, we favor the merging scenario in which fossil systems formed from mergers of L* galaxies. The large magnitude gap is a consequence of the extreme merger ratio within fossil systems and therefore it is an evolutionary effect. Moreover, we suggest that at least one fossil group candidate in our sample could represent a transitional fossil stage. This system could have been a fossil in the past, but not now owing to the recent accretion of another group of galaxies.
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    MEGARA, the R=6000-20000 IFU and MOS of GTC
    (Ground-based and airborne instrumentation for astronomy, 2018) Gil de Paz, Armando; Gallego Maestro, Jesús; Bouquin, A.; Carbajo, J.; Cardiel López, Nicolás; Castillo Morales, África; Esteban San Román, Segundo; López Orozco, José Antonio; Pascual, S.; Picazo, P.; Sánchez Penim, Ainhoa; Velázquez, M.; Zamorano Calvo, Jaime; Catalán Torrecilla, Cristina; Dullo, Bililign; Pérez González, P.G.; Roca Fábrega, Santi
    MEGARA is the new generation IFU and MOS optical spectrograph built for the 10.4m Gran Telescopio CANARIAS (GTC). The project was developed by a consortium led by UCM (Spain) that also includes INAOE (Mexico), IAA-CSIC (Spain) and UPM (Spain). The instrument arrived to GTC on March 28th 2017 and was successfully integrated and commissioned at the telescope from May to August 2017. During the on-sky commissioning we demonstrated that MEGARA is a powerful and robust instrument that provides on-sky intermediate-to-high spectral resolutions R_(FWHM) ~ 6,000, 12,000 and 20,000 at an unprecedented efficiency for these resolving powers in both its IFU and MOS modes. The IFU covers 12.5 x 11.3 arcsec2 while the MOS mode allows observing up to 92 objects in a region of 3.5 x 3.5 arcmin^(2) . In this paper we describe the instrument main subsystems, including the Folded-Cassegrain unit, the fiber link, the spectrograph, the cryostat, the detector and the control subsystems, and its performance numbers obtained during commissioning where the fulfillment of the instrument requirements is demonstrated.
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    Aperture effects on the oxygen abundance determinations from Califa data
    (Astrophysical journal, 2016) Gil de Paz, Armando; Catalán Torrecilla, Cristina; Castillo Morales, África; Marino, Raffaella Anna; otros, ...
    This paper aims to provide aperture corrections for emission lines in a sample of spiral galaxies from the Calar Alto Legacy Integral Field Area Survey (CALIFA) database. In particular, we explore the behavior of the log([O III] λ5007/Hβ)/([N II] λ6583/Hα) (O3N2) and log[N II] lambda 6583/Hα (N2) flux ratios since they are closely connected to different empirical calibrations of the oxygen abundances in star-forming galaxies. We compute the median growth curves of Hα, Hα/Hβ, O3N2, and N-2 up to 2.5R(50) and 1.5 disk R-eff. These distances cover most of the optical spatial extent of the CALIFA galaxies. The growth curves simulate the effect of observing galaxies through apertures of varying radii. We split these growth curves by morphological types and stellar masses to check if there is any dependence on these properties. The median growth curve of the Hα flux shows a monotonous increase with radius with no strong dependence on galaxy inclination, morphological type, and stellar mass. The median growth curve of the Hα/HβH ratio monotonically decreases from the center toward larger radii, showing for small apertures a maximum value of ≈10% larger than the integrated one. It does not show any dependence on inclination, morphological type, and stellar mass. The median growth curve of N-2 shows a similar behavior, decreasing from the center toward larger radii. No strong dependence is seen on the inclination, morphological type, and stellar mass. Finally, the median growth curve of O3N2 increases monotonically with radius, and it does not show dependence on the inclination. However, at small radii it shows systematically higher values for galaxies of earlier morphological types and for high stellar mass galaxies. Applying our aperture corrections to a sample of galaxies from the SDSS survey at 0.02 ≤ z ≤ 0.3 shows that the average difference between fiber-based and aperture-corrected oxygen abundances, for different galaxy stellar mass and redshift ranges, reaches typically to ≈11%, depending on the abundance calibration used. This average difference is found to be systematically biased, though still within the typical uncertainties of oxygen abundances derived from empirical calibrations. Caution must be exercised when using observations of galaxies for small radii (e.g., below 0.5 R_eff) given the high dispersion shown around the median growth curves. Thus, the application of these median aperture corrections to derive abundances for individual galaxies is not recommended when their fluxes come from radii much smaller than either R_50 or R_eff.
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    CALIFA, the Calar Alto Legacy Integral Field Area survey
    (Astronomy and astrophysics, 2013) Castillo Morales, África; Catalán Torrecilla, Cristina; Marino, Raffaella Anna; Gil de Paz, Armando; Mollá, M.
    We present the first public data release (DR1) of the Calar Alto Legacy Integral Field Area (CALIFA) survey. It consists of science-grade optical datacubes for the first 100 of eventually 600 nearby (0.005 < z < 0.03) galaxies, obtained with the integral-field spectrograph PMAS/PPak mounted on the 3.5 m telescope at the Calar Alto observatory. The galaxies in DR1 already cover a wide range of properties in color-magnitude space, morphological type, stellar mass, and gas ionization conditions. This offers the potential to tackle a variety of open questions in galaxy evolution using spatially resolved spectroscopy. Two different spectral setups are available for each galaxy, (i) a low-resolution V500 setup covering the nominal wavelength range 3745-7500 angstrom with a spectral resolution of 6.0 angstrom (FWHM), and (ii) a medium-resolution V1200 setup covering the nominal wavelength range 3650-4840 angstrom with a spectral resolution of 2.3 angstrom (FWHM). We present the characteristics and data structure of the CALIFA datasets that should be taken into account for scientific exploitation of the data, in particular the effects of vignetting, bad pixels and spatially correlated noise. The data quality test for all 100 galaxies showed that we reach a median limiting continuum sensitivity of 1.0 x 10(-18) erg s(-1) cm(-2) angstrom(-1) arcsec(-2) at 5635 angstrom and 2.2 x 10(-18) erg s(-1) cm(-2) angstrom(-1) arcsec(-2) at 4500 angstrom for the V500 and V1200 setup respectively, which corresponds to limiting r and g band surface brightnesses of 23.6 mag arcsec(-2) and 23.4 mag arcsec(-2), or an unresolved emission-line flux detection limit of roughly 1 x 10(-17) erg s(-1) cm(-2) arcsec(-2) and 0.6 x 10(-17) erg s(-1) cm(-2) arcsec(-2), respectively. The median spatial resolution is 3 ''.7, and the absolute spectrophotometric calibration is better than 15% (1 sigma). We also describe the available interfaces and tools that allow easy access to this first public CALIFA data at