Aparicio García, Marta Evelia

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First Name
Marta Evelia
Last Name
Aparicio García
Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Faculty / Institute
Psicología Social, Trabajo y Diferencial
Personalidad, Evaluación y Tratamiento Psicológico
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    Project number: 122
    Innovar y mejorar la calidad docente en la formación altamente especializada en el nuevo Máster Universitario en Estudios LGBTIQ+ de la UCM, atendiendo al desarrollo profesional y a la investigación en diversidad sexual e identidades de Género
    (2020) Zurián Hernández, Adelino Francisco; Maroto Saez, Ángel Luis; Gimber, Arno; Sánchez Moreno, Esteban; García Ramos, Francisco José; Pichardo Galán, José Ignacio; Casajus Quiros, María Concepción; Aparicio García, Marta Evelia; Penna Tosso, Melani; Sánchez Sainz, Mercedes; Sanmartín Bastida, Rebeca; Vázquez Rodríguez, Lucia Gloria; Frías Montoya, José Antonio; Mira Nouselles, Alberto; Ketiti, Awatef; Felten, Uta; González Cueto, Danny Armando; Ingenschay, Dieter; Mérida Jiménez, Rafael Manuel
    La UCM oferta el único Máster Universitario en Estudios LGBTIQ+ de toda España. Ante dicho reto se tiene la necesidad de una acción innovadora que permita una docencia de alta calidad para la implantación de una nueva área de estudio en la oferta docente oficial en nuestra universidad.
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    Are entrepreneurs born or made? The influence of personality
    (Personality and Individual Differences, 2020) López Núñez, María Inmaculada; Rubio Valdehita, Susana; Aparicio García, Marta Evelia; Díaz Ramiro, Eva María
    Currently, entrepreneurship is of great importance to economic growth and reduced unemployment. Since entrepreneurial behaviour is multidimensional, interest in understanding the roles of individual variables has increased significantly. The present study uses the theoretical and empirical framework of entrepreneurship research to explain the existence of the psychological profile of an entrepreneur, the impact of the psychological variables of personality on behaviour and entrepreneurial intention, and the relationship between personality traits and other specific traits frequently related to entrepreneurship. A sample of 337 participants composed of real entrepreneurs (n = 83) and university students (n = 254) with high scores in entrepreneurial intention were evaluated in personality (Big Five) and other specific traits: ambiguity tolerance, emotional intelligence and coping and problem solving. The results showed that both groups share the same profile in these variables once adjustments were made for the effects of sex and age. A target profile and a preliminary evaluation of its best possible accuracy are provided.
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    Project number: 28
    Creación de un catálogo de instrumentos de evaluación del género
    (2019) Díaz-Morales, Juan Francisco; Aparicio García, Marta Evelia; Dávila De León, María Celeste; Parra Robledo, Zaida
    El propósito del proyecto de innovación fue generar un catálogo de las medidas de género (escalas, inventarios, test, etc.) existentes en la actualidad tanto a nivel internacional como nacional.
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    Sleep habits as predictors of psychological health in healthcare professionals
    (Anales de Psicología / Annals of Psychology, 2020) Díaz Ramiro, Eva María; Rubio Valdehita, Susana; López Núñez, María Inmaculada; Aparicio García, Marta Evelia
    The aim was to study the sleep habits and the psychological health of professionals in the health sector, as well as to analyse the rela-tionships between both variables. The sample consisted of 511 workers from public hospitals in the Community of Madrid. Psychological health was evaluated using the GHQ-28 Questionnaire; and sleep habits with the CHAS Questionnaire. In addition, sociodemographic information was col-lected, such as age, sex, job position and professional category. The results showed statistically significant differences in somatic symptoms, psycho-logical health and stability in sleep habits. Regression analysis indicated that sleep quality and daytime sleepiness are the variables most related to health dimensions, especially with anxiety/insomnia and somatic symptoms. These results reveal the differences between sleep habits and perceived health in nursing staff and doctors. Finally, healthcare workers present a higher prevalence of psychological distress, poor sleep quality and instabil-ity in sleep hours. Sleep impairment, somnolence and somatic symptoms are more frequent in nursing staff than in other healthcare professionals.
