Escorial Martín, Sergio

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Escorial Martín
Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Faculty / Institute
Psicobiología y Metodología en Ciencias del Comportamiento
Metodología de las Ciencias del Comportamiento
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Search Results

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    Project number: 38
    Proyecto de Auxiliares Docentes Pregraduados
    (2018) Bolaños Cartujo, Ignacio; El-Seyoufi Cortés, Sara; Marqués Delgado, Fernando; Casado Martínez, María del Pilar; Escorial Martín, Sergio; Gómez Ruiz, María Sagrario
    El proyecto de Auxiliares Docentes Pregraduados (PADOC) es un proyecto de estudiantes, propuesto y desarrollado por ellos. El objetivo general del proyecto fué implantar en la Facultad de Psicología una experiencia piloto durante el curso 2016-2017. El proyecto surgió de la necesidad de implicar a los estudiantes en iniciativas de aprendizaje activo y colaborativo, con las que pudieran beneficiarse tanto de la participación directa en las tareas docentes como de la interacción con el grupo de iguales que participan de dichas actividades. El Auxiliar Docente Pregraduado (Undergraduate Teaching Assistant) es un estudiante que colabora con un profesor en sus funciones docentes. Preferiblemente ha realizado la asignatura con ese profesor y ha obtenido buenos resultados en la misma. Actúan como conocedores y versados en la materia pertinente, colaborando con el profesor para facilitar el aprendizaje de sus alumnos, siempre con el apoyo oficial de la institución.
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    CCFRA/PQAM-31: Phenomenological Questionnaire on autobiographical Memory
    (2020) Manzanero, Antonio L.; López, Beatriz; Fernández Sánchez, Juan; Escorial Martín, Sergio; Aroztegui Vélez, Javier; De Vicente Pérez, Francisco; Vallet, Rocío
    Questionnaire to assess phenomenological characteristics of autobiographical memory.
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    Descriptive analysis of the characteristics of proven cases of sexual abuse in victims with intellectual disabilities and children with typical development in Spain.
    (Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 2021) Vara, Alba; Quintana, José Manuel; Manzanero Puebla, Antonio Lucas; Escorial Martín, Sergio
    Children and people with intellectual disability (ID) are considered to be highly vulnerable and in need of special protection against sexual abuse (SA). The objective of this work was to analyze the characteristics of cases of SA in children with typical development and in people with ID in Spain. To do so, 25 cases of each type that had been investigated by specialized groups of the Judicial Police of the Spanish Civil Guard and that had been classified as proven and confirmed by police and forensic-medical evidence were analyzed. The results allowed the establishment of the typical minor victim profile as Spanish female (76%), with an average age of 8.64 years. Typical victim with ID was characterized as being of Spanish, aged 20.28 years on average, without prior sexual experience, and similar percentages of males (40%) and females (60%). In both cases, the aggressor usually acted alone, was known to the victim, had an average age of 42 years, and without a history of sexual offenses. The most common child sexual crime was SA with penetration, practiced repeatedly, using strategies such as the use of force, authority, rewards, or secrecy. Victims with ID suffered sexual abuse with penetration, using force, authority, threats or blackmail. Finally, 36% of minors not disclose the events by only 8% of victims with ID. Spontaneity was found in the 40% first disclosure in both victims, with greater police evidence and greater recognition of guilt on behalf of the aggressors against victims without disabilities. Minors took an average of 26.26 days to report the facts, and victims with ID of 64.94. It is necessary to know more about these types of offenses to design appropriate prevention and detection programs.
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    Project number: 269
    Programas de Auxiliares Docentes Postgraduados
    (2020) Pérez García, Eva María; Bolaños Cartujo, José Ignacio; Barrón López De Roda, Ana; Casado Martínez, María del Pilar; Iglesias Soilán, Manuel; Martín Dobón, Elisa; Enguídanos Vanderweyen, Daniel; Escorial Martín, Sergio; Fernández González, Santiago; Gómez Ruiz, María Sagrario; Ondé Pérez, Daniel; Orio Ortiz, Laura; Rio Grande, David Pedro del
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    Remembering terrorist attacks: evolution over time
    (Memory Studies, 2021) Manzanero Puebla, Antonio Lucas; Vallet, Rocio; Escorial Martín, Sergio; Fernández Sánchez, Juan; Vicente Pérez, Francisco De; Guarch-Rubio, Marta; Vara, Alba
    The present study aims to analyse the effect of the passage of time on the phenomenological characteristics of the memory of a traumatic event of social relevance. The terrorist attack that took place in Barcelona (Spain) in August 2017 was taken as the traumatic event. A priori, this event meets the criteria to produce a flashbulb memory (level of surprise, consequentiality and emotional activation). A total of 364 memories from different individuals (78% women and a mean age of 20 years) were studied at five different time points, between September 2017 and December 2018, using the CCFRA/PQAM questionnaire. The results show that the memories only comply with the characteristics usually associated with flashbulb memories in the medium term (about 7 months after the events). These characteristics do not appear in a clear way immediately and are lost just over a year after the event. Therefore, the passage of time seems to have a great influence on the characteristics of memories of violent events, such as terrorist attacks. However, this influence may depend more on the relevance given to the event than on the elapsed time, as it is the relevance that determines the number of subsequent recalls, influencing the maintenance of the memory.
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    Project number: 30
    Uso de móviles y tabletas para la evaluación de los conocimientos adquiridos: hagamos asequible la evaluación continua (2ª Fase)
    (2015) Quiroga Estévez, Mª Angeles.; Fernández Sánchez, Juan; Escorial Martín, Sergio; Merino Rivera, Mª Dolores; Privado Zamorano, Jesús
    El objetivo fundamental de este proyecto ha sido aprovechar un dispositivo que posee prácticamente el 100% de los alumnos y profesores (teléfono inteligente), como herramienta para el aprendizaje y la evaluación de los conocimientosLos resultados obtenidos dejan clara la utilidad de la aplicación Socrative, bien se tengan en cuenta cada uno de los ítems o bien se consideren los núcleos teóricos en que se han agrupado los ítems de la encuesta elaborada. Si ya era patente la concordancia en la evaluación positiva de Socrative de los tres grupos de alumnos de distintos cursos y con asignaturas y profesores diferentes durante la primera fase de este proyecto (2014), ahora en la segunda fase (2015) esa concordancia queda consolidada al añadirse otros grupos de alumnos distintos, con asignaturas y profesores diferentes.En general, los alumnos piensan que la aplicación de móvil, más el proceso didáctico implementado, les han ayudado a estar más motivados en las clases, a mantener una relación más directa con el profesor, a mejorar su rendimiento en la materia y a poner en marcha un proceso más activo por su parte, en el aprendizaje, ya que todas las medias son superiores a 3, que es el punto de corte teórico (de evaluación positiva o negativa) de la escala.
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    The Dissociation between Adult Intelligence and Personality with Respect to Maltreatment Episodes and Externalizing Behaviors Occurring in Childhood
    (Journal of Intelligence, 2018) Flores-Mendoza, Carmen; Escorial Martín, Sergio; Herrero, Oscar; Colom, Roberto
    Here we analyze the simultaneous relationships among five variables. Two refer to childhood (episodes of various forms of maltreatment and externalizing behaviors), whereas three refer to early adulthood (intelligence, personality, and socialization difficulties). The 120 individuals considered for the present report were invited from the 650 schoolchildren participating in the Longitudinal Study of Intelligence and Personality (Minas Gerais, Brazil). The complete sample was recruited in 2002 (T1; mean age = 10.0; standard deviation (SD) = 2.2) and 120 were tested again in 2014-17 (T2; mean age = 23.5; SD = 2.2). Externalizing behaviors were registered at T1, whereas the remaining variables were obtained at T2. These were the main results: (1) externalizing behaviors predict future social effectiveness (as estimated by the general factor of personality derived from the NEO Personality Inventory-Revised (NEO-PI-R) and socialization difficulties computed from the socialization scale (SOC)) and future intelligence performance (as assessed by a set of fluid and crystallized tests); (2) episodes of self-reported childhood maltreatment predict social effectiveness, but not intelligence; (3) maltreatment and externalizing behaviors are unrelated; and (4) social effectiveness (personality) and intelligence are unrelated. Therefore, the findings support the dissociation between adult intelligence and personality with respect to maltreatment episodes and externalizing behaviors occurring in childhood. Implications of these findings for social policies aimed at preventing adult socially ineffective personalities are underscored.
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    Project number: 67
    Adaptación de los contenidos curriculares al modelo de aprendizaje inversos. Implementación de métodos basados en Flipped Learning
    (2019) Escorial Martín, Sergio; Privado Zamorano, Jesús; Merino Rivera, María Dolores; Cuevas Esteban, Lara