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    Differences Between Men and Women in the Acceptance of Gender Roles and Stereotypes in Intimate Partner Violence
    (2023) Vinagre-González, Agustina M.; Puente-López, Esteban; Aguilar-Cárceles, Marta M.; Loinaz, Ismael; Aparicio García, Marta Evelia
    Background/Objective: Intimate partner violence against women is a widespread form of gender-based violence present in societies of all types. Among the possible factors implicated in its existence are gender stereotypes and cognitive distortions of a sexist or violence-justifying nature. Thus, a general population survey was designed with the aim of studying gender differences in the acceptance of gender roles and stereotypes, and violence against women in intimate relationships. Method: A total of 391 participants from the general population (61.9% women) aged from 18 to 67, responded to measures of the internalization of gender norms or mandates based on differential socialization, distorted thoughts about women and the use of violence, beliefs about intimate partner violence, and social desirability. Results: Men scored higher on different types of sexism and stereotypes, on stereotypes related to motherhood, and romantic love generally attributed to women. Converse, no gender differences in the justification of violence were observed. Likewise, no significant differences were found for the educational level factor. Conclusions: The implications of the results for the contents of prevention and intervention programmes asre discussed
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    Project number: 307
    Fortalecimiento de la relación con los centros de prácticas curriculares del Máster de Estudios de Género
    (2022) Aparicio García, Marta Evelia; Rubio Valdehita, Susana; Díaz Ramiro, Eva María; Fernández Caamaño, Adriana; Giménez Páez, Marta Alicia; Guillo Girard, Clara Inés; Megía Ruiz, Carmen; Hidalgo Plaza, María; Gago Díaz, Noemí; García de Vicuña Callejo, Sara; González ïñiguez, Mª Dolores
    Se han elaborado vídeos explicativos del funcionamiento de los centros de prácticas que tienen convenio con el Máster de Estudios de Género en los que se explicará el objetivo de las prácticas a desarrollar y las funciones del alumnado. Se explica el tipo de capacidades que se adquieren y se aplican en el desempeño de tareas. Se explora el impacto que tiene en la Institución u organización la recepción de estudiantes, y el aprendizaje mutuo en materia de fortalecimiento institucional de género y desarrollo profesional de ambas partes.
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    The Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Physical and Mental Health in China and Spain: Cross-sectional Study
    (JMIR formative research, 2021) Wang, Cuiyan; López Núñez, María Inmaculada; Pan, Riyu; Wan, Xiaoyang; Tan, Yilin; Xu, Linkang; Choo, Faith; Ho, Roger; Ho, Cyrus; Marta E Aparicio García; Aparicio García, Marta Evelia
    Background: Differences in physical and mental health impact across continents during the COVID-19 pandemic are unknown. Objective: This study compared the levels of impact of COVID-19 on mental health among people from Spain and China and correlated mental health parameters with variables relating to symptoms similar to COVID-19, COVID-19 knowledge, and precautionary measures. Methods: We collected information on demographic data, physical symptoms, contact history with persons with a confirmed COVID-19 diagnosis, COVID-19 knowledge, and precautionary measures. Participants completed the Impact of Event Scale-Revised (IES-R) and the Depression, Anxiety and Stress Scale–21 Items (DASS-21). To analyze the differences in the mental health parameters, the mean scores between Chinese and Spanish respondents were compared using the independent samples t test. The differences in categorical variables between the two samples were analyzed by the chi-square test. Linear regression was used to calculate the univariate associations between the independent variables and mental health parameters for both groups separately, with adjustments made for age, gender, and education. Results: A total of 1528 participants (Spain: n=687; China: n=841) were recruited. The mean age of the Chinese respondents was 24.73 years (SD 7.60; range 18-65 years), and the mean age of the Spanish respondents was 43.06 years (SD 11.95; range 18-76 years). Spanish participants reported significantly more symptoms similar to COVID-19 infection (eg, fever, sore throat, and breathing difficulties), contact history with COVID-19, higher perceived risk of contracting COVID-19, frequent use of medical services, and less confidence in medical services compared with their Chinese counterparts (P<.001). Spanish participants reported significantly higher DASS-21 stress and depression scores, while Chinese participants reported significantly higher IES-R scores (P<.001). Chinese participants encountered more discrimination from other countries (P<.001). Significantly more Chinese participants reported using face masks than Spanish ones (P<.001). More exposure to health information was associated with adverse mental health in Spain (depression: P=.02; anxiety: P=.02; stress: P=.001). Conclusions: Our study found that Spanish respondents reported higher levels of stress and depression as well as more symptoms and use of medical services. In preparation for the next pandemic, Spain needs to establish a prompt policy to implement rapid response and enhance medical services to safeguard physical and mental health.
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    Project number: PIMCD179/23-24
    Educasting: Podcasts para fines educativos, estudios LGBTIQ+ y reconocimiento de las diversidades sexogenéricas
    (2024) Quaggio, Giulia; Aparicio García, Marta Evelia; Colina Tejeda, Laura De La; Caoris, Michela; Cuevas del Barrio, Javier; Fernández Cano, Moisés; Fernández Galeano, Javier; Garcia Sanchez, Alaitz; Gimber, Arno; Huard, Geoffroy; Jimenez Bonilla , Virginia; Ledesma Vera, José Luis; Ponzio, Alessio; Porro, Erik; Soltero Sánchez, Evangelina; Velásquez Aguilar, Mauro Horacio; Veleda, Juan Ignacio; Quaggio, Giulia
    Este proyecto de innovación docente se propone crear una comunidad colaborativa, que incluya profesores/as del Máster en Estudios LGBTIQ+ y del Departamento de Historia, Teorías y Geografías Políticas, a estudiantes de grado y posgrado y docentes de Europa y América Latina, para la producción y postproducción de podcasts que se enfoquen con una innovadora perspectiva pluridisciplinar en el análisis crítico de los procesos históricos, políticos y socioculturales de construcción de las diversidades sexogenéricas y contribuyan a la divulgación de las investigaciones que dan visibilidad a toda diversidad. Además, los podcasts propuestos tienen un planteamiento interseccional, es decir promueven un enfoque que subraye la compleja interrelación entre sexo, género, etnia, clase y orientación sexual. Nuestro proyecto pone en relación el PDI de cinco facultades UCM (Facultad de Geografía e Historia – Giulia Quaggio; Facultad de Filología – Arno Gimber y Evangelina Soltero Sánchez; Facultad de Psicología – Marta Evelia Aparicio García; Facultad de Ciencias Políticas y Sociología – José Luis Ledesma Vera y Facultad de Bellas Artes – Laura de la Colina Tejada), haciéndose eco del pionero carácter humanista multidisciplinar del Máster en Estudios LGBTIQ+. Se trata de un PID que pone en relación un rico abanico de recursos humanos, creando un laboratorio formativo no solo entre distintas facultades de ciencias sociales y humanidades UCM, sino también entre distintos países del mundo y diferentes etapas de la carrera académica y formativa, contribuyendo así a la circulación de ideas, metodologías y contactos.
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    Análisis de la educación bilingüe en España
    (2009) Aparicio García, Marta Evelia
    Desde que en 1978 se aprobó la Constitución Española y se incluye en el artículo 3 que “Las demás lenguas (aparte del Castellano) serán también oficiales en las respectivas Comunidades Autónomas de acuerdo con sus Estatutos”, la entidad bilingüe del territorio nacional ha ido quedando patente de forma clara en las distintas Comunidades Autónomas. Los datos indican que cada vez son más los bilingües en algunas zonas españolas, por ejemplo, Cataluña, Galicia y el País Vasco, aunque no son las únicas.
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    Protective Factors, Risk of Violence and Discrimination and Mental Health Indicators of Young LGB People
    (International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 2022) Aparicio García, Marta Evelia; Díaz Ramiro, Eva María; Rubio Valdehita, Susana; López Núñez, María Inmaculada; García Nieto, Isidro
    Lesbian, gay and bisexual (LGB) people have more risk of suffering from violence and situations of discrimination than heterosexual people. The current study compares LGB people with heterosexual people in protective factors, violence, health and well-being factors. The sample comprises 609 Spanish people between 14 and 25 years old. We established a cross-sectional design. A survey including questions about sociodemographic information and protective, violence and health and well-being factors was designed ad hoc for this study. The results show that the LGB group (n = 342) is more at risk of verbal and physical violence and feels more isolated than the heterosexual participants (n = 267). In contrast, heterosexual participants report having more employment discrimination. No significant differences were found in social support or psychological health. These results are important to understand the state of social normalization and non-discrimination for LGB people in certain contexts in Spain, and its impact on psychological health